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What is your in-game name?


What timezone are you in?

My time zone is GMT+2

What country do you live in?

Currently residing Egypt.

What languages do you speak?

I excel in both the fluency of English and Arabic.

What is your age.

I am 18 years old.

Why do you think you should become a staff member?

I have quite a few reasons why I think I should become a Staff member. I will state them below.

I'd like to help out the server in many different ways. I'd like to make this server fun to play on without
anybody breaking the rules of any sorts, I would like to give The Kiwi community a help in hand, I love
the server and do almost everything I can to help it.
I have found that I enjoy being staff on servers more than just playing as I like to help. I know how
frustrating it can be for players to join a server and be overwhelmed and I would like to be there to help
them on their journey through Kiwi.

Being a staff member is not all about getting the rule breakers, it’s also about helping the community,
being a fair, unbiased, communicative Player, who’s helpful and can help new players/ player in trouble
out. I wish to do that when I'm a staff member. I'll continuously monitor the help section or chat and
help anyone in need. As well as being unbiased and active. I'll give tips and any guidance to new
inexperienced players, or anyone who needs it and help the community grow and be safe.

I am a team player and I can collaborate and co-operate with everyone nicely. I am an extremely hard
worker, although I may joke around about being lazy, I am not. I am also incredibly persistent.

Helping is something I've always been good at doing, whether it be around my house to help my family
or to help my friends and other students. I'm also not a shy person, so I would not be faded at all with
any question that people would happen to bring to my attention. With saying that, I would also like to
say I strive on questions as I believe that they make me grow as a person and allow me to become better
at a certain thing and quicker with response timings, which I also see as a key factor as I'm aware a lot of
the time staff members will be rushed with questions.

I would see this as a real-life job and provide my best to proof you I am a good staff member.

I am very well organized and proficient at staff duties and keeping logs of infractions/screenshots.

I am helpful. I always do my best to help anyone out on a server if they have questions that I am able to
answer. I know the staff gets busy and they do not always have the time to respond so I help where I

I do my job. This is a problem I've noticed in a few current servers - not going to say any names, but I've
noticed it. They don't do their job correctly. They'll joke around with warns, ban reasons, etc. I never did
that when I was staff. I banned players when they needed to be banned. I warned when they needed to
be warned, muted when they needed to be muted, so on and so forth. And I didn't make any
exceptions. People didn't really like that I wasn't so lenient- but is being lenient what a helper should
be? No.
I know what I'm doing. When I first became a Staff member on a server. I was having trouble knowing
what to do. It took me probably two weeks to get into the hang of things- to know what punishments to
give, how to use all the permissions (mostly on the forums), and more. Now, if I get accepted, I will know
exactly what to do and get right back to my job. I know how to use all the multi-mods. I know how to do
pretty much everything a helper is permitted to do on the forums and in-game. With a brand-new helper
being promoted, they won't know any of that and it'll take a little for them to adjust. I don't need to

I can be active on the server. I enjoy chatting with other players, socializing and having a fun time
overall; This server gives a great experience in all of these and, I often see little to no staff members. If
there needs to be staff on one of these servers, I'll be there without a problem.


I am a helpful and kind person. I am returned to being a great person on the forums and in-game. I'll
always be very kind to the new members asking for help. Sometimes I'll just give them my extra
cobblestone because they need it and I don't. I know this has nothing to do with applying for staff- but it
shows that I am a helpful, kind, generous and caring person.

What makes me different from other applicants and unique?

I feel that this question wouldn’t be fully answered without introducing my background in Minecraft and
how it all started for me. I first started playing Minecraft about 6 years ago when I was 12, and I loved it!
I had heard a lot about the game before I got it and really wanted it. My friend is the one who first
showed me how to play before I got it. I just played on single player for the first few months and LOVED
it, I thought it couldn’t get any better. Then I discovered multiplayer and servers and proved myself
wrong – it could get better and it definitely did. Through multiplayer servers, I met so many cool friends
from all around the world and still contact some of them to this day. These servers had an overwhelming
number of fun games to play compared to just playing by myself in a vanilla world. Ever since then, the
majority of my time on Minecraft if not all of it has been spent in multiplayer.


I want to become a staff member because I feel that I can put forth very good ideas about how to
improve and change the server for the better. Players have been looking up to me and asking me for
help with things around the server ever since I started playing on Minecraft. Being a helper would
encourage more players to ask me questions and give me a chance to help them with many things since
I have noticed that players are often hesitant to ask questions if a staff member is not online.
Additionally, I'd like to be a staff member because I am very familiar with the rules for all of the servers
on Kiwi which will better help me enforce and know how to handle them. Also, I will restate that I have
been on the server for a significant amount of time therefore making a lot of friends who respect and
like me. I feel that I would be very useful and helpful to the community because of the fact that I am on
the server so much. This means that I can dedicate my free time to helping players on the server and
making their experience even more enjoyable than it already is!

I feel that I have many if not all of the most important qualities of a staff member. I have been a staff on
a number of servers previously and have helped populate those servers. I brought good ideas to the
table and was a popular, well known staff member. I am an overall friendly guy who loves Minecraft. I
play on Minecraft about 80% of the time that I am on overall. I have been playing minecraft for a long
time and plan to stay for as long as possible! Furthermore, I want to be staff because as opposed to
many players who heavily focus on one gamemode, I am fairly active on almost all of the servers and can
monitor them to make sure everything is running smoothly.

