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Dim Price As Decimal 'global variable

Sub INPUT(ByRef ItemID As String)

Console.WriteLine("enter ID")
ItemID = Console.ReadLine

End Sub

Function Expensive() As Decimal

Dim count As Integer
Dim average As Decimal
Dim max As Decimal
Dim min As Decimal
Dim total As Decimal
Dim Prices As Decimal 'local variable is Prices, global is Price

min = 10000
max = 0
count = 0
While count < 10
count = count + 1

Console.WriteLine("enter price")
Prices = Console.ReadLine

If Prices > max Then

max = Prices
End If

If Prices < min Then

min = Prices
End If

total = total + Prices

End While

Console.WriteLine("Most expensive is" & max)

Console.WriteLine("Least expensive is " & min)

average = total / 10
Return average

End Function

Function Validate(ItemID As String) As Boolean

Dim last As String
Dim remaining As String
Dim valid As Boolean
valid = True

If Len(ItemID) <> 9 Then

valid = False
End If

If Left(ItemID, 3) <> "ABC" Then

valid = False
End If

last = Right(ItemID, 4)
If IsNumeric(last) = False Then
valid = False
End If

remaining = Mid(ItemID, 4, 2)
If remaining <> LCase(remaining) Then
valid = False
End If

Return valid

'note: this is a simple solution but if you use nested if else it would be more
End Function
Sub ApplyDiscount(ItemId As String)
Dim TodayDate As Date
Dim category As String
Dim DiscountedPrice As Decimal
'Price is global, hardcode a price to execute in vb
TodayDate = Now()
Dim ID As Char
ID = Right(ItemId, 1)

Select Case ID
Case "7"
category = "Decor"
DiscountedPrice = Price - Price * 10 / 100
Case "8"
category = "Stationery"
DiscountedPrice = Price - Price * 20 / 100
Case "9"
category = "Dairy"
DiscountedPrice = Price - Price * 15 / 100
Case Else
Console.WriteLine("Invalid ItemId")
End Select

Console.WriteLine("Discounted Price is" & DiscountedPrice & "Category is " &

category & "Date is" & TodayDate)

End Sub

Sub Main()
Dim ItemID As String
Dim result As Boolean

Call INPUT(ItemID)

result = Validate(ItemID)

If result = True Then 'you may call function in condition directly

Call ApplyDiscount(ItemID)
Console.WriteLine("Incorrect ItemID")
End If

End Sub

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