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The E-Myth Mastery Program Application of Lead Generation Principles The E-Myth Mastery Program Application of Lead Generation

ples The E-Myth Mastery Program Application of Lead Generation Principles

Module 14: E-Myth Lead Generation for Growth Module 14: E-Myth Lead Generation for Growth
Business Development Process: LG-0060 Business Development Process: LG-0060 Page 7

The Ten-Step Process for Creating Effective fiers aren’t a good idea, especially explicit ones, because they
tend to be demeaning or insulting. Can you imagine Rolls
Lead Generation Pieces Royce using a line in its advertising such as, “If you make less
than a half a million a year, don’t bother.”?
Complete this worksheet for each lead generation piece, following the guidelines set forth in
Include brand identification. Brand identification is as
LG-0050, Principles of Lead Generation Communication, and LG-0060, Application of Lead
Generation Principles. 7 important as it is easy. Always, always, always include the
product or service name and your business’ name in every piece.
TYPE OF COMMUNICATION CHANNEL: In print or other visible vehicles, also include your logo and
PRODUCT/SERVICE OFFERED: appropriate brand identification images if you have them. In
audible pieces, also include any sound “images” if you have
those (such as theme songs, jingles, or other distinctive sounds
that are associated with your brand).
1. Specify Desired Results You can mention or show brand identifiers anywhere in each
piece, but you should also position them as follows:
What favorable impressions do you want this piece to create?
n Print and display pieces. Show product and company names

and logo at the lower right corner. The eye travels from
upper left to lower right, so, generally, the last thing a reader
sees, and the last impression made, is that of the logo, prod-
uct name, and company name.
n Broadcast pieces. Show names and logo, and announce
names and audible brand indicators at the end of each piece.
How far along the purchase decision chain should this piece move the prospective customer? Again, the last impression, if the rest of the piece has done its
work, identifies the product and is a key element of rein-
Present the action steps. This step is simple but critical.
8 The idea is to make it easy for a customer to buy from you
or to take the next step into your lead conversion system. You
need to be clear about the results you intend the piece to
achieve, then make it a “no brainer” for the customer to act.
What action step(s) do you want the customer to take? How will you make that action easy, There are two parts to each action step. First you have to tell
inexpensive, and risk free for the customer? the prospective customer what you want him or her to do, then
you have to provide the mechanism for doing it. If you want
them to telephone you, then ask them to call, and make it easy
with an easy-to-remember, toll-free telephone number. If you
want them to mail you a response, include an easy-to-complete,
postage-paid, pre-addressed response card.
And, of course, make it as risk-free as you possibly can – no
obligation to buy, money-back guarantee, and similar assur-
ances. Risk, from the customer’s point of view, means financial
risk and the risk that your product or service might not be satis-
factory, but it also includes the “risk” of annoyance, hard sell,

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The E-Myth Mastery Program Application of Lead Generation Principles The E-Myth Mastery Program Application of Lead Generation Principles
Module 14: E-Myth Lead Generation for Growth Module 14: E-Myth Lead Generation for Growth
Business Development Process: LG-0060 Page 6 Business Development Process: LG-0060

