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Colegio de Calumpit

Iba O’ Este, Calumpit, Bulacan

S.Y. 2019-2020

The Impacts of Tardiness in the Academic Performance as perceived by the

Grade 11 STEM Students of CCI

Submitted to:

Mrs. Maritess L. Cuenco

Submitted by:

Eroles, Marilix E.

Espino, Hanna Ve A.

Gonzales, Francis Cloue

Inocencio, Miguel Joshua C.

Rueda, Christian Andrei S.


The Problem and its Backgroud

This chapter includes the background of the problem, statement of the problem,

significance of the study, and the scopes and the delimitations of the study.


Students go to school not just to gain knowledge but also to become a better

citizen. Students must also learn to become a responsible human. Nowadays, tardiness

has become a habit for some students that may have a negative effect on their academic

performances. Breeze et al. (2010) contributed by saying that, lateness is synonymous

with “tardiness”, is the habit of being late or delaying arrival, thus not meeting up with

proper or usual timing. Students are tardy for many different reasons. According to

Nakpodia and Dafiaghor (2011), lateness or tardiness has a lot of factors or causes. The

most common factor is going to bed late and waking up late the next morning, making

the student to come late at school. The location of the student’s house from the school

may also a possible cause of student’s tardiness. The parent’s untimely commands are

also a reason why students come late to school. Being late can also be learned from older

members of the family. Sometimes, due to lack of policy of the school about punctuality,

may also encourage the student to come late since there is no consequence for this. This

causes of tardiness will lead to serious effects.

According to Sprick and Daniels (2007), tardiness is one of the most frustrating

problem of schools nowadays. Tardiness will not just affect the student but also the

people around him. Zeiger (2010) explained that the morning classes discussions are the
most crucial because during these times, the students are most alert and mindful, if a

student come late consistently, they miss out the opportunity of possibly gaining more

knowledge. Also, when students come late in class, it damages the flow of the discussion

of the teacher. Teachers find it very inconvenient as the momentum of the class does not

remain smooth. Furthermore, it also distracts teachers’ normal pace and hinders in the

time management plan of the teachers (Malik et al., n.d.). It may also cause for the

student to miss the lesson and will affect his academic performance.

This research will be performed to know perspectives of the grade 11 STEM

students of Colegio de Calumpit Institute about tardiness and will help to inform the

students about the negative impacts of tardiness and minimize the number of late comers.

Nakpodia and Dafiaghor (2011), also stated that lateness leads to absenteeism and

general failure in life. Late coming violates the principle of punctuality and at first it

should be prevented otherwise, may become a habit with the individual involved and may

have negative consequences (Breeze et al., 2010). There will be a great impact to the

students if they keep on going to school late.

Statement of the Problem

The general problem of this study is to know the perception of the grade 11

STEM students of Colegio de Calumpit about the impact of tardiness in their academic


Specifically, it aims to answer the following questions:

1. How does the demographic profile of the students be described in terms of?

1.1 Gender
1.2 Address

2. What are the impacts of tardiness in the students’ academic performance?

3. What are the possible solutions for students’ tardiness?

Significance of the Study

The results of the study will be of great benefit to the following:

Students. This study will help the students to be aware of the negative impacts of

tardiness. They will go to school at a right time or as early as possible to improve their

academic performance and also to not missed a lesson. And for the students who come to

school early, will not be distracted because of the late comers and can focus in the first

subjects’ discussion.

Teachers. This study will benefit the teachers because they will not bother to

make adjustments in the lessons and discussion because of the late students. They also,

will not be distracted by the late students who entered in the middle of discussion.

Future Researchers. This study may use as reference data in conducting new

researches. This may also serve as a guidance for the future researchers and will give

them a background or an overview about the negative impacts of tardiness on the grade

11 students of the Colegio de Calumpit.

Scope and Delimitations

The general intent of this study is to know the effects of arriving late in school

perceived by the grade 11 STEM students of Colegio de Calumpit in school year 2019-

2020, with the focus of informing them the negative effects of their tardiness. The
primary data gathering will use an unstructured interview, it will determine the grade 11

STEM students’ perception about the impacts of tardiness and a total of forty (40)

respondents will be randomly selected to answer the questions that will be ask by the


We choose grade 11 STEM students as our research participants because based on

the report of the Prefect of Discipline’s assigned teachers, grade 11 students of Colegio

de Calumpit has the most late coming students in school year 2019-2020 than the other

levels. We chose STEM students specifically, to know how tardiness affects their

academic performance, since STEM students need a higher average grade than the other


Definition of Terms

Academic performance - is the measurement of a student’s performance when it

comes to class. It was measure through the participation a student in class.

