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A Collection of Old Questions

For M.Sc. First Semester


Questions of Internal, Final and Practical Examinations of

2070/71/72/73/74 and Annual Systems

Also with questions of Amrit Science Campus and model questions

Subash Nyaupane


Special assistance

Sabana Perveen
Tribhuvan University

Institute of Science and Technology


Master level/first year/first semester/science FM: 45

Botany (Bot 505) PM: 22.5

Diversity and Evolution of Vascular Plant- I: Pteridophytes and Gymnosperms Time: 2 hours

Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable. The
figures in the margin indicate full marks.

Attempt all questions.

Section a Pteridoiphytes

1. Describe the reproduction organ of Sphenophyllales. 5

2. Describe the soral evolution in Pteridophytes . 5


How are pteridophytes similar to and different from bryophytes?

3. How are Zosterophylls related to Lycopsids? 5


Write the distinguishing characters and distribution of tree ferns in Nepal. 2.5
4. Define resilience and list the factors that are responsible for resilience of Pteridophytes
towards disturbance. 2.5
5. Write a short note on edible Pteridophytes of Nepal. 2.5
6. Explain briefly the biological significance of heterospory. 2.5
7. Explain briefly the classification of pteridophytes proposed by smith. 2.5

Section B Gymnosperms

8. Describe the reproductive organ of Cycadeoidea and compare it with an angiospermic

flower 5
9. Describe the characteristic features and distribution of coniferales in Nepal 5


Describe briefly the characteristic features of Cordaitales with their affinities

10. Write in brief the angiospermic features of Gnetum. 2.5

11. Brief write the morphological features of Ginkgo biloba. 2.5
12. Explain briefly reproduction of Welwitschia. 2.5
13. Give a brief account of the conservation status of gymnosperms found in Nepal. 2.5
14. Write distinguishing characters and distribution of Taxus in Nepal. 2.5


Explain briefly the classification of Gymnosperms.

Tribhuvan University

Institute of Science and Technology


Master level/first year/first semester/science FM 30

Botany (Bot 507) PM 15

Diversity and evolution of Vascular plants II -Angiosperms Time:2 hours

Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable. The
figures in the margin indicate full marks.

Attempt all questions

1. When did angiosperms evolve? Discuss the origin and diversification of angiosperms.5


Compare stabilizing, directional and disruptive selection. Point out the evolutionary

2. Why is variation important in evolution? Discuss the ecological patterns of variation in

plant population 5
3. Discuss the evolutionary trend in angiosperm flowers. 5
4. How do population ecotype evolve? 2.5


Discuss with suitable example the coevolution of angiosperms and pollinators.

5. What do you know about the post zygotic mechanism of reproductive isolation? 2.5
6. Discuss the structural peculiarities of angiosperms. 2.5
7. Briefly describe the artificial and natural system of classification of angiosperms. 2.5
8. What do you understand by cradle of angiosperms? 2.5
9. What is gene flow? Briefly discuss its significance. 2.5


What do you understand by phenotypic variation?

Tribhuvan University

Institute of Science and Technology

Master level/First Year/first semester/Science FM 45

Botany (Bot 503) PM 22.5

Diversity and evolution of Non vascular plants- Algae and Bryophytes Time: 2 hours

Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable. The
figures in the margin indicate full marks.

Attempt all questions

Section A- Algae

1. Describe the different modes of reproduction in Chlorophyceae. 5

2. Briefly describe the range of thallus among algae with suitable examples and diagrams.


Give a short account of distribution and present status of algae in Nepal.

3. What is algal bloom? Explain with suitable examples. 2.5


Describe the phylogenetic relationship among algae.

4. Describe the recent classification of algae. 2.5

5. Differentiate between mitospores and meiospores. 2.5
6. Explain in briefly the structure and types of flagella in algae with suitable examples.2.5
7. Describe the use of algae as a bio indicator. 2.5

Section B- Bryophytes

8. What is peristomes? Describe the different types of peristome in mosses with suitable
examples and diagrams. 5
9. Explain briefly the salient features of order anthocerotales. 5

Describe the thallus structure in the order metzgeriales.

10. Give a brief outline on classification of bryophytes with their major characters.


What are the commercial and local use of bryophytes?

11. Write short note on evolution of sporophytes in bryophytes. 2.5

12. Differentiate between scales and rhizoids with suitable diagrams and examples. 2.5
13. Describe the conducting strands in bryophytes. 2.5
14. Explain the mechanism of dehiscence of capsule and dispersal of spores in marcantiales.

Tribhuvan University

Institute of Science and Technology


Master Level/First year/First Semester/Science FM 45

Botany (Bot 501) PM 22.5

Diversity and evolution of fungi bacteria virus and lichens (New course) Time: 2 hours

Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable. The
figures in the margin indicate full marks.

Attempt all questions

1. Give the classification of fungi proposed by Alexopolus and Mims 1979 with major
characteristic features. 10

Describe the types of reproduction in Fungi

2. Describe the reproductive diversity in Chytridiomycetes. 5

3. Explain distribution patterns and diversity of mushrooms in Nepal. 5
4. Describe the primary and secondary zoospore 2.5


Describe different factors affecting fungal growth and development.

5. Describe the white rust disease with its symptoms and methods of control. 2.5
6. Give an account of ultra-structure of virus particle. 2.5


Explain in brief about the lytic type of life cycle in bacteriophage.

7. Write short notes on different types of lichen thallus. 2.5

8. Briefly write an account of origin and phylogeny of fungi. 2.5
9. What are the basic requirements of bacterial growth?
10. Explain methods of virus isolation and detection. 2.5
11. What do you mean by parasexual life cycle in fungi? 2.5


Describe the types and significance of secondary metabolites in Fungi.

12. Differentiate between vesicular arbuscular mycorrhizae and ectomycorrhizae. 2.5

13. Lichens can be described as pollution indicators justify the statement. 2.5

Tribhuvan University

Institute of Science and Technology

Master level/first year/first semester/science FM 30

Botany (Bot 511) PM 15

Fungi bacteria virus and Lichens Time 2 hours

Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable. The
figures in the margin indicate full marks.

Attempt all questions

1. Describe the process of ascospores formation in ascomycetes with suitable diagrams.

2. Describe the mode of sexual reproduction in fungi. 5
3. Describe the different development stages of basidiocarp with labeled diagram. 5


Describe the life cycle of saprolegina.

4. Explain briefly about the parasexual cycle. 2.5

5. Distinguish between smut and rust 2.5
6. Describe the economic importance of mushrooms. 2.5
7. Write an account of the diseases caused by Phytophthora. How would you control the
spread of such disease? 2.5
8. Distinguish between primary and secondary zoospores. 2.5


Describe the mode of nutrition in bacteria.

9. Describe the various methods of transmission of virus. 2.5


Describe the ecological significance of lichens.

Tribhuvan University

Institute of Science and Technology


Master level/first year/first semester/science FM 30

Botany (Bot 513) PM 15

Algae Time 2 hours

Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable. The
figures in the margin indicate full marks.

Attempt all questions.

1. Define alternation of generation. Describe its type among phaeophyceae with suitable
diagram. 5
2. Describe the origin and evolutionary relationship of algae. 5
3. Describe the range of thallus organization in cyanophyceae with diagram. 5


Give features and outline of any one recent systems of classification of algae.

4. Differentiate between trichome and filament. Which organism shows these characters?
5. Discuss the role of algae in climate change. 2.5
6. Write short notes on algal exploration in Nepal. 2.5
7. What is flagellum? Describe its distribution among algae. 2.5
8. What are the significance of mass cultivation of algae? Explain with examples. 2.5


What are the significance of bacillariophyceae?

9. What is heterocyst? Explain with its importance. 2.5


Explain asexual reproduction in chlorphyceae.

Tribhuvan University

Institute of Science and Technology


Master level/first year/first semester/science FM 30

Botany (Bot 515) PM 15

Bryophytes Time 2 hours

Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable. The
figures in the margin indicate full marks.

Attempt all questions.

1. Describe the distinguishing features of bryophytes? In what respect do they differ from
algae and pteridophytes? 5
2. Describe the various methods of vegetative reproduction in liverworts. 5
3. Describe distribution of bryophytes with reference to Nepal. 5


Give an account of structural peculiarities in sphaerocarpales.

4. How fertilization takes place in bryophytes? 2.5

5. Sphagnum is a connecting link between liverworts and mosses. Discuss. 2.5
6. Describe in brief the conducting strand in bryophytes. 2.5
7. Different between succubous and incubous arrangement of leaves. 2.5
8. Explain briefly the classification of mosses. 2.5


Outline the abilities of bryophytes that have led plant physiologists to use them as model
systems for the study of desiccation tolerance.

9. Differentiate between elaters and pseudoelaters. 2.5


Write note on development of protonema in Funaria.

Tribhuvan University

Institute of Science and Technology


Master level/first year/first semester/science FM 30

Botany (Bot 517) PM 15

Pteridophytes Time 2 hours

Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable. The
figures in the margin indicate full marks.

Attempt all questions.

1. Describe the structure of leaf of Salvinia and compare it with that of Marselia. 5
2. Describe the external morphology and sporophyte of Osmunda. 5
3. Give general character of Marattiales with suitable examples. What is the common
feature with Ophioglossales? 5
Give a generalized account of origin and evolution of Pteridophytes.
4. Give a concise account of the morphological characters of Lepidodendron. 2.5
5. Describe the characteristic features of Dryopteris. 2.5
6. Describe briefly the anatomy of rhizome in Ophioglossum. 2.5
7. Give a concise account of morphological features of sporophyte of Phylloglossum.2.5
8. Describe briefly the morphological features of Isoetes. 2.5
Describe briefly the variations met with in internal structure of stem in Lycopodium.
9. How do different factors determine the sexuality of gametophytes in pteridophytes
describe in brief. 2.5
Which features of pteridophytes make them ideal colonizers of the disturbed habitat?

Tribhuvan University

Institute of Science and Technology


Master level/first year/first semester/science FM 30

Botany (Bot 519) PM 15

Gymnosperms and Palaeobotany Time 2 hours

Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable. The
figures in the margin indicate full marks.

Attempt all questions.

1. Describe the characteristics of Cordaitales. Discuss its affinity. 5

2. Give an account of Ginkgoales and discuss its affinity. 5
3. Give an account on pollination mechanism of coniferales. 5


Describe the characteristics of Gnetales and compare it with an angiospermic plant.

4. Write in brief the medullosa plant. 2.5
5. Write in short the megasopophylls of Cycas. 2.5
6. Explain briefly the economic importance of conifers. 2.5
7. Explain in briefly cycadeoidea flower resembles with angiosperm flower. 2.5
8. Write note on applied aspect of paleobotany. 2.5


Write in short the morphological features of Ephedra.

9. Explain briefly the classification of gymnosperms. 2.5


Write distribution of Taxus species in Nepal.

Tribhuvan University

Institute of Science and Technology

Central Department of Botany


Master level/first year/first semester/science/first internal FM 20

Botany (Bot 517) PM 10

Pteridophytes Time 2 hours

Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable. The
figures in the margin indicate full marks.

Attempt all questions.

1. Give a brief account of the morphological features of Rhyniophytes. Discuss on the shoot
anatomy of Rhynia with a suitable diagram. 5
Discuss on the morphological and anatomical characters of Psilophytes.
2. Describe the development of sporangium in Tmesipteris. 2.5
3. Briefly discuss the diversity and distribution of Pteridophytes in Nepal. 2.5
Which features of Pteridophytes make them ideal colonizers of the disturbed habitat?
4. Write a short note on range of stellar structures found in Lycopodium. 2.5
5. Give an illustrative account of the vegetative structure of Psilotum. 2.5
6. Attendance 5

Tribhuvan University

Institute of Science and Technology

Central Department of Botany


Master level/first year/first semester/science/first internal FM 20

Botany (Bot 511) PM 10

Bacteria virus Lichen and Fungi Time 1.30 hours

Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable. The
figures in the margin indicate full marks.

Attempt all questions.

1. Explain the recent classification (Aloxopolous and Mims, 1979) of fungi with characters.

What is basidium? Explain about holobasidium and fragmobasisium.

2. Describe the mode of nutrition in Fungi. 2.5
3. What is clamp connection? Explain the process of clamp connection. 2.5


Explain the distinguishing feature of polyopraceae.

4. Briefly explain the flagellation in Fungi. 2.5

5. Write the differences between rust and smut. 2.5

Class attendance 5

Tribhuvan University

Institute of Science and Technology

Central Department of Botany


Master level/first year/first semester/science/first internal FM 20

Botany (Bot 515) PM 10

Bryophytes Time 1.30 hours

Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable. The
figures in the margin indicate full marks.

Attempt all questions.

1. Describe the distinguishing features of Bryophytes. In what respect do they differ from
algae and the Pteridophytes? 5


Give a brief account of conservation status of bryophytes.

2. Write short notes on different types of Gemmae in Marchantiales. 2.5

3. Describe the internal structure of dorsal surface of Riccia thallus. 2.5
4. Describe the sporophyte of Sphagnum. 2.5
5. Discuss peristome teeth and its mechanism in dispersal of spores in Funaria. 2.5


How does fertilization take place in bryophytes?

Class attendance 5

Tribhuvan University

Institute of Science and Technology

Central Department of Botany


Master level/first year/first semester/science/second internal FM 20

Botany (Bot 515) PM 10

Bryophytes Time 1.30 hours

Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable. The
figures in the margin indicate full marks.

Attempt all questions.

1. Write short notes on Evolution of sporophytes in Bryophytes. 5


Describe the general characteristics of Jungermanniales. How does it differ from


2. Describe the capsule of Polytrichum. 2.5

3. What is peristome? Describe different types of peristomes in Mosses. 2.5
4. Discuss the systematic position of Takakia. 2.5
5. Describe in brief the affinities between sphaerocarpales and Marchantiales. 2.5


Discuss the role of protonema in Funaria.

Class attendance 5

Tribhuvan University

Institute of Science and Technology

Central Department of Botany


Master level/first year/first semester/science/second internal FM 20

Botany (Bot 511) PM 10

Fungi bacteria virus lichen Time 1.30 hours

Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable. The
figures in the margin indicate full marks.

Attempt all questions.

1. Describe the different types of sporangiospores in the member of Zygomycetes with

suitable diagrams. 5


What is fungi imperfecti? Explain parasexual cycle.

2. Describe the Acervulus type of fructification. 2.5

3. Describe the reproductive cycle of bacteriophase. 2.5
4. Give an illustrated account of the development of sex organ of Phytophthora and
describe the process of sexual reproduction. 2.5
5. Explain characteristics feature of Melanconiaceae. 2.5

Describe the white rust disease with its symptoms and methods of control

Class attendance 5

Tribhuvan University

Institute of Science and Technology

Central Department of Botany


Master level/first year/first semester/science/second internal FM 20

Botany (Bot 519) PM 10

Gymnosperms and Palaeobotany Time 1.30 hours

Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable. The
figures in the margin indicate full marks.

Attempt all questions.

1. Describe the characteristics of taxales and discuss its affinities. 5


Give a brief account of the origin of stellar system in gymnosperm

2. Explain briefly the economic importance of conifers . 2.5

3. Explain briefly flowers of Weleitschia. 2.5
4. Write in brief the angiospermic features of Gnetum. 2.5
5. Write about anatomical features of Medullosa stem. 2.5


Describe briefly the characteristics features of Pteridospermales.

Class attendance 5
Tribhuvan University

Institute of Science and Technology

Central Department of Botany


Master level/first year/first semester/science/second internal FM 20

Botany (Bot 517) PM 10

Pteridophytes Time 1.30 hours

Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable. The
figures in the margin indicate full marks.

Attempt all questions.

1. Describe the stellar variation among Selaginella stem. Explain the theories for the
development of leaves in Pteridophytes 5
Describe the trend of classification in Pteridophytes
2. Describe sexual reproduction found in Azollaceae. 2.5
3. Discuss on the morphology and anatomy of Equisetum. 2.5
4. Compare the structural variations in sporangia of different genera of Marattiales. 2.5
5. Illustrate the anatomical structure of petiole of representative member of osmundales
Discuss the different types of sori found in fern in reference to evolution
6. Class attendance 5

Tribhuvan University

Institute of Science and Technology

Central Department of Botany

Master level/first year/first semester/science/second internal FM 20

Botany (Bot 513) PM 10

Algae Time 1.30 hours

Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable. The
figures in the margin indicate full marks.

Attempt all questions.

1. Discuss and differentiate among life cycles existed with Phaeophyceae. 5


What is algal bloom? Discuss the factors affecting algal bloom and summarize the effects of
harmful algal bloom.

2. Describe with figure about “Tetra-sporophyte” 2.5

3. Write short essay on climate change relation to algal diversity and distribution. 2.5
4. Outline the range of thallus existed among the members of Cyanophyceae. 2.5
5. Describe method of reproduction in Bacillariophyceae. 2.5
Discuss physical factors required for algal mass culture.
6. Class attendance 5

Tribhuvan University

Institute of Science and Technology

Central Department of Botany

Master level/first year/first semester/science/Practical FM 25

Botany (Bot 512) PM 12.5

Bacteria Fungi Virus and Lichen Time 3 hours

Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable. The
figures in the margin indicate full marks.

Attempt all questions.

1. Make a suitable preparation and identify the give material A and B and write comments
with labeled diagram. 7
2. Identify the given material and write the comments. 3
3. Spotting. 5
4. Viva-voce. 5
5. Class record. 5

Tribhuvan University

Institute of Science and Technology

Central Department of Botany


Master level/first year/first semester/science/Practical FM 25

Botany (Bot 513) PM 12.5

Algae Time 3 hours

Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable. The
figures in the margin indicate full marks.

Attempt all questions.

1. Isolate any four algae from the given sample. Draw well labelled diagram and comment
upon it 4+2+1.5
2. Spotting 7.5
3. Viva voce 5
4. Practical record 5

Tribhuvan University

Institute of Science and Technology

Central Department of Botany


Master level/first year/first semester/science/First Internal FM 20

Botany (Bot 513 S) PM 10

Algae Time 2 hours

Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable. The
figures in the margin indicate full marks.

Attempt all questions.

1. Give an account of range of thallus in algae. 5

2. Give general outline of one of the recent system of algal classification. 5
What are the factors that influence algal bloom? Name the algae responsible for harmful
algal blooms.
3. What is heterocyst? Write its function. 2.5
4. Define phycoremediation. 2.5
Name common algal species used as bio indicator.
5. What do you mean by heterotrichous filament? give two suitable examples with diagram
6. Differentiate whiplash and tinsel types of flagella. 2.5
How does isogamous types of reproduction differ from anisogamous?
Tribhuvan University

Institute of Science and Technology


Master level/first year/first semester/science FM 30

Botany (Bot 513) PM 15

Algae Time 2 hours

Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable. The
figures in the margin indicate full marks.

Attempt all questions.

1. Describe different reproductive methods occurring in algae. 5

2. Describe the range of thallus found in algae with suitable diagrams . 5
What is phyco-remediation and highlight its significance
3. Classify algae with salient features of major classes. 5
4. Describe different functions of heterocyst how does it differ with vegetative cell. 2.5
5. Differentiate between Chara and Nitella. 2.5
6. Describe reserve food materials and pigment materials found in algae. 2.5
7. Describe the role of diatoms in Forensic science. 2.5
8. Which algae forms neutral spore and how does it form? 2.5
Describe the molecular phylogenetic relations among algae.
9. Describe salient features of Batrachospermum. 2.5
Describe the role of pyrenoid among algae and differentiate their structures according to
Chlorophycean species.
Tribhuvan University

Institute of Science and Technology

Central Department of Botany


Master level/first year/first semester/First internal FM 20

Botany (Bot 513) PM 10

Algae Time 2 hours

Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable. The
figures in the margin indicate full marks.

Attempt all questions.

1. Outline different classification systems of algae with their major characters. 5

2. Describe the range of thallus among Chlorophyceae with suitable example and diagram.
3. Write the function of filaments among algae and discuss their distributions. 2.5
What is plastid? Describe its distribution among algae.
4. Describe major phycological taxonomic characters deployed by phycoilogists. 2.5
Describe the food value of Spirulina.
5. What are diatoms? Describe their uses in nanotechnology. 2.5

6. Describe different types of storage food materials among algae 2.5

Tribhuvan University

Institute of Science and Technology

Dean’s Office


Master level/first year/first semester FM 30

Botany (Bot 513) PM 15

Algae Time 2 hours

Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable. The
figures in the margin indicate full marks.

Attempt all questions.

1. Why algae are used as bio indicator and monitoring water quality explain with examples
2. Describe the sexual life cycle in Phaeophyceae. 5
3. What is algal bloom what factors affecting the algal bloom 5
What is heterotrichous form of algal thallus? What is its evolutionary significance?
4. Write the economic uses of diatoms 2.5
5. Describe the chantransia stage. 2.5
6. Write notes on algal biodiesel. 2.5
7. Describe the distribution of flagella among algae. 2.5
8. Describe the role of algae in climate change. 2.5
Describe the range of thallus in chlorophyceae.
9. Differentiate between trichome and filament 2.5
What is mass cultivation? What are requirements of mass cultivation of Spirulina?

Tribhuvan University

Institute of Science and Technology


Master level/first year/first semester/science FM 30

Botany (Bot 515) PM 15

Bryophytes Time 2 hours

Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable. The
figures in the margin indicate full marks.

Attempt all questions.

