Artist Statement and Formal Assignment 3

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Noah Cochran

Jessica Williams

English 111

November 14, 2023

Artist Statement

I have played tennis for a very long time. I wanted to try to make a website that amateur

tennis players can come to and come out with more information about tennis. I have never made

a website other than the digital portfolio we made earlier this semester. I wanted to try making a

website for this formal assignment because I wanted to try something new. I didn't know what to

make the website about at first. After some thinking, I thought that I should make a website

about the basic rules and expectations in tennis. The idea was to help new players of tennis with

their knowledge of the game. Tennis is a very simple game with complex rules. I tried to explain

them to the best of my abilities. It took many attempts to make it make sense, but eventually I

got it done.

I started to make the website by going to and creating a website. I used a

template to get a skeleton of what my website will grow into. At first, I summarized the entire

game of tennis. However, when I re-read it, I realized that tennis is a very complex sport to

teach. There are so many different rules and ways of saying scores. I ended up creating 4

sections with a picture to visualize what each section was saying. I went over the complex

scoring system with the different words how to win a match in tennis, how to serve correctly,

what happens when you miss your serve, racket size, and the basic rules. For example, I showed

where the out-of-bounds line is for singles and doubles.

I think that I did a pretty good job with this website. In the beginning, I wasn't sure what I

was going to do or what it was going to turn out like, but I am very happy with how the website

looked and the layout of it. My favorite part of my website is the section where I explain how to

serve. I feel like the explanation makes sense to anybody who doesn't know what a serve is or

doesn't know how to serve. If I had been given more time to my website, I would have added a

beginner, intermediate, and advanced section to the website. I only completed the beginner

section. If I had more time, I would have put more advanced tactics and rules on the website for

the intermediate and advanced sections. For the advanced section, I would put strategies of

where to hit the ball based on where your opponent hit the ball. The hardest part of making this

website by far is explaining the scoring system in terms that people who have never played

tennis before understanding. The first time if tried to summarize the scoring system I explained

the scoring system in a way where I barely knew what I was trying to say. I knew the scoring

system of tennis by heart and could barely understand what my explanation was saying. Just

imagine if a person who doesn't know the scoring system read that. They would be very

confused. The second time I summarized the scoring system I tried to use terms that made sense

to people who haven't played tennis yet and I think it worked. I can read and understand what I

am trying to say. People who have never played tennis should be able to understand the basic

rules of tennis from my simple summaries of the rules.

Overall, I really am happy with how this project turned out. I am glad that I now have

some good experience with making a website. I can guarantee that this is not going to be the last

time I make a website during school or after I graduate. This was a lot of fun and I hope that

many people will be able to access and see my website that want to get into tennis. I think that I

did a pretty good job summarizing the main concepts of the sport. Though hard at times, this
website has made me very proud of how it turned out. I really think that this website is a good

source of information for people who want to get into tennis. This website is meant for people of

all ages. People of any age can start playing tennis. If you are retired, tennis is the perfect sport

for you. If you are young and want to get into a sport, tennis is a lot of fun.

Formal Assignment:

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