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Discuss the autonomic nervous system

1.1 State the components and respective functions of the divisions of the autonomic nervous system
1.2 State similarities and differences between the somatic and the autonomic nervous system
1.3 Describe the origin, emergence, and distribution of the sympathetic and parasympathetic divisions of the
autonomic nervous system
1.4 State the similarities and differences between the anatomical and physiological characteristics of the
sympathetic and parasympathetic divisions of the autonomic nervous system
1.5 Discuss the synaptic physiology of the autonomic nervous system to include:
1.5.1 Properties such as location and myelination
1.5.2 Major transmitters
1.5.3 Signaling pathways
1.5.4 Roles of adenosine triphosphate and nitric oxide
1.6 State the effects of the sympathetic and parasympathetic divisions of the autonomic nervous system on
the different organs of the body
Autonomic Nervous System

Also called Vegetative NS/Visceral NS/ Autonomous “self governing”

Components of ANS
1. Sympathetic Division- efferent
2. Parasympathetic Division- efferent
3. Enteric Division- system of afferent, interneurons and motor neurons; forms network of neurons called
plexus; separate and independent

Differences between Somatic NS and Autonomic NS

Somatic NS Autonomic NS
Structures innervated Skeletal muscle Cardiac muscle, smooth muscle and
Nature of action Voluntary Involuntary
Location of ganglia/cell bodies Within CNS Outside CNS
Function Movement Homeostasis
Removal of nerve supply Paralysis of muscle Structure continue to function (lesser

Similarities between Somatic NS and Autonomic NS

 Both efferent

Sympathetic and parasympathetic divisions

 Each innervates target tissue by a two synapse pathway.
 The cell bodies of the first neurons lie within the CNS. These preganglionic neurons are found in columns of
cells in the brainstem and spinal cord and send axons out of the CNS to make synapses with postganglionic
neurons in peripheral ganglia interposed between the CNS and their target cells. Axons from these postganglionic
neurons then project to their targets.

Sympathetic - stress, anxiety, physical activity, fear, or excitement

Parasympathetic- sedentary activity, eating, or other “vegetative” behavior.

Sympathetic division: Preganglionic neurons

 The cell bodies located in the thoracic and upper lumbar spinal cord between levels T1 and L3
 autonomic neurons lie in the intermediolateral cell column, or lateral horn, between the dorsal and ventral horns
 Thoracolummmbar
 Axons exit the spinal cord through the ventral roots along with axons from somatic motor neurons in spinal
 Sympathetic efferents diverge from somatic motor axons to enter the white rami communicantes (myelinated)
 Axons then enter prevertebral ganglia
 Preganglionic sympathetic axon has fates
o Synapse within that segmental paravertebral ganglion
o travel up or down the sympathetic chain to synapse within a neighboring paravertebral ganglion
o enter the greater or lesser splanchnic nerve to synapse within one of the ganglia of the prevertebral plexus
 Paravertebral ganglia
o ganglia lie adjacent to the vertebral column
o preganglionic sympathetic fibers emerge only from levels T1 to L3, the chain of sympathetic ganglia
extends all the way from the upper part of the neck to the coccyx
o superior cervical ganglion (C1 to C4) -supplies the head and neck
o T1-T4 – enter sympathetic chain and synapse at
 Middle cervical ganglion (C5 and C6)- innervate heart
 Inferior cervical ganglion (C7 and C8),fused with the1st thoracic ganglion to form the stellate
 Upper thoracic ganglia- Together, the middle cervical and stellate ganglia, along with the upper
thoracic ganglia, innervate the heart, lungs, and bronchi
 Prevertebral ganglia
o T5-T9 – enter sympathetic chain and exit as preganglionic fibers and enter celiac ganglion (stomach,
gallbladder, liver) and superior mesenteric ganglion (GI tract)
o L1-L3 – enter ganglia of sympathetic chain and exit as preganglionic fibers and enter inferior mesenteric
ganglion (colon and rectum, *genitalia), *pelvic plexus (*urinary bladder) Hypogastric ganglion
(genitalia and urinary bladder)
o T1-L3- innervate sweat glands, piloerector muscle, blood vessels to skeletal muscles and cutaneous blood
o major prevertebral ganglia are named according to the arteries that they are adjacent to

Sympathetic division: Postganglionic neurons

 paravertebral ganglia send out their axons through the nearest gray rami communicantes, which rejoin the
spinal nerves (unmyelinated)
 white rami are found only at T1 to L3 levels
 gray rami are present at all spinal levels from C2 or C3 to the coccyx
 Postganglionic sympathetic axons from paravertebral and prevertebral ganglia travel to their target organs within
other nerves or by traveling along blood vessels
 paravertebral and prevertebral sympathetic ganglia lie near the spinal cord and thus relatively far from their target
organs, the postganglionic axons of the sympathetic division tend to be long

