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The Beginning: A friend of Mr. Darto got cancer and he/she did not want chemotherapy but
took probiotics.

Probiotics are good bacteria, bad bacteria and neutral bacteria

Types of Probiotics: Bacillus, Nitrobacter, sporongeus, coli, viruses.

Prebiotics are probiotic foods.

By eating different types of food, we will balance the probiotics in our bodies.

Foods that contain preservatives can impair the processing of nutrients from food.

Probiotics are everywhere: Water, air, soil, skin surface, inside the body.

The way that the probiotics in our body will be not misplaced is we should equipped
ourselves with the complete microbiome.

If someone got too much positive probiotics can cause autoimmune disease

Helico Bacter: Lots in flour, the bacteria that cause ulcers.

How to find out how balanced bacteria are: Look at the state of the body: if it is sick then
there is an imbalance of probiotics.

The imbalance of probiotics in the body must be from the doctor / lab results. (Cratinin
(kidney), leukocytes .

Bio Imun: is believed to be able to prevent the impact of exposure to corona

Don't frequent use bio toxi because it's a negative probiotic

If we got too much positive probiotic, we should input the negative probiotic.

Bio kids could be smeared on the baby's lips, 3 months old one drop, 1 year old 2 drops, 3
years old 3 drops, 5 years old 5 drops. Dropped under the tongue.

Sunnah of the Prophet that is scientifically proven:

- Tahniq baby with honey

- Dipping flies to drown

- Chew dates and feed them to babies

- Food that has fallen, then just clean it and can be eaten.

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