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UH COE Lesson Plan Template (Direct Instruction)

Note: Suggestions for each section are provided in blue text. Delete all blue text and replace it with your own.
Name of Teacher Candidate Charlotte Rothwell
Lesson Overview
Grade Level 4th
Estimated Time Needed 45 minute Math Period
To start my lesson I will have my students sit down at their desks. I will turn
my powerpoint that displays a two digit by two digit multiplication word
problem on the promethean board. Then I will go over what we are going to
be doing today and our objective. I will then display my word problem again
and ask students what they think this means. I will then display a picture of
an area model and ask my students what they think this is or if they have no
idea. Once I receive students' answers I will then take it a step farther, show
them a multiplication problem and ask them what they think my next steps
are. We will then talk about decomposing the two numbers from my
multiplication problem and go into details on what comes next. I will then
show them where to set up the numbers on the area model and while I am
doing this they will be doing it on their white boards. As we break down each
Lesson Description component step by step I will answer any questions students have and
guide them in the right direction. After completing the halloween problem I
have on the board I will then explain to my students that they are going to
break into groups and work on a worksheet as a group. While they are
doing this I will be walking around guiding students on any questions they
may have. Once I have given students about ten minutes to solve the
problems on the worksheet I will explain that I want each group to just
explain to me their designated problem. We will work through all of these
problems together and students will be checking as we go along as a class.
Once we have completed all 4 problems together I will then pass out an exit
ticket for my students to complete. Once students complete an exit ticket I
will pick it up and address anything that needs to be addressed based on
what I read on their exit tickets.
(4) Number and operations. The student applies mathematical process
standards to develop and use strategies and methods for whole number
computations and decimal sums and differences in order to solve problems
with efficiency and accuracy. The student is expected to:
Content Area Standards (D) use strategies and algorithms, including the standard algorithm,
to multiply a two-digit number by a two-digit number. Strategies may
include mental math, partial products, and the commutative,
associative, and distributive properties;

I will have my PowerPoint displayed on the Promethean board to guide

Technology Standards students on what we are doing for the day and to make the class flow

Objectives Students will be able to distribute and partial products to multiply a two- digit
number by a two-digit number.

UH COE Lesson Plan Template (Direct Instruction)
Area Model- is an alternative to the standard algorithmic method for long
Technology Resources Promethean Board to display my Powerpoint and timer.
● Math Sheet
Other Resources
● Exit ticket
Lesson Procedures
A step-by-step description of the
scope and sequence of lesson
activities, with estimated time on
tasks noted in parentheses for each
step. In other words, completely Describe how each stage of
Cite specifically what
describe the flow of the lesson-the the lesson will be managed,
resources for this activity
content to be presented, and the including role of teacher and
will be used, and describe
This template is built on the strategies to be used. Include actual learners (who is doing what
in detail how they will be
words you will use and questions at each point), location
traditional “Madeline you will ask students. Consider items (e.g., classroom, computer
Hunter” lesson structure. Note who will be using the
such as: parts of the lesson that lab, outside), and any
tool and in what ways. Note
might be difficult, and how you will special considerations, such
any safety considerations
know whether you can go on; how to as for differentiated
ensure that students completely instruction.
understand directions before
releasing them to work
independently; and what students
will do if they finish their work early.
Focus/Anticipatory Set I will display a word problem
(motivational hook) on the white board that says
We all know that halloween is
coming up right? Say all 28
students in Mrs. Heathcocks
homeroom and Mr. Sitkas
homeroom went trick or Students will be at their Teacher will be
treating and each got 35 desks and teachers will standing during the
pieces of candy. How would I be asking students to focus/anticipatory set.
find my answer? I will tell my explain what we Teacher will ask a
students to think about it learned yesterday and few questions and
without saying anything. Once if anyone can wait for the student's
I have given them enough time recognize the area response. Teacher
to think about it I will go over model I drew. will show Powerpoint
her PowerPoint slide stating and call on students
what we are doing today. to share their
Review, Expectations, and answers.
Closure. Once the teacher has
been over our agenda for the
day and objective. I will then
display the word problem
again and ask students how I
would find my answer. After I
hear students answer I will
then say “Did you know that
there is more than one way to
multiply two digits by two
UH COE Lesson Plan Template (Direct Instruction)
digits!?” Can someone remind
me of the way we solved two
digits by two digits yesterday?
I will then ask someone to
raise their hand and tell me
the method that we used
yesterday. Once I receive the
answer from a student I will
explain to them that we are
going to be learning a new
method to multiply two digits
by two digits. I will draw an
area model on the promethean
board and ask students if they
know what this is called or if it
looks familiar. I will then ask a
student to raise their hand and
tell me if they can name it.
Once a student names it or
tells me it looks familiar, I will
then write a two digit by two
digit multiplication problem
and ask them if they think they
know what I am about to do. I
will listen and wait for
Content-input To start I will take the problem Students will be Teacher will be
(Could include content from my focus/ anticipatory set observing the teacher recording everything
outline, presentation, and ask my students to solve the area model the students are
questioning, modeling, decompose the two numbers I problem on the saying onto the
examples) have up here by place value. I promethean board. As promethean board.
Modeling: Should include will write down the responses a class we will solve Teacher will go over
both Tier 1 (examples) and that the student gives me. the problem displayed. one example with the
Tier 2 (think aloud) After they have told me that 28 class.
decomposes into 20 and 8 and
35 into 30 and 5 I will then ask
what they think that has to do
with the area model. We will
then proceed and I will record
the students' answers. I will
demonstrate that when we
decompose the numbers one
number decomposed goes on
the top of the area model and
the other decomposed number
goes on the left side. I will ask
for a thumbs up or raise their
hand if they still have a
question or do not understand.
UH COE Lesson Plan Template (Direct Instruction)
I will ask my students do get
out their white board and draw
what I have on the board.
When we have that written
down I will then ask my
students if they think they
know what I will now do with
the numbers. I will have
students draw an area model
on their white board and and
write down the problem I have
written down. Once I have
waited for students' responses
I will demonstrate how to
multiply the numbers together
on the outside and put them in
the correct box in the area
model and students will follow
along. Once we have worked
through that process I will ask
students to put their thumbs
up or raise their hand if they
still have a question. As a
class I will ask anyone if they
know what comes next and
after students respond I will
explain to them that if we want
to get the final answer we
need to add all the numbers in
our 4 boxes together to get the
product of 28 x 35. Again I will
ask for a thumbs up or raise
their hand if they still have a
question or do not understand.
Guided Practice After I have gotten the thumbs Students will be sitting Students will be using
Include Check for up from everyone that they at their desks and work their worksheet to
Understanding Questions understand the example we on the remaining share their answers
went through as a class I will problems while turning with the class.
explain to them that they are and talking to their
now going to practice as a partner/group directly
group. I will display the groups next to them. Once
on the promethean board and completed we will be
pass out a worksheet that I able to compare and
want my students to complete contrast what each
in a group. I will explain to group answered for the
students that I want them to multiplication problems.
complete their group number
problem first and then work
out the rest. I will remind them
UH COE Lesson Plan Template (Direct Instruction)
if they do not complete it that
is okay and to fill it in as we
work through them. I will then
set a timer for about 10
minutes so they are able to
complete it together and while
they are doing this I will be
walking around checking to
see where students are and
answering any questions they
may have. Once the timer
goes off I will make sure each
group has at least their group
problem done and ask each
group to share their answer. I
will remind them that if
students have not completed I
will ask them to fill it in as we
go through each problem.
Group one will share problem
one, group two will share
problem two, etc. Once we
have worked through these I
will ask students to give me a
thumbs up if they understand
everything or a thumbs down if
they are confused and to ask
me their questions.
To close our lesson I will pass
around a half sheet of paper
and I will ask students to write
down 3 things they learned
today, two things they have
questions about and one thing Teacher will walk
they want me to know. I will around explaining the
have this displayed on the directions of the 3, 2, 1 Students will be
Closure promethean board as well as while students are listening to what the
on the sheet. After I have sitting in their seats teacher says.
explained it and will give the ready to complete the
students a couple of minutes 3, 2, 1.
to write it down. Once the
timer goes off I will collect the
piece of paper, look over it and
answer any questions they
may still have.
Independent Practice
After we finish going over the Students will complete The post assessment/
Include Check for
guided practice students will their post assessment/ independent practice
Understanding Questions
then complete a worksheet independent practice is to assess a
the following day
UH COE Lesson Plan Template (Direct Instruction)