instance) add interest and draw the listener’s attention to impor-

2. Determine Context Constraints and Opportunities
tant points.
Don’t overdo these attention-drawing devices. An advertise- Constraints:
ment full of subheadings, boldface type, bullet points, and eye-
catching type fonts defeats its own purpose. It all adds up to
clutter and confusion, and readers will reject it. Use attention-
getting devices sparingly and only to draw attention to key Opportunities:
There are no hard and fast rules for formatting. The only reli-
able guidance is to know your target audience, and focus on the
key points – key points from the customer’s point of view, not Surrounding messages and images:
yours. If you must present a lot of information, make it easy to
Establish qualifiers. Your lead generation pieces can’t
6 screen out unqualified potential customers – anyone can
respond who wants to respond, qualified or not. But you can
design your pieces so unqualified leads screen themselves out Probable state of mind of target audience:
and qualified leads “screen” themselves in. And you can do it in
ways that avoid negative impressions of exclusion or arrogance
on your part. Think explicit and implicit, and inclusive and
Implicit qualification is built into your lead generation piece
automatically if you design it to appeal primarily to qualified
leads. If you know who your target market is, including a thor- 3. Create the “Instant of Connection”
ough psychographic profile, then implicit qualification should
be automatic. Your message and all the other elements of the Headline:
piece will be designed for qualified leads and will appeal mainly
to them and not unqualified leads.
Explicit qualification occurs when you specifically identify the Primary image:
kinds of people who need your product or service and will be
attracted by your business. A headline such as “If you fly more
than 50,000 miles a year, you should fly Aeromax Airlines” is
an explicit qualifier. (If Aeromax also wants to attract infre-
quent fliers, however, this headline would tend to screen them
out.) Sensory elements:
Every advertisement you’ll ever see for Rolls Royce automo-
biles will feature images relevant to wealthy people who enjoy
the finer things in life. That’s an implicit qualification, designed
to appeal to economically upscale people.
An inclusive qualifier indicates what kind of people should
respond to the piece. An exclusionary qualifier indicates those
who should not respond. As a general rule exclusionary quali-
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The E-Myth Mastery Program Application of Lead Generation Principles The E-Myth Mastery Program Application of Lead Generation Principles
Module 14: E-Myth Lead Generation for Growth Module 14: E-Myth Lead Generation for Growth
Business Development Process: LG-0060 Business Development Process: LG-0060 Page 5

How much information you provide depends on three things –

4. Define the “Logic” of the Piece
the particular communication vehicle you’re using (radio com-
Write a brief statement setting forth the logic of the piece (the rational justification for the customer mercial, advertisement in a magazine, billboard, mailed brochure,
to take the action step you will define later). The statement must answer the target audience’s ques- etc.), your product, and the preferences of your target market.
tion, “Why should I do what you’re asking me to do?” n The communication vehicle. The more time and/or space the

vehicle provides, the more information you can provide. A

television infomercial gives you a half-hour, even a full hour,
of information and allows you to communicate extremely
complex ideas and information, if that’s what’s needed to
accomplish the result you want to accomplish. On the other
hand, a billboard alongside a busy highway, while large, gives
you only a few seconds of a driver’s attention, and limits your
content to a very few, simple messages and impressions.
n Your product. If yours is a simple product, already well-
known to your markets, you need very little information and
very little of the customer’s attention to communicate it. If
What logic points will be made explicitly, in words? yours is a complex product, not well known in your markets,
you’ll need more extensive communication and significant
time and attention for the customer to absorb it. For complex
products and services, it’s best to limit the results you want
from your lead generation to simple impressions and easy
responses to your pieces. Or you’ll need to select vehicles
that accommodate more images and information.
n Your target market. If the target market’s purchase decision
What logic points will be made implicitly, in images and through associations? process is complex and needs lots of support and interaction
with your business, then lead generation is probably only the
very front end of the process, and your lead generation pieces
can only take you a little ways along the purchase decision
chain. If the purchase decision is simple and quick, the oppo-
site is true. Also, some markets are more receptive to visual
communication, some want information to read, some want
What support will you provide for your logic in the piece? (If the logic is self-evident or justified interaction, some don’t. Always consider the behavior of your
by the pre-existing knowledge, beliefs, or attitudes of the target market, no support is needed; other- target market.
wise, reason, evidence, or testimonials should be provided.)
Format, like so much in lead generation, is an art, not a science.
In general, long blocks of undifferentiated text or narrative get
ignored, no matter how valuable the information they contain.
So, if you have a great deal of information, make extensive use
of eye-catching sub-headlines, boldface type, underlining, colors,
shapes, images interspersed with the text – anything that helps
the major points stand out and attract the eye of the reader. For
audible communications, sound effects, pacing, dialogue (rather
than narrative), and volume shifts (shouting to whispering, for

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Module 14: E-Myth Lead Generation for Growth Module 14: E-Myth Lead Generation for Growth
Business Development Process: LG-0060 Page 4 Business Development Process: LG-0060

