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To: Ivan Dario Romero Fonseca


 Hernan Emiro Pinzon Arias

 Andres Hernandez Hernandez.
 Harold Sebastian Gamba Barrera
 Yuberth Andres Quinto Gonzalez
Date: 21/09/2017
Subject: The first progress of the project

Introduction: With this project one seeks to create a retroexcavadora capable of raising as minimum 250 gr of
weight, for what can use different methods in his production, in his design, in his materials and managing.
Bearing in mind for the size of the machine, his rapidity in the raising of the load, speed of displacement, his
weight, his costs, facility of managing and hardiness. Therefore also the different calculations must be done as for
the select materials in order that they are the most ideal and the knots of the energy necessary an hour of using
and none we fence in any that breaks or the deformation in the pieces of equal way in the hydraulic systems we
have to bear the capacity in mind of these in order that they are adapted at the moment of raising the different
masses that contemplate also the weight of the pieces in which his movement depends on these systems. As for
the displacements of the machine there is looked a system of simple managing which has the aptitude to do that
the machine moves to different places with load and without load.

Body (Experimental and results): In the process of court of the pieces we could discover that since our wood was
very thin possibly it might not bear the weight that is going to put on it when it is finished since probably such a
weak structure the tension that would exercise the weight would do to the being that the machine was breaking in
some point, By which it was decided to reinforce every piece making two of each one and this way reinforce the
machine; in the process of cutting the wood to form the pieces initially one thought of using a caladora, but to the
moment to initiate the cut with this machine it was so much force that this one was exercising on the wood that
finally divided it, by what finally it was chosen to cut with segueta and the form adapted with the limes was given
to him. This process repeated itself in all the pieces that were achieved to cut in the laboratory.

Group members pictures

Group member name 01 Group member name 02

Group member name 03 Group member name 04

Progress of your work in the lab

(1) (2)

(3) (4)

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