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Support/Tutor Application

Greetings Juix

 I would like to apply for the position of Ingame Support/Tutor/Mod

Every day people are spamming the chat in Nexus with Numbers and other Short-type messages
that is non-stop spamming and that affects 
everyone else who stays in Nexus to talk with friends or try to talk ur way in the perfect deal on
your favorite item.
Often that is pretty much impossible when you can't see what anyone says because spammers
push any message of the screen in a second or two.

When the chat isn’t plagued by spammers more often than not certain individuals just explode
from the tiniest thing like receiving a no-go in a deal and then start spuing very foul insults and
at several occasions there been actual threats and outright illegal behavior.

I understand that you are working to get rid of the Script-kiddie problem (godmoders etc) 
but besides people using an obvious hack like god mode, there are many people and I mean
many that use various kinds of speed hack and this is not only the godmoders that I’m talking
about no it is widely abused by many “legit” players and I do not minimize this clear violation of
rules just because a player is only Speed hacking because any client-edits / illegal-advantage is
damaging to the game and its players.

The sum of it all and what I mean by the text above is that you are not a Superhuman Juix..
You cannot do everything all by yourself… you will burn yourself out completely and this can
not happen, there is only one Juix and we need you to take care of yourself!! and let others help u
with the things that don't necessarily have to be done by you thus helping to ease the burden a

I know that I can speak for pretty much everybody when I say that we would rather see you put
in the ToT hours on important matters rather than on the small stuff that can and should be
handled by Support / Tutors instead. 
Thank u for developing without a doubt the most enjoyable game made since Darzas Dominion
(when under your rule.)

Thank you and sorry in advance for my shortcomings in how to write these things I tried my best
to not clutter it up to bad

Discord = SweetSarhas#9887
IGN = Sarah

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