If that’s not clear, think of it this way: If the customer were to

5. Determine Essential Information and Establish Format
ask you, “Why should I do what you’re asking me to do?” how
would you answer? That’s what your lead generation piece has How much will you present in words, written or spoken? Consider the following:
to say to the prospective customer, either explicitly in words or - Vehicle capacity: How much space/time is available?
implicitly through images and associations.
- Product scope: How much do you need to say about your product/service?
Logic is communicated by believable statements – claims and
assertions about your business and your products. The state- - Customer decision needs: What do prospective customers need to read/hear in
ments can be either explicit or implied, but they must be credi- order to decide to take the action step?
ble. You can establish credibility for your claims in one or a
combination of five ways: What formatting elements will you use in the text/narrative?
n Self-evident. The best claim is one that is self-evident to the - What are the key points that need emphasis?
potential customer – something that is understood to be true - What visual/audible techniques will you use to emphasize them?
with no further support needed. In advertising, there aren’t
many claims that are self-evident to customers, so other sup- In the space below, describe the essential information “content points” and the formatting
port is usually necessary. techniques you plan to use:

n Reasoning. Fact A plus fact B leads to conclusion C. Or,

if A then B.
n Pre-existing knowledge, beliefs, or attitudes. The impres-
sions and assertions made by your lead generation piece have
to be consistent with what the prospective customer already
knows, believes, thinks, or likes…or your piece must reverse
contrary views (much harder than using existing beliefs and
attitudes for support).
n Evidence in the form of believable data from credible sources
or in the form of convincing anecdotes the prospective cus-
tomer can relate to.
n Testimony from experts or credible celebrities.
Determine essential information and establish the for-
5 mat. When you have the logic for your piece, you have to
determine the points of information – the content points – that
you’ll use to convey the logic and also the format you’ll use to
make it easy to read (or hear or see) and understand.
Then you write it. It’s best to use professional copy writers and
script writers – they understand the subtleties of communication
and have the necessary writing skills. If you have to do it your-
self, always have a professional proofreader or editor review it.
It’s an inexpensive step and can prevent major errors and
The key questions you should consider are, “How much do you On a separate sheet, write your first draft of the text/narrative portions of your lead generation piece.
write?” and “What’s the best format?”

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The E-Myth Mastery Program Application of Lead Generation Principles The E-Myth Mastery Program Application of Lead Generation Principles
Module 14: E-Myth Lead Generation for Growth Module 14: E-Myth Lead Generation for Growth
Business Development Process: LG-0060 Business Development Process: LG-0060 Page 3

Create the “instant of connection.” Connection is estab-

6. Establish Qualifiers
3 lished with the headline, the primary image presented in the
piece, and the sensory elements of the piece. Establishing con-
What explicit lead qualifiers will be included in the piece, and how will they be worded?
nection with the target audience, especially doing it within the
very brief time you have before you lose them, is truly an art, not
a science. There are no hard and fast rules. The examples later
in this booklet show some ways to think about how to do it.

