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Presented by Iwan Susanto, Ph.

Mechanical Engineering Department

Politeknik Negeri Jakarta Created by Dr. Vika Rizkia
What is Material Materials Science
Engineering MatSci is focused on the chemistry and
microstructure of materials. Typical background
will be in chemistry. It involves the study of the
chemical and physical principles underlying the
behavior of materials, and the development of
new materials

Materials Engineering
Materials Technology
MatEngr is between MatSci and
MatTech. It is fully engaged with the MatTech is very practical and is oriented to the
theory of why materials behave as they solution of production problems. Usually not
do, but is more applications oriented calculus-based. It consists of the analysis of
than MatSci. Typically at least one full material needs, selection of materials to match
each year of physical and organic product and process requirements, and
chemistry is required. The study of implementation of materials testing and
how materials are designed and
Why Study Material It is a field of engineering that
encompasses the spectrum of
materials types and how to use them
Engineering? in manufacturing

We live in the world that is both dependent upon and limited by materials

Everything we see and use is made of material : cars, airplanes, computers, TV, athletic
equipment, and biomedical devices such as replacement joints and limbs
Many an applied scientist or engineer, whether mechanical, civil, chemical, or electrical,
will at one time or another be exposed to a design problem involving materials
a transmission gear, the superstructure for a building, an oil
refinery component, or an integrated circuit chip.

Ok, but in what industries is material engineering used?

Replacement parts (implants
or prosthesis) are designed,
tested and manufactured by
material engineers using a
variety of materials which
attempt to mimic the
mechanical behavior of the
original natural part and have
to be compatible to the
human body
There is an ever increasing
demand for renewable
energy and pressures for
environmentally cleaner
and more efficient energy
conversion processes.
Such developments
present huge
opportunities or materials
scientists and
Advances in materials
technology drive
evolution of many
sports. Material
engineers play an
important role in
manufacturing of sport
Advances in materials
technology drive evolution
of many sports. Material
engineers play an
important role in
manufacturing of sport
All these development rely on
materials improvements such as liquid
crystal that respond more quickly,
electronic circuits with finer lines,
higher frequency lasers, and advances
in semiconductors and polymers.
The advances in design have been
enabled by the development of
materials such as strong, light,
alloys and polymers for airframes
and high temperature alloy for
engine. Material are key to
unlocking the potential of these
designs in aerospace industry
Many times, a materials problem is one of selecting the right
material from the many thousands that are available

First of all, the in-service conditions must be characterized,

for these will dictate the properties required of the material.
- It may be necessary to trade off one characteristic for another
- The classic example involves strength and ductility;
normally, a material having a high strength will have only a limited ductility. In such
cases a reasonable compromise between two or more properties may be necessary.
A second selection consideration is any deterioration of material properties that may occur
during service operation
For example, significant reductions in mechanical strength may result from exposure to
elevated temperatures or corrosive environments
Finally, probably the overriding consideration is that of economics: What will the finished
product cost?

A material may be found that has the ideal set of properties but is prohibitively expensive.
Here again, some compromise is inevitable.

The more familiar an engineer or scientist is with the

various characteristics and structure–property
relationships, as well as processing techniques of materials,
the more proficient and confident he or she will be to make
judicious materials choices based on these criteria
The four components of the discipline of materials science and engineering and their
linear interrelationship



all materials
are exposed to Properties
external stimuli that
evoke some type of

The arrangement of its internal

Solid materials have been conveniently grouped In addition, there are the
into three basic classifications: metals, ceramics, composites, and advanced
and polymers materials.
Relative Abundance of Selected Elements in the Earth’s Crust
Inorganic substances that are composed of one or more metallic elements and may also
contain some nonmetallic elements

carbon, nitrogen, and oxygen Iron, copper, Aluminum,

nickel, and titanium
Metals have a crystalline structure

The atoms are arranged in an

orderly manner

Metals in general are good thermal and

electrical conductors

Many metals are relatively strong and

ductile at room temperature, and many
maintain good strength even at high
The aircraft turbine engine shown is made Cutaway of the 12-in. (284.48 cm)
principally of metal alloys. The latest high-
temperature, heat resistant, high-strength nickel-
gas turbine engine, showing fan
base alloys are used in this engine. These include bypass section
second-generation single-crystal turbine blade
materials, powder metal disks, and an improved full
authority digital electronic control.
Materials consist of long molecular chains or networks
that are usually based on organics (carbon-containing

Most polymeric materials are noncrystalline, but some

consist of mixtures of crystalline and non crystalline

The strength and ductility of polymeric materials

vary greatly

Most polymeric materials are poor conductors of


Some of these materials are good insulators and

are used for electrical insulative applications
High-flow grades of polycarbonate
plastic for DVDs

