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D: Do you have plans on Saturday night?

K: Yes, I do. I’m planning to stay at home and get bored.

(Girls laugh)

D: Have you thought about going out with a close friend?

K: No, I haven’t, but I might consider it.

D: Hey, look! I think I know the man in the black suit.

K: Off course you do. He is Junior.

J: Hey girls. How’s it going?

D: We are fine. How about you?

J: I’m great.

K: What a style? Where are you going?

J: I just can say that I may have a job soon. I’m going to a job interview.

D: Oh, really?

K: Good for you!

D: But, I thought you were going to dedicate your time to study only.

J: Yes, they were my plans, but things have changed. My older brother is getting married
tomorrow in the morning.

K: Your older brother pays the bills at your home, right?

J: Yes, He does. But he is going to start his own family so I’m going to take his responsibilities now.

D: So, you are becoming an adult.

K: As an adult, you will assume new responsibilities, but as our friend, you need some fun. So,
How’s about going out tomorrow at 5:00?

J: It’s a great idea! Let’s meet at Daniela’s house.

D: Okay, I’ll wait for you at 5:00 o’clock.

J: Well, I have to leave or I’ll be late in my interview.

K: Good luck! We’ll see you tomorrow.


K: It was a good idea coming over here. I’m hungry.

D: Me too. I’ll eat a juicy piece of meat.

J: I could eat pizza or some fried chicken. I’m not sure.

K: I’ll have a big piece of cake and orange juice.

J: Let’s sit down.So, what are you going to do on vacation, Daniela?

D: I’m thinking about taking a little trip. I would like to take a rest visiting another country. Do you
know what I need to travel to another country?

J: I’m not sure. I think you need to get a passport and visa.

K: In fact, it depends. If you want to travel to Mexico, Colombia or Chile you don’t need to get a
visa, because these countries have signed a pact of tourist collaboration. So, it will be easier to
travel to these countries.

D: That is a good news. So, the number of Mexicans, Colombians and Chileans who are going to
come to visit Peru will increase.

J: and, the number of Peruvian people who are going to travel to these countries will rise too.

D: Well, I have many options. What about you, Katrin? ¿Have you made plans for vacation yet?

K: Yes,I’ve already made plans. I’m going to work a lot and saving as much money as I can because
on August, next year, I’m starting to study a master’s degree.

J:That sounds interesting, but you will have to work hard during two years.

D: It’s a time of sacrifice but then you will have many chances to get a better job.

K: and Junior, are you planning to continue studying English at ICPNA?

J:Off course I am. I’m going to finish Intermediate and then Advanced English. After that I could
enroll in an American College or I might travel to England or another country where people speak

D: that sounds good.

J: Look at over there. That newspaper has a Ronald Leon’s photo when he was drunk. Now,
everybody knows what he did.
K: and…What exactly did he do?

D: He was driving completely drunk when a couple of police officers saw him and took him to the
police station.

J: After that, a group of photographers took his picture and now we can see him in several

K: Being a public figure is hard. Sometimes, they don’t have any privacy. When they make a
mistake it’s everybody’s business.

D: You are right. That is the main reason because I feel good being a private citizen instead a
famous person. I value so much my privacy and my personal space.

K: I agree. Being a private citizen has a lot of advantages, for example, you can go everywhere and
anybody bothers you. You don’t have to evade photographers or fans.

J: I completely agree. Now, let’s eat. My stomach is complaining.

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