that has 6 multiplication

problems on it and they are to independently at their student's knowledge
solve them using an area desks. over the lesson just
model and doing the taught.
procedure I just taught them.
Plans for Leading a Discussion Following Guided Practice and Independent Practice
Launch Frame
Teacher will start off by saying “We all know that halloween is coming up right?
Say all 28 students in Mrs. Heathcocks homeroom and Mr. Sitkas homeroom
went trick or treating and each got 35 pieces of candy. How would I find my
answer?” I will then ask “how would I find my answer?” and I will tell my
students to think about it without saying anything yet.

Eliciting, Orienting Questions to ask During the Discussion

Plan for Leading a 5-10
● Did anyone know what an area model was before our lesson today?
minute Discussion
● What details best helped you figure out the correct way to solve it?
Following Guided Practice
Conclusion Frame
“Now that we have practiced together as a class and gone over all of the area
model examples, you guys are going to get the chance to try it by yourself.
Everyone did such a great job that now I have some examples for you to
practice by yourself. I am going to pass around a worksheet that you will be
completing on your own and I want you to show all of your work!”
Launch Frame
● So over the last two days we have learned two different ways to multiply
two digits, which way makes the most sense to you and why?
Eliciting Orienting Questions to ask During the Discussion
Plan for Leading a 5-10 ● What is an area model?
minute Discussion ● How can you use this in your everyday life? Can I have an example?
Following Independent Conclusion Frame
Practice “Now guys I am about to pass around a half sheet of paper and I want you guys
to write down 3 things they learned today, two things they have questions about
and one thing they want me to know. Once my timer goes off I will collect the
piece of paper look over it and answer any questions you may still have”.

Plans for Differentiated Instruction/Accommodations

Students will have the correct numbers placed on the outside of the area model
Special Education
so they just have to multiply to get the number inside the area model, add them
up and find the answer.
English Language Students will receive the same worksheet everyone else does, I will just read the
Learners problems out loud to them.
Gifted and Talented This lesson plan is written for a Gifted and Talented class.
The post assessment that I will be using to assess my students is the independent practice. After guided
practice I will give students their independent assignment and they will complete the assessment.
Post Assessment
UH COE Lesson Plan Template (Direct Instruction)

Classroom Management Plan for the Lesson

To bring class back together use an attention getter.
Lesson Resources
● Timer
● Guided Practice
● Exit Ticket
● Independent Practice

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