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September 28th

Good morning! Pranaam! Namasthe!

Adapt and transform.

● Entropy increases with transformation under uncontrolled emotions, reactions, actions,
habits, etc.
● Nitya anitya vicharana has to be understood - only impermanence is permanent in the
field of impermanence.
● Adaptability should never be zero or it makes us predators of materialistic and temporary

Evolve to be human.
● Evolution and growth starts from single cell to multicellular to achieve singularity by
socializing and adapting.
● One who can smile and be happy through any bad situation is a yogi.
● External change does not change the internal DNA and genetic code.
● External change is based on taste like clothes. This leads to suffering / viyogi.
● The yogis, saints, Buddhas, Gods and their messengers, their avatars, good and wise
scientists are all slaves to serve humanity to selfless.
● Viveka kyaathi gnaana - discriminatory knowledge as told by Patanjali in the 4th chapter
to understand dharma megha samaadi / cloud computing by which nature operates on
using the code of 1 and 0.
● We all have the same number of chromosomes and the genes are very similar about
99.9%. The remaining difference is our socializing capability.

No more luxury and desire.

● The one who has shunned name and fame like Eeshwara are yogis.
● A rat which is black will always remain black no matter what we do. Wash it, wipe it, use
creams, serums, supplements anything and everything, the rat will be black.
● But we are still stuck on the body and its colour.
● No one ever cared for gold and diamonds once upon a time.
● During Buddha's time there was no desire for anything bad.
● Buddha had removed all this desire the evening he realised singularity after a 6 hour
long battle.
● Luxuries and comforts only made him dislike them more.
● All the desire had made him go through so many births.
● Lucifer was in every gene in every birth and Buddha had finally gotten rid of it.

Business and consumerism.

● The next market is flexible and transparent smart gadgets.
● Every businessman ventures into new markets and exploits people who do not have
reach to basic products.
● The clothing started with too many layers (ascending) and now removal of layers

The secret of the night.

● Men sleep on right and breath through the left nostril.
● The women sleep on the left.
● The first time a couple mate should be on the proper day of ovulation of the women, that
has to coincide with the moon period.
● The men drink milk to cool the body down.
● The child born through this will be like a yogi.
● Free testosterone is what makes focus and communication with angels possible.
● The wrong way of sex and wrong time gives rise to hyperactive children.
● Animals can smell the right time for sex unlike humans.

Anesthesia, blocks and freedom.

● Operating on the prostrate, urethra, etc., will always grow back and block.
● Anesthesia during surgeries is also a pseudo samaadi.
● Spinal anaesthesia is injected into the CSF. Heart does not stop in this kind of samaadi.
It is the 1st level.
● Chapter 4 on kaivalya paadha by Patanjali questions the practicioners if they have
practiced the 1st chapters.
● Any pump in the body when damaged or blocked will cause disease.
○ Lymphatic pump for lymph.
○ Craniosacral pump for cerebrospinal fluid (CSF).
○ The cardiovascular pump for blood.
● When they are blocked or damaged it could cause cancers, headaches, dementia,
strokes, cardiovascular diseases, etc.

Zero resistance.
● When there is zero resistance in the body and its pumps, all the diseases are solved.
● Balance in the whole body - neck, trunk, back, etc., as Yajnavalkya had explained to his
1st wife, the most virtuous Maitreyi.
● She would not need any tantra like his 2nd wife Gargi, to reach singularity.
● Gargi was from a tantric family and was more immature and arrogant, like a hybrid

● Hybrid food = hybrid body and mind = Immature people.
● Kids growing faster is not a moment of pride but a sign of terrible health.
● Most children are already senstive to the latest antibiotics.
● Anyone who is immature is compared to having a big body but the brain of a hen.
● Roosters and hens have a great biological clock and metabolism.

Testing the body.

● Kukutaasaana is possible only with lean muscle.
● Lean muscle biopsy and examinations shows the slow twitch or fast twitch muscles, the
blood supply, if they are marathon runners, sprinters or vinyaasa practitioners.
● Garudaasana is a testing posture for the muscles, ligaments and balance.
● The sarcomere length, capillary density and mitochondrial density has to be high for
conserving energy.
● The body we have has to be like that of Rama, Krishna and Buddha.

Sanathana Dharma text and its wisdom is one of the best.

It brings people together.
In the long run, all its translations have made it a small book for impatient people.

The greater surgery.

● Vajroli mudhra is the best way to keep the urethra open after surgery which is similar to
catheter insertion done by the doctors.
● The mudhra and many more were taught by Narayana Munindra the grandson of
Srinivasa Bhatta Mahayogendra who had written the text Hatha Ratnavali.
● Nauli churning of intestines.
● Madhana Nauli removes the blocks in the reproductive organs.

Guru, student and karma.

● A guru has no feeling of gender.
● A student should have surrender and other qualifications to learn under a guru.
● Living in the past, in regret we develop hatred and ruin the present and the future.
● Being the complete human as we should be is the technique of singularity.
● When someone cheats us, it is because we must have done the same to someone else.
● Choose someone with yama as a partner.
● The entire world is a family and we should be able to love them all.
● The journey should be from dark to light or light to light / negative to positive not from
light to darkness or more into darkness.
● Be happy with whatever you have. Forget and forgive every mistake, yours or others.
● The longer we hold and bury emotions inside the more we are affected by it.
● Every action has an equal and opposite reaction.
● If everything is going well it means we have sown positive seeds.
● Negative seeds will cause a bad life which means it is time we clear the karma.

Kindness and gratitude.

● The last or only morsel of food if asked by a saint or a brahmin is given to them. This act
if done, they are a yogi.
● Just because we have a human form does not mean we are humans. The animalistic
human needs most compassion.
● We should always have gratitude for the ones who raise us and feed us.
● The one who knows how to read and sail the tides reaches the bank.
● As long as we are born, there will always be waves and tides in our life.
● We cannot blame anyone for anything.
● We only get what we deserve and that is an opportunity to clean our past karma.
● We suffer because we live in the past.

Inflammation and growth.

● Stress and inflammation is what leads to growth.
● On a ventilator there is no stress on the heart and we die eventually.
● Singers do have respiratory issues.
● If they are affected by virus like SarsCov2, death is highly probable.
● Yoga is the balance of stress and destress.
● Growing muscles by drug is a disease as they consume oxygen.
● Programmed inflammation leading to growth is taught by a guru in the form of yoga.
● This growth heals the body and takes us to the goal of singularity.
● This is skill through wisdom.
● All the gurus trained under Sivananda are great gurus and they have to be sought for the
● Every downfall in life leads to growth.
● Inflammatory response, immunity, hormonal response, DNA, RNA and all the cell
organelles response have to be understood which will lead to happiness.
● Dharma is the medicine that is administered by the guru.
● The conversation between the Indo-Greek King Milinda Panha and the Buddhist
Naagasena is the question and answers for dharma.
● A guru is the specialist of the body and mind.

Problems and solutions.

● Transformation by default is always towards entropy.
● Transformation has to be towards programmed inflammation and growth.
● Yoga is mathematics / medhamatica - programming the brain to solve the matrix and
problems of life.
● There is never a problem without a solution. We should find that solution as said by
● Identifying that there is a problem is the 1st step and then finding the solution.
● The 4 noble truths solve the problems towards the path of singularity or absolute reality.
● We should go to the places of worship to show gratitude for the Gods characters of

Time for butchering the soul is always there.

But for the most necessary things somehow we fail to make time.

Thank you _/\_

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