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Part 3: Helpful Hints for Fan-Favorite P.O.P.


Remember to consult your doctor before starting any diet and exercise plan.

One major aspect of P.O.P. Training is exercise order. In P.O.P. theory, workouts should start
with an exercise most important to building the area of concern, not necessarily the one that
requires the most strength – this way you have the most energy for an exercise that delivers the
best results. In this section, P.O.P. Training addresses some of bodybuilding’s biggest
misconceptions and discloses exactly what it is you should be doing to crank up your workouts.
Follow these helpful P.O.P. Training tips and experience gains never before thought possible:

Want Shirt-Stretching Arms?

Start With: Tricep Pressdowns Not: Bicep Curls

Many people work their biceps to death in hopes of getting a larger arm. But what they don’t
realize is that the triceps make up approximately 2/3 of the upper arm. Anyone hoping to get
larger arms should also train their triceps just as hard.

The Science: Like the name suggests, the triceps are made of three different muscles – the
largest being the lateral, or outside, tricep head. One of the best ways to build its size is through
tricep pressdowns.

Want a Bigger Chest?

Start With: Incline Press Not: Bench Press

Flat bench is a critical exercise, but the upper pec accounts for close to three quarters of your
chest muscles and is best worked through either an incline dumbell or barbell press. Numerous,
harder working sets are required for growth in the upper pecs, which is why you should start
your chest workout with an incline press.

The Science: The chest contains a higher percentage of type-II muscle fibers. These fibers have
a fast speed of contraction and a high strength capacity. In other words, they are strong and get a
pump easily.

Want Wider Shoulders?

Start With: Lateral Raises Not: Overhead Press

Most bodybuilders have over-developed front delts from doing bench press and overhead
shoulder press movements. But, it’s the side or lateral part of the delt that really creates shoulder
width. The lateral raise builds the side delt better than any other movement, giving you wide
shoulders and the illusion of the slimmer waist you want.

The Science: Unlike the chest, your three small deltoid muscles are made up of slow twitch
muscle fibers that respond to higher reps, static holds and slow movement.

Want a Better Quad Sweep? 

Training legs through front squats will not only help differentiate yourself from the occasional
weekend warrior and achieve that X-frame look, researchers believe it also helps increase upper
body mass by triggering the release of important musclebuilding hormones.

The Science: Front squats allow you to stimulate the lower part of your quad without
overdeveloping your hamstrings, glutes and waistline. This will help balance out your legs and
give that sweeping look you’re after.

Want That Classic V-Taper?

Start With: Dumbell Rows Not: Bent-Over Barbell Rows

Although compound movements are essential for building a big back, one-arm dumbell rows
(similar to T-bar rows) are one of the few exercises that will help build the lower lat muscle
specifically and really fill-out the width of your back.

The Science: The back is filled with many smaller muscles and nothing stimulates these muscles
better than isolation movements, like dumbell rows. This will help bring out the detail and
separation needed to dramatically distinguish yourself.

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