1. Describe the distinguishing features of bryophytes. In what respect do they differ from
algae and Pteridophytes? 5
2. Describe the external features and anatomy of the gametophytes of marchantiales. 5
3. Give a brief account of origin of bryophytes. 5
Discuss the progressive sterilization of sporogenous tissues in bryophytes.
4. Differentiate between the archegonium of Porella and Anthoceros. 2.5
5. Write short notes on moss protonema . 2.5
6. Describe in brief the conducting strand in bryophytes. 2.5
7. What is peristome? How does Nematodontous type of peristome differ from
Orthodontous type? 2.5
8. Differentiate between Acrogynous and Anacrogynous liverworts. 2.5
Write short notes on oil bodies in liverworts.
9. Write short notes on Pseudopodium. 2.5
Give a brief account of classification of hornworts.
Tribhuvan University

Institute of Science and Technology


Master level/first year/first semester/science FM 30

Botany (Bot 515) PM 15

Bryophytes Time 2 hours

Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable. The
figures in the margin indicate full marks.

Attempt all questions.

1. Give an account of classification of marchantiales. 5

2. Describe the general characteristics of Jungermanniales how does it differ from
Metzeriales. 5
3. Give an account of present status and conservation of bryophytes with reference to Nepal
Discuss the progressive sterilization of sporogenous tissue in bryophytes.
4. How do human activities impact bryophytes? 2.5
5. Discuss the systematic position of Takakia. 2.5
6. Describe in brief the affinities between Sphaerocarpales and Marchantiales. 2.5
7. Differentiate between Elaters and Pseudioelaters. 2.5
8. What is peristome? How Nematodontous type of peristome is different from
Orthodontous type? 2.5
Distinguish between hydrome and leptome.
9. Differentiate between the archegonium of Porella and Anthoceros. 2.5
Write short note on Oil bodies in Liverworts.
Tribhuvan University

Institute of Science and Technology


Master level/first year/first semester/science FM 30

Botany (Bot 517) PM 15

Pteridophytes Time 2 hours

Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable. The
figures in the margin indicate full marks.

Attempt all questions.

1. Describe the soral organization and evolution in ferns. 5

2. Give a generalized account of origin and evolution of Pteridophytes. 5
3. Describe the structure of leaf of Salvinia and compare it with that of Marsilea. 5
Describe the vegetative and sporophyte of Psilotum and differentiate it from Tmesipteris.
4. What is the main character which shows that Osmunda shows resemblance with
leptosporangiate ferns? 2.5
5. Give an account of sporocarp of Marsilea. 2.5
6. Describe briefly the anatomy of rhizome in Ophiglossum. 2.5
7. What are the characteristics of the sporangium of Isoetes? 2.5
8. Comment upon the statement “Selaginella is heterosporous Plant”. 2.5
Give a brief account of stellar variation in the stem of Lycopodium.
9. How are the most primitive land plants related to other pteridophytes? Give a concise
account of their affinities with other groups of pteridophytes. 2.5
Psilotales are morphologically similar to psilophytales but recent phylogenetic
classification systems keep them in Pteropsida along with ferns. What are the common
features they share among themselves?
Tribhuvan University

Institute of Science and Technology

Dean’s Office


Master level/first year/first semester/science FM 30

Botany (Bot 517) PM 15

Pteridophytes Time 2 hours

Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable. The
figures in the margin indicate full marks.

Attempt all questions.

1. What are the general bases for the classification of pteridophytes? Give an outline
classification of pteridophytes (any one) and also give characteristics of different taxa up
to classes (divisions). 5
2. Give a detailed account of reproduction in Selaginella. 5
3. Give general characters of Marattiales? How do they act as connecting link between
eusporangiate and leptosporangiate ferns? 5
Give an account of external and internal structures of vegetative structures in Marselia
4. Why Rhyniales are considered the most primitive land plants? 2.5
5. Give general characters of Psiloates. How would you justify their placement in
pteropsida? 2.5
6. Heterospory is a first step towards the development of seed habit. Justify the statement.
7. Give a concise account of soral structures found in ferns. 2.5
8. What are the main reasons for the resilience of pteridophyte communities to human
disturbance? 2.5
Give a brief account of distribution of Pteridophytes in Nepal.
9. Which factors affect the expression of sexuality in fern gametophytes and how? 2.5
Give a concise account of gametophytes in Lycopodium.

Tribhuvan University

Institute of Science and Technology

Central Department of Botany


Master level/first year/first semester/science/Practical FM 25

Botany (Bot 508) PM 12.5

Diversity and Evolution of Vascular Plants- II Time 3 hours

Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable. The
figures in the margin indicate full marks.

Attempt all questions.

1. Based on morphological/anatomical studies describe the primitive or advanced

evolutionary characteristics of the given plant species. 10
2. Identify/ comment upon the spots. 3
3. Class records and attendance. 7
4. Viva voce. 5

Tribhuvan University

Institute of Science and Technology

Central Department of Botany


Master level/first year/first semester/science/Practical FM 25

Botany (Bot 504) PM 12.5

Diversity and evolution of Non vascular plants algae and bryophytes Time 3 hours

Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable. The
figures in the margin indicate full marks.

Attempt all questions.

1. Identify any five algal species from the given mixture with distinguishing characters. 6
2. Prepare temporary slide of a given plant matrerials and identify with distinguishing
characters. 6
3. Comment upon the given spots 1-3. 3
4. Viva voce. 5
5. Class record and attendance. 5

Tribhuvan University

Institute of Science and Technology

Central Department of Botany


Master level/first year/first semester/science/Practical FM 25

Botany (Bot 501) PM 12.5

Diversity and evolution of fungi bacteria and lichen Time 3 hours

Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable. The
figures in the margin indicate full marks.

Attempt all questions.

1. Make the suitable preparation of temporary mount of the given material A and B Identify
and comment upon with illustrations. 5+5
2. Comment upon and identify the spots. 5
3. Viva voce. 5
4. Class record. 5

Tribhuvan University

Institute of Science and Technology

Central Department of Botany


Master level/first year/first semester/science/Practical FM 25

Botany (Bot 506) PM 12.5

Diversity and Evolution of Vascular plants-I Pteridophytes and Gymnosperms Time 3 h

Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable. The
figures in the margin indicate full marks.

Attempt all questions.

1. Make temporary slide of the given material A# and identify with distinguishing features.
2. Make temporary slide of given materials B# and identify with distinguishing features.
3. Identify and comment upon the spots 1-3. 3
4. Viva voce. 5
5. Class record and attendance. 5

Tribhuvan University

Institute of Science and Technology

Central Department of Botany


Master level/first year/first semester/science/first internal FM 15

Botany (Bot 506) PM 7.5

Diversity and Evolution of Vascular plants-I Pteridophytes and Gymnosperms Time 45


Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable. The
figures in the margin indicate full marks.

Attempt all questions.

Section A Pteridophytes

1. How are pteridophytes similar to and different from Bryophytes

2. How are zosterophylls related to lycopsids
3. Or
4. Define resilience list the factors that are responsible for resilience of pteridophytes
towards disturbance
5. Section B Gymnosperms
6. Describe the flower of Cycadeoidea and compare it with an angiospermic flower
7. Or
8. Give a brief account on the origin of stellar systems in gymnosperm
9. Write in short about the megasopophylls of cycads

First internal Examination 2074 First semester Diversity and Evolution of Fungi Bacteria
virus and lichens Bot 501 FM 15 PM 7.5 Time 45 min

Describe briefly the reproduction in Fungi 5


Describe the system of classification given by Alexopoulos and Mims

Describe the flagellation in fungi 2.5

Role of fungi in crop production 2.5

Expain about the process of clamp connection 2.5

Describe shortly phylogeny of fungi


How soil biodiversity deliver service functions

First Internal 2074 Diversity and Evolution of non vascular plants Bot 503 FM 15 PM 7.5
Time 45 min

Section a Algae

Describe the thallus among algae with diagram 5


Give an account of algae classification proposed by smith

Discuss the endosymbiotic method of origin of plastids 2.5

Section B Bryophytes

Expain briefly the salient features of class Hepaticopsia 5

Give a briefr account of the economic importance of the family Sphagnaceae 2.5


Differentiate between acrogynous and anacrogynous liverworts

First internal Assessment 2074 Diversity and evolution of Vascular plant II Angiosperms
Bot 507 FM 10 PM 5 Time 45 min
Why are angiosperms the most successful; group of plants expain with suitable examples


Discuss the primitive and advanced features shown by angiosperms

Briefly discuss the leaf character in the evolutionary trend in flowering plants 2.5

List any five plant name resources available for the world flora 2.5


Expain the types of stomata with example and mention the most primitive type

Bot 517 Pteridophytes First internal FM 30 PM 15 Time 2 hrs 2073

Amrit science Campus

Give general characters of Euisetales 5

Give a generalized account of classification of pteridophytes of Smith et al 2006 5


Draw a neat and labelled diagram of Equisetum stem

Give a general account of evolution of sori in ferns 5

Zoosterophylls serve as connecting link between early land plants and lycophytes expain 2.5

Heterospory and seed habit are the most significant developments in the evolution of land plants
justify 2.5

Give a concise account of distribution of pteridoiphytes in Nepal 2.5


How did the most primitive land plants look like describe with reference to the morphology of
Give a brief account of the morphology of the spore bearing structures in ophioglossales 2.5


Give your reasons for keeping psilotales in monilophyta together with ferns

Draw a neat and labelled diagram of TS of sporangium of Psilotum 2.5

Write the morphological features of Trimerophyton 2.5

Amrit Campus, First internal 2073 Bot 513 Algae FM 30 PM 15 Time 2 hrs

Describe the thallus range among algae with suitable diagram 5

What are the major differences of Pascher and Papenfus classification and give brief oputline of
both classification 5

Write down the classification of algae based on smith 1955 5


Discuss the diversity of reproduction found among algae

Write an essay on Endosymbiosis 2.5

Describe the structure of algal plastids 2.5

Describe the different mode of vegetative reproduction found in algae 2.5

Differebntiate between acrandrous and nanandrous form of oedogonium 2.5

Differentiate with diagram between Nitella and chara with their sex organs 2.5


Write short notes on Pyrenoid

Describe the similarities of Archea with Bacteria and Eukaryota 2.5

Discuss with example about the importance of algal flagella and storage food materials in

Second internal 2073 Fungi bacteria virus and lichen Bot 511 FM 20 PM 10 Time 2 hrs

Describe different types of sporangiospores in the members of Zygomycetes with suitable

diagrams 5


What is fungi imperfecti expain parasexual cycle

Describe the acervulus type of fructification 2.5

Describe the reproductive cycle of bacteriophase 2.5

Give an illustrated account of the development of sex organ of Phytophthora and describe the
process of sexual reproduction 2.5

Expain the characteristic features of Melanconiaceae 2.5


Describe the white rust disease with its symptoms and methods of control

Class attendance 5

First Internal 2073 Fungi Bacteria Virus and Lichen Bot 511 FM 20 PM 10 Time 1.30 hrs

Explain the recent classification Alexopoulos and Mims 1979 of fungi with character 5


What is basidium expain about holobasidium and fragmobasidium

Describe the mode of nutrition in Fungi 2.5

What is clamp connection expain the process of clamp connection 2.5

Expain the distinguishing features of polyporaceae

Briefly expain the flagellation in fungi 2.5

Write the differences between smut and rust 2.5

Class attendance 5

First semester first internal 2073 Gymnosperms and Palaeobotany Bot 519 FM 20 PM 10 Time
1.30 hrs

Describe briefly the various methods used for the study of fossils 5


Give an account of cordaitales and discuss its affinity

Give a brief account of the conservation status of gymnosperms found in Nepal 2.5

Give an account on megasporophylls of cycads 2.5

Explain briefly flowers of Cycadeoidea 2.5

Write about anatomical features of Ginkgo stem 2.5


Give a checklist for the description of cuticle of fossil gymnosperms

Class attendance 5

1st sem 1st internal 2073 Bot 519 Gymnosperms and Palaeobotany Bot 519 FM 30 PM 15 Time 2

What are the basic requirements for plant preservation describe the petrifaction methods of fossil
preservation 5

Give an outline classification of gymnosperms as proposed by Gifford and zfoster 1989 how
does it differ from that of coulter and chamberlain 1917 5
Describe the male reproductive structures of cycadales and discuss its economic importance


Describe the wood anatomy of ginkgoales and mention its phylogeny

What are the palynological importance of palaeobotany 2.5

What is the distribution of Cycas pectinata and Cedrus deodara in Nepal 2.5

Write down the general characteristics and distribution of Welwitschia 2.5


Describe the Mesozoic Flora

Discuss the similarities between the pteridospermales and cycadales 2.5

Describe the female reproductive characters of cycadaceae 2.5

Describe the female gametophyte of Ginkgo biloba 2.5


Discuss the anatomical features of Lyginoipteridaceae

1st internal 1st semester 2073 Bot 515 Bryophytes FM 30 PM 15 Time 2 hrs Amrit Campus

Describe the characteristic features and classification of liverworts 5

Describe the structure of sporophyte in Riccia and discuss it as primitive or advanceds structure


Describe the sporophytic structure of Sphagnum and write its mechanism of dehiscence

Write the general characters of subclass Sphagnidae and point out the characters of Sphagnum
which resembles and differs from the true mosses 5
Differentiate Sphagnum and Funaria based on leaf anatomy 2.5

Compare the sp[orophyte of Riccia with Funaria 2.5

Compare internal structure of Riccia with Marchantia thallus 2.5

Describe the spore dispersal process in Funaria 2.5

Expain development of antheridium in Riccia 2.5


Describe the development of archegonium in Riccia

Write the physiology of water absorption retention and conduction in Sphagnum 2.5


Expain the stem anatomy of Sphagnum

First Internal 2072 1st semester Bot 519 Gymnosperm and Palaeobotany FM 20 Pm 10 Time 2

Describe the characteristics of Ginkgoales. Discuss its affinities 5

Give an account on megasporophylls of Cycads 5


Describe the characteristics of Cycadeoidales. Discuss its affinities

Write in short the morphological features of Cycas 2.5

Write short note on coralloid root of cycas 2.5


Write in short the megasporophylls of Cycads

Expain briefly slowers of Cycadeoidea 2.5

Write about anatomical features of stem of Ginkgo biloba 2.5

Write in brief about distribution of Cycads

1st semester 1st internal 2072 Bot 511 Bacteria virus Lichen and Fungi FM 20 PM 10 Time 2hrs

Expain the classification of fungi with characters as proposed by Alexopoulos and Mims 1979

What is basidium? Describe different types of basidia in basidiomycotina 5


Expain the reproduction in fungi

Describe the flagellation in Fungi 2.5

Describe the different kinds of mycelia in Fungi with suitable example 2.5

Differentiate between smut and rust 2.5


Distinguish between primary and secondary zoospores

What is clamp conncetion Expain the process of clamp connection 2.5


Briefly describe the pseudo and hemiangiocarpus type of basidiocarp

Second Internal 1st semester Bot 501 Diversity and Evolution of Fungi Bacteria Virus and
Lichens 2074 FM 15 PM 7.5 Time 45 min

Describe the Chytridiomycetes expain their significance in fungal origin 5


Depict the pysico-chemical factors for the growth and development of fungi and expain any one
from each section

Give a detailed account on mushroom cultivation 2.5

What do you mean by parasexual cycle in fungi expain 2.5


Give an account of different types of fruiting body found in AScomycetes

Describe the basic requirements of bacterial growth 2.5

Lichens can be described as pollution indicators justify the statemen 2.5

1st sem 2nd internal 2074 Bot 505 Diversity and Evolution of Vascular plants I FM 15 PM 7.5
Time 45 min

Section A Pteridophytes

Describe the morphology of vegetative structures in Lepidodendraceae 5


Give the general account of vegetative and reproductive structures in Marattiales

Write a short note on uses of pteridophytes as wild edible plants 2.5

Section B Gymnosperms

Explain briefly about pollination mechanism in Coniferales 5

Expain the briefly the morphological features of Gnetum 2.5


Write about the anatomical feature of Medullosa stem.

1st sem 2nd Internal 2074 FM 10 PM 5 Time 45 min Bot 507 Diversity and Evolution of Vascular
Plants- II

What is natural selection how does the natural selection act to drive evolution in angiosperms


What is variation discuss in brief the ecological pattern of variation in angiosperms

Discuss in brief the polar origin of angiosperms 2.5

Distinguish between micro and macro evolution 2.5


Describe in brief the evolutionary trends in relation to nodal anatomy

1st sem 2nd internal 2074 Diversity and evolution of non Vascular plants algae and bryophytes
Bot 503 FM 15 PM 7.5 Time 45 min

Section A Algae

Give a comparative account of reproduction found in Bangioideae and Florideae of

Rhodophyceae 5


Why are algae suitable organisms for monitoring water quality explain with examples

Why 16r rRNA is used to study the phylogenetic relationship What are three domains of
phylogenetic tree based on this rRNA 2.5

Section B Bryophytes

Describe the sporophytic evolution in Bryophytes 5

Discuss the role of conducting strand in Bryophytes 2.5


Sphagnum is a connecting link between liverworts and mosses Discuss

1st semester Final exam, 2071 Bot 519 Gymnosperms and Palaeobotany FM 30 PM 15 Time 2

Describe the characteristic fatures and phylogeny of Ceycus 5

Give an account of Ginkgoales and discuss its affinity 5

Descriube the characteristics of Gnetales and compare it with an angiospermic plant 5


Define fossil describe different types of plant fossil in brief

Write in brief the Medullosa stem 2.5

Write in short the megasporophylls of cycads 2.5

Expain briefly the economic importance of Conifers 2.5

How does the flower of Cycadeoidea resemble with angiospermic flower 2.5

Write notes on Progymnosperms 2.5


Write short the morphological features of Ephedra

Expain briefly the one of the recent classification systems of Gymnosperms 2.5


Write distribution of Taxus species in Nepal.

1st semester 2nd internal 2072 Bot 519 Gymnosperms and Palaeobotany FM 20 PM 10 Time 2 hrs

Expain in brief the distribution of coniferales in Nepal. 5

Describe the characteristics of Taxales. Discuss its affinities 5


Define fossil. Describe different types of plant fossil in brief

Describe the morphological features of Ephedra 2.5

Write in brief the angiospermic features of Gnetum 2.5


Write in short the Cordaitean stem

Class attendance 5

Dean’s Office 2071 First Semnseter Final Exam FM 30 PM 15 Time 2 hrs Bt 511 Fungi Bacteria
Virus and Lichen

Expain the different types of ascospores with suitable diagram 5

Expain the recent classification (Alexopoulos and Mims 1979) of fungi with Characters 5

Describe the different stages of life cycle of Uradinales 5


Describe the life history of Synchytrium endobiotichum

Briefly expain about the parasexual cycle 2.5

Differentiate between thallic and blastic conidia 2.5

Describe the applied value of mushrooms 2.5

Write an account of the disease caused by phytophthora how would you control the spread of
disease 2.5

Distinguished between primary and secondary zoospores 2.5


Expain the composition of cell wall of bacteria

Describe the nature of viruses and mention the methods of their transmition 2.5


Describe the economic importance of Lichens

1st sem final exam 2071 Bot 511 Fungi Bacteria Virus and Lichens FM 30 PM 15 Time 2 hrs

Expain the sexual reproduction in lower group of fungi 5

Describe basidiocarp development in Agaricus 5

What is ascocarp Expain any two types of ascocarp with labelled diagram 5

Describe cultivation techniques of Pleurotus

Describe briefly the about parasexual cycle 2.5

Describe briefly synnema and acervulus type of asexual fruiting bodies 2.5

Differentiate between smut and rust 2.5

Briefly state the role of fungi in agriculture 2.5

Expain the importance of lichen in medicine and environmental monitoring 2.5


Describe the pathogenic bacteria with examples

Write the causal organism mode of infection and symptoms of damping off disease 2.5


Describe the infection process of wart of potato disease caused by Synchytrium endobiotichum

1st semester 1st internal 2014 Bot 511 S Bacteria virus Lichen and Fungi FM 20 PM 10 Time 2h

Give an account of recent classification of fungi giving characteristics features of different

classes 5

Describe the mode of sexual reproduction of fungi 5


Describe the different developmental stages of basisiocarp with labeled diagram

How do fungi derive their nutrition from their substrate 2.5

Distinguish between smut and rust 2.5

Briefly describe on diplodisation and clamp connection 2.5

Briefly describe the fragmobasidia

What are the major components of bacterial cell wall 2.5


Describe the types of plasmodia

2nd internal 2072 1st sem Bot 511 Bacteria virus Lichens and Fungi FM 20 PM 10 Time 2h

Give an illustrated account of the development of sex organs of Phytophthora and describe the
process of sexual reproduction 5


Expain the life cycle of Saprolegnia

Expain the different types of fruitification of deuteromycetes 5

Describe the applied values of muyshrooms 2.5

Briefly describe the nature of virusesand mention the method of their transmission 2.5


Briefly expain the parasexual cycle

Class attendance 5

1st semester 2nd internal examination 2072 Bot 517 Pteridophytees FM 20 PM 10 Time 2h

Describe the external morphology and sporophyte of Osmunda 5

Give a generalized account of origin and evolution of pteridophytes 5


Osmunda is intermediate between leptosporangiate and eusporangiate ferns comment upon the

Describe briefly the anatomy of root in Marilea 2.5

Give a concise account of the morphological characters of Lepidodendron 2.5


Write a note on heterospory in pteridophytes 2.5

Class attendance 5

1st Semester 2nd Internal Examination 2072 Bot 515 Bryophytes FM 20 PM 10 Time 2h

Describe briefly the vegetative structure and sexual reproduction in POrella 5

Describe general characteristics of the order Sphaerocarpales 5


Give brief account of order Anthocerotales (general Characteristics)