What implicit lead qualifiers will be built into the piece, and how will they be presented? There’s an easy way to increase your skill at creating headlines,
images, and sensory elements so you can make the most of your
opportunity to “connect” with your target market. It won’t make
you an expert, but it will improve whatever level of skill you
already possess.
What you do is…pay attention. When you watch television, lis-
ten to the radio, read a magazine or newspaper, or read your
mail, pay attention to what you’re seeing. Notice the headlines,
the images, and the sensory elements in all the advertising that
7. Include Brand Identification
comes your way throughout the day. You might even take some
Brand name(s) (product, business): notes. The key is to notice which headlines and images capture
your attention and draw you in. The simple act of paying atten-
tion will build your skill.
Unique Selling Proposition (or variant):
But it’s not quite that simple. You are not your target market,
and you’re probably nothing like them. So you have to put your-
Brand image(s) or sound(s) to be used: self in the shoes of your target market as best you can. Think
like them. See all that advertising the way they see it, not the
way you see it. That alone will make you more skillful at creat-
Other brand identification to appear in the piece: ing the “instant of connection” in your lead generation pieces.
Better yet, research your market. Find out what actually does
capture their attention, what actually works. Your research can
take the form of either market research surveys or your direct
experience with your own lead generation. As your knowledge
8. Present the Action Steps of what works grows, your ability to instantly connect will
improve, and your lead generation pieces will yield better and
What action(s) do you want the prospective customer to take? better results.
Define the “logic” of the piece. If your “instant of connec-
How will you request the action in the piece? 4 tion” is successful, your prospective customer is emotionally
inclined to take the next step toward buying your product. But
remember from your work in MK-0030, Customer Perceptions and
What mechanism(s) will you provide to make the action easy and low risk? Behavior, that decisions are made both rationally and emotionally
– by the conscious and unconscious minds. The conscious mind
provides the rational justification for the emotional decision
already, if tentatively, made. So your lead generation piece has to
have the necessary rational justification, even if it’s only implied.

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Module 14: E-Myth Lead Generation for Growth Module 14: E-Myth Lead Generation for Growth
Business Development Process: LG-0060 Page 2 Business Development Process: LG-0060

Don’t expect outside experts like advertising agencies, graphic

9. Integrate the Elements
artists, or copy writers to know this 10-step process. They won’t.
But the good ones will understand the principles even if they Use the draft & sketch process to establish the layout/presentation of the piece. Sketch all key visu-
don’t know the ten steps. The others won’t understand it and al elements, draft all text, draft scripts for all narrative and sound, and draw a storyboard for all
may even resist it. But make sure, even if your outside service action sequences, as appropriate. If you employ professionals to create any part of the piece,
providers don’t understand the process, that they cover all the require them to provide you with some form of draft & sketch preliminary work.
points of the process (you can use the worksheet as a checklist).
The 10-step process is described below, and several examples Refine and improve the preliminary drafts & sketches until you are satisfied they are the best you
showing how to use it are presented later in this booklet. know how to make them. You can use the evaluation worksheet from LG-0050, Principles of Lead
Specify the desired results. There are three kinds of results Generation Communication, to help you evaluate this work in progress.
Creating Effective
Lead Generation Pieces 1 you want your lead generation pieces to achieve with your
target market audience:
n Create favorable impressions about your business and your
Apply the “gut feel” test.
Specify Desired
Results products and services;
n Move prospective customers as far along the purchase deci- Continue the draft & sketch process until you are completely satisfied.
Determine Context
Constraints and sion chain as is reasonable; and
n Motivate them to take the action steps you provide in the
Create the “Instant 10. Produce the Piece
of Connection” So your first step is to specify exactly what results are achievable
for you, given the channel you have selected – exactly what Apply the production process you established when you created your lead generation implementa-
Define the “Logic”of impressions you intend to produce, how far along the purchase tion system(s). If you need to create a new lead generation implementation system, refer back to
the Piece decision chain the piece should move prospective customers, and LG-0040, Your Lead Generation Process, to refresh your memory.
specifically what action you want them to take.
Determine Essential
Determine context constraints and opportunities. The
Information and
Establish Format 2 channel you select (magazine, radio, television, etc.) and the
specific “vehicle” within that channel (Playboy Magazine, Field
Establish Qualifiers
& Stream, Modern Bride, National Geographic, etc.) play a
major role in shaping your lead generation pieces. Each channel
has its constraints and offers its own special opportunities for
Include Brand lead generation.
You have to look closely at each vehicle and determine its mar-
ket coverage (how many of your target customers does it
Present the Action “reach”); the likely state of mind of the audience when reading,
hearing, or viewing the vehicle; the appropriateness of the vehi-
cle for your products and services; and the surrounding informa-
Integrate the tional and advertising material. Toward the end of this booklet
Elements there is a table, “Context Analysis: Channel Constraints and
Opportunities,” to help you. As you do your context analysis,
Produce the Piece
you may have to adjust some of the results you want to achieve
and revise step 1 above.

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