Parasympathetic division: Preganglionic neurons

 preganglionic parasympathetic neurons are located in the medulla, pons, and midbrain and in the S2 through S4
levels of the spinal cord
 Craniosaral
 The preganglionic parasympathetic fibers originating in the brain distribute with four cranial nerves:
o oculomotor nerve (CN III)
o facial nerve (CN VII)
o glossopharyngeal nerve (CN IX)
o vagus nerve (CN X).
 The preganglionic parasympathetic fibers originating in S2 through S4
distribute with the pelvic splanchnic nerves.

Parasympathetic division: Postganglionic neurons

 Postganglionic parasympathetic neurons are located in terminal
 Terminal ganglia often lie within the walls of their target organs
 Postganglionic fibers of the parasympathetic division are short

Cranial nerve III,VII,IX,X

 Nucleus of cranial nerve III (Edinger-Westphal nucleus)
o Midbrain
o Preganglionic fibers travel in the oculomotor nerve (CN III) and synapse onto ciliary ganglion
o postganglionic fibers project to two smooth muscles of the eye: the constrictor muscle of the pupil and
the ciliary muscle, which controls the shape of the lens
 Nucleus of cranial nerve VII (superior salivatory nucleus)
o rostral medulla
o preganglionic fiber in facial nerve (CN VII) enter pterygopalatine ganglion (the lacrimal glands, which
produce tears) and submandibular ganglion (salivary glands: the
submandibular and sublingual glands)
 Nucleus of cranial nerve IX ( inferior salivatory nucleus)
o rostral part of the nucleus ambiguus in the rostral medulla
o parasympathetic neurons that project through the glossopharyngeal
nerve (CN IX) to the otic ganglion (third salivary gland, the parotid gland)
 Nucleus of cranial nerve X
o Most parasympathetic output occurs through the vagus nerve
o medulla within the nucleus ambiguus and the dorsal motor nucleus of the vagus
o supplies parasympathetic innervation to all the viscera of the thorax and abdomen, including the GI tract
between the pharynx and distal end of the colon
o nucleus ambiguus
 contraction of striated muscle in the pharynx, larynx, and upper esophagus due to activation of
somatic motor neurons (not autonomic)
 slowing of the heart due to activation of vagal preganglionic parasympathetic neurons
o dorsal motor nucleus of the vagus
 secretion of gastric acid, insulin, and glucagon.
 Preganglionic parasympathetic fibers of the vagus nerve join the esophageal, pulmonary, and
cardiac plexuses and travel to terminal ganglia that are located within their target organs
Sacral nerves
 cell bodies of preganglionic parasympathetic neurons in the sacral spinal cord (S2 to S4)
 leave through ventralroots and travel with the pelvic splanchnic nerves to their terminal ganglia in the descending
colon and rectum, the bladder and the reproductive organs of the male and female

Anatomical and physiological characteristics of sympathetic and parasympathetic divisions

Sympathetic Parasympathetic
Ganglia Paravertebral, prevertebral, Prevertebral, ganglia
Length of preganglionic fiber Generally short Generally long
Neurotransmitter Ach, Norepinnephrine Ach
Receptor Adrenergic (α,β) Cholinergic
Neurotransmitter inactivation slow rapid
Distribution Throughout the body Localized
General function Energy expenditure, emergency Protective and restorative
(flight or fight)
Effects of section removal Compatible with life provided Incompatible with life
there is no stress

Synaptic Physiology of the Autonomic Nervous System

 Sympathetic innervate sweat glands, piloerector muscle, blood vessels to skeletal muscles and cutaneous blood
 Sympathetic and parasympathetic innervates sweat glands

 postganglionic autonomic neurons have bulbous expansions, or varicosities that are distributed along their axons
within their target organ

Properties of Sympathetic and Parasympathetic divisions

Major transmitters and signaling pathways


 Sympathetic and parasympathetic preganglions release Ach and stimulate N2 nicotinic receptors on
postganglionic neurons
 Nicotinic receptors are ligand-gated channels (i.e., ionotropicreceptors) with a pentameric structure
 N1 receptors at the NMJ are stimulated by decamethonium and blocked by d-tubocurarine
 ANS N2 receptors are stimulated by tetramethylammonium but resistant to d-tubocurarine
 When activated, N1 and N2 receptors are both permeable to Na+ and K+. Nicotinic transmission triggered by
stimulation of preganglionic neurons leads to rapid depolarization of postganglionic neuron
 N1
o Autonomic ganglia – decreased firing
o Adrenal medulla- catecholamine secretion
o CNS- undefined effects
 N2
o Neuromuscular unction- end plate depolarization, muscle contraction