Write short note on Sp[orophyte of Takakia 2.5

Differentiate between Succubous and Incubous arrangement of leaves 2.5


Give a brief account classification of hornworts

1st Semester 2nd Internal Exam 2072 Bot 513 Algae FM 20 PM 10 Time 2h

Describe with diagrams the range of thallus in Myxophyceae 5

Describe the different types of reproduction in Phaeophyceae 5


What is phycoremediation how does algae use in Phyco-remediation<

Distinguish between Carpospore and Tetraspore 2.5

Define cystocarp 2.5


Distinguish different subclasses of Rhodophyceae as Fritsch

Class attendance 5

1st semester 1st internal 2014 Bot 517 S Pteridophytes FM 20 PM 10 Time 2h

What is the basis for classification of pteridophytes give a general account of any one
classification system you know also give the characters of major groups upto classes 5

Give general characters of pteridophytes in what way are they similar to and different from
bryophytes 5


Give a generalized account of the structure of vegetative and reproductive parts in Psilotum

What do you mean by the term stele give a brief account of the range of steles found in
lycopodium 2.5

Give a concise account of the morphological characters of Zoosterophyllaceae how are they
related to lycophytes 2.5

How did the most primitive land plants look like give a concise account of their morphological
features 2.5


Psilotales are morphologically similar to Psilophytales but recent phylogenetic classification

systems keep tem in pteropsida along with ferns what are the common features they share with
the ferns

Psilophytes (Trimerophytons) are more advanced than the rhyniphytes and are believed to have
evolved from the latter. In which morphological characters they show superiority over
rhyniophytes 2.5


Lycopodium sensu lato is nowadays divided into three different genera Lycopodiella Huperzia
and Lycopodium. Give a comparative account of morphological characters of these thre genera.
First internal second semester 2073 Bot 527 Cytology and Genetics Time 2hrs

What is chromosome banding describe the different types of banding pattern and their uses in
cytogenetics 5

Describe the process of DNA replication in prokaryote 5


What are the causes of DNA damage describe in brief

Describe in brief the chemical compositionof eukaryotic chromosome 2.5

How does DNA molecule look like describe in brief 2.5

What is supercoiling of DNA Expaion its significance in packaging of bacterial genome 2.5


Write short note on incomplete dominance with suitable example

How cytoplasmic inheritance differs from nuclear inheritance 2.5

Describe the structure and function of chloroplast and mitochondria 2.5


Describe in brief the cell cycle check points and control system

What is RNA describe different types of RNA in brief 2.5

Class attendance 5

Final exam second semester 2071 Bot 521 Taxonomy of Angiosperms FM 45 PM 22.5 Time 2

Discuss biological species concept. How does it differ from typological species concept

What do you understand by Post Darwinian system of classification of angiosperms give salient
features of Engler and Prantl system of classification 5

What do you understand by APG give the salient features of different versions of APG

Give the importance of taxonomy for implementing convention of Biological Diversity 5

Desribe distinguishing features of order Mangnoloales giving one example of them. 5

Write the contribution of Bentam and Hooker 2.5

Describe the progress of Flora of Nepal Project. 2.5

What do you understand by global Taxonomic Initiative 2.5

Give the difference between Holotype and Neotype specimens 2.5

Give major contributions of Melbourne Code of Nomencl;ature 2.5

What is index Herbariorum 2.5


What do you understand by liquid preserved collections

Differentiate between phenogram and cladogram 2.5

What is floral diagram what are the symbols used to indicate different parts of flower 2.5


Give the importance of TROPICOS

What is Linean hierarchy is APG system arranged according to Linnean hierarchy 2.5

What is the difference between taxa and category 2.5


Discuss the origin of monocotyledons

Bot 523 Ecology Final Exam 2071 FM 45 PM 22.5 Time 2hrs

What is exponential population growth discuuss density dependent and density independent
mechanisms of population regullations 5
Give an account of variation of net primary productivity NPP across major ecosystem of the
world expain important factors that influence NPP 5

Discuss the merits of ex-situ conservation strategy in management of biodiversity 5


Give an account of impacts of iunvassive species of ecosystem functioning

Critically examine the patterns of climate variation observed in recent times 5

Ecology is a multidisciplinary sceience explain 2.5

Define carrying capacity 2.5

What do you mean by gradient analysis briefly discuss its importance in vegetation analysis


Write a note on ecological niche

How does Conell and Slatyer’s model explain the process of ecological succession 2.5

What do you understand by ecosystem cybernetics 2.5

How is the global carbon cycle linked with climate change 2.5

Write short note on ecosystem diversity in Nepal 2.5


How does biotechnology help in biodiversity conservation

Give a short account of IUCN threat categories 2.5


How do r- and k- strategies differ

Whatis the role of soil moisture in species distribution 2.5

Give a concise meaning of population explosion 2.5

Bot 525 Physiology 2071 Final exam FM 45 PM 22.5 Time 3 hrs

Describe non-cyclic electron transport system in chloroplast during photosynthesis 5

What are neutral lipids what features determine the melting point of a lipid and why 5

What are auxins give a concise account of biosynthesis and physiological effects of Auxins in
plants 5


What do you mean by growth and development how can we quantify growth in plants

What are stresses givea generalized concept of stress tolerance in plants 5

Describe different mechanisms of ion uptake by the cells 2.5

What factoirs affect the availability and uptake of mineral ions and how describe in brief 2.5

What is the significance of C4 pathway in the context of global warming 2.5

How are photoassimilates transmitted from leaves to other parts of plants

How are reduced co-enzymes produced during glycolysis and TCA cycle used to produce energy
during respiration 2.5


What do you mean by oxidative phosphorylation how is it similar to and different from

What do you mean by homeostasis expain it with reference to any plant hormone you know


How do plants perceive and respond to gravity Expain its mechanis

What are secondary metabolites what is their significance 2.5

Describe the mechanism of beta oxidation 2.5

What are phytoalexins what is the role in plants life 2.5

How does phytochrome regulate flowering in plants 2.5

Define senescence what are the physiological and ecological significance of senescence 2.5

Tribhuvan University
Institute of Science and Technology
Master Level/ 1 Year/ Science Full Marks: 80
Botany 1 Paper Pass Marks: 32
(Fungi, Bacteria, Viruses and Lichens) Time: 4 hours
Candidates are requested to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable.
The questions are of equal value.
Attempt any FIVE questions selecting not more than THREE from each group.

Group A

1. Given an illustrated account of Chtryidales. How can it be differentiated from Blastocladiales?

2. Describe the characteristics of Erysiphales. Give an account of different types of cleistothecia
found in Erysiphaceae.
3. Mention the general characters and classificationof fungi imperfecti.
4. How would you differentiate between following groups. (Any two)
a. Aphano plasmodium and Phanero plasmodium
b. Ustilaginales and uredinales
c. Homothalism and Heterothalism

Group B

5. Name the different forms of Lichens. Describe the mode of reproduction in Lichens and mention
their economic importance.
6. Discuss the mode of transmission of Plant Viruses.
7. Write short notes on (any two)
a. Bacteriophage
b. Antibiotic
c. Ascolichens
Tribhuvan University
Institute of Science and Technology
Master Level/ 1 Year/ Science Full Marks: 50
Botany V Paper Pass Marks: 20
(Plant Physiology) Time: 2 hours
Candidates are requested to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable.
The questions are of equal value.

Section A

Write explanatory answer to the following questions (any two): (10×2=20)

1. Describe the mechanism and significance of photorespiration.

2. Describe the mechanism of formation of pentose sugars in pentose phosphate pathway.
Point out major significance of this pathway.
3. What are the physiological mechanisms of Gibberellins induced growth? Explain signal
transduction pathways of Gibberellins.

Section B

Answer the following question in brief (any four) (5×4=20)

4. Explain the role of electron transport complexes in oxidative phosphorylation.

5. Describe the model of ATPase.
6. What is β oxidation of fatty acids? Explain in terms of its major principles.
7. Define coenzyme. Explain the role of any two coenzymes used in oxidation reduction
8. What are secondary metabolites? Discuss the role of two secondary plant metabolites.
9. What are the mechanisms of drought resistance in plants?

Section C

Write very short answers (any five of the following): (2×5=10)

10. How to C3 and C4 plants respond to increasing concentration of atmospheric Co2?

11. What is ecological significance of Crassulacean acid metabolism in plants?
12. What do you know about the uncoupling agent of oxidative phosphorylation?
13. How is malony1 COA formed in plants?
14. Give short essay of phytoalexin with example.
15. Define prosthetic group with example.
16. What do you mean by allelochemicals?
17. Mention the significance of secondary dormancy in seeds.

Tribhuvan University
Institute of Science and Technology
Master Level/ 1 Year/ Science Full Marks: 50
Botany III Paper Pass Marks: 20
(Taxonomy of Angiosperms) Time: 2 hours
Candidates are requested to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable.
The questions are of equal value.
Section A

Attempt any two: (10×2=20)

1. Discuss the phylogenetic system of classification of angiosperm? How does it differ from
natural system?
2. Discuss the origin and early evolution of angiosperms in the light of most convincing of
3. What is molecular systematics? Discuss with suitable exapmles te use of molecular data
to solve the taxonomic problem.

Section B

Attempt any four: (5×4=20)

4. What is meant by citation of authors? Describe the different types of citation of authors.
5. Describe the diagnostic characters of the family Magnoliaceae. Why is it considered as
one of the primitive families?
6. Write explanatory note on ‘ taxonomy and the future of plant diversity’.
7. Discuss floral diversity hotspots and endemism in the context of Nepal.
8. What are taxonomic keys? Discuss their significance.
9. Discuss the nature of physiochemical data used to solve taxonomic problems.

Section C

Write notes on any five: (2×5=10)

10. Infra-specific taxa

11. Co-evolution
12. Nomenclature type
13. Curation of living material
14. biosystematics
15. Synapomorphy
16. Index Herbarium
17. Contributions of J.D. Hooker

Tribhuvan University
Institute of Science and Technology
Master Level/ 1 Year/ Science Full Marks: 50
Botany III Paper Pass Marks: 20
(Anatomy, Embryology and Cytogenetics) Time: 2 hours

Candidates are requested to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable.
The questions are of equal value.
Attempt any FIVE questions selecting not more than THREE from each group.

Section A

1. Discuss the role of anatomy of floral organs in taxonomy of angiosperms.

2. What do you mean by ‘anamolous secondary growth’? Describe the anomalous secondary
structures found in Dracaena stem and Beta vulgaris root.
3. Give diagrammatic representation of various types of embryo sac development in angiosperms.
4. Write short notes on any two:
a. Helobial type of endosperm.
b. Polyembryoney
c. Annual growth rings in plants.

Section B

5. Describe in brief the physical and chemical structure of chromosomes.

6. Explain the origin of duplicated, inverted as well as translocated chromosomes in cells. How
these chromosomes play a significant role during meiotic division of cells?
7. What do you mean by Polyploidy? Discuss with significant examples from hybrid plants.
8. Write explanatory notes on ant two:
a. Allelism and pleiotropism.
b. Operon model
c. Sex determination in plants
d. Turner and klinefelter syndromes in human

Tribhuvan University
Institute of Science and Technology
Master Level/ 1 Year/ Science Full Marks: 100
Botany 511 Pass Marks: 40
(Non-vascular plants) Time: 4 hours
New Course
Candidates are requested to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable.
Number at the right margin of each question indicates marks allocated to that questions.

Attempt all questions

Section A

1. Illustrate with specific examples, the range of thallus structure in Chlorophyceae. 13


Describe the general characters of Cyanophyceae and state why the members of this class are
important in Agriculture.

2. Explain briefly (any two) (4×2=8)

a. Distinguishing characters of Vaucheriaceae.
b. Pigment constituent of class Rhodophyceae.
c. Important characters of Fucales.
3. Distinguish between (any two) (2×2=4)
a. Cystocarp and Carpospore
b. Receptacle and Conceptacle
c. Unilocular sporangia and multilocular sporangia.

Section B

4. Enumerate the distinctive features of the order Anthocerotales and its affinities. 13
Give an account of the classification of Bryophyta. (4×2=8)
5. Explain briefly (any two)
a. Role of mosses in ecological succession
b. Sporophyte of Sphagnum
c. Progressive evolution of Sporophytes of Marchantiales.
6. Distinguish between any two (any two) (2×2=4)
a. Apospory and Apogamy
b. Homothallism and Heterothallism
c. Amphithecium and Endothecium

Section C (Fungi, Bacteria, Virus and Lichen)

7. Give an account of classification of Fungi. 13

What are the distinguishing features of Oomycetes? Illustrate your answer giving example of
one of the members of Pythiaceae.
8. Discuss the general characters of Uredinales. How does it difer from Ustiginales?
Which order belongs to family Saccharomycetes? Discuss different types of life cycles in yeast.
9. Write short notes on (any two) (3×3=9)
a. Whiplash and tensil flagella
b. Symbiosis
c. Economic value of Penicillium
d. Pyenidium and acervulus
10. Explain briefly the followings: (3×5=15)
a. Economic importance of Lichens.
b. Transmission of plant virus.
c. Genetic recombination in bacteria.
Tribhuvan University
Institute of Science and Technology
Master Level/ 1 Year/ Science Full Marks: 100
Botany 512 Pass Marks: 40
(Vascular plants) Time: 4 hours
New Course
Candidates are requested to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable.
Number at the right margin of each question indicates marks allocated to that questions.

Attempt all questions.

Section A (Pteridophyta)

1. Give an account of Psilophytes and their affinities. 13

Describe the types of steles found in the various species of Lycopodium.
2. Write short notes on (any two) 4×2
a. Megasporangium of Isotes
b. Apospory
c. Distribution of tree ferns in Nepal.
3. Draw well-labelled and neat diagram of the following (any two) 2×2
a. T.S. stem of Psilotum.
b. L.S. cone of Paleostachya.
c. T.S. stem of Calamites.

Write true of false of the following statements: 0.5×8

a. Tmesipteris is s terrestrial plant.

b. Pteridophytes lie between Bryophyta and Gymnsperm.
c. Sphenophyllum belongs to Lycopsida.
d. In apogamy gametophytes produce sporophytes.
e. Lycopodium serratum belongs to Rhophalostachya subgroup.
f. Salvinia bears mixed type of sori.
g. Lepidodendron is herbaceous.
h. Columella is present in Rhynia sporangium

Section B (Gymnosperms and Paleobotany)

4. Give an account of sailent features of Taxales. Explain the phylogenetic position of the
group. 13


Describe the flower of Cycadeoidea and compare it with an angiospermic flower.

5. Explain briefly (any two) 4×2
a. Paleozoic seed
b. Pentoxylon stem
c. R.L.S. of Pinus stem
6. Write short notes on (any two) 2×2
a. Petrifaction
b. Living fossil
c. Zamia
Section C (Taxonomy of Angiosperms)
7. Give an account of classification of angiosperms given by A. cronquist and compare with any
other phylogenetic classification. 13
Describe briefly the origin of Angiosperms in the light of relevant theories.
8. Describe the role of plant taxonomy in conservation. 13
‘Caryophyllidae’ consists of a homogenous group of taxa having unique embryological and
chemical features. Explain giving reasons.
9. Explain briefly (any four) 4×4
a. Type species
b. Palynology in taxonomy
c. Recent development in Flora of Nepal
d. Cradle of angiosperms
e. Ex-situ conservation
f. Evolutionary trends in stamen
10. Write short notes on (any four) 2×4
a. Endemic plants
b. Amaranthaceae
c. Cytotaxonomy
d. Role of seed anatomy in taxonomy
e. Value of phenolic compounds in plant taxonomy

Tribhuvan University
Institute of Science and Technology
Master Level/ 1 Year/ Science Full Marks: 100
Botany 513 Pass Marks: 40
(Ctyology and Genetics, Anatomy, Embryology and Economic Botany) Time: 4 hours

Candidates are requested to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable.
Number at the right margin of each question indicates marks allocated to that questions.

Attempt all questions

Section A (Cytology and Genetics)

1. Explain denaturation and renaturation of DNA. How are these helpful in establishing the
relationship between species or individuals? 13
Describe a prokaryotic nucleus and its components. Give experimental explanation to show the
relative role of nucleus and cytoplasm.
2. Define karyotype. Discuss briefly the important features of karyotype analysis. 13
With the help of virus, genetic materials from one strain of bacteria to another have been
transferred. Give a comprehension account of the process describing a suitable experiment.
3. Discuss evolutionary importance of inversions. 4
4. In which of the following families might doubt be cast on the paternity of a child and why? 4
S.N. Father Mother First child Second child
i. B A A O
ii. AB, M O, MN A, M AB, MN
iii. O A A O
iv. A, MN AB, M B, MN B, M

5. Enumerate the contributions made by any two of following scientists: 4

a. Watson and Crick (1953)
b. Korenberg (1956)
c. Khorana (1970)
6. Write short notes on any two of the following: 4
a. Folded fiber model of chromosome
b. Pleiotropism
c. Repetitive DNA
7. Explain any two of the following terms: 4
a. Unambiguity of genetic code
b. Transformation
c. Nuclear envelope
8. Write true or false of the following statements:
a. Leaven et al. (1964-64) classified somatic chromosomes for the study of Karyotypic analysis.
b. Man has over 700 times as much DNA per cell as E. coli.
c. In determination of sex in Coccinia indica individual with chromosome constitutuion 2A+XY
and X/A ratio 0.50 becomes male.
d. Codon in vitro differs from codon in vivo.
e. Haploid chromosome number of a plant is also called its basic chromosome number.
f. Khorana was awarded Nobel Prize in 1968 for his work on open concept of Gene.
g. Mutations are always adaptive.
h. Lederberg and Tatum discovered the process of transformation of genetic material from one
strain of bacteria to another strain.

Section B (Anatomy)

9. Define secondary growth. Draw well-labelled diagram of T.S. of Boerhavia stem. 5

10. Give a concise account of types of meristems. 5
Describe the floral anatomy of a primitive flower.
11. Write short notes on any two of the following. 5
a. Anatomy of a hydrophyte stem
b. Phellogen
c. Lenticel
Section C (Embryology)
12. Describe the development of tetrasporic embryo sac. 5
13. Distinguish between any two of the following. 5
a. Dicot and monocot embryos.
b. Endosperms of angiosperms and gymnosperm
c. Cytomixis and apomixes.
Section D (Economic Botany)
14. Write a comprehensive account of vavilov’s concept of origin of cultivated plants and their
centers of diversity. 13
Give an account of the importance of non-timber forest products of Nepal.
15. Give a concise account of cultivation and food value of any two of the following: 8
a. Black gram
b. Linseed
c. Finger millet
16. Write short notes on any two of the following: 4
a. Apple
b. Sal
c. A herb with diueritic properties.
Tribhuvan University
Institute of Science and Technology
Master Level/ 1 Year/ Science Full Marks: 100
Botany 514 Pass Marks: 40
(Physiology, Morphogenesis, Ecology and Evolution) Time: 4 hours
New Course
Candidates are requested to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable.
Number at the right margin of each question indicates marks allocated to that questions.

Attempt all questions.

Section A (Plant Physiology)

1. Explain the mechanism of Crusslacean acid metabolism with example. 12

2. Discuss the mechanism of photorespiration in plants. 12
Explain the mechanism of action of Indole-3-acetic acid.
3. What are the modern theories of translocation in plants? Explain in brief. 4
4. Discuss in brief cold resistance in plants. 4
5. Protein synthesis in prokaryotic cells. 4
6. Write short notes on any two: 2×2=4
a. Phytochrome
b. Pentose phosphate pathway
c. Molecular structure o chloroplast

Section B (Morphogenesis)

7. Describe polarity in development phase of plant with suitable examples. 6

8. Write short notes on any two: 2×2=4
a. Bilateral symmetry
b. Physiological correlation
c. Apical dominance

Section C (Ecology)

9. What are the different methods of vegetation analysis? Explain. 12

10. Describe productivity and discuss the factors that affect the primary productivity in an
What are the major natural resources of Nepal? Suggest appropriate method for the
conservation of any one important natural resource of Nepal.
11. Briefly mention the role of wetland ecosystem. 4
12. Discuss various climax communities found in Nepal. 4
13. Write short notes on any two. 2×2=4
a. Detritus food chain
b. Grassland ecosystem
c. Remote sensing

Section D (Evolution)

14. Discuss theory of Pangenesis. 6

Explain the role of mutation in the process of evolution.
15. Write short notes on any two: 2×2=4
a. Germplasm theory
b. Neo-Lamaricism
c. Allopolyploidy

Tribhuvan University
Institute of Science and Technology
Master Level/ 1 Year/ Science Full Marks: 100
Botany 511 Pass Marks: 40
(Non-vascular plants) Time: 4 hours
New Course
Candidates are requested to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable.
Number at the right margin of each question indicates marks allocated to that questions.