Super-absorbent polymer (SAP) that is
rubber (SBR)
completely Biocompatible and

PVC Gutters

Urea Formaldehyde

Polymer insulator

Phenol Formaldehyde
Inorganic materials that consist of metallic and
nonmetallic elements chemically bonded together

Ceramic materials can be crystalline, noncrystalline, or

mixtures of both

Most ceramic materials have high hardness

and high temperature strength but tend to
be brittle

light weight, high strength and hardness, good heat and wear resistance, reduced
friction, and insulative properties
Nitrides (cubic boron
nitride, 2nd in hardness to Carbides (tungsten-carbide tools)

Oxides (alumina – insulation and abrasives,

zirconia – dies for metal extrusion and
The black items include engine valves, valve
seat inserts, and piston pins made of silicon
nitride. The white item is a port-manifold
liner made of an alumina ceramic material
Two or more materials (phases or constituents) integrated to form a new
one. The constituents keep their properties and the overall composite will
have properties different than each of them.

Most composite materials consist of a selected filler or reinforcing

material and a compatible resin binder to obtain the specific
characteristics and properties desired

Composites can be of many types. Some of the

predominant types are fibrous (composed of
fibers in a matrix) and particulate (composed
of particles in a matrix).

Depending of the type of matrix used : metal

matrix composite (MMC), ceramic matrix
composite (CMC), and polymer matrix
composite (PMC). Fiber or particulate : carbon,
glass, aramid, silicon carbide, and others

Composite materials have replaced numerous metallic components especially in aerospace, avionics,
automobile, civil structural, and sports equipment industries. One reason is due to their high strength
and stiffness-to-weight ratio.
carbon-fiber-epoxy composite material
was used for the wings and engines of
the C-17 transport plane

Combustion chamber for jet

engine, ceramic matrix

Glass reinforced plastic

Thrust Chamber for Rocket ,

Aluminum or magnesium Ceramic matrix
matrix Aluminum matrix

Carbon reinforced plastic

Materials that are utilized in high-technology (or high-tech) applications are sometimes
termed advanced materials
Examples include electronic equipment (camcorders, CD/DVD players, etc.),
computers, fiber-optic systems, spacecraft, aircraft, and military rocketry
These advanced materials are typically traditional materials whose properties have been
enhanced, and, also newly developed, high-performance materials.

Furthermore, they may be of all material types (e.g., metals, ceramics, polymers), and are
normally expensive.

Advanced materials include semiconductors, biomaterials, and what we may term

“materials of the future” (that is, smart materials and nanoengineered materials)
Semiconductors have electrical properties that are intermediate between the electrical
conductors (viz. metals and metal alloys) and insulators (viz. ceramics and polymers)

the electrical characteristics of these materials are

extremely sensitive to the presence of minute
concentrations of impurity atoms, for which the
concentrations may be controlled over very small spatial
Biomaterials are employed in components implanted into the human body for
replacement of diseased or damaged body parts

These materials must not produce toxic substances and must be compatible with body
tissues (i.e., must not cause adverse biological reactions)

All of the above materials—metals,

ceramics, polymers, composites, and
semiconductors—may be used as
The adjective “smart” implies that these materials are able to sense changes in their
environments and then respond to these changes in predetermined manners— traits
that are also found in living organisms

Components of a smart material (or system) include some type of sensor (that detects an
input signal), and an actuator (that performs a responsive and adaptive function).

Actuators may be called upon to change shape, position, natural

frequency, or mechanical characteristics in response to changes
in temperature, electric fields, and/or magnetic fields.

Four types of materials are commonly used for actuators: shape memory alloys,
piezoelectric ceramics, magnetostrictive materials, and electrorheological/
magnetorheological fluids.

Shape memory alloys are metals that,

after having been deformed, revert back
to their original shapes when
temperature is changed
Piezoelectric ceramics expand and contract in
response to an applied electric field (or
voltage); conversely, they also generate an
electric field when their dimensions are

The behavior of magnetostrictive materials is

analogous to that of the piezoelectrics,
except that they are responsive to magnetic

electrorheological and magnetorheological

fluids are liquids that experience dramatic
changes in viscosity upon the application of
electric and magnetic fields, respectively
Nanoscale materials are defined as a set of substances where at least one dimension is
less than approximately 100 nanometers.

A nanometer is one millionth of a millimeter -

approximately 100,000 times smaller than the
diameter of a human hair

Au nanoparticle SnO2 nanoflower

Titanium nanoflower
Exciting new product developments frequently are possible only through new
materials and/or processing

New materials technologies developed through

engineering and science will continue to make
startling changes in our lives in the future, and
people in material science and engineering will
continue to be key in these changes and advances
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