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Her Imperial Majesty, In Absolute

U'rika Michelline Ramseur-Empress Ninti El Bey

Public Notice & Declaration
Empress’ (6) Royal High Courts – Court of Corrections

We the Aborigine are part and parcel of the land. We the Aborigine Moors are not at sea.
This Royal Decree/ Imperium Mandate is the order of the Royal High Court. The High Court of the Land –
America. The Executive, Judicial and Legislative Branches are at Empress Ninti El Bey and the High
Court’s command. Empress’ Imperial High Courts represent the land. Empress' Six Royal Courts
Jurisdiction is the highest seat upon the land next to the Aborigine Throne. The usurpations, unlawful
inquisitions and removal of Indigenous Tribes through the Indian Removal Act passed by U.S. Congress in
year 1830 and followed by the initiation of the Torrens title system, enacted in year 1897 in
America shall be hereby corrected. Torrens mapping & title system re-situated taken tribal lands
depicting the map upside down and backwards displaying the newly created corporate United States
territories and state territories. Usurpations created by Andrew Jackson, Torrens mapping & Title
systems are hereby corrected. Removal of Indigenous Tribes from their ancestral land shall be corrected
by and through Empress’ (6) Six Royal High Courts. Including Court of Corrections and Imperial Court for
Freeholders and Magistrates. The proper hierarchy has been restored in America. America has a
resurrected hierarchy and Empire. America is no longer under the British “Queens” occupation. Clearly
by these words not abandoned by the Aborigine Inhabitants of the land. Decolonization is in full effect;
all States were ordered to decolonize in year 1960 and respect Aboriginals rights to rule again, self-
identify and self-govern, again this universal law was solidified in year 2006 by the International Court of
Justice ordering the former “Queen” Elizabeth Windsor to restore all inherent birthrights back to the
Aborigine’s of North America. Empress Ninti El Bey has been Proclaimed Empress of America | Empress
of North Carolina and Mecklenburg’s Countess since year 2007. Mecklenburg County is reservation
territory, owned and operated by Trail of Tears Tribal Trust/ Tsalagi Government. Therefore, all
corporate governing bodies operating upon the land shall adhere to the hierarchical leadership
reestablished upon the land. Tsalagi Dynasty’s Tribal/ Imperial Government
and Law Enforcement. You have been given notice of the resurrected Empire and Authorities of the
Tribal-Imperial Government. Empress’ (6) Royal Courts shall adjudge individuals pursuant to divine laws
of ma’at, universal natural law and contract law ( Aborigine Moors Charter). You have been noticed of
the new law upon the land/ Aborigine Moors Charter. You have been given opportunities to cure. You
have been given the mercy of a choice ( Leave, comply or die ). There is no corporate rulership that
exists upon the land. It is the High Court’s mission, purpose and mandate to bring balance back to the
land through natural, ancient and divine law principals. There shall be no usurpation of powers and
authorities by lower Courts, United States Corporation/ Trust or its representatives. Individuals holding
office in the District of Columbia and States are only given the authorities and powers that the
beneficiary grants. There shall be no usurpation of powers and authorities by Congress, Senate,
Corporate States or its Trusts. Allegiance to foreign entities and their Countries shall not be tolerated.
The term United States and the term ‘America’ are by virtue separate and distinct. There is no entity on
this land of America that shall speak or act on behalf of We the Aborigine and America itself. The
distinction has already been made known to the world. So, shall it be


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