Attempt all questions

Section A (Physiology)

1. What is biological membrane? Explain its structure with suitable sketch. 12

2. What are the photosynthetic Bacteria? Describe the mechanism of carbon assimilation in this
group of organism. 12
What are the modern theories of translocation in plants?
3. Describe the fate of pyruvic acid during aerobic processes of respiration. 4
4. What are the synthetic auxins? Give the names of important ones with their uses. 4
5. Explain briefly Drought resistance in plants. 4
6. Write short notes on any two. 2×2=4
a. Ribosomes
b. Peroxisome
c. Oxidation of fat

Section B (Morphogenesis)

7. Describe the Sygmoid Curve of growth. 6

What is genetic correlation? Discuss in brief with suitable examples.
8. Write short notes on any two. 2×2=4
a. Polarity
b. Symmetry
c. Apical dominance

Section C (Ecology)

9. What are the various Phytogeographical Zones of Nepal? Discuss their physical and chemical
biological components. 12
What is Ecological Energetics? Explain the energy flow with the help of a terrestrial ecosystem.
10. What are the causes and impacts of deforestation in the middle hills of Nepal? 12
11. “predation has regulatory effects on the size of population.” Explain. 4
12. Discuss in situ method of Biodiversity conservation. 4
13. Write short notes on any two: 2×2=4
a. Ecological model
b. GIS
c. Gene Pool

Section D (Evolution)

14. Explain the national selection process of Darwin’s theory of evolution. 6

15. Write short notes on any two: 2×2=4
a. Variations
b. Mutations
c. polyploidy

Tribhuvan University
Institute of Science and Technology
Master Level/ 1 Year/ Science Full Marks: 100
Botany 511 Pass Marks: 40
(Non-vascular plants) Time: 4 hours
New Course
Candidates are requested to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable.
Number at the right margin of each question indicates marks allocated to that questions.
Section A (Algae)

1. Give a brief account of the role of blue green algae in agriculture. 13

Describe the range in thallus structure in Algae.
2. Explain briefly (any two) 4×2
a. Distribution of cyanophyceae
b. Describe the features of rhodophyceae
c. Diatoms
3. Distinguish between (any two) 2×2
a. Pheophyceae and Xanthophyceae
b. Chara and Nitella
c. Heterocyst and Akinetes

Section B (Bryophytes)

4. Write in brief distribution of bryophytes in Nepal 13

What is a peristome? Describe the types of peristomes found in mosses.
5. Explain briefly (any two) 4×2
a. Conducting tissues in bryophytes
b. Systematic position of Sphagnum
c. Targionia
6. Distinguish between (any two) 2×2
a. Elaters and Pseudoelaters
b. Succubous and Incobous leaves
c. Sphaerocarpales and Marchantiales

Section C (Fungi, Bacteria, Virus, Lichen)

7. Give an account of classification of Basidiomycetes. Dicsuss the various structure of basidiocarps

in this group. 13
Give an illustrated account of perenosporales. How can it be differentiated from Saprolegniales?
8. Give an account on sexual reproduction in Ascomycetes. 13
Discuss the evolution of sporangium in Mucorales. On what basis Mucorales known as the moss
advanced group.
9. Write short notes on (any three) 3×3
a. Parasexual cycle
b. Food value of fungi
c. Function of Spermatia
d. Sporophore of Agaricus
10. Discuss the role of lichens as bioindicators. 5
11. Describe in brief the ultrastructure of a bacterial cell. 5
12. What do you know about the transmission of plant viruses. 5

Tribhuvan University
Institute of Science and Technology
Master Level/ 1 Year/ Science Full Marks: 100
Botany 512 Pass Marks: 40
(Vascular plants) Time: 4 hours
New Course

Candidates are requested to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable.
Number at the right margin of each question indicates marks allocated to that questions.
Attempt all questions.

Section A (Pteridophytes)
1. Describe the evolution of sorus in ferns. 13
Give an account of distribution of ferns in Nepal.
2. Explain briefly (any two) 4×2
a. Apogamy
b. Telome theory
c. Significance features of Rhynia
3. Draw well-labelled and neat diagrams of the following (any two) 2×2
a. Anatomy of stem of Lepidodendron
b. T.S. of stem of Calamites
c. T.S. of stem of Lycopodium volubile

Section B (Gymnosperms and Palaeobotany)

4. Describe the characters of Ginkgoales. Discuss its phylogeny. 13

Give an account of cordaitales and discuss its affinity.
5. Explain in briefly (any two) 4×2
a. Microsporogenesis in Pinus
b. Petrification
c. Megasporophylls of cycads.
6. Write short notes on (any two) 2×2
a. Medullason stem
b. Distribution of Gnetales in Nepal
c. Ovule of Taxus species

Section C (Taonomy of Angiosperms)

7. Describe the floral structures of families in Magnolidae to reflect their phylogenetic

relationship. Discuss the heterobathamic nature of the subclass. 15
Describe the general evolutionary trends of floral structure in flowering plants illustrations
and relevant examples. 13
8. Discuss the role of phytochemistry in light of contemporary plant taxonomy. 15
9. Explain briefly (any four) 4×4
a. The Type method
b. The Origin of Monocotyledons
c. The Anthostrobilus (Bennettitalean theory)
d. Evolution of exine pattern in pollen grains.
e. Role of systematics in conservation
f. Diagnostic features and taxonomic position of Loganiaceae.
10. Write short notes on (any four) 2×4
a. Paris code
b. Valid publication of Plant names
c. Endemic angiosperms of Nepal
d. Major institutions involved in flora of Nepal
e. Importance of Herbarium in plant research
f. Contribution of late H. Hara.

Tribhuvan University
Institute of Science and Technology
Master Level/ 1 Year/ Science Full Marks: 100
Botany 513 Pass Marks: 40
(Cytology and Genetics, Anatomy, Embryology and Economic Botany)
Time: 4 hours
New Course

Candidates are requested to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable.
Number at the right margin of each question indicates marks allocated to that questions.

Attempt all questions

Section A (Cytology and Genetics)

1. What are the different types of changes that occur during chromosomal mutations? Discuss
translocation heterozygotes and their adaptiveness. 13
Discuss chromosomal mechanism of sex determination in plants.
2. Describe the morphology of eukaryotic chromosomes with special reference to their number,
size and shape. 13
Give a concise account of DNA with its chemistry and the structure.
3. Discuss the progressive effects of chromosomal mutation. 4
4. “Anomalies in the chromosome behavior during meiosis indicate genetic instability”. Comment.
5. Give a brief description of contributions made by any two of the following geneticsts 4
a. Benzer (1953)
b. Jacob and Monod (1976)
c. Hexter and Yost (1976)
6. Write short notes on any two of the following 4
a. Pericentric inversion
b. Wobble Hypothesis
c. Gene therapy
7. Explain any two of the following items 4
a. Senaptonemal complex
b. Asymmetrical karyotype
c. Nonsense codons
8. Write true or false of the following statements 4
a. Linear sequence of nucleotides in DNA determines the linear sequence of 20 amino acids.
b. Zinder and Lederbery (1952) discovered transduction.
c. The increase in DNA amount is correlated to the proportionate increase in the complexity of
an organism.
d. Blood group B is imporable in the children of parents with blood groups and genotypes A(IA
Io) X B (IB IO ).
e. Material that codes for viral proteins in DNA but not protein.
f. Tradescantia plant has ten times as much, DNA per cell as man.
g. Increase in variability of the gene pool is brought ultimately by gene mutation.
h. Female sex is heterogametic in Melandrium album.

Section B (Anatomy)

9. Give a concise account of Tunica-Corpus theory. 5

10. “Secondary growth of dicot stem is the result of anomalous position and activities of cambium.”
Comment. 5
Describe briefly the anatomical specialization in xerophytes.
11. Write short notes on any two of the following. 5
a. Periderm
b. Microtomy
c. Nodal anatomy

Section C (Embryology)

12. Write a brief account of experimental embryology. 5

13. Distinguish between any two of the following 5
a. Tapetum and endosperm
b. Tetrasporic and bisporic embryo sacs
c. Parthenocarpy and apogamy

Section D (Economic Botany)

14. Describe briefly the origin, distribution, method of cultivation and utilization of hexaploid wheat.
Give reason of its production in Nepal. 13
Give a general account of important underground vegetables of Nepal.
15. Give a concise account of cultivation and food value of any two of the following. 8
a. Lentil
b. Sunflower
c. Cauliflower
16. Explain the use of any two of the following plants. 4
a. Aconitum spicatum
b. Taxus wallichiana
c. Swertia chiraytia
Tribhuvan University
Institute of Science and Technology
Master Level/ 1 Year/ Science Full Marks: 100
Botany 514 Pass Marks: 40
(Physiology, Morphogenesis, Ecology and Evolution)
Time: 4 hours
New Course

Candidates are requested to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable.
Number at the right margin of each question indicates marks allocated to that questions.

Attempt all questions

Section A (Physiology)

1. Discuss the mechanism of bacterial photosynthesis. How does it differ from chemosynthesis. 12
2. Explain the mechanism of photorespiration.
Explain the mechanism of protein synthesis in eukaryotes. 12
3. Discuss the mechanism of α-oxidation in fatty acid. 4
4. Explain the mechanism of action of gibberellic acid in seed germination. 4
5. Explain salt resistance in plants. 4
6. Write short notes on any two. 2×2
a. C4 plants
b. ATP synthesis in mitochondria
c. Abscission

Section B (Morphogenesis)

7. Explain physiological correlation in plants with examples. 4

8. Explain short notes on (any two) 2×2
a. Polarity
b. Radial symmetry
c. Genetic correlation

Section C (Ecology)

9. Describe plant resources of tarai region and mention methods of their conservation. 12
Discuss the concept and state of plant diversity in Nepal. 12
10. Explain the flow of energy and any two nutrient cycle in grassland ecosystem. 12
11. What is density? Explain population density briefly. 4
12. Discuss the role of GIS in vegetation analysis. 4
13. Application of ex situ conservation. 4
14. Write short notes (any two) 2×2
a. Climax community
b. Biotic potential
c. Trophic level

Section D (Evolution)

15. Explain Neo-Darwinian theory in brief. 6

Explain Operon theory in brief.
16. Write short notes on any two. 2×2
a. Gene pool
b. Lamarkism
c. Gene mutation
Tribhuvan University
Institute of Science and Technology
Master Level/ 1 Year/ Science Full Marks: 100
Botany 512 Pass Marks: 40
(Vascular Plants) Time: 4 hours
New Course

Candidates are requested to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable.
Number at the right margin of each question indicates marks allocated to that questions.

Attempt all questions.

Section A (Algae)

1. Give an account of economic importance of Algae. 13

With neat diagrams describe the range of thallus structure in Chlorophyceae.
2. Explain briefly (any two) 4×2
a. Vegetative structure of Batrachospermum
b. Sailent features of xanthophyceae
c. Asexual reproduction in brown algae.
3. Distinguish between (any two) 2×2
a. Heterocyst and Akinetes
b. Rivulvaria and Gleotrichum
c. Desmids and Diatoms

Section B (Bryophytes)

4. Describe briefly distribution of bryophytes in Nepal. 13

Give an account of important features of Sphaerocarpus and its affinities.
5. Explain briefly (any two) 4×2
a. Conducting tissues in bryophytes
b. Vegetative multiplication in Moss
c. Sporophyte of Anthoceros
6. Distinguish between ( any two) 2×2
a. Acrogymous and Anacrogymous Jungermaniales.
b. Elaters and Pseudoelaters
c. Andrea and Sphagnum

Section C (Fungi, Bacteria, Virus and Lichens)

7. State briefly the classification of Fungi as illustrated by Alexopolous and Mims and how
does it differ from that of Ainsworth. 13
Give an account of Perenosporales. How do you differentiate the genera of
Perenosporaceae based on morphology of their sporangiophores?
8. What are the important characters of Erysiphales? State briefly with illustrated diagrams
the taxonomic value of cleistothecia in Erysiphaceae.
Give an account of the order Agricales and mention the economic value of the family
9. Write short notes (any four) 3×3
a. Synchytrium endobioticum
b. Parasexualism
c. Heterocious Rust
d. Morchella species
10. Answer in brief the following. 15
a. Different types of Lichens
b. Historical background of plant biotechnology
c. Replication of virus

Tribhuvan University
Institute of Science and Technology
Master Level/ 1 Year/ Science Full Marks: 100
Botany 513 Pass Marks: 40
(Cytology and Genetics, Anatomy, Embryology and Economic Botany)
Time: 4 hours
New Course

Candidates are requested to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable.
Number at the right margin of each question indicates marks allocated to that questions.

Attempt all questions

Section A (Pteridophytes)

1. Give an account of the distinguishing features of Lycopsida and discuss its phylogenetic
relationship. 13
Different types of fruitings of spherophyllales.
2. Write notes on (any two) 4×2
a. Sporocarp
b. Differentiation of Calamites stem
c. Spike of Botrychium
3. Draw well-labelled diagrams of the following (any wo) 2×2
a. T.S. stem of Psilotum
b. Anatomy of Calamites stem
c. Sporangium of Horneophyton

Section B (Gymnosperms and Palaeobotany)

4. Discuss different mechanism of fossil formation with examples. 13

Describe the distinguishing characters of cycadales and its evolutionary tendencies.
5. Explain briefly (any two) 4×2
a. Economic importance of Conifers
b. Flowers of Welwitschia
c. Pycnoxylic wood
6. Write short notes (any two) 2×2
a. Pentoxylon
b. Cycadeoidea
c. Distribution of Larix species on Nepal
Section C (Taxonomy of Angiosperms)
7. Give a comparative account of ‘Cronquist’ and Dahlgren’s systems of classification of flowering
plants. 13
“Lamiidae has been widely conceived as one of the most advanced subclasses of dicotyledons
plants. Justify this statement.
8. Explain with suitable examples the use of phytochemical data to solve disputed taxonomic
problems. 13
Describe in brief the evolutionary trends in flowering plants.
9. Explain briefly (any four) 4×4
a. Syntype and paratype
b. Phylogeny and cladistics
c. Species and Specificepithet
d. Colpate and coloporate pollen grains
e. Ex-situ and In-situ conservation
f. Baionym and Tautonym
10. Write short notes on (any four)
a. Red Data Book
b. Taonomic hierarchy
c. Cradle of angiosperms
d. Major Herbaria of the world
e. Flora of Nepal Publications
f. Endemic plant of Nepal

Tribhuvan University
Institute of Science and Technology
Master Level/ 1 Year/ Science Full Marks: 100
Botany 514 Pass Marks: 40
(Cytology and Genetics, Anatomy, Embryology and Economic Botany)
Time: 4 hours
New Course

Candidates are requested to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable.
Number at the right margin of each question indicates marks allocated to that questions.
Attempt all questions

Section A (Cytotology and Genetics)

1. Define mutation. What are the important features of structural mutation of chromosome.
Define briefly each one of them. 13
Give an acoount of chromosomal mechanism of Sex determination in plants.
2. Describe in brief the physical and chemical structure of chromosomes. 13
Give experimental evidences to prove Raphanobrassica as hybrid species.
3. “Chromatin briedge formation during meiosis indicated genetic instability”. Comment. 4
4. Give all the possible blood groups of the father if, 4
a. The mother belongs to group A and the child to group B.
b. Both mother and child belong to group O.
5. Enumerate contributions made by any two of the following sceintists. 4
a. Robert Brown (1831)
b. Gregor Mendel (1866)
c. Barbara Mc Clintock (1950)
6. Write short notes on any two of the following 4
a. Pleotropism
b. Polytene chromosome
c. Repetitive DNA
7. Explain any two of the following statements. 4
a. Copy error is a mutation resulting from a mistake during DNA replication.
b. Mendel’s law of independent assortment is applicable only for non-linked genes.
c. Translocation is a process where non-homologous chromosomes are involved.
8. In the following statements, which are true or false? 4
a. Cells of root have genes that code for the production of enzymes responsible for the
biosynthesis of chlorophyll.
b. Cells which produce leaves do not produce flowers because they lack genes for flowers.
c. A plant with separate branches for male and female flowers bear unisexual flowers because
some branches lack the genes for carpels and others for stamens.
d. The transformation experiments of Avery, McCarty and Mcleos, using Pneumococcus, give
evidence for hypothesis that DNA is genetic material.
e. Linear sequence of nucleotides in DNA determines the linear sequence of 20 amino acids in
the corresponding polypeptide chain.
f. In diploid organism, gamete cell twice as many chromosomes as body cells.

Section B (Anatomy)

9. Depict an anatomical representation of a stem of Monocot plant, which shows activity of

cambium during secondary growth. (Description not required) 5
10. Describe the floral anatomy of a primitive flower. 5
What are the significance of tunica and Corpus layers in Tunica-Corpus theory.
11. Write short notes on any two of the following. 5
a. Use of Microtome in histology.
b. Use of abscission of leaves in deciduous plant.
c. Anatomical specialization in xerophytes.
Section C (Embryology)
12. Describe briefly the recent achievement in experimental embryology. 5
13. Distinguish between any two of the following. 5
a. Monosporic and Biosporic embryo sacs.
b. Nuclear and Cellular type of endosperm formation.
c. Cytomixis and Apomixis.

Section D (Economic Botany)

14. Describe briefly the origin, distribution, method of cultivation and utilization of Rice along with
its recent statistics of production in Nepal. 13
Give an account of the importance of timber products of Nepal.
15. Give a concise account of distinguishing features, distribution, systematic position and food
value of any two of the following:
a. Finger Millet
b. Soybean
c. Sugarcane
16. Write short notes on any two of the following
a. Acorus calamus (Sweet flag)
b. Rauvolfia serpentine (Serpentine)
c. Taxus buccata (Yew tree)

Tribhuvan University
Institute of Science and Technology
Master Level/ 1 Year/ Science Full Marks: 100
Botany 514 Pass Marks: 40
(Physiology, Morphogenesis, Ecology and Evolution) Time: 4 hours
New Course

Candidates are requested to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable.
Number at the right margin of each question indicates marks allocated to that questions.

Attempt all questions.

Section A (Physiology)
1. What is polypeptide? How is it synthesized in prokaryotic organism? 12
2. Describe the mechanism of Phosphorylation in plants. 12
What is Photorespiration? Explain its mechanism and the significance.
3. What is the Munch hypothesis of translocation in plants? 4
4. Describe the Bioassay method used for IAA. 4
5. What is Allelopathy? Explain briefly. 4
6. Write short notes on (any two) 2×2
a. Glyoxicomes
b. Chemosynthesis
c. Grana lamellae

Section B (Morphogenesis)

7. Discuss the physiological Correlation and its role in plant development. 6

8. Write short notes on (any two) 2×2
a. Radial Symmetry
b. Polarity
c. Apical dominance

Section C (Ecology)

9. Discuss the concept and state of plant Biodiversity in Nepal. 12

What do you understand by natural resource conservation? How is it adopted in the context of
10. What is primary productivity? Explain the effects of two environmental factors on Net Primary
Production in an ecosystem. 12
11. “Biotic Community is a dynamic entity”. Explain.
12. “Competition has a regulatory effect on the size of population”. Briefly comment on this
statement. 4
13. How are the plants adversely affected by pollution? 4
14. Write short notes on (any two). 2×2
a. GIS
b. Ecological Model
c. Detritus Food Chain

Section C (Evolution)

15. Describe the main postulates of Darwinism. 4

Give a critical account of modern theories of evolution.
16. Write short notes on (any two) 2×2
a. Ecotypes
b. Genetic Drift
c. Biological species concept

Tribhuvan University
Institute of Science and Technology
Master Level/ 1 Year/ Science Full Marks: 100
Botany 511 Pass Marks: 40
(Non-vascular plants) Time: 4 hours New Course

Candidates are requested to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable.
Number at the right margin of each question indicates marks allocated to that questions.

Attempt all questions

Section A (Algae)

1. Point out the sailent features of the structures of the structure and reproduction of Florideae
and discuss their affinities. 13
Discuss the economic importance of Algae with examples.
2. Write short notes on (any two). 2×2
a. Polysiphonia
b. Chaetophora
c. Nitrogen fixation by blue algae.
3. Distinguish between (any two) 2×2
a. Rivularia and Gleotrichia
b. Volvox and Pandorina
c. Conceptacle and Receptacle

Section B (Bryophytes)

4. Discuss life history and systematic position of Sphaerocarpus. 13

Describe the phylogeny of marchantiales.
5. Write short notes on (any two). 2×2
a. Lejeunea
b. Gemma
c. Protonema
6. Distinguish between (any two)
a. Riccia and Ricciocarpus.
b. Funaria and Polytrichum
c. Nematodonteae and Arthrondonteae
Section C (Fungi, Bacteria, Virus, Lichen)
7. Give an illustrated account of various types of sporangia and sporangiophores in oomycetes. 13
Give an outline scheme of classification of Ascomycetes. Discuss the life cycle of Neurospora.
8. What is Heterokaryosis? How is it accomplished in Deuteromycetes? What is the significance of
this phenomenon?
Describe in briely the order Uredinales.
9. Write short notes on (any two). 2×2
a. Basidiocarp
b. Appendages of Erysiphaceae
c. Dolipore septa
d. Pilobolus
10. Describe the economic importance of lichens. 5
11. Justify this statement “Bacteria are friend and foe”. 5
12. Replication of virus. 5
Tribhuvan University
Institute of Science and Technology
Master Level/ 1 Year/ Science Full Marks: 100
Botany 512 Pass Marks: 40
(Vascular plants) Time: 4 hours
New Course

Candidates are requested to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable.
Number at the right margin of each question indicates marks allocated to that questions.

Attempt all questions.

Section A (Pteridophyte)

1. Give an account of distribution of ferns in Nepal. 13

Describe the cones of Sphenophyllales.
2. Write short notes on (any two). 4×2
a. Telome theory
b. Biological significance of heterospory
c. Apogamy
3. Draw well-labelled diagram of the following (any two): 2×2
a. T.S. stem of Asteroxylon
b. Lepidodendron stem
c. Microsporophyll of Isoetes
Write true or false: 0.5×8
a. Tmesipteris belongs to lycopsida.
b. Gametophytes when cultured on high sucrose concentration medium do not bear sex
c. Marsilea possesses advanced heterospory.
d. Shifting of sori occurs through “phyletic slide”.
e. Hyenia is very close to Psilophytales.
f. Urostachya group of Lycopodium bears cones.
g. Starvation of sporophyte causes apospory.
h. Isoetes is considered as a strobilus.

Section B (Gymnosperms and Paleobotany)

4. Justify that “Ginkgo is a living fossil”. 13

Describe the cones of ‘Gnetum’ and compare them with angiospermic flowers.
5. Explain briefly (any two) 4×2
a. Pentoxylon
b. Stem anatomy of podocarpus
c. Coal halls
6. Write short notes on (any two). 2×2
a. Paleozoic seed
b. Progymnosperms
c. Indigenous conifers of Nepal.