Postganglion – Parasympathetic
 Release Ach and act through muscarinic ACh receptors on the postsynaptic target
 stimulate or inhibit function of the target cell
 Muscarinic receptors are G protein–coupled receptors (GPCRs)—also known as metabotropic receptors
o stimulate the hydrolysis of phosphoinositide and thus increase [Ca2+]I and activate protein kinase C
o inhibit adenylyl cyclase and thus decrease cAMP level
o directly modulate K+ channels through the G-protein βγ complex
 Because they are mediated by second messengers, muscarinic responses are slow and prolonged
 Muscarinic receptors (M1 to M5) blocked by atropine
o In general M1, M3, and M5 preferentially couple to Gαq and then to phospholipase C, with release of
inositol 1,4,5- trisphosphate (IP3) and diacylglycerol
o M2 and M 4 preferentially couple to Gαi or Gαo to inhibit adenylyl cyclase and thus decrease [cAMP]i
 M1
o autonomic ganglia- depolarization (EPSP)
o cerebral cortex- undefined CNS effects
 M2 (heart)
o Slow and spontaneous depolarization of Sinoatrial node
o Decrease conduction velocity of AV
o Slows duration of AP
o Decreases rate of contraction of atria
o Slight decrease in ventricle contractile force
 M3
o Smooth muscle- contraction
o Secretory glands- increases secretion

Postganglion – Sympathetic

 release norepinephrine acting on target cells thru adrenergic receptors

 Except sweat glands which are innervated by sympathetic neurons that release ACh and act via muscarinic
 The adrenergic receptors are all GPCRs
 Two major types of adrenergic receptors are recognized, α and β
o α1 receptors predominate on blood vessels; agonists are effective as nasal decongestants
 vascular smooth muscle- contraction
 liver- glycogenolysis, gluconeogenesis
 intestinal smooth muscle- relaxation
 heart- increased contractile force, arrythmias
o α2 on presynaptic terminals; antagonists have been used to treat impotence
 β cells in pancreas- decreased insulin secretion
 platelets- aggregation
 nerve terminals- decreased release of norepinephrine
 vascular smooth muscle- contraction
o β1 in the heart; agonists increase cardiac output in congestive heart failure; antagonists are useful
antihypertensive agents
 heart- increased contractile force, rate of contraction, AV conduction velocity
 juxtaglomerular cells- increased renin secretion
o β2 in high concentration in the bronchial muscle of the lungs; agonists are used as bronchodilators in
patients with asthma and chronic lung disease.
 Vascular, bronchial, intestinal, genitourinary smooth muscles- relaxation
 Skeletal muscles- glycogenolysis, uptake of potassium
 Liver-gluconeogenesis. glycogeneolysis
o β3 in fat cells
 adipose tissue- lipolysis

 The adrenal medulla (~postganglionic sympathetic neuron)

o It is innervated by preganglionic sympathetic neurons, and the postsynaptic target cells, which are called
chromaffin cells have nicotinic ACh receptors
o chromaffin cells reside near blood vessels and release epinephrine into the bloodstream
o enhances the ability of the sympathetic division to broadcast its output throughout the body
o Norepinephrine and epinephrine activate all five subtypes of
adrenergic receptor but with different affinities
 α receptors have a greater affinity for norepinephrine
 β receptors have a greater affinity for epinephrine

 ATP is colocalized with norepinephrine in postganglionic sympathetic vasoconstrictor neurons.
 It is contained in synaptic vesicles, is released on electrical stimulation,
 Induces vascular constriction when it is applied directly to vascular smooth muscle.
 The effect of ATP results from activation of P2 purinoceptors on smooth muscle, which include ligand-gated ion
channels (P2X) and GPCRs (P2Y and P2U).
 P2X receptors are present on autonomic neurons and smooth-muscle cells of blood vessels, the urinary bladder,
and other visceral targets.
 P2X receptor channels have a relatively high Ca2+ permeability
 Endothelial derived nitric oxide synthase (eNOS) enzymes synthesize NO from arginine and oxygen and by
reduction of inorganic nitrate.
 After diffusing out of the endothelial cell, NO has a half-life in the blood of only about 6 seconds and acts mainly
in the local tissues where it is released.
 NO activates soluble guanylate cyclases in vascular smooth muscle cells, resulting in conversion of cyclic
guanosine triphosphate (cGTP) to cyclic guanosine monophosphate (cGMP) and activation of cGMP-dependent
protein kinase (PKG), which has several actions that cause the blood vessels to relax.

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