As I know from joining many different servers, it can be quite intimidating getting to know people on the
server, figuring out how to play, etc. and I would love to be able to make this process as fun and smooth
as possible for new players. My goal in mind with this would be to make their first impression of the
server a great one so that they will continually come back to play more. In addition to a smooth entry
onto the server, I'd like to be able to engage new players into the community and create a more open
playing environment where new players aren't afraid to meet new people. As a new player on a server,
especially when I was younger, it was a bit intimidating trying to talk to people in chat who seemed to
already have their specific groups of friends on the server.

Essential Qualities/Characteristics

I feel that being a staff member means having some specific qualities and characteristics that make a
person efficient, welcoming, and simply well rounded overall. I think that a very important quality that
every staff member should have is experience. Having experienced staff would make for quicker
responses and reactions towards certain things that may occur, as well as knowing how to handle a
wider variety of situations. I feel that I am very experienced with basic server commands and even some
of the more complicated commands. I am friendly to staff members and all other players and enjoy
interacting with them, talking to them, and helping them out whenever they need it!

With my experience as a staff member on many well developed servers, I have learned that patience
and tolerance are 2 of the most important qualities a staff member can have. I feel that I have both of
these qualities. With patience, I can handle certain situations in a more calm and official manner. With
tolerance, I can resist the urge to fight back at something like some others may not be able to do.
Friendliness is always important in a staff member because the staff members are a big part of how
someone views the server and whether they like it or not. I am very friendly due to the fact that I am
always trying my best to help new players on the server and also welcoming new players and showing
them the basics. This gives them a good first impression on the server which is always the most
important therefore more players would stay on the server for a long time.

Work Ethic/Multitasking

I feel that I work extraordinarily well under pressure, and I know that this is no small claim. In a real-life
example, I broke my elbow just 2 days before finals week started my freshman year of college, first
semester. I was taken 2 hours away to a hospital to get emergency surgery to fix it. After that along with
the initial recovery time, I missed over half of the final exam week. This caused me to have to study for
and take 5 final exams in a 3-day period - 1 day of studying and 2 days of test taking. As if all of this
wasn't bad enough, I took all of the final exams in immense pain from the break and the surgery. In the
end, my dedication and ability to work under pressure shined bright when I managed to get all A's and
B's on my finals, despite the huge obstacle and time crunch I had to face.

As far as multitasking, I also feel that I am good at this. Admittedly, I am much better at working under
pressure than I am at multitasking, but this is something I have been working on for years and I have
most definitely seen improvement. As many other experienced staff members know, things can escalate
very quickly in certain situations and being able to calmly handle it while under pressure with multiple
things happening at once is essential to being a successful staff member as well as just being successful
in life.


The word that best describes me would probably be "passionate". I am passionate about everything I
put time into. Passion in itself can also mean dedication, positive work ethic, care, excitement, and also
these things describe my attitude, or "passion", for Minecraft. For every server I have been staff on, and
even servers I just played on as an average player, I have shown passion that has stood out too many of
the staff members and other players. This passion reminds players that they can come to me with the
confidence that I'll be able to help them with any problems or questions they might have. Additionally,
my passion for the server gives other staff members peace of mind knowing that the server will be in
good hands if I am online and moderating the server by myself and that I will put forward nothing but
my best for the server.


I feel that I am very respected due to the fact that I never argue with people, cuss at people, or scam
people. I have had many good friends on Kiwi who like me, trust me, and think that I am an excellent
role model. I never break the rules, do anything mean to people, or fight with people.
I am committed and focused and try my best in whatever I do, I never try to give in to something. I also
have a driven mind which makes me hard-working and ambitious, Once I set my goal to something I will
stop at nothing to motivate myself to achieve it and once I do I excel. I am also aware of all the duties
and responsibilities that come along as I have observed and looked closely from previous/current
helpers and have learnt from their ways. I am not afraid of failure as I think this a key factor of the
experimental process that gets you to success. I also have great a self-esteem and confidence in myself
which makes me willing to accept and relish challenges. I never try to let anything get to me as I have
developed a thick skin which allows me just to ignore negative messages and not take it to heart or drag
me down, I try to stay positive no matter what the situation is.

I also have experience with leadership skills as I was elected head boy at my school and I was a seconder
and was promoted to sixer at my local scout group.

I was also part of a successful debate team we won regionals and then got to compete at Oxford. This
taught me to respect other people’s views and to be more confident in myself which is important in the
role of helper.

Do you have any past experience as a moderator/helper?

I have been a Moderator on a server called «XtremeCraft» which was a popular server at the time. The
server was survival-based and had about 25-120 active players daily. I was a well-respected and well-
known Moderator on the server, actively helping new players getting started on their journey as well as
veteran players with whatever they needed. However, due to the lack of motivation, the owner retired
and closed the server. I’ve also been Admin on a less known server, managing plugins, builds, and more.
Even if this server was less popular than the previous one, I still took my job as an admin extremely
seriously. I uphold myself to not base my work off of the popularity of the server but rather my own
moral compass and integrity, thus bringing my best on every front.

I have been staff on a few smaller servers. During my time of being staff for those smaller servers, I have
learned how to use all commands needed.


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