Section C (Taxonomy of Angiosperms)

7. Discuss the origin of angiosperms with relevant theories. 13

Discuss the role of phytochemistry in plant taxonomy.
8. Give an account of principles and outline of the classification proposed by Arthur cronquist. 13
Discuss the phylogenetic relationship of Taxa under subelars Caryophyllidae.
9. Explain briefly.(any four) 4×4
a. Botanical exploration in Nepal.
b. Concept of evolutionary trend in fruits.
c. Importance of Karyomorphology in Taxonomy.
d. Role of Botanic gardens in conservation.
10. Write short notes on (any four). 2×4
a. Trochodendraceae
b. Evolutionary trends in Androecium
c. Biodiversity hotspots
d. Major Herbaria of the world
e. Contribution of Jean Bauhin
f. Vienna code

Tribhuvan University
Institute of Science and Technology
Master Level/ 1 Year/ Science Full Marks: 100
Botany 514 Pass Marks: 40
(Physiology, Morphogenesis, Ecology and Evolution) Time: 4 hours
New Course

Candidates are requested to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable.
Number at the right margin of each question indicates marks allocated to that questions.

Attempt all questions.

Section A (Cytology and Genetics)

1. Define meiosis. What are the important features of meiosis in a typical life cycle. Describe briefly
the chromosomal behavior of prophase-I during meiosis. 13
Give an account of Transduction and Transformation processes in bacteria.
2. Define karyotype. Discuss the main characteristics of karyotype found in plants. 13
Give experimental evidences of semi-conservative nature of DNA replication.
3. “Formation of lagging chromosome during meiosis indicates genetic instability”. Comment. 4
4. Which blood type out of four (A, B, AB, O) should be accepted for blood transfusion in a person
of blood type A and why? Which blood types should be rejected and why? 4
5. Enumerate contributions made by any TWO of following scientists. 4
a. Friedrich Miescher (1869)
b. J.D. Watson and F.H.C. Crick (1953)
c. H.G. Khorana et al. (1970)
6. Write short notes on any two of the following. 4
a. Replication of circular DNA
b. Lampbrush chromosome
c. Triplet genetic code.
7. Explain any two of the following statement. 4
a. The synaptonemal complex is formed in the mitotic prophase but absent in the meiotic
b. Duplication is a process where homologous chromosomes are involved.
c. The intermeiotic phases like G1, S, G2 appear between two mitotic divisions during the cell
8. In the following statements, which are true or false? 4
a. Pleotropic gene of an individual exhibits effects on other genes of the same individual.
b. Codon in vitro differs from codon in vivo.
c. Copy error is a mutation resulting from a mistake during DNA replication
d. Polyploidy plays a vital role in speciation.
e. Meiosis occurs only in bacteria that are diploid for at least part of their genomes.
f. In a diploid organism, gamere cells contain twice as many chromosomes as body cells.
g. Mendel’s law of independent assortment is applicable only for non-linked genes.
h. Translocation is a process where non-homologous chromosomes are involved.

Section B (Anatomy)

9. Depict an anatomical representation of stem of any vine species, which shows anomalous
activity of cambium during secondary growth. (description not required). 5
10. Comment upon the statement ‘anatomy as a tool to wood identification’. 5
Describe in brief the anatomical features of a primitive flower.
11. Distinguish between any two of the following. 5
a. Protostele and Siphonostele.
b. Unilaeunar and Multilaeunar nodes.
c. Periblem and Plerome zones.

Section C (Embryology)

12. Depict a diagrammatic representation of different states of developing cellular endosperm.

(Description not required). 5
13. Distinguish between any two of the following. 5
a. Microspore and Megaspore
b. Parthenocarpy and double fertilization
c. Polygonum and Oenothera type of embryo sacs.

Section D (Economic Botany)

14. Describe briefly the origin, distribution, method of cultivation and utilization of cotton. 13
Give an account of some important spices and aromatic plants of Nepal.
15. Give a concise account of distinguishing features, distribution, systematic position and food
value of any two of the following. 8
a. Rice
b. Pigeon pea
c. Mango
16. Distinguish between any two of the following. 4
a. Acacia catechu (Cutch tree)
b. Nardostachys grandiflora (syn. N. jatamasi spike nard)
c. Quercus semecarpifolia (Oak tree)

Tribhuvan University
Institute of Science and Technology
Master Level/ 1 Year/ Science Full Marks: 100
Botany 514 Pass Marks: 40
(Physiology, Morphogenesis, Ecology and Evolution) Time: 4 hours
New Course

Candidates are requested to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable.
Number at the right margin of each question indicates marks allocated to that questions.

Section A (Physiology)

1. What is photorespiration? Discuss its mechanism and significance. 12

Explain the mechanism of plant response to water stress.
2. What are growth inhibitory substances? Discuss the role of Abscisic acid in plant growth and
development. 4
3. Explain the most widely accepted model of membrane structure in plants. 4
4. Describe the mechanism of β-oxidation of fatty acids. 4
5. Describe in brief the role of mRNA in protein synthesis. 4
6. Write short notes on (any two) 2×2
a. Allelopathy
b. Acetyl CoA
c. Phytochrome

Section B (Morphogenesis)

7. What is polarity? Discuss its role in the development of plants. 6

8. Write short notes on (any two) 2×2
a. Physiological correlation
b. Organogenesis
c. Symmetry

Section (Ecology)

9. Describe methods used for quantitative analysis of vegetation. 12

Discuss the measures to conserve biological resources in Nepal.
10. Give an account of air pollution in Nepal and its impacts on plants. 4
11. Discuss energy flow in terrestrial ecosystem. 12
12. Explain the ecological consequences of high population density. 4
13. Discuss the effects of physiographic factors on the distribution of plants in mountains. 4
14. Write short notes on (any two) 2×2
a. Nitrogen cycle (Diagrammatic representation only)
b. Concept of succession
c. Remote sensing in ecology.

Section D (Evolution)

15. What role do environment play in evolution? 6

Explain the role of mutation in the process of evolution.
16. Write short notes on (any two) 2×2
a. Neo-Darwinism
b. Biological species concept
c. Polyploidy and speciation
Tribhuvan University
Institute of Science and Technology
Master Level/ 1 Year/ Science Full Marks: 100
Botany 511 Pass Marks: 40
(Non-vascular plants) Time: 4 hours
New Course

Candidates are requested to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable.
Number at the right margin of each question indicates marks allocated to that questions.

Attempt all questions.

Section A (Algae)

1. Give an account of the post-fertilization changes in Batrachospermum. 13

Discuss the distinguishing features of the order siphonales and describe the life history of any
one of its member.
2. Explain in brief (any two) 4×2
a. Distinguishing features of chlorophyceae.
b. Asexual reproduction in Brown Algae.
c. Economic importance of Blue Green Algae.
3. Distinguish between (any two) 2×2
a. Desmids and Diatoms
b. Pithophora and Cladophora
c. Conceptacle and Receptacle

Section B (Bryophyta)

4. Describe the sporophytic generation of Sphagnum with illustrated diagrams. 13

Give a comparative account of Jungermanials and Marchantiales.
5. Explain briefly (any two) 4×2
a. Vegetative reproduction in Moss
b. Development of Archegonium of Anthoceros
c. Conducting tissue in Bryophytes.
6. Distinguish between (any two) 2×2
a. Riccia and Riciocarpus
b. Porella and Pellia
c. Gemma cup and protonema

Section C (Fungi, Bacteria, Virus, Lichen)

7. Give an account of Chytridiales. Illustrate your answer with example from synchytriaceae. 13
Discuss the structures and behaviours of zoospores in saprolegniaceae.
8. Give an account of characteristic features of Erysiphales. Describe different types of
cleistothecia found in this order.
Give an account of the older Agaricales and describe the economic value of the family
9. Write short notes on (any three) 3×3
a. Helerothallism
b. Demataceae
c. Armillaria
d. Cordyceps sinensis
10. Explain in brief the followings: 5×3
a. Distribution of Lichens in Nepal
b. Nutrition of bacteria
c. Transmission of virus
Tribhuvan University
Institute of Science and Technology
Master Level/ 1 Year/ Science Full Marks: 100
Botany 512 Pass Marks: 40
(Vascular plants) Time: 4 hours
New Course

Candidates are requested to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable.
Number at the right margin of each question indicates marks allocated to that questions.

Attempt all questions.

Section A (Pteridophytes)

1. Give an account of the types of gametophytes found in different species of Lycopodium. 13

Describe the families of Psilophytales and evolutionary trends among them.
2. Write notes on any two of the following: 4×2
a. Distribution of Cyathea spinulosa (Tree fern)
b. Experimental studies on gametophyte
c. Sphenophyllum
3. Draw labeled diagram any two the following: 2×2
a. V.S. sporocarp of Marsilea.
b. T.S. stem of Lepidodendron.
c. T.S. stem of Calamites.


Write true or false: 0.5×8

a. Symbiotic organisms are found in Azolla
b. Telome theory was proposed by Bower.
c. Asteroxylon resembles with Lycopodium in morphology.
d. Heterospory is the initial stage of seed.
e. Gametophytes undergo abnormal morphogenesis in vitro.
f. Protonemma is the initial stage of sporophyte.
g. Rhophalostachya is a sub division of Lycopodium.
h. In Isoetes microspores and megaspores are borne in the same sporangium.

Section B (Gymnosperms and Paleobotany)

4. Describe characteristic features of Taxales and discuss its phylogeny. 13

Describe distinguishing features of Cordaitales and its affinities.
5. Explain briefly any two of the following:
a. Impression method of fossilization.
b. Cycadeoidea flower resembles with angiospermic flower.
c. Pentoxylon a disputed genus.
6. Write short notes on any two of the following: 2×2
a. Welwitschia
b. Paleozoic seed.
c. Medullosa

Section C (Taxonomy of Angiosperms)

7. Describe the floral structures of the families of Caryophyllidae to reflect their phylogenetic
relationship. 13
Give an account of principles and outline of the classification proposed by Arthur Cronquist.
8. What do you mean by contemporary Plant Taxonomy? Explain the role of palynology in
taxonomy. 13
Describe origin of angiosperms with relevant theories.
9. Explain briefly any four of the following: 4×4
a. Phylogeny and Cladistics
b. Role of systematics in conservation.
c. The type method
d. Diagnostic features of Lamiaceae.
e. Important institutes of Nepal for plant identifications
f. Evolutionary trends in evolution of carpel.
10. Write short notes on any four:
a. Nepalese Taxonomists
b. Characteristic features of Papaveraceae.
c. Contribution of H.Hara.
d. Importance of illustration in plant research.
e. Endemic angiospermic of Nepal.
f. Red Data Book.

Tribhuvan University
Institute of Science and Technology
Master Level/ 1 Year/ Science Full Marks: 100
Botany 513 Pass Marks: 40
(Cytology and Genetics, Anatomy, Embryology and Economic Botany) Time: 4 hours
New Course

Candidates are requested to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable.
Number at the right margin of each question indicates marks allocated to that questions.

Attempt all questions.

Section A (Cytology and Genetics)

1. Give a concise account of DNA with its chemistry and structure. 13

What are the different types of changes that occur during chromosomal mutations? Discuss
translocation heterozygotes and their adaptiveness.
2. Give an account of chromosomal mechanism of sex determination in plants with suitable
examples of any plants. 13
With the help of virus, genetic materials from one strain of bacteria to another have been
transferred. Give a comprehension account of the process with description of suitable examples.
3. What is genetic code? Explain the importance of universality of genetic code? 4
4. Which is the most significant event of meiosis and how is it accomplished. 4
5. Enumerate the contributions made by any two of the following sceintists. 4
a. M.W. Nirenberg
b. H.G. Khorana
c. F. Grififth
6. Write short notes on any two of the following: 4
a. Organization of prokaryotic genome
b. Multiple alleles
c. Karyotype
7. Explain any two of the following terms: 4
a. Semiconservative mode of DNA replication
b. Repetitive DNA
c. Nucleus at interphase
8. Select the right ones and copy them down in your answer book. 4
a. Denaturation and renaturation of DNA are helpful in molecular hybridization.
b. The increase in DNA amount is correlated to the proportionate increase in the complexity of
an organism.
c. Blood groups AB and B improbable in the children of parents with blood groups and
genotypes A (IA IO ) X B (IB IO).
d. Role of evolutions is very strongly related to the role of mutation.
e. Linear sequence of nucleotides in DNA determines the linear sequence of 20 amino acids.
f. All the viruses have single stranded DNA.
g. Zinder and Lederberg (1952) discovered transduction.
h. Haploid chromosome number of a plant is also called its basic chromosome number.

Section B (Anatomy)

9. Give names of some dicot plants whose anatomy shows anomaly and describe any one of them
in brief. 5
10. What are meristems? Explain in brief the theories concerned with the nature od apical
meristem. 5
Describe in brief nodal anatomy and its evolutionary significance.
11. Write short notes on any two of the following: 5
a. Anatomical specialization in xerophytes
b. Abscission of leaves and healing of wound.
c. Mechanical tissues.

Section (Embryology)

12. What is polyembryony? Write about its causes and practical importance. 5
13. Write short notes on any two of the following: 5
a. Types of endosperm found in angiosperm.
b. Apomixes
c. Importance of experimental embryology.

Section D (Economic Botany)

14. Describe briefly the origin, distribution, method of cultivation and utilization of maize along with
its recent statistics of production in Nepal. 13
Give an account of the non-timber forest products of Nepal.
15. Write short notes on any two of the following: 8
a. Plants as fertilizer.
b. Varvilov’s primary and secondary gene centers.
c. Rice.
16. Mention botanical name, family. Parts used and principle ingredients of any two of the
following; 4
a. Jatamasi
b. Somalta
c. Yarsagomba

Tribhuvan University
Institute of Science and Technology
Master Level/ 1 Year/ Science Full Marks: 100
Botany 514 Pass Marks: 40
(Physiology, Morphogenesis, Ecology and Evolution) Time: 4 hours
New Course

Candidates are requested to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable.
Number at the right margin of each question indicates marks allocated to that questions.

Attempt all questions.

Section A (Physiology)

1. What is Crassulacean Acid Metabolism (CAM)? Discuss its mechanism and significance. 12
Give an account of Gibberellins and their biosynthesis.
2. Describe the mechanism of β-oxidation of fatty acids. How does it differ from α-oxidation? 12
3. Write brief account of co-enzymes. 4
4. Explain briefly the mechanism of plant response to salt stress. 4
5. Explain ATP synthesis in mitochondria. 4
6. Write short notes on any two: 2×2
a. Phytoalexins
b. Membrane transport
c. Molecular structure of chloroplast.

Section B (Morphogenesis)

7. What is symmetry? Discuss the role of symmetry in development of plant. 6

8. Write short notes on any two: 2×2
a. Genetic correlation
b. Organogenesis
c. Role of polarity in plant growth and differentiation.

Section (Ecology)

9. Discuss the effect of temperature on the distribution and growth of plants. 12

Summarize the phytogeography of Nepal.
10. Describe the primary productivity in different ecosystems. 12
11. Nepal is rich in natural resources. Justify this statement with facts. 4
12. Mention different measures to conserve biological diversity in Nepal. 4
13. What are the major causes of water pollution problem in Nepal? 4
14. Write short notes on any two: 2×2
a. Age structure of population
b. Correlation (statistical)
c. Energy flow in ecosystem.

Section D (Evolution)
15. Explain the role of mutation in evolution. 6
Explain briefly the role of heredity and environment in evolution.
16. Write short notes on any two: 2×2
a. Speciation
b. Neo Lamarkism
c. Random genetic drift.

Tribhuvan University
Institute of Science and Technology
Master Level/ 1 Year/ Science Full Marks: 100
Botany 511 Pass Marks: 40
(Non- vascular plants) Time: 4 hours
New Course

Candidates are requested to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable.
Number at the right margin of each question indicates marks allocated to that questions.

Attempt all questions.

Section A (Algae)

1. Give an account of distribution of blue-green algae. Discuss their economic importance of soil
reclamation in paddy field. 13
Give an illustrated account of the range of vegetative structure in chlorophyceae.
2. Explain in briefly (any two) 4×2
a. Asexual reproduction in xanthophyceae.
b. Vegetative structure of Batrachospermum.
c. Diatoms.
3. Distinguish between (any two)
a. Unilocular and Pluerilocular sporangia
b. Pandorina and Eudorina.
c. Rivularia and Gleotrichima.

Section B (Bryophytes)

4. What is peristome? Describe various types of peristome found in moss.

Discuss the life history and systematic position of Sphaerocarpus.
5. Explain briefly (any two): 2×2
a. Targionia.
b. Conducting tissues in Bryophytes.
c. Sphagnum
6. Distinguish between (any two): 2×2
a. Acrogynae and Anacrogynae
b. Air pore of Ricciaceae and Marchantiaceae.
c. Calyptra and elaters.

Section C (Fungi, Bacteria, Virus, Lichen)

7. Discuss the evolution of sporangium in mucorales. On what basis are mucorales known as most
advanced group in phycomycetes? 13
What is the difference between macrocyclic and microcyclic rust? Discuss the different stages of
macrocycle rust.
8. Give an account of sexual reproduction in Ascomycetes. 13
Give an account of the order Agaricales and mention the economic valur of the family
9. Write short notes on any two: 2×2
a. Parasexual cycle
b. Food value of fungi
c. Dikaryoryzation
d. Aspergillosis.
10. Explain in brief the following: 5×3
a. Range of thallus structure in lichens.
b. Reproduction in bacteria
c. Transmission of viruses.

Tribhuvan University
Institute of Science and Technology
Master Level/ 1 Year/ Science Full Marks: 100
Botany 512 Pass Marks: 40
(Vascular plants) Time: 4 hours
New Course

Candidates are requested to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable.
Number at the right margin of each question indicates marks allocated to that questions.

Attempt all questions.

Section A (Pteridophytes)

1. Describe the phytogeographic distribution of ferns and ferns allies in the mid hills of Nepal. 13
In the light of recent findings discuss the origin and evolution of pteridophytes.
2. Write short notes on any two: 4×2
a. Cones of Sphenophyllaes.
b. Primitive gametophytes
c. Aquatic ferns.
3. Draw a well labeled and neat diagrams of the following (any two) 2×2
a. V.S. sporocarp of Marsilea.
b. T.S. stem of Calamites.
c. T.S. stem of Asteroxylon
d. Microsporophyll of Isoetes

Section B (Gymnosperms and Palaeobotany)

4. Describe the mechanism of fossil formation with suitable examples. 13

Describe the silent features of Cordaitales and their evolutionary tendencies.
5. Distinguish between (any two): 4×2
a. Paleozoic and Mesozoic seeds.
b. Stem of Medullosa and Pentoxylon
c. Flowers of Cycadeoidea and Welwitschia
6. Write short notes on any two: 2×2
a. Coals balls
b. Seed ferns
c. Distribution of Taxus in Nepal.

Section C (Taxonomy of Angiosperms)

7. Give a comparative account of the principles and outline classification of Armen herbarium
Takhtajan and Arthur Cronquist’s systems of classification of flowering plant.
Describe the process of collection dehydration, preservation and identification of herbarium
8. “Anatomical data often used to explain systematic relationships and to solve disputed
taxonomic problems”. Justify the statement.
9. Distinguish between (any two) 4×3
a. Aneuploidy and Allopolyploidy
b. Apomorphic and Polymorphic characters.
c. Angisopermic and Gymnospermic ovule.
d. Revisions and Monographs.
10. Write short notes on any three: 4×3
a. Concept of species
b. Fumigation
c. In-situ conservation
d. Monotypic taxa
Tribhuvan University
Institute of Science and Technology
Master Level/ 1 Year/ Science Full Marks: 100
Botany 513 Pass Marks: 40
(Cytology and Genetics, Anatomy, Embryology and Economic Botany) Time: 4 hours
New Course

Candidates are requested to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable.
Number at the right margin of each question indicates marks allocated to that questions.

Attempt all questions.

Section A (Cytology and Genetics)

1. What is the genetic significance of meiotic division in a typical life cycle? Define briefly the
different chromosomal behaviours which make it so important for an organism. 13

What are the significance of Mendel’s experiments? Is segregation possible beteen the two non-
allelic genes present on the same chromosome?
2. Give experimental evidences of semi-conservative nature of DNA replication. 13
Define types of mutation. Mention briefly the different types of gene mutation in cell.
3. “Allopolyploidy plays significant role in evolution than autopolyploidy”. Comment 4
4. What are the main differentiations between allelism and pleotropism. 4
5. Enumerate the contributions made by any two of the following scientists with their assessment
of their significance. 4
a. Barbara Mc. Clintock (1950)
b. J.D. Watson and F.H.C. Crick (1953)
c. Thomas Hunt Morgan (1935)
6. Write short notes on any two of the following 2×2
a. Karyotype
b. Replication of circular DNA
c. Tri-0r Tetra-partite chromosomes in plant sex-determination
7. Explain any two of the following terms: 4
a. Transformation
b. Genetic code
c. Transduction
8. In the following statements, true or false? 4
a. A single genetic factor of Mendel controls a single in pea plant.
b. Cells which produce leaves do not produce flowers they lack genes for flowers.
c. The post-Mendelian pleotropic gene of an individual exhibits effects on other genes of the
same individual.
d. A plant with separate branches for male and female flowers bears unisexual flowers
because some branches lack the genes for carpels and other for stamens.
e. Linear sequence of nucleotides in DNA determines the linear sequence of 20 amino acids in
the corresponding polypeptide chain.
f. In a diploid organism, gamete gamete cells contain twice as many chromosomes as body
g. Translocation is a process where non-homologous chromosomes are involved.
h. In the cell cycle, the DNA synthesis takes place in G1 phase.

