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1. You Live Your Life with Honest & Integrity

Living a life that’s in line with your own values and belief is important for happiness.
“That means that the things you say you believe in are the things you do,” says “Happy Guy”
David Leonhardt.

For example, if you value the environment, do you mind your carbon footprint?
Or if family is important, do you make time for them? Figure out what’s important and live
your life accordingly.

2. You’ve Embraced Living in The Present Moment

You’re fully awake and aware, and concentrate your energies on enjoying the present, rather
than worrying about the past or the future. “All we have is right now, and life is just made
up of a series of moments.” Enjoy them.

3. You always Express Gratitude Regularly

Being grateful for the things you have—and sharing that gratitude—will lead to feelings of
satisfaction and happiness. “When you’re performing an act of kindness or giving someone
a compliment, you can actually feel an energy shift in your body,” says Todd Keeley,
Michelle’s brother and business partner. Seek that feeling out more often.

4. Your Work Satisfies You

If you find satisfaction in the things you do, then you’re well on your way to living a happy
life. “The more meaningfully we’re engaged and the more we believe that what we’re doing
is meaningful, the more happy we are,” says David Mensink, a psychologist.

5. You Enjoy Harmonious Relationships

Whether it’s at work or at play, being at peace with yourself and the world around is a sure-
fire way to find happiness. Practice respect and patience as you go about your day, whether
you’re interacting with family, co-workers or with your partner.

6. You Keep Your Inner Critic On ‘Mute’

If you’ve got a little voice in your head telling you you’re never good enough and you’re
never satisfied, then odds are good you won’t find happiness either. “Choose to let go of
negative feelings and thoughts,” says Todd Keeley, “You won’t find happiness until you do.”
7. You Aren’t Afraid of Change
Recognize that change is constant and you’ll be more ready to embrace happiness. “Then
choose to respond to life, rather than react to it,” says Michelle Keeley. You’ll feel more in
control and will be better able to adapt. Stay open to the opportunities change can bring.

8. You Enjoy the Simple Things

Taking pleasure in small things will help you build a big picture of happiness. Take time to
enjoy a well-cooked meal, a beautiful painting or a spring bulb poking up through the earth.

9. You Give Back

Happiness is contagious, so make sure you spread it around. “Giving back to others and
sharing is the ultimate way to inspire happiness in your life,” says Michelle Keeley. “Because
what you give out will come back to you ten-fold.” Whether you volunteer in your
community or share your smiles—it all counts.

10. You Don’t Take Life Too Seriously

Having a sense of humor can help you keep things in perspective. Make sure your life is filled
with plenty of laughter!

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