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1- SCREW UP SOMETHING: A situation in which you do something badly or make a big mistake.
- There's been a screw up with our hotel reservation.
- I was counting on him to do the calculations correctly, but he screwed up.

2- NAIL IT: Expression used to comment on the successful, skillful, or clever completion or
performance of something.
- After years of tireless work, they nailed it.
- She missed it both times - she just could not nail it.

3- TOOL, DICK: One who lacks the mental capacity to know he is being used. A fool. A cretin.
Characterized by low intelligence and/or self-esteem.
- I detest how this artist behaves. He’s such a tool!
- Apologize to your girlfriend. Don’t be a dick!

4- MY BAD: Used for saying that you accept that you are wrong or that something is your fault, as
the consequences aren't terminal.
- You brought the wrong book! - "Okay, my bad. I'll go get it."
- You did not bring the brand of coffee I asked!!! - "Oops, my bad."

5- KUDOS: praise, admiration, and fame received for an achievement.

- Kudos to everyone who put the event together. It was a complete success.
- Women’s organizations have been getting kudos for their service activities.

6- CHEESY: Of bad quality or in bad taste.

- She gave a cheesy grin to the cameras.
- The tourist shops had nothing but cheesy souvenirs.
- Don’t wear that shirt. It looks cheesy!

7- BINGE: A short period of excessive consumption, especially eating, drinking, or spending

- His binge drinking usually led to him being jailed or hospitalized.
- I lock my pantry to help me overcome binge eating.

8- TWENT-FOUR SEVEN: All the time.

- We're open for business 24/7.
- I think of you 24/7.

9- IT’S NOT ROCKET SCIENCE (IT’S NOT ROCKET SURGERY): Used to say that something is
easy to do or to understand. (It’s a walk in the park).
- My coach always said, "Basketball is not rocket science. It's about putting the ball in the basket."
-I can't believe you don't understand this. It's not rocket surgery!

10- HOLD YOUR HORSES: Used to ask someone to be patient.

- Just hold your horses! Let's think about this for a moment.
- Hold your horses, kids! The show will be starting in five minutes.

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