Section B (Anatomy)

9. What do you mean by anamolous secondary growth? Depict an anatomical representation of

any two different types of anamolous growths found in angiosperms.
10. What are the significances of Tunica and Corpus layers in Tunica-Corpus theory. 5
Describe in brief nodal anatomy of the following: 5
11. Write short notes on any two of the following: 5
a. Intraxylary phloem
b. Siphonostele
c. Use of microtome in histology.
Section C (Embryology)

12. What is double fertilization? Describe its role in the formation of endosperm. 5
13. Write short notes on any two: 5
a. Microspore
b. Monosporic embryo sac
c. Cytomixis

Section D (Economic Botany)

14. Describe briefly the origin, distribution, method of cultivation, utility as well as statistics of
production of any one cereal crop plant found in Nepal. 13
Give an account of some importance spices and aromatic plants of Nepal.
15. Write short notes on any two: 4×2
a. Pigeon pea
b. Finger Millet
c. Citrus fruit
16. Give the general account and distribution and economic value of any two of the following
medicinal plants.
a. Rauvolfia serpentine
b. Acorus calamus
c. Dactylorhiza hatagirea

Tribhuvan University

Institute of Science and Technology

Master Level/ 1 Year/ Science Full Marks: 100
Botany 514 Pass Marks: 40
(Physiology, Morphogenesis, Ecology and Evolution) Time: 4 hours
New Course

Candidates are requested to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable.
Number at the right margin of each question indicates marks allocated to that questions.

Attempt all questions.

Section A (Physiology)

1. Explain the mechanism of ATP production in mitochondria. 12

2. Discuss various features of C3 and C4 plants and explain how they plants and explain how they
are related to productivity? 12
Describe the mechanism of synthesis of fat.
3. Give a brief account of the function of protein. 4
4. Briefly discuss the role of gibberelins in plants. 4
5. Explain how plants resist drought. 4
6. Write short notes on any two. 2×2
a) Phytochrome
b) Endoplasmic reticulum
c) Active-ion uptake
Section –B (Morphogenesis)
7. Explain genetic correlationship in plants with appropriate examples.
8. Write short notes on any two. 2×2
a) Senescence
b) Polarity in higher plants
c) Bilateral symmetry
Section –C (Ecology)
9. Explain energy flow through various tropic levels in a terrestrial ecosystem. 12
10. Describe major forest ecosystems in Nepal and highlight their ecological significance. 12
Discuss the causes of biological diversity depletion and the measures taken for its mitigation in
11. Explain the concept of a climax community. 4
12. What are density dependent and density independent factors that regulate the population size?
13. Give a brief account of the role of microorganisms in nutrient cycling in nature. 4
14. Write short notes on any two. 2×2
a) Opportunistic species
b) Cybernatics
c) X2 test
Section- D (Evolution)
15. Briefly explain the process of speciation in nature. 6
16. Write short notes on any two: 2×2
a) Neo-lamarckism
b) Gene pool
c) Phenotypic variations
Tribhuvan University
Institute of Science and Technology
Master Level/ 1 Year/ Science Full Marks: 100
Botany 511 Pass Marks: 40
(Non-vascular plants) Time: 4 hours
New Course

Candidates are requested to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable.
Number at the right margin of each question indicates marks allocated to that questions.

Full marks will be reduced to 80 percent of students having Internal Assessment.

Attempt all questions.

Section A (Algae)

1. What are various types of asexual reproduction in algae? Discuss. 13

Describe the life history of any member of the order Ectocarpales and discuss its affinities.
2. Explain in brief (any two) 4×2
a. Chorella
b. Systematic position of xanthophyceae.
c. Botrydium
3. Distinguish between (any two): 2×2
a. Heterocyst and Akinetes
b. Fucus and Dyctota
c. Isogamy and anisogamy

Section B (Bryophyta)

4. Explain in brief the distribution of bryophytes in Nepal. 13

Write an essay on vegetative reproduction in Bryophytes.
5. Explain briefly (any two) 4×2
a. Dendroceros
b. Sphagnum
c. Plagiochasma
6. Distinguish between (any two) 2×2
a. Elaters and Pseudoelaters
b. Succubus and Incubus leaves
c. Marchantia nepalensis and marchantia palmats

Section C (Fungi, Bacteria, Virus, Lichen)

7. Give an illustrated account of perenosporaies. How can it be differentiated from sporolegniales?

Describe economic importance of fungi.
8. Give an account of the order Eurotiales. 13
Describe the general cahracters and sexuality in Basidiomycetes and their differences from
9. Write short notes on (any three) 4×3
a. Dolipore septa
b. Any two types of fruiting bodies in Deuteromycetes
c. Cleistothecium
d. Dimorphism
10. Explain in brief the following (any three) 4×3
a. Economic importance of Lichens
b. Internal structure of bacteria
c. Transmission of virus.

Tribhuvan University
Institute of Science and Technology
Master Level/ 1 Year/ Science Full Marks: 100
Botany 512 Pass Marks: 40
(Vascular plants) Time: 4 hours
New Course

Candidates are requested to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable.
Number at the right margin of each question indicates marks allocated to that questions.

Full marks will be reduced to 80 percent of students having Internal Assessment.

Attempt all questions.

Section A (Pteridophytes)

1. Give an account of distribution of ferns in Nepal. 13

Discuss the evolutionary significance in the order Psilophytales.
2. Distinguish between. (any two) 4×2
a. Plectostele and Aphipholicsiphonostele
b. Rhynia and Hyenia
c. Urostachys and Phophalostachys
3. Write explanatory notes with examples. (any two) 2×2
a. Heterospory
b. Protonema
c. Tree ferns

Section B (Gymnosperms and Paleobotany)

4. Discuss the anatomical variations and evolutionary trends in Coniferales. 13


Describe the female reproductive structures of Benettitales. In what respects bisexual

Benettitalean flowers differ from the primitive angiosperm flowers?
5. Explain briefly (any two) 4×2
a. Evolutionary significance of Pteridospermales.
b. Ginkgo biloba as a living fossil.
c. Classification of gymnosperms.
6. Write short notes on (any two) 2×2
a. Nomenclature of fossil plants.
b. Megasporophylls pf Cycas.
c. Distribution of Juniperus species in Nepal.
7. Describe the fundamental principles of Hutchinson’s classification of flowering plants. Give an
outline scheme of classification and list major drawback of this system. 13
Describe the range of floral characters and phylogenetic affinities in the subclass Lamiidae sensu
8. What is phylogenetic systematics? Describe some recent theories regarding the origin of
flowering plants. 13
Describe with suitable examples the role of Palynology in solving disputed systematic problems.
9. Distinguish between (any three) 4×3
a. Anomocytic and Anisocytic stomata.
b. Autonym and homonym
c. Fruit types in Magnoliaceae and Ranunculaceae.
d. Systematics and Biosystematics.
10. Write short notes on (any three) 4×3
a. APG classification
b. Contribution of T.B. Shrestha
c. Endemism
d. Herbarium label.

Tribhuvan University
Institute of Science and Technology
Master Level/ 1 Year/ Science Full Marks: 100
Botany 513 Pass Marks: 40
(Cytology and Genetics, Anatomy, Embryology and Economic Botany) Time: 4 hours
New Course

Candidates are requested to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable.
Number at the right margin of each question indicates marks allocated to that questions.

Full marks will be reduced to 80 percent of students having Internal Assessment.

Attempt all questions

Section A (Cytology and Genetics)

1. What function of mitosis is most important to genetics? How is it achieved? 13

In maize one F1 plant obtained from a cross tall (allele) X dwarf (allele) was self-pollinated and
was back crossed with both parents. Give the gametes of two parents and the F1, Also give the
genotype and phenotype ratios of progenies obtained due selfing and crossing.
2. UV induced mutation revert back to the original genes more frequently than the X-ray induced
mutations. Give reasons. 13
How does the DNA within a gene replicate?
3. Polyploidy pays significant role in evolution. Comment. 4
4. Write short notes on any two of the following: 4
a) Pleotropism
b) Histones
c) X-ray diffraction
5. Explain any two of the following items: 4
a) Genetic imprinting
b) RTF (Resistance Transfer Factor)
c) Double cross over.
6. Enumerate the contributions made by any two of the folloing scientists: 4
a. Paeadle. G.W. (1945)
b. Muller H.J. (1916)
c. Barbara Mclintok (1950)
7. How will you distinguish cytology between a primary and secondary trisomes. 4
8. Copy down only true or more from following in your answer book. 4
a. Chimera plants bear to or more genetically differet tissues.
b. A purine base found in DNA and RNA, Paris normally with thymine in DNA.
c. In Mendel’s experiment principle of segregation is explained in F1 generation.
d. A recessive lethal allel produces a mild anemia in homozygous condition but in heterozygous
condition it may cause lethal anemia.
e. B-chromosomes are found in many populations of plants and animals.
f. Plasmids are extracellular genetic material of bacteria.
g. Non-identical allels are present on the homologous chromosomes.
h. In a diploid organism, gamete cells contain twice as many chromosomes as body cells.

Section B (Anatomy)

9. What are meristems? Describe the types of meristems found in plants. 5

10. Describe the activity of cambium in secondary growth of stem. 5
Describe the role of floral anatomy in Taxonomy.
11. Write short notes on (any two) 5
a. Anatomy of hydrophye stem
b. Amphipholic siphonostele
c. Histochemsitry

Section C (Embryology)

12. What is experimental embryology? Describe its importance in plant science. 5

13. Write short notes on (any two) 5
a. Parthenocarpy
b. Polyembryony
c. Apomixes
14. Describe briefly the origin, distribution, method of cultivation of Rice in Nepal. 13
Give an account of three important medicinal plants of Nepal.
15. Write short notes on any two 8
a. Mango
b. Sugarcane
c. Nettle
16. Give the general account, distribution and economic value of any two of the following plants.
a. Sesamum indicum
b. Foeniculum vulgare
c. Luffa cylindrica

Tribhuvan University
Institute of Science and Technology
Master Level/ 1 Year/ Science Full Marks: 100
Botany 513 Pass Marks: 40
(Cytology and Genetics, Anatomy, Embryology and Economic Botany) Time: 4 hours
New Course
Candidates are requested to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable.
Number at the right margin of each question indicates marks allocated to that questions.

Full marks will be reduced to 80 percent of students having Internal Assessment.

Attempt all questions

Section A (Cytology and Genetics)

1. What function of meiosis is most important to geneticist? How is it achieved? 13

In maize one F1 plant obtained from a cross tall (allele) X dwarf (allele) was self-pollinated and
was back crossed with both parents. Give the gametes of two parents and the F1, also give the
genotype and phenotype ratios of progenies obtained due to selfing and crossing.
2. UV induced mutation revert back to the original genes more frequently them the X-ray induced
mutations. Give reasons. 13
How does the DNA within a gene replicate?
3. Polyploidy plays significant role in evolution. Comment. 4
4. Write short notes on any two. 4
a. Pleotropism
b. Histones
c. X-ray diffraction
5. Explain any two of the following terms: 4
a. Genetic imprinting
b. RTF (Resistance Transfer Factor)
c. Double cross over
6. Enumerate the contributions made by any two of the following: 4
a. Paeadle, G.W. (1945)
b. Muller H.J. (1916)
c. Barbara Mclintok (1950)
7. How will you distinguish cytology between a primary and secondary trisomes. 4
8. In the following statements, which are true or false? 4
a. A single genetic factor of Mendel controls a single character in pea plant.
b. Copy error is a mutation resulting from a mistake during DNA replication.
c. Polyploidy plays a vital role in biodiversity.
d. Codon in vitro differs from codon in vivo.
e. A plant with separate branches for male and female flowers bears unisexual flowers
because some branches lack the genes for carpels and others for stamens.
f. Meiosis occurs only in bacteria that are diploid for at least part of their genomes.
g. Translocation is a process where homologous where non-homologous chromosomes are

Section B (Anatomy)
9. What do you mean by anamolous secondary growth? Describe any two types of anamolous
anatomical growth found in angiosperms. 5
10. Describe in brief nodal anatomy and its evolutionary significance. 5
What are the significance of tunica and Corpus layers in Tunica-Corpus theory.
11. Distinguish between any two of the following: 5
a. Leaf trace and leaf gap
b. Intrazylary and interxylary phloem
c. Perioblem and plerome zones

Section C (Embryology)

12. What is double fertilization? Describe its genetical significance in the formation of endosperm. 5
13. Write short notes on any two of the following: 5
a. Parthenocarpy fruit
b. Oenothera type of embryo sac
c. Artificial induction of polyembrony

Section D (Economic Botany)

14. Describe briefly the origin, distribution, method of cultivation and utilization of Cotton along
with its statistical production data in Nepal.
Give an account of the importance of timber forest products of different altitudinal regions of
Nepal. Comment on the national slogan “Hariyo Ban Nepal Ko Dhan”.
15. Mention the family, scientific name and uses of any two of the following. 8
a. Finger millet
b. Pigeon pea
c. Citrus fruit
16. Write short notes on any two of the following:
a. Nardostachys grandiflora
b. Rauwofia serpentine
c. Dactylorhiza hatageria

Tribhuvan University
Institute of Science and Technology
Master Level/ 1 Year/ Science Full Marks: 100
Botany 513 Pass Marks: 40
(Physiology, Morphogenesis, Ecology and Evolution) Time: 4 hours
New Course

Candidates are requested to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable.
Number at the right margin of each question indicates marks allocated to that questions.
Full marks will be reduced to 80 percent of students having Internal Assessment.

Attempt all questions

Section A (Physiology)

1. What do you mean by limiting factor? Discuss various factors affecting photosynthesis. 12
2. How is fat converted into carbohydrate in higher plants? Explain. 12
Explain the mechanism if mitochondrial phosphorylation in plant. 12
3. Briefly explain the physiology of drought resistance in plants. 4
4. How is protein the physiology of drought resistance in plants? 4
5. Explain ‘allelopathy’ in terms of its recent concept. 4
6. Write short notes on any two of the following 2×2
a. Water potential
b. Phytochrome
c. Abscission

Section B (Morphogenesis)

7. Define the term ‘physiological correlation’ and explain its role in plant development. 6
8. Write short notes on any two of the following 2×2
a. Organogenesis
b. Polarity
c. Radial symmetry

Section C (Ecology)

9. Mention the objectives of natural resource conservation and discuss the present status of forest
resources in Nepal. 12
Explain the concept of biodiversity and discuss critically in-situ method of its conservation in
10. Discuss important analytical characteristics that determine the composition of plant community.
11. Briefly describe the wetlands of Nepal. 4
12. Explain the ‘J’ and ‘S’ shaped population growth curves. 4
13. How are the plants affected by air pollution? 4
14. Write short notes on any two of the following: 2×2
a. Monoclimax theory of succession
b. Biotic potential
c. Phosphorus cycle in nature.

Section D (Evolution)

15. Critically discuss the classical theories of evolution. 6

Discuss in brief the Neo-Darwinian theory of evolution.
16. Write short notes on any two of the following: 2×2
a. Gene pool
b. Speciation
c. Allopolyploidy

Tribhuvan University
Institute of Science and Technology
Master Level/ 1 Year/ Science Full Marks: 100
Botany 514 Pass Marks: 40
(Physiology, Morphogenesis, Ecology and Evolution) Time: 4 hours New Course

Candidates are requested to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable.
Number at the right margin of each question indicates marks allocated to that questions.

Full marks will be reduced to 80 percent of students having Internal Assessment.

Attempt all questions.

Section A (Physiology)
1. What is bacteria photosynthesis? Discuss its mechanism. 12
Explain the mechanism of IAA biosynthesis in plants.
2. What is β-oxidation? Describe its mechanism and significance. 12
3. What is a co-enzyme? Explain in brief. 4
4. Discuss the Munch hypothesis of translocation in plants. 4
5. What is phytoalexin? Give its significance. 4
6. Write short notes on any two of the following; 2×2
a. Abscission
b. Grana Lamellae
c. Polypeptide

Section B (Morphogenesis)

7. What is symmetry? Discuss its role in the development of plants? 6

8. Write short notes on any two of the following: 2×2
a. Genetic correlation
b. Polarity
c. Apical dominance

Section C (Ecology)

9. Discuss the importance of Natural Resource Conservation. Suggest most effective measures to
be adopted in the context of Nepal. 12
Give a brief account of the phytogeography of Nepal.
10. Describe various factors that determine the primary productivity in an ecosystem. 12
11. Discuss the consequences of competition in biotic community. 4
12. Mention different measures for air pollution control in Nepal. 4
13. Briefly explain the concept of ecological succession. 4
14. Write short notes on any two of the following: 2×2
a. Ecological pyramid
b. Remote sensing
c. Age structure of population

Section D (Evolution)

15. Explain the role of mutation in evolution. 4

16. Write short notes on any two of the following: 2×2
a. Speciation
b. Genetic drift
c. Germplasm theory
Tribhuvan University
Institute of Science and Technology
Master Level/ 1 Year/ Science Full Marks: 100
Botany 511 Pass Marks: 40
(Non-vascular Plants) Time: 4 hours
New Course

Candidates are requested to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable.
Number at the right margin of each question indicates marks allocated to that questions.

Full marks will be reduced to 80 percent of students having Internal Assessment.

Attempt all questions.

Section A (Algae)

1. With the help of diagrams describe the range of thallus structure in chlorophyceae. 13
Give an account of the post fertilization changes in Batrachospermum.
2. Explain in brief (any two) 4×2
a. Pigments in Rhodophyceae
b. Distribution and use of Cyanophyceae
c. Important characters of Fucales.
3. Distinguish between (any two) 2×2
a. Receptacle and conceptacle
b. Unilocular and multilocular sporangia

Section B (Bryophyta)

4. Enumerate the distinguishing features of Anthocerotales and its affinities. 13

What is peristome? Describe different types of peristomes in Mosses.
5. Explain briefly (any two) 4×2
a. Sporophyte of Sphagnum
b. Evolution of sporophytes in Marchantiales.
c. Conducting tissues in bryophytes.
6. Distinguish between ?(any two): 2×2
a. Elaters and Pseudoelaters
b. Acrogynae and anacrogynae
c. Acrogynae and anacrogynae

Section C (fungi, Bacteria , Virus, Lichen)

7. Give an account of the classification of Basidiomycetes. Describe the various structures of

Basidiocarps in tis group. 13
Give an illustrated account of various types of sporangia and sporangiophores in Oomycetes.
8. Give an outline scheme of classification of Ascomycetes. Discuss the lifecycle of Neurospora. 13
What is hetero karyosis? How it is accomplished in Deuteromyctes. What is the significance of
this phenomenon.
9. Write short notes on (any three) 4×3
a. Cordyceps sinensis
b. Appendages in Erysiphaceae
c. Parasexualism
d. Morchella.
10. Answer in brief the following 4×3
a. Replication of virus.
b. Economic importance of Lichens
c. Reproduction in Bacteria.
Tribhuvan University
Institute of Science and Technology
Master Level/ 1 Year/ Science Full Marks: 100
Botany 512 Pass Marks: 40
(Vascular Plants) Time: 4 hours
New Course

Candidates are requested to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable.
Number at the right margin of each question indicates marks allocated to that questions.

Full marks will be reduced to 80 percent of students having Internal Assessment.

Attempt all questions.

Section A (Pteridophytes)

1. Discuss the features of psilophytales and its phylogeny. 13

Give an account of phytogeographic distribution of ferns and fern allies in the mid hills of Nepal
with suitable examples.
2. Write short notes on any two: 4×2
a. Apogamy
b. Aquatic ferns
c. Significant features of Rhynia.
3. Draw well-labelled and neat diagrams of the following (any to) 2×2
a. Anatomy of stem of Lepidodendron.
b. T.S. of stem of Calamites
c. T.S. of stem of Lycopodium volubile.

Section B (Gymnosperms and Paleobotany)

4. Discuss the statement “ginkgo is a living fossil”. 13

Give an account of Cordaitales and discuss its affinity.
5. Explain briefly (any two): 4×2
a. Microspogenesis in Pinus species.
b. Petrifaction
c. Megasporophylls of Cycads.
6. Write short notes on any two: 2×2
a. Medullosa stem
b. Distribution of indigenous species of Gnetales in Nepal
c. Ovule of Taxus species.

Section C (Taxonomy of Angiosperms)

7. Describe the range of floral structures in the families of magnoliidae to reflect their phylogenetic
relationship. Discuss the heterobathamic nature of the subclass. 13
Describe the general evolutionary trends of floral structure of following plants with illustrations
and relevant examples.
8. Give a comparative account of widely accepted one natural system and one phylogenetic system
of classification of flowering plants. Discuss merits and demerits of both classification systems.
Discuss the role of anatomy in the light of contemporary plant taxonomy.
9. Explain briefly (any three) 4×3
a. The Type Method
b. The origin of Monocotyledons
c. The anthostrobilus (Bennetitalean) theory.
d. Evolution of aperture in pollen grains.
10. Write short notes on any two: 4×3
a. Paris code
b. Endemic angiosperms of Nepal
c. Importance of Herbarium in Plant systematic
d. Contribution of Buchanan-Hmailton.
Tribhuvan University
Institute of Science and Technology
Master Level/ 1 Year/ Science Full Marks: 100
Botany 513 Pass Marks: 40
(Cytology and Genetics, Anatomy, Embryology and Economic Botany) Time: 4 hours
New Course

Candidates are requested to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable.
Number at the right margin of each question indicates marks allocated to that questions.

Full marks will be reduced to 80 percent of students having Internal Assessment.

Attempt all questions.

