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IGN (In Game Name): Jake_E_33

Age: 14

Timezone: EST

Country: United States

Link to previous application(s): My Old application was on the Enjin website. (link
doesn't work)

Do you have a quality mic?: Yes,

Do you have Discord & Teamspeak?: I have both. if I had to chose one, it would be

Why do you want to be staff on our Network?:

I want staff on HCWars because I'm just a friendly guy who is here to help. I'm willing
to help with anything. I love to contribute and help out the community and the server. I
will be there to assist. I will take care of any needs anyone has, I will be mostly
everyday. I will try my best to be active during the week. I will handle any serious
problems if needed. I've got a lot of spare time and I'd like to help people during that
time. I am a very enthusiastic player and I have a lot of characteristics that will make
me a great fit as an staff member on HCWars. I just wanna help out some people and
have a good time. I will be in TeamSpeak if anyone needs assistance. I love helping
people its just feels great to help someone that needs it.This is my opportunity to
become what I wanted to become. A staff member. I've always wanted to be known as
the guy that helps out everyone on the server. I want people to think that HCWars is a
great server and everyone plays on there!

People saying stuff like "You're to young to be staff" or "Your not mature" etc. I will
prove them all wrong. It doesnt matter about your age. It all matters of how much time
you put in and effort. I want to be a good reputation for the server by doing the task I
will be assigned. Also maturity is the biggest. I will take this position serouslily and
will not mess around.

I will not tolerate if someone is cheating or in general has an unfair advantage upon
other players. If you are my friend I will ban you no matter what. I would like to make
this place clean of hackers,X-rayers,or just using something that is unfair etc.
****I do have a recording software so if you want me to upload me catching cheaters, I

As my role as staff I will partake in this staff team knowing what I can do to make the
server better. Not only will I make the server better but I also will make the players that
come on HCWars better. I will always be on top of my game no matter what. I will and
always take my position seriously and will never mess around. This position will mean
a lot to me and I will take care and have pride of keeping this position. One last thing
this server has grown and I would like to participate in the staff team. As its growing I
want to make the server non-toxic (not that it is) and I want to make it clean of

What can you do to help our Network?:

I would be great help on HCWars network because I can help others and I will be able
to be online as long as I can. I will also be able to clean out support rooms on my
other monitor. I can be a great staff by doing what ever the task maybe. With great
leadership and perseverance. my friend Enclosing can show me some staff guides
that I should follow in order to obtain this position. Enclosing has a ton of experience.
I can just learn from his staff series :D
My Stands out
My application will stand out for various reasons because my activity is fairly large. I
am US so I do have an advantage over EU staff. I will be on around the clocking
spending my time helping and banning if needed. I will have an advantage on the AU
players as well. From my timezone section I'm on the East Coast. So i can be helping
and banning hackers.

My application also stands out because I will be the staff member that will know the
commands such as the essentials commands which are known. /ban /tempban /kick
/freeze /ipban /tp /kit /alts /history /checkdeathban and the other easy HCF/Essential
commands. I already know all of these commands from my past experience section at
the top. I've been Owner so I know Plugin issues, Command issues, Kit issues or even
Permissions. I will assist with the best of my ability! So i want to thank you for reading
this section.

Here are some enormous reasons why I should become staff.

> Screen sharing Screen Sharing is a big part of HCF and Practice Servers. I'm decent
at screen sharing other people that might be using these clients like "Vape" or just a
regular client I can find it. No matter what, I will definitely try my best to find them. My
goal is to be able to find them and ban them if they are using it

> Playtime When I log on to HCWars, my playtime is big. Coming on and helping and
also banning hackers that need to be banned, I will be more likely to be on more then
other staff. I will try my best to come on everyday and persevere other in need. I will
be on Mine chat if I'm not home.

> Hackers/Exploiters Hackers and exploiters are a big part in ruining to the game. I will
banned them if needed either if there xraying, hacking or just exploiting glitches that
may lead to having more then others. I will banned them for the period given. No
matter who it is like A friend or something I will take part and ban them for the time
period given. No special treatment to any players even if its one of my friends.

> Trustworthy, This is a huge one. Being trustworthy has a big role in my life as an
individual. So many people know me as trustful and harmless human being. I can
always be on with being trusted to not doing anything. No matter how hard the task
maybe I will try to my best to achieve my goal (Task).

> Honesty This is a big one. Being Honest can help out in any day life. When not being
honest can get you in trouble. As staff I will take my position seriously as a role model
to other players. Honesty is key. Being honest can lead you in the right direction.
> Respectful I will NOT tolerate players being toxic in chat. I will mute them for the
time given but I will also have a word with them maybe if needed. Players tend to
spam or say something to hurt others. Being toxic to other players or just being mean
in general I will not hesitate to mute them. Hurting other players may lead them to
serous decision in life. I'm respectful to other players including staff. Most of the staff
knows me as a kind individual that is here to help.

> Responsible This is a important duty to me and one trait that is not most important
but nearly important. All of the other traits I have talked about, This is a good one to
be known as becoming a leader and having A spot in this amazing staff team. Being
responsible is having good character and being helpful to others. I really stress over
this one because it has A lot of meaning behind it. Responsible can persuade us in
helping others when needed.

> Leadership This is also a huge one in partaking in staff. Having leadership leads to
you great success in being an individual. I have leadership because I Motivate and
inspire people to do great things. I will deliver honer and loyalty to other players.

> Patience Patience is key. Patience is very important when being staff. I wont just
ban them straight up if they look sketch.

How many hours can you put into the Network per week?:

Here's my time I will be able to get on.

MONDAY (PM) : 3 - 8 (Lacrosse Everyday after school)

TUESDAY (PM) : 4 - 9
WEDNESDAY (PM) : 3 - 8
THURSDAY (PM) : 4 - 9
FRIDAY (PM) : 3:50 - 11
SATURDAY(AM TO PM) : 8 - 11:30
SUNDAY (AM TO PM) : 9:30 - 8

Any previous punishments on HCWars?:

Honesty is better than lying. I have reached 4 warnings so I was banned for 24 hours
for that reason.
I will be honest and I've been honest through out this whole entire application. My
previous punishments on HCWars, Which was illegal mod which was the
[1.7.10]ParticleMod-1.01. I know now that is not allowed and never will I use it again on
this server.

I have deeply read the rules I'm definitely 110% positive and have them on my desktop
as a notepad.

Any past experiences in being a staff member?:

My experience of being a staff member consists of many different variety's of servers
Violent PvP : This server was very small, about 15-25 players daily. I held the position
of Co-Owner. During this time period I learned a ton of Bukkit, Spigot. essentials
commands and permission nodes etc.

Favela HCF/Kits : I currently have the Helper rank on there. I'm just getting started as
of 2 days ago (4/12/17). I will spend most of my time on HCWars. ( I will resign if its not
allowed to be staff on 2 servers at once.)
DefineHCF : I was Moderator on there around 2 months ago. The owner was
"Expenses" or "Yoemmy".
I learned mostly how to Screen share thanks to my buddy Enclosing. I learned a ton
about screen sharing there. I wish to keep learning on screen sharing. You never
know what client could be hidden.

XtremeKits : I was Admin on there with my friend Xtreme. This was around 6 months
ago. This is where I learned a lot important details and staff guides that I should
follow. This was a KitPvP server (MCSG based). 30-60 Players Weekly.

Additional Information: I just would like to thank any staff members that have helped
me on HCWars. I hope I'm able to get this position.

I did use some of topics/subjects if that was okay, I hope you didn't mind. There in
Italics and bolded.

**********OWNERS : Message me on Skype if you need to ask me something


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