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School vs university: my first impressions of being a student

Education is a very important thing in life of every individual. Studying at

school and university differs because of different methods of learning, another
attitude from lecturers to students than from teachers to pupils, and also there are
even some changes in the lifestyle. “Freedom” is the key-word to define university
life. There are too many choices, students begin to live a new independent life.
Now nobody will check if we are attending lectures, or when do we usually wake
up, are we studying or just relaxing. University makes us responsible enough to
take care of ourselves. In my opinion, attending lectures and seminars at university
is much easier than studying at school. I think so because of less variety of courses,
and the information is more exact and useful, that will help in my future work.
Starting university life can be quite challenging for our mental health. My advice
for entrants - not to be afraid and just keep it going. School life and university life
are the best in everybody’s life.

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