Section A (Cytology and Genetics)

1. Define karyotype. Discuss the main characteristics of karyotype in plants. 13

What are the genetic significances of meiotic division in a typical life cycle? Define briefly the
chromosomal behaviours during meiosis.
2. Give experimental evidences of semi-conservative nature of DNA replication. 13
Define mutation. Mention briefly different types of mutation.
3. Allopolyploidy plays significant role in evolution than autopolyploidy. Comment. 4
4. Which blood type out of four (A, B, AB, O) should be accepted for blood transfusion in a person
of blood type B, and why? Which blood types should be rejected and why? 4
5. Enumerate contributions made by any two of the following scientists with brief assessment of
their significance. 4
a. Thomas Hunt Morgan (1935)
b. Fredrich and Miescher (1869)
c. Barbara McClintock
6. Write short notes on any two: 2×2
a. Replication of circular DNA
b. Lampbrush chromosome
c. Tri-or Tetra-partite chromosomes in plant sex-determination.
7. Explain any two of the following statements: 4
a. Lagging chromosomes indicate genetic instability.
b. Pleiotropic gene associates with the multiple character effects on an organism.
c. Genetic code is only possible in Triplet form.
8. In the following statements, which are true or false? 4
a. As single genetic factor of Mendel controls a single character in pea plant.
b. Copy error is a mutation resulting from a mistake during DNA replication.
c. Polyploidy plays a vital role in biodiversity.
d. Codon in vitro differs from codon in vivo.
e. In the cell cycle, the DNA synthesis takes place in G1 phase.
f. A plant with separate branches for male and female flowers bears unisexual flowers
because some branches lack the genes for carpels and others for stamens.
g. Meiosis occurs only in bacteria that are diploid for at least part of their genomes.
h. Translocation is a process where non-homologous chromosomes are involved.

Section B (Anatomy)

9. What do you mean by anamolous secondary growth? Describe any two types of anamolous
anatomical growths found in angiosperms. 5
10. Describe in brief nodal anatomy and its evolutionary significance. 5
What is the significance of Tunica and Corpus layers in Tunica-Corpus theory.
11. Distinguish between any two of the following: 5
a. Leaf trace and leaf gap
b. Intraxylary and interxylary phloem
c. Periblem and plerome zones.

Section C (Embryology)

12. What is double fertilization? Describe its genetical significance in the formation of endosperm. 5
13. Write short notes on any two: 5
a. Parthenocarpy fruit
b. Oenothera type of embryo sac
c. Artificial induction of polyembryo

Section D (Economic Botany)

14. Describe briefly the origin, distribution, method, method of cultivation and utilization of Cotton
along with its statistical production data in Nepal. 8
Give an account of the importance of timber forest products of different altitudinal regions of
Nepal. Comment on the national slogan “Hariyo Ban Nepal ko Dhan”.
15. Mention the family, scientific name and uses of any two of the following: 8
a. Finger millet
b. Pigeon pea
c. Citrus fruit
16. Write short notes on any two of the following:
a. Nardostachys grandiflora
b. Rauwofia serpentine
c. Dactylorhiza hatageria

Tribhuvan University
Institute of Science and Technology
Master Level/ 1 Year/ Science Full Marks: 100
Botany 514 Pass Marks: 40
(Physiology, Morphogenesis, Ecology and Evolution) Time: 4 hours New Course

Candidates are requested to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable.
Number at the right margin of each question indicates marks allocated to that questions.

Full marks will be reduced to 80 percent of students having Internal Assessment.

Attempt all questions.

Section A (Physiology)

1. Explain the mechanism of Crusslacean acid metabolism with examples. 12

What is photorespiration? Explain its mechanism and significance.
2. Describe the biosynthesis and role of Gibberellins in plants. 12
3. Briefly explain the biosynthesis mechanism in plants. 4
4. Briefly discuss the concept of allelopathy. 4
5. Explain the mode of action of co-enzymes. 4
6. Write short note on any two: 2×2
a. C4 plants
b. Membrane transport
c. Polypeptide

Section B (Morphogenesis)
7. Discuss physiological correlation and its significance in plant development. 6
8. Write short note on any two: 2×2
a. Organogenesis
b. Dorsiventral symmetry
c. Polarity

Section C (Ecology)

9. Discuss the effectiveness of the measures adopted to conserve biological resources in Nepal. 12
Summarize phytogeography of Nepal.
10. Discuss important characters of plant community taken into consideration by ecologists for
vegetation analysis. 12
11. What are the ecological consequences of high population density? 4
12. Briefly discuss the impact of high temperature on net primary productively. 4
13. Briefly describe the soil conservation methods suitable for mountain region. 4
14. Write short note on any two: 2×2
a. Opportunistic species
b. Statistical correlation
c. Remote sensing

Section D (Evolution)

15. Give a critical account of modern theories of evolution. 6

16. Write short note on any two: 2×2
a. Gene pool
b. Polyploidy and speciation
c. Environment and evolution
Tribhuvan University
Institute of Science and Technology
Master Level/ 1 Year/ Science Full Marks: 100
Botany 511 Pass Marks: 40
(Non-vascular plants) Time: 4 hours
New Course

Candidates are requested to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable.
Number at the right margin of each question indicates marks allocated to that questions.

Full marks will be reduced to 80 percent of students having Internal Assessment.

Attempt all questions.

Section A (Algae)

1. Describe various types of life cycles found in algae. 13

Give a brief account of reproduction in Batrachospermum.
2. Explain in brief any two: 4×2
a. Diatomaceous earth
b. Pyrenoids.
c. Algal fertilizer
3. Distinguish between (any two) 2×2
a. Trichome and filament
b. Zoospores and aplanospores
c. Cyanophyceae and Rhodophyceae

Section B (Bryophytes)

4. Give an account of distribution of bryophytes in Nepal.

Describe important features and affinities of sphaerocarpales.
5. Explain briefly (any two) : 4×2
a. Role of bryophytes in succession
b. Economic importance of Sphagnum
c. Fossil bryophytes
6. Distinguish between (any two): 2×2
a. Sporophytes of Targionia and Marchantia.
b. Columella and vascular tissue
c. Stegocarpus and Cleistocarpous mosses.

Section C (Fungi, Bacteria, Virus, Lichens)

7. Give an illustrated comparative account of Taphrina and Exobasidium with particular

reference to their spore-bearing structures.
What do you understand by the term Pleomorphism in rust fungi? Differentiate genera of
rust fungi based on their teleutospore of morphology.
8. Give an account of asexual reproduction in the order perenosporales. 13
What is parasexuality? Describe various stages in the parasexual cycle of a Deuteromycetes.
9. Write short note on any three: 2×2
a. Plasmodiophora
b. Sporodochium
c. Perithecium
10. Write short note on: 5×3
a. Tobacco Mosaic Virus
b. Bacterial nucleus
c. Exploration of lichens in Nepal
Tribhuvan University
Institute of Science and Technology
Master Level/ 1 Year/ Science Full Marks: 100
Botany 511 Pass Marks: 40
(Non-vascular plants) Time: 4 hours New Course

Candidates are requested to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable.
Number at the right margin of each question indicates marks allocated to that questions.

Full marks will be reduced to 80 percent of students having Internal Assessment.

Attempt all questions

Section A (Algae)

1. Discuss ecological importance of blue green algae with special emphasis on soil reclamation in
paddy field. 13
Give an illustrated account of sexual reproduction of Fucus.
2. Explain in brief any two: 4×2
a. Androsporangia
b. Agar Agar
c. Monospore
3. Distinguish between (any two): 2×2
a. Isogamy and oogamy
b. Centric and pinnate diatoms
c. Heterocyst and akinetes

Section B (Bryophytes)

4. Give an illustrated account of progressive sterilization sterilization in sporophytes of bryophytes.

Describe characteristics of Anthoceropsida and its affinities.
5. Explain briefly (any two): 4×2
a. Conduction tissues in bryophytes
b. Peat
c. Riellaceae
6. Distinguish between (any two): 2×2
a. Elaters and pseudoelaters
b. Acrogynous and anacrogynous bryophytes
c. Amphithecium and endothecium.

Section C (Fungi, Bacteria, Virus, Lichens)

7. Give an illustrated account of asexual reproduction in the order perenosporales. 13

What is parasexuality? Describe various stages in the parasexual cycle of deuteromycetes.
8. Discuss how the black stem rust fungus perpetuates in the absence of appendages found in
Give an outline classification of Ascomycetes. Describe different types of appendages found in
9. Write short notes on any three of the following: 3×3
a. Poisonous mushrooms.
b. Claviceps purpurea
c. Ganoderma lucidum
d. synnemata
e. Accervulus
10. Write brief notes of the following: 5×3
a. Transduction
b. Reproduction in Bacteria
c. Lichens as bio indicator
Tribhuvan University
Institute of Science and Technology
Master Level/ 1 Year/ Science Full Marks: 100
Botany 512 Pass Marks: 40
(Vascular plants) Time: 4 hours
New Course

Candidates are requested to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable.
Number at the right margin of each question indicates marks allocated to that questions.

Full marks will be reduced to 80 percent of students having Internal Assessment.

Attempt all questions.

Section A (Pteridophytes)

1. Describe the features of Psilotales and its phylogeny. 13

Give an account of gametophytes found in different species of Lycopodium.
2. Write short notes on (any two): 4×2
a. Apospory
b. Lycopodium phlegmaria
c. Sporocarps
3. Draw well-labelled and neat diagrmas of the following (any two): 2×2
a. Paleostachya
b. Stem anatomy of Asteroxylon
c. Stem anatomy of Lycopodium serratum

Section B (Gymnosperms and Paleobotany)

4. Give an account of distribution of conifers in Nepal. 13

Describe the flower Cycadeoidea and compare it with an angiospermic flower.
5. Explain briefly (any two): 2×2
a. Flower of Gnetum
b. Compression
c. Zamia
6. Write short notes on (any two): 4×2
a. Axil
b. Lagestroma
c. Anatomy of Cordaites leaf.

Section C (Taxonomy of Angiosperms)

7. Describe different theories of origin of Angiosperms. 13

Describe in brief the history of botanical explorations in Nepal.
8. Give an account of vegetative and floral structures in the sub class magnoliidae. 13
Discuss role of floral anatomy in taxonomy.
9. Explain briefly. (any three): 4×3
a. Outline classification of Cronquist
b. Lectotype
c. Largest herbaria of the world
d. Role of Taxonomy in plant conservation.
10. Write short notes on (any three): 4×3
a. Contribution of A. Takhtajan
c. Biosynthesis
d. Herbarium preparation techniques

Tribhuvan University
Institute of Science and Technology
Master Level/ 1 Year/ Science Full Marks: 100
Botany 513 Pass Marks: 40
(Cytology and Genetics, Anatomy, Embryology and Economic Botany) Time: 4 hours
New Course

Candidates are requested to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable.
Number at the right margin of each question indicates marks allocated to that questions.

Full marks will be reduced to 80 percent of students having Internal Assessment.

Attempt all questions.

Section A (Cytology and Genetics)

1. Mention the properties of genetic material. Give a concise account of DNA with its chemistry,
structure and the mode of replication. 13
Give an account of the nature of the chromosomal mutation? Discuss translocation
heterozygotes and their adaptiveness.
2. Give an account chromosomal mechanism of sex determination in plants with suitable
examples. 13
Define genetic code. Explain its features and importance with suitable examples.
3. Describe briefly the important discoveries made in genetics after rediscovery of Mendel’s work.
4. Which is the most significant event of meiosis and how is it accomplished? 4
5. Enumerate contributions made by any two of the following scientists. 4
a. E. Chargaff (1950)
b. G. Khorana et al. (1970)
c. Beadle and Tatum (1941)
6. Write short notes on any two: 4
a. Multiple alleles
b. Eukaryotic genome organization
c. Pleiotropism
7. Explain any two of the following terms: 4
a. Explain denaturation of renaturation of DNA. How are these helpful in establishing the
relationship between different species or individuals?
b. Discuss giant chromosome and its utility in cytogenetical studies.
c. Transfer of genetic materials in bacteria with special reference to the experimental
conducted by Lederberg and Tatum.
8. Select the right ones and copy them down in your answer book. 4
a. Pleotropic gene of an individual exhibits effects on other genes of the same individual.
b. Highly repetitive DNA sequences in the chromosome of eukaryotes are not ranscribed.
c. Mutation increases genetic variability in a gene pool providing raw materials for evolution.
d. Transformation in bacteria occurs by the uptake of DNA by a recipient cell.
e. Sex determination is not the direct result of X and Y chromosomes themselves but is due to
specific sex genes present in them.
f. Blood groups AB and B are improbable in the children of parents with blood groups and
genotypes A (IA IO )XB(IB IO ).
g. Codon in vitro differs for codon in vivo.
h. Evan et al. (1964-65) classified somatic chromosome for the study of karyotypic analysis.

Section B (Anatomy)

9. Describe structure and functional significance of lenticels. 5

10. What are the major anatomical differences between primitive and advance flowers? 5
Mention with examples the anatomical adaptations found in xerophytes.
11. Distinguish between any two of the following: 5
a. Cortical and medullary vascular bundles.
b. Simple and bordered pits.
c. Ray and fusiform initials in cambium.

Section C (Embryology)

12. Mention various types of Polyembryo found in Angiosperms. 5

13. Write short notes on any two: 5
a. Types of endosperm found in angiosperm.
b. Microspore
c. Apomixes.

Section D (Economic Botany)

14. Describe the origin, distributions, methods of cultivation and utilization of any one cereal crop
plant found in Nepal. 13
Give an account of some important vegetable plants of Nepal.
15. Give the general account, distribution and economic values of the following plants. (any two) 8
a. Rauvolfia serpentine
b. Tea plant
c. Lentil plant
16. Write short notes on any two: 4
a. Citrus fruit plant
b. Cotton plant
c. Spices and aromatic plants.
Tribhuvan University

Institute of Science and Technology

Master Level/ 1 Year/ Science Full Marks: 100
Botany 514 Pass Marks: 40
(Physiology, Morphogenesis, Ecology and Evolution) Time: 4 hours
New Course

Candidates are requested to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable.
Number at the right margin of each question indicates marks allocated to that questions.

Full marks will be reduced to 80 percent of students having Internal Assessment.

Attempt all questions.

Section A (Physiology)

1. Describe the process of fat biosynthesis in plants. 12

2. What is Acetyle CoA? How does it serve as the link biomolecule between different metabolic
pathways? 12
Explain the mechanism of IAA biosynthesis in plants.
3. What are co-enzymes? Discuss giving suitable examples. 4
4. Explain ATP synthesis in mitochondria. 4
5. What is Kinetin? Explain in brief. 4
6. Write short notes on any two: 4
a. Climateric rise in adaptation
b. Peroxisome
c. Munch hypothesis

Section B (Morphogenesis)

7. Discuss genetic correlation and its significance. 6

8. Write short notes on any two: 4
a. Polarity
b. Embryogenesis
c. Growth and differentiation

Section C (Ecology)

9. Describe major forest ecosystems in Nepal and discuss their role in mitigating the effects of
climate change. 12
10. Discuss the causes and consequences of biodiversity depletion in Nepal. Suggest the strategies
to stop biodiversity depletion. 12
What do you mean by biogeochemical cycle? Discuss nitrogen cycle in nature and explain the
effects of execessive nitrogen in an ecosystem.
11. Explain the difference between exponential and sigmoid population growth. 4
12. “Biotic community is a dynamic entity”. Explain in brief. 4
13. Describe the physiographic factors that effect ecological levels. 4
14. Write short notes on any two: 4
a. Variance
b. Ecological footprint
c. Invasive species

Section D (Evolution)

15. Give a critical account of theories of evolution. 6

16. Write short notes on any two: 4
a. Natural selection
b. Genetic drift
c. Phenotypic variation

Tribhuvan University
Institute of Science and Technology
Master Level/ 1 Year/ Science Full Marks: 100
Botany-V Paper (Bot. 523) Pass Marks: 40
(Taxonomy of Angiosperms) Time: 4 hours
New Course

Candidates are requested to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable.
Number at the right margin of each question indicates marks allocated to that questions.

Full marks will be reduced to 80 percent of students having Internal Assessment.

Attempt all questions.

Section A

1. What are different theories of the origin of Angiosperms? Discuss relevant theories of the origin
of angiosperms with suitable examples.
2. Discuss the role of palynology in solving taxonomic problems at different levels with revelant
3. Describe the distinguishing characters of the families of the subclass Hamamelididae with
suitable examples. Discuss the phylogenetic relationship among the orders.
Section B
Attempt any four. 5×4=20
4. Give an account of the principles of classification of flowering plants proposed by Arthur
5. Highlight the history of botanical exploration of Nepal in the 20th century.
6. Briefly describe the rules of effective and valid publications of plant species.
7. Discuss the role of Global Strategy of Plant Conservation (GSPC) in the implementation of the
Convention of Biological Diversity (CBD).
8. Evolution of fruit of angiosperms.
9. Endemism in Nepal.
Section C
Attempt any five. 2*5=10
10. How would you restore and retrieve taxonomic data?
11. Differentiate between Holotype and Lectotype.
12. Contribution of H. Hara.
13. Progress in the flora of Nepal.
14. APG classification.
15. Vienna code
16. Herbarium technique
17. Role of taxonomy in plant conservation.

Tribhuvan University
Institute of Science and Technology
Master Level/ 1 Year/ Science Full Marks: 100
Botany-IV Paper (Bot. 524) Pass Marks: 40
(Ecology) Time: 4 hours
New Course

Candidates are requested to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable.
The figures in the margin indicate full marks.

Section A

Attempt any two

1. Discuss the role of major edaphic attributes on vegetation.

2. Define ecological succession? Elaborate changes that occur in the process of succession in a
large pond.
3. Describe the strategies in brief that Nepal has adopted to conserve biodiversity.
Section B
Attempt any four. 5×4=20
4. Give a brief account of ecological levels in biological organization.
5. Write note on population growth.
6. What are the differences in forest types in eastern and western Nepal? Why?
7. Give a brief account of global pattern of primary productivity.
8. Why climate change has been a serious global problem.
9. Write briefly the effects of nose pollution on human health.

Section C

Attempt any five (2×5=10)

10. Define carrying capacity.

11. List the parameters used to analyze vegetation quantitatively.
12. Draw (description not required) the diagram of nitrogen cycle.
13. List five invasive alien plant species in Nepal.
14. Draw the diagrammatic sketch of energy. How pathway in forest ecosystem.
15. Highlight two physiological adaptations of plants at high altitude.
16. Write short note on ecosystem stability.
17. What is biodiversity hotspot?

Tribhuvan University
Institute of Science and Technology
Master Level/ 1 Year/ Science Full Marks: 100
Botany-VI Paper (Bot. 526) Pass Marks: 40
(Plant Physiology) Time: 4 hours
New Course
Candidates are requested to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable.
The figures in the margin indicate full marks.

Section A

Write explanatory answer to the following questions (any two):

1. What is Oxidative Pentose Phosphate Pathway of respiration? Explain. What is its significance in
plant metabolism?
2. Give a comparative account of CO2 fixation in C3 and C4 plants. What is the role of the enzyme
Rebulose Biphosphate Carboxylase (Rubisco)?
3. What are the plant growth regulators? Describe the biosynthesis of IAA in plants.

Section B

Answer the following question in brief (any four): 5×4=20

4. Explain the Glyocilate Cycle or the Photorespiration Glycolic acid cycle. What is its significance?
5. What is Emerson Effect? How it helps to explain the light reaction of photosynthesis?
6. Explain the phosphorylation or the ATP formation in Glycolysis.
7. What is Munch Hypothesis of translocation? Explain.
8. Describe the bioassay of GA3.
9. What is apical dominance? Explain.

Section C

Write very short answer (any five of the following): 2×5

10. Why oxygen is essential for electron transport system in mitochondria?

11. Give names of three saturated and three unsaturated fatty acids found in plants.
12. What is phytoalexin? Define.
13. Give two important physiological roles of ABA.
14. How many cell organelles are involved in the process of photorespiration? Give their names.
15. Define a photoblastic seed.
16. What is selective herbicide? Give one example of selective herbicide.
17. What is the difference between chilling stress and frost stress on plants?

Tribhuvan University
Institute of Science and Technology
Master Level/ 1 Year/ Science Full Marks: 100
Botany-VI Paper (Bot. 526) Pass Marks: 40
(Cytology and Genetics) Time: 4 hours
New Course

Candidates are requested to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable.
The figures in the margin indicate full marks.

Section A

Attempt any two

1. Describe the details of mitotic cell division. Explain why you expect differences among cells
arising from meiosis and not among those from mitosis.
2. What are the effects of inbreeding on allele frequency and heterozygosity?
3. How does the DNA replicate in prokaryotes? Describe the experimental approaches for the
study of DNA replication.
Section B
Attempt any four 5×4=20

4. D-chromosome
5. Practical application of mutations
6. Epiststis
7. Significance of crossing over
8. Plasmids as vectors of DNA recombination
9. Phenylketonuria.
Section C
Attempt any five (2×5=10)
10. Gene pool
11. Endomitosis
12. Rh factor
13. Restriction enzymes
14. Transgenic plants
15. Mutagens
16. Asymmetric karyotype
17. Inbreed strain

Tribhuvan University
Institute of Science and Technology
Master Level/ 1 Year/ Science Full Marks: 100
Botany-IV Paper (Bot. 52I) Pass Marks: 40
(Bryophytes, Pteridophytes and Gymnosperms) Time: 4 hours

Section A (Bryophytes)

1. Classify Bryopsida on the basis of peristome teeth. 10

a. Give detail structure of mature sporophyte of authoceres with well-labeled diagram.
b. Write down the development of female gametophyte of Riccia.
2. Write short notes (any two) 5

a. Discuss present status and conservation of bryophytes of Nepal.

b. What is peat moss? How does it differs form other mosses?
c. Discuss conducting system in bryophytes.

Section B (Pteridophytes)

1. Describe soral evolution in ferns. 10

Give an account of evolutionary features among families of Psilophytales.
2. Answer any two: 10
a. Write a note on distribution of ferns of Nepal.
b. Compare and contrast spikes of Ophioglossum and Botrychium.
c. Write short note on protostele.

