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1 Vocabulario

1 Mira las imágenes. Escribir las palabras.

Usa formas plurales.







2 Lea las descripciones. Escribe el plural

forma de las palabras de comida que faltan.

1 Son frutas. Son grandes y amarillos.


2 Son frutos grandes de países cálidos.

Pueden ser de color amarillo, naranja, rojo o

verde. mangoes______________

3 Son de patatas y puedes comprar

en bolsas: puedes comprar queso, sal,

o sabor a jamón. potatoes______________


4 Son carne. Son largos y delgados

y las comes con pan.

hots______________ dogs______________

5 Son redondos y rojos y en ensaladas.


6 Los comemos en nuestro cumpleaños. Ellos

a veces tienen nueces, azúcar y

chocolate en ellos, y pueden ser grandes o

pequeña. Cackes______________

3. Mira las fotos. Completar la








Completa las oraciones con el palabras. Hay dos palabras que no necesitar.

Jugo, mantequilla, kétchup, aceite, ensalada, sal, sopa, azúcar.

1 Cocine la carne en oil.

2 Siempre tengo sugar________ en mi café.

3 La gente a menudo se pone _butter_______ amarillo pan cuando hacen sándwiches.

4 A menudo bebo _juice_______ de naranja por desayuno.

5 Un Waldorf _salad_____ tiene nueces, verduras, frutas, aceite y sal.

6 Quiero verdura caliente __soup______. esto Está frío afuera.

5 Rewrite the sentences in the negative


1 There are some vegetables in it. // There aren’t any vegetables in it.

2 There are some apples in the garden. // There are not some apples in the garden.

3 There is a chocolate cake over there. // There is not a chocolate cake over there.

4 There are some hot dogs at the party. // There are not any hot dogs at the party

5 There is an egg in the salad. // There is not an egg in the salad

6 There are some cookies in the store. // There are not some cookies in the store.
6 Complete the sentences with a, an,

some, or any.

1 There is a banana in the box.

2 I don’t have __SOME___ cookies.

3 William has ___AN_ fruit.

4 There isn’t _AN__ orange on the table.

5 Are there _SOME___ potatoes?

6 There is __A__ pasta.

7 Is there __SOME____ milk?

8 We have _____A___ big pineapple.

9 Are there _ANY__ sandwiches?

7. Write the questions. Then complete

the short answers.

1 there / egg / ?
ANSWER: Is there an egg?

SHORT: Yes, there is .

2 there / ham / ?
Is there a ham?

No, there is not

3 there / cookies / in the kitchen?

are there cookies in the kitchen?

No, there is not

4 there / cheese / in this / ?

are there cheese in this?

Yes, there are

8. Choose the correct words.

1 There are some bananas on the table.

a bananas b oil c burger

2 There isn’t any ________ at the party.

a cheese b cookie c nut

3 I have a ________.

a fries b hot dog c burgers

4 I don’t have an ________.

a fruit b orange c apples

5 There isn’t any ________.

a cereal b pineapples c cakes

6 There aren’t any ________.

a coffee b potato chips c milk

7 I want some ________.

a tea b potato chip c mango

8 Do you have any ________?

a cookie b hot dog c salt

9 Eddie doesn’t have any ________.

a vegetable b rice c potato

10 There aren’t any ________ here.

a fruit b strawberries c butter

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