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They give only additional, accessory, further info to:

a. Proper Nouns
b. Well known people or things
c. The subject of a concept.
 NEVER use “that”
 Always use commas
 Never omit the relative pronoun

1. Georgia has lived in Ecuador for 20 years.

She prepares the Advanced II exams.
Georgia, who prepares the Advanced II exams, has lived in Ecuador for
20 years.

2. Our city is closed for the quarantine. It needs urgent public works.

3. A location scout finds places to film movies. He/she travels around the
4. We need to see Janeth. She has all the information.
5. My room is bright and spacious. It needs a good painting.
6. Rita may come to my house. It has a guest room.
7. An oncologist treats and cures Cancer patients. He/she studies
Advanced Biochemistry.
8. The president reduced the wages to the President, Vice-president and
Ministers in 50%. He made the right decision.
9. My students are very conscientious. They got good grades.
10. Many Americans are moving to Ecuador. They can find and affordable
cost of living.

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