Impact - the force of impression of one thing on another. A major effect or influence

to someone.

Perception - The state of being or process of becoming aware of something through

the senses. A way of regarding, understanding, or interpreting something; a mental


Punctuality - is being on time or ahead of time. It is considered as a good trait to

people mostly on employees and students.

Tardiness - is known as being late. It is done when people don't occur in the

designated time.

Time Management - it was the act of controlling or managing the time you spend. It

was also the act of utilizing your time to be more productive.

Nakpodia, E. D. & Dafiaghor, F. K. (April 4, 2011). Lateness: a major problem

confronting school administrators in Delta State, Nigeria. International Journal of

Science and Technology Education Research, Retrieved 3rd February 2020 from

Zeiger S. (n.d.). The Impact of Tardiness on School Success. Retrieved 3 rd February

2020 from

Breeze S, Woosh C, Batt C, Fine M (2010). “How to be punctual”. WikiHow: thehow to

manual that you can edit. Retrieved 3rd February 2020 from:









Theoretical Framework

This chapter includes the relevant theories, the related literature and studies, and

the conceptual framework.

Relevant Theories

Related Studies

According to Weade (2004) tardiness was arriving late at any measurable length

of time past the scheduled time for work or school. A student is considered as tardy when

he/she arrives after the bell rang or when the first teacher starts to give instructional

materials for the first subject in the morning class. Malik et. al. (n.d.) stated that class

tardiness has been defined as students coming late, not attending lecture on time, missing

out initial time from the first period and primarily not being present in the time set.

Sometimes, it is not just the students’ fault why they keep on coming late to class.

Another factor that could affect the students’ punctuality is the response of the teacher on

the tardy students. Sprick and Daniels (2007) stated that the range of the teachers’

response was from ignoring them to sending them to office. This kind of response could

lead the students to confuse on how important it is to go to class on time. Another reason

is the lack of motivation because students who come to school on time are not given

incentives or rewards. Some of the students think that even they go to school early they

will not get anything, so they ended up being late. Student’s tardiness causes a lot of

stress to teachers. When the student comes to class late, it damages the flow of
discussion, distract other students and disturb learning teaching process. Sometimes,

teachers just ignore the students who go to school late instead of punishing them.

Teachers find it very inconvenient as the momentum of the class does not remain smooth.

Furthermore, it also distracts teachers’ normal pace and hinders in the time management

plan of the teachers (Malik et al., n.d.).

Lateness could affect students’ performance and lead to low grade averages.

According to Weade (2004), students with better attendance and punctuality have higher

grades than to those students who are always late and have poor punctuality. If they come

to school late, they sometimes miss the important lesson that the teacher gave. If school

tardiness of the students continues, he will carry it until he grew up. Weade (2004)

studies shows that “students who are on-time for school classes are also likely to be on-

time at work while students who are tardy frequently at school will probably also be tardy

at work.”

Moreover, lateness could affect students performance and lead to low grade
averages. Weade (2004) reported
that students with better attendance and punctuality have higher grade point averages.
While students with poor
attendance and punctuality have lower grade point averages.

Moreover, lateness could affect students performance and lead to low grade
averages. Weade (2004) reported
that students with better attendance and punctuality have higher grade point averages.
While students with poor
attendance and punctuality have lower grade point averages.

Moreover, lateness could affect students performance and lead to low grade
averages. Weade (2004) reported
that students with better attendance and punctuality have higher grade point averages.
While students with poor
attendance and punctuality have lower grade point averages.
Moreover, lateness could affect students performance and lead to low grade
averages. Weade (2004) reported
that students with better attendance and punctuality have higher grade point averages.
While students with poor
attendance and punctuality have lower grade point averages.

Related Literature

Based on Journal of Education and Practice (Vol.5, No.2, 2014) lateness is a form

of disturbing behavior. Lateness disrupts the rhythm of the class lecture, and distracts

other students who may be paying attention to the lecture (Bataineh, 2014). Maile and

Olowoyo (2017) stated that late comers are one of the major problems that have plagued

many schools, there is hardly any school that is spared from this problem. Lateness could

result into disturbance in class, difficulty in keeping accurate records, lower the ability to

meet instructional target, poor academic achievement and damage of school reputation.

Bataineh (2014) stated some factors associated with students’ lateness behavior.

Poor organization is one of the most common factors for tardiness. Some of the students

wait until the last minute, and then do not allow themselves enough time to travel.

