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Since 15

Budget Fashion

Present by:
Jiejay Peralta
Norbert Bangug
Jonas francisco
This is the Homepage. You will see the Seller Centre,
Notification, Sign up, Log-in, Sign in in the admin registration,
search tab and the categories of my products, if you want to see
the products that you choose to buy you can click the cart icon,
and when you like to see the product that you wish to buy you
click the heart icon.

When you click the Seller Centre, you will be directed to this
The notification bar will show when the items/product you bought
are already to be deliver or to be processing.

If you still don’t have an account you can click the sign up tab
to sign in.
But if you already have an account, you can click the login tab
to log in to your account.

In the right panel you will see the sign in tab for the
administrator and when you click it, this form will pop up.
After you click login button you will see the inventory in your
product and you can add Item/product that you will be selling.

If you click heart icon you can see your product that you will
wish to buy.
After that if you want to buy the product you click the cart icon
and you can see the product you will buy.

If you click the categories of electronic device you can choose

the Item you will be buy.
After that you click the Categories of electronic device you can
see the product that will be selling.

And you can choose the Item/product you will be buy.

If you click the picture of dress you can see the all of items,
about the business company, policy, how to pay the product you
can choose.

And if want to back to Home page you click the Picture icon Shop
and you will go to homepage.
If you want another product you click the picture icon lipstick
and the about of product after that you can choose the product
you will be buy.

If you click the All product you can see the product that we
If you click the picture of Lipstick you can see the Details

Enjoy shopping in Budget Fashion.

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