Psychologist and writer Adoree Durayappah-Harrison (2014) explains in a blog post on

Psychology Today, some people don’t like being early, they feel awkward and

uncomfortable waiting. Some of the students found it uninteresting to wait for the bell to

ring or for the teacher to come, which is why they ended up being tardy. While many

individuals see being early as a virtue, some do not. Another factor is that there are no

consequences when students are late. This kind of behavior of the student continues, as

there are no negative consequences when they are late. Sometimes when the students see

the teacher being late, they may think that it is entirely okay. Teachers should be more
realistic and effective in coping this kind of concern, they need to consider their own

behavior as well as that of their students (Bataineh, 2014).

According to St. Pierre (2002), there is direct correlation between school and

work tardiness. “A local businessman who said he was having problems with workers

arriving late and calling in sick asked to look at the high school attendance records for

some of his current employees. After checking the attendance records, he found that the

students who had problems attending class were now the adults having problems

attending work” (St. Pierre, 2000, p. 50). He added that being tardy directly affected the

students grade. Tardiness has a lot of impact to the students, so they must be disciplined

before it became late. Chronic lateness among students in high school could be also

linked to failure in work (Maile and Olowoyo, 2017).

Conceptual Framework

Input Process Output

Journals Unstructured Impacts of

Previous studies interview tardiness to
Articles grade 11 STEM
Blogs students.

Definitions of Terms

Academic achievement

Chronic lateness

when students come to class

late, it can confuse the flowing of a lecture or discussion, distract other students, and
disturb learning teaching
process. Moreover, lateness can become frequent and infect other students.
when students come to class
late, it can confuse the flowing of a lecture or discussion, distract other students, and
disturb learning teaching
process. Moreover, lateness can become frequent and infect other students.
when students come to class
late, it can confuse the flowing of a lecture or discussion, distract other students, and
disturb learning teaching
process. Moreover, lateness can become frequent and infect other students.
when students come to class
late, it can confuse the flowing of a lecture or discussion, distract other students, and
disturb learning teaching
process. Moreover, lateness can become frequent and infect other students.
when students come to class
late, it can confuse the flowing of a lecture or discussion, distract other students, and
disturb learning teaching
process. Moreover, lateness can become frequent and infect other students.
when students come to class
late, it can confuse the flowing of a lecture or discussion, distract other students, and
disturb learning teaching
process. Moreover, lateness can become frequent and infect other students.
Malik, T. A., Ladhani, S, & Bhamani, S. (n.d.). Decreasing student tardiness through

strategic reward system: An action research report. Abhinav National Monthly

Refereed Journal of Research In Arts & Education, 2(2), 19-26. Retrieved 8th

February 2020, from


Moore, J. S. (2010). Best practices employed by Georgia High School administrators to

reduce student tardiness. Retrieved 8th February 2020, from

_jason_ s_201001_edd.pdf

Weade, B. L. (2004, May). School and work tardiness in high school students in rural

Wisconsin. Retrieved 8th February 2020, from

Bataineh, M. (2014). A review of Factors Associated with Student's Lateness Behavior

and Dealing Strategies. Retrieved 8th February 2020, from


St. Pierre, J. (2000). Tabulating the tardies. Techniques: Connecting Education & Careers

Maile, S. and Olowoyo M.M. (2017). The Causes of Late Coming among High School
in Soshanguve, Pretoria, South Africa. Pedagogical Research, 2(2), 04.
Maile, S. and Olowoyo M.M. (2017). The Causes of Late Coming among High School
in Soshanguve, Pretoria, South Africa. Pedagogical Research, 2(2), 04.
Maile, S. and Olowoyo M.M. (2017). The Causes of Late Coming among High School
in Soshanguve, Pretoria, South Africa. Pedagogical Research, 2(2), 04.
Maile, S. and Olowoyo M.M. (2017). The Causes of Late Coming among High School

Students in Soshanguve, Pretoria, South Africa. Pedagogical Research, 2(2), 04.

Weade (2004) reported

that students with better attendance and punctuality have higher grade point averages.
While students with poor
attendance and punctuality have lower grade point averages.
Weade (2004) reported
that students with better attendance and punctuality have higher grade point averages.
While students with poor
attendance and punctuality have lower grade point averages.
Moreover, lateness could affect students performance and lead to low grade
averages. Weade (2004) reported
that students with better attendance and punctuality have higher grade point averages.
While students with poor
attendance and punctuality have lower grade point averages.

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