Section C (Gymnosperms)

1. Give an account of cordaitales and discuss its affinities. 10

a. Give an account of origin of Cyacds.
b. Write about flowers of Cycadoidea.
2. Answer any two: 5
a. Distribution of Abies in Nepal.
b. Write a note on Medullosa stem
c. Why is Ginkgo biloba considered as living fossil?

Tribhuvan University
Institute of Science and Technology
Master Level/ 1 Year/ Science Full Marks: 100
Botany-IV Paper (Bot. 52I) Pass Marks: 40
(Bryophytes, Pteridophytes and Gymnosperms) Time: 4 hours


Attempt all questions.

1. Describe soral evolution in ferns. 12
Give an account of evolutionary features among families of Psilophytales.
2. Describe the phylogeny of Marchantiales. 10
3. Compare and contrast the flower of Cycadeoidea with an angiospermic flower. 10
4. Write short notes (any three) 4×3
a. Climbing fern
b. Peristome
c. Williamsonia
d. Fossombronia
5. Mark tick on correct and cross wrong ones respectively. 1×6
a. Notothylas bear gemma cups.
b. Ophioglossum is an eusporangiate fern.
c. Pteridospermales possess common characters to ferns and gymnosperms.
d. Stellar organization of Lycopodium volubile is plectostele.
e. Columella is present in Marchantia sporophyte.
f. Gnetum possess vessels.

Tribhuvan University
Institute of Science and Technology
Master Level/ 1 Year/ Science Full Marks: 100
Botany-V Paper (Bot. 525) Pass Marks: 40
(Plant Physiology) Time: 4 hours

Section A

What explanatory answer to the following questions (any two). 10×2

1. What is ribulose biphosphate carboxylase enzyme? Discuss it significance in the Calvin-Benson

Pathway and Photorespiration? Is it the enzyme present in C4 plants?
2. How does flow of protons drive the synthesis of ATP in mitochondria? Discuss in the light of
chemosmotic theory.
3. What is a possible explanation for apical dominance? Why do auxins inhibit the growth of lateral
buds not that of the apical bud?
Section B
Answer the following questions in brief (any four) 5×4
4. The transfer of electrons during the photochemical reactions may create an electron debit or
hole in photosystem I. what does this mean and how is the deficit eliminated?
5. How do you explain the statement that the fatty acid synthesis is an “add three carbon and
subtract one carbon” type of reaction?
6. How the Acetyl CoA mediates the primary and secondary metabolisms in plants?
7. Discuss the role of secondary metabolites in plant defense.
8. What are the mechanism of plant adaptation to the radiation environment?
9. Describe the major environmental factors that inhibit seed germination.
Section C
Write very short answers (any five of the following): 2×5
10. Why do higher intensitics of light inhibit CO2 fixation in C3 plants?
11. Why is oxygen necessary for the electron transport process in mitochondria?
12. Which of the following are saturated fatty acids: Lauric, Linoleic, Myristic, Olcie., Pamitic,
Palmitoleic and Sterculie?
13. What are co-enzymes?
14. Distinguish between senescence and aging.
15. How do you define a allelopathy?
16. Describe one major role of phytoalexine.
17. Write two major physiological effects of abscisic acid (ABA)

Tribhuvan University
Institute of Science and Technology
Master Level/ 1 Year/ Science Full Marks: 50
Botany-VI Paper (Bot. 526) Pass Marks: 20
(Cytology and Genetics) Time: 2 hours


Attempt all questions

Attempt any two questions. 10×2

1. Define karyotype. Discuss the main characteristics of karyotype in plants.

2. Give an account of chromosomal mechanism of sex determination in plants.
3. Write in brief about the genetic code. How the studies of human hemoglobin explains the
nature of genetic code?
4. Attempt any four questions. 5×4
a. Role of mutation in speciation.
b. Mendel’s law of independent assortment is applicable only for non-linked genes.
c. Lagging chromosomes indicate genetic instability.
d. Which processes are partially controlled by the extracellular signaling molecules?
e. Give the experimental evidences to prove nucleic acid as the genetic materials.
f. What is genetic engineering? Explain its importance.
5. Write brief notes on. 2×5
a. Pleotropic gene associates with the multiple character effects on an organism.
b. Hardy-Weinberg law provides the basis for studying Mendelian population.
c. The killer trait Kappa particle is associated with false alarms.
d. Transformation
e. Membrane transport
f. Central dogma
g. Transgenic plants.

Tribhuvan University
Institute of Science and Technology
Master Level/ 1 Year/ Science Full Marks: 50
Botany-VI Paper (Bot. 526) Pass Marks: 20
(Cytology and Genetics) Time: 2 hours


Section A

Attempt any one. 10

1. What is scientific data? Describe the methods of primary data collection.

2. Discuss the methods and approaches in conducting genetic research.

Section B
Attempt any two. 5×2

1. What is hypothesis? Discuss its importance.

2. Why ethical issues are important in scientific research?
3. Distinguish between quantitative and qualitative research.

Section C

Attempt any four. 2.5×4

1. Give a concise meaning of hypothesis testing.

2. List the sources of secondary data.
3. How does a dependent variable differ from an independent variable?
4. What is the importance controls in an experiment?
5. What do you mean by online sources?
6. Give an example of software for data analysis with its merits.

Tribhuvan University
Institute of Science and Technology
Master Level/ 1 Year/ Science Full Marks: 50
Botany-VI Paper (Bot. 526) Pass Marks: 20
(Cytology and Genetics) Time: 2 hours


Section A

Attempt any two questions 10×2

1. Define karyotype. Discuss the main characteristics of karyotype in plants.

2. Give an account of chromosomal mechanism of sex determination in plants.
3. What is genetic code? How the study of human hemoglobin explains the nature of genetic
4. Attempt any four questions. 5×4
a. Give an account of mutation in speciation.
b. Mendel’s law of independent assortment is applicable only for non-linked genes.
c. How does Lagging chromosomes indicate genetic instability?
d. Which processes are partially controlled by the extracellular signaling molecules?
e. Give the experimental evidences to prove nucleic acid as the genetic materials.
f. What is genetic engineering? Explain its importance.
5. Write brief notes on. 2×5
a. How does pleotropic gene affect the multiple character effects on an organism?
b. How does Hardy-Weinberg law provide the basis for studying Mendelian population?
c. How is the killer trait kappa particle associated with false alarms?
d. Define transformation
e. Draw a diagram of fluid-mosaic model of biological membrane.
f. Give a concise meaning of Central dogma.
g. What do you mean by genetic erosion?
h. Transgenic plants.

Tribhuvan University
Institute of Science and Technology
Master Level/ 1 Year/ Science Full Marks: 50
(Bot. 521) Pass Marks: 20
(Bacteria, Virus, Lichens, Fungi and Algae) Time: 2 hours


Section A (Fungi)

1. What are fungi imperfecti? Give an illustrated account of sexual fruitifications in fungi
imperfecti. 10
What are basidia? Describe different stages of development of basidiocarp in Agaricus.
2. Attempt any two. 5×2
a. How do light and moisture affect the growth of fungi?
b. How can , in your opinion, over-exploitation of caterpillar fungi in Nepal affect the
ecosystem functioning?
c. Write a note on mycorrhiza.
3. Attempt any two: 5×2
a. What do you know about solid and liquid state fermentation.
b. Define mushroom toxicity with examples.
c. Draw a neat and well labeled diagram of V.S. of Apothecium.

Section B (Algae)

4. Describe characteristic features of chaetophorales and its phylogeny. 10

Enumerate the features employed in the classification of Xanthophyceae.
5. Write notes on any two: 5×2
a. Economic importance of Rhodophyceae.
b. Reproduction in Phaeophyceae.
c. Algae as biofertilizer.

Section C (Bacteria, Virus, Lichen)

6. Write brief account of any two: 2.5×5

a. Cell structure
b. Bacteriophage
c. Present status of lichens in Nepal.

Tribhuvan University
Institute of Science and Technology
Master Level/ 1 Year/ Science Full Marks: 50
Botany-VI Paper (Bot. 522) Pass Marks: 20
(Bryophytes, Pteridophytes and Gymnosperms) Time: 2 hours

Attempt all questions

Section A (Bryophytes)

1. Explain the sporophyte evolution in Bryophytes. 10

a. Describe the water conductiong mechanism in Hepaticae.
b. Sketch a well labeled diagram of the Sporophyte of Anthoceros.
2. Write short notes on (any two): 2.5×2
a. Present status of Bryophytes in Nepal
b. Significance of peat moss.
c. Stress tolerance in bryophytes.

Section B (Pteridophytes)
3. Describe the types of gametophytes found in Lycopodium. 10
Give an account of distributions of ferns in Nepal.
4. Write short notes on (any two): 5×2
a. Biological significance of heterospory.
b. Apogamy
c. Sphenophyllum.

Section C (Gymnosperms)

5. Discuss the statement “Gnetum reaches angiospermic level”. 10

Give an account of “Txales and write its similarities and differences with coniferales.
6. Write short notes on (any two): 2.5×2
a. Explain megasporophylls of Cycas.
b. Ephedra in Nepal.
c. Palepzoic seed.

Tribhuvan University
Institute of Science and Technology
Master Level/ 1 Year/ Science Full Marks: 100
Botany-I Paper (Bot. 521) Pass Marks: 40
(Bacteria, Virus, Lichens, Fungi and Algae) Time: 4 hours
New Course

Candidates are requested to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable.
The figures in the margin indicate full marks.

Attempt all questions.

Section A (Fungi)

1. Describe the Phyllactina type 1 of Centrum with suitable example. 10

Give an account of Chytridales. Illustrate your answer with example from Synchytridiaceae.
2. Write short notes on (any two): 5×2
a. Taxonomic value of “Cordyceps sinensis”.
b. Sporophore of Agaricus.
c. Parasexual cycle.
3. Write short notes on (any two): 2.5×2
a. Role of Mycorrhiza in ecosystem.
b. Two medicinal mushrooms.
c. Macrocyclic rust.

Section B (Algae)

4. Describe the characteristic features of Phaeophyceae and its phylogeny. 10

Discuss different types of asexual reproduction in Algae, with suitable examples.
5. Write short notes on (any two): 5×2
a. Relationship of red algae with other algae.
b. Role of algae in agriculture.
c. Sailent features of Xanthophyceae.

Section C (Bacteria, Virus, Lichens)

6. Give brief account of any two: 2.5×2

a. Bacteria as a nitrogen fixing agent.
b. Ultra structure of virus.
c. Lichen as bioindicator.

Tribhuvan University
Institute of Science and Technology
Master Level/ 1 Year/ Science Full Marks: 100
Botany-II Paper (Bot. 522) Pass Marks: 40
(Bryophytes, Pteridophytes and Gymnosperms) Time: 4 hours
New Course

Candidates are requested to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable.
The figures in the margin indicate full marks.

Attempt all questions.

Section A (Bryophytes)

1. What is peristome? Describe different types of peristomes in mosses.

Give detail structure of mature sporophyte os Anthoceros with well labeled diagram. Explain
how the sporophyte of Anthoceros is partly independent on the gametophyte?
2. Write short notes on (any two): 5×2
a. Conducting tissues in Bryophytes.
b. Peat moss and other mosses.
c. Sphagnum
Section B (Pteridophytes)

3. Discuss evolutionary trends and affinity with Psilophytales. 10

Describe distribution of ferns in the mid hills of Nepal.
4. Write short notes on (any two): 5×2
a. Biological significance of heterospory.
b. Climbing ferns.
c. Apogamy.

Section C (Gymnosperms)

5. Describe the female reproductive structures of Cyadeoidales in what respects bisexual flowers
of cyacadeodales differ from the primitive angiosperm flower. 10
Describe the angiospermic features of Gnetum.
6. Write short notes on (any two): 5×2
a. Medullosa stem.
b. Progymnosperms
c. Economic importance of Taxus.

Tribhuvan University

Institute of Science and Technology

Master Level/ 1 Year/ Science Full Marks: 100
Botany-III Paper (Bot. 523) Pass Marks: 40
(Taxonomy of Angiosperms) Time: 4 hours
New Course

Candidates are requested to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable.
The figures in the margin indicate full marks.

Section A

Attempt any two: 10×2

1. Give an outline of A. Cronquist’s classification of angiosperms. How does it differ from other
phylogenetic systems of classification?
2. How cytological data are helpful to solve the disputed taxonomic problems? Explain with
suitable examples.
3. Describe the range of floral characters in the subclass Magnoliidae in respect to phylogenetic

Section B

Attempt any four. 5×4

4. What are the differences infraspecific and supraspecific categories?
5. Discuss the resembling features of catyoniales of angiosperms.
6. Describe the evolutionary trend in fruits of angiosperms.
7. Discuss the ethics for collecting and handling herbarium specimens.
8. What are the basic requirements for validly publishing a new name?
9. What is endemism? Which region of Nepal is important for endemic species?

Section C

Attempt any five. 2×5

10. Type specimen and voucher specimen.

11. Main contributions for the phylogenetic system of classification.
12. Angiosperm Phylogeny group of classification
13. Global Taxonomy Initiative (GTI).
14. Use of allozyme in molecular systematic.
15. Colpus and porus
16. Web-based systematic
17. Index Herbarium

Tribhuvan University
Institute of Science and Technology
Master Level/ 1 Year/ Science Full Marks: 100
Botany-IV Paper (Bot. 524) Pass Marks: 40
(Ecology) Time: 4 hours
New Course

Candidates are requested to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable.
The figures in the margin indicate full marks.

Section A

Attempt any two. 10×2

1. What are the factors that prevent exponential growth in a population? Discuss density
dependent and density independent mechanism of population regulation.
2. What is initial floristic composition model of succession? Describe the changes in ecosystem
properties during succession.
3. What are the major threats to biodiversity? Discuss various strategies for conservation of

Section B

Attempt any four. 5×4

4. Discuss in brief the r and k-selection in population regulation.

5. Write a note on ecological niche.
6. Give a brief session of services people get from a forest ecosystem.
7. Describe briefly the processes of ecosystem nutrient input.
8. How is the global carbon cycle linked with climate change?
9. Critically explain the impact of air pollution on terrestrial plants.

Section C

Attempt any five: 2×5

10. What do you mean by ecological levels in biological organization?

11. What is the significance of population pyramids?
12. What do you understand by gradient analysis?
13. Give a concise meaning of ecosystem ecosystem resilience.
14. What do you mean by threatened species?
15. Give the meaning of carbon sequestration.
16. What do you understand by species invasion?
17. Discuss in brief the current situation of food security in Nepal.

Tribhuvan University
Institute of Science and Technology
Master Level/ 1 Year/ Science Full Marks: 100
Botany-V Paper (Bot. 525) Pass Marks: 40
(Plant Physiology) Time: 4 hours
New Course

Candidates are requested to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable.
The figures in the margin indicate full marks.

Section A

Attempt any two. 10×2=20

1. Discuss the mechanism of crusslacean acid metabolism (CAM). Are there any differences in the
mechanism of CO2 fixation between C4 plants and those exhibiting CAM pathway?
2. What do you know about electron transport system? How transport of electrons in inner
mitochondrial membrane is coupled to the oxidative phosphorylation?
3. What are auxins? Explain the mechanisms of action of auxin on plant morphogenesis.

Section B

Answer the following questions in brief (any four) 5×4=20

4. How does acetyl CoA serve as link between primary and secondary metabolism?
5. How does oxygen affect the photosynthetic productivity of plants?
6. What are alkaloids? Discuss their role in plant defense.
7. What is biological stress? Discuss the concept of stress resistance in plants?
8. How is the energy derived for the growing embryo during fatty seed germination?
9. Discuss the role of phytochrome in plant growth and development.

Section C

Write very short answer (any five of the following): 2×5=10

10. What do you know about the “law of limiting factors” in explaining the physiological response of
a plant to environment?
11. What features determine the melting point of a lipid and why?
12. Write two major physiological effects of gibberellins.
13. What are phytoalexins?
14. What is the significance of pentose phosphate pathway?
15. Distinguish between senescence and aging.
16. How many CoA formed in the above ground parts of a plant?
17. What are the major factors that influence rate of enzymatic actions?

Tribhuvan University
Institute of Science and Technology
Master Level/ 1 Year/ Science Full Marks: 100
Botany-VI Paper (Bot. 526) Pass Marks: 40
(Cytology and Genetics) Time: 4 hours
New Course

Candidates are requested to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable.
The figures in the margin indicate full marks.

Section A

Attempt any two: 10×2=20

1. What is the most significant event of meiosis? How does it result in reducing chromosome
number to half in divided cells?
2. Discuss the role of polyploidy in evolution. Explain the formation and pate of autopolyploidy and
3. Describe the significance of multiple alleles keeping in view the genetic variability within a

Section B

Attempt any four: 5×4=20

4. Cause of albinism in man

5. Genetic imprinting
6. Morgan’s early work on linkage in Drosophila.
7. Role of plasmids in genetic frequencies.
8. Anti-oncogenes.
9. Equilibrium of gene frequencies.

Section C

Attempt any five: 2×5=10

10. RTF (Resistance Transfer Factor)

11. Double crossover
12. Restriction endonuclease
13. Haploids
14. Pedigree selection
15. Inbreed strain
16. Negative eugenic
17. Point mutation

Tribhuvan University
Institute of Science and Technology
Master Level/ 1 Year/ Science Full Marks: 50
Botany-VII Paper (Bot. 527) Pass Marks: 20
(Fundamentals of research) Time: 2 hours
New Course

Candidates are requested to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable.
The figures in the margin indicate full marks.

Section A

Attempt any one. 10

1. Define research. Explain briefly types of research in natural science?

2. What are contents of a grant proposal? Explain briefly each section.

Section B

Attempt any two. 5×2=10

3. Define ethics. Do you consider that ethics is important in conducting research in natural
4. Briefly describe procedure of reviewing the literature.
5. How would you formulate hypothesis, research questions and objectives?

Section C

Attempt any four. 2.5×4=10

6. What are the basic steps in research design?

7. How would you differentiate between dependent and independent variables?
8. What are the criteria for selecting order of authorship while writing a scientific paper by
multiple authors?
9. How would you prepare a abstract?
10. What is illustration? How important is illustration in writing a scientific report?
11. Explain the importance of computer software for quantitative data analysis.

Tribhuvan University
Central Department of Botany
Practical Examination of M.Sc. Botany (1st year) Full Marks: 25
Paper: Bot. 531 (Non Vascular Plants) Pass Marks: 10
Subject: (Algae, Fungi, Bacteria, Virus and Lichen)

1. The given material (A) is a part of infected plant, identify its causal organism with suitable
preparation of the material. Draw well-labelled sketches and identify giving its systematic
position and reasons. 6
2. Isolate any two algae from the given mixture (B) and make suitable preparations. Sketch labeled
diagrams and identify them with reasons. 5
3. Comment on the spots 1-5. 5
4. Viva-voce
5. Class-record.
Tribhuvan University
Central Department of Botany
Practical Examination of M.Sc. Botany (1st year) Full Marks: 25
Paper: Bot. 531 (Non Vascular Plants) Pass Marks: 10
Subject: (Bryophytes, Pteridophytes, Gymnosperms)
1. Make permanent preparation of material (A). Draw well-labelled sketch and identify the
material giving reasons. 5
2. Make temporary preparation of material (B). Draw well-labelled sketch and identify the
material giving reasons. 3
3. Make temporary preparation of material (C). Draw well-labelled sketch and identify the
material giving reasons. 3
4. Comment upon materials. (1-4) 4
5. Viva-voce. 4
6. Class record, herbarium, reports attenuations. 6
Tribhuvan University
Central Department of Botany
Practical Examination of M.Sc. Botany (1 year) Full Marks: 25
Paper: Bot. 533 A (Non Vascular Plants) Pass Marks: 10
Subject: (plant physiology)
Time: 3 hours.
1. Perform physiology experimental allotted ‘A’ rite principle, requirements, procedure,
observation and discuss your findings.
2. Perform physiology experiment allotted ‘B’. write principle and comment upon your
3. Viva-voce
4. Class record.
Tribhuvan University
Central Department of Botany
Practical Examination of M.Sc. Botany (1st year) Full Marks: 25
Paper: Bot. 533 A (Non Vascular Plants) Pass Marks: 10
Subject: (Cytology and Genetics)
Time: 3 hours.
1. Make temporary sequash preparations of material (A) by using suitable stain. Draw a
well-labelled hand sketches of various stages found. Mention typical characters of each
stages. 5
2. Using Munzing solution find out the pollen viability from the given material (B) and
3. Comment on the spots 1-5. 5
4. Viva-voce 5
5. Class-record. 5
Tribhuvan University
Central Department of Botany
Practical Examination of M.Sc. Botany (1 year) Full Marks: 25
Subject: (Taxonomy of Angiosperms) Pass Marks: 10
Time: 3 hours.
1. Describe the given plant material in semi-technical terms and identify upto species. 10
2. Spotting 1-4 4
3. Viva-voce. 5
4. Class record, herbarium, field report.
Tribhuvan University
Central Department of Botany
Practical Examination of M.Sc. Botany (1st year) Full Marks: 25
Subject: (Ecology) Pass Marks: 10
Time: 3 hours.
1. Perform ecology experiment ‘A’ (major). Write principle, requirements, methodology
and observations and discuss your findings. 10
2. Perform ecology experiment ‘B’ (minor). Write theory and comment upon your
observations. 5
3. Viva-voce 5
4. Class-record. 5
Tribhuvan University
Central Department of Botany
Practical Examination of M.Sc. Botany (1 year) Full Marks: 25
Botany-VI Paper (Bot. 526) Pass Marks: 10
Subject: (Cytology and Genetics)
Time: 3 hours.
Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable.
The figures in the margin indicate full marks.
Section A
Attempt any two: 10×2=20
1. Mention the properties of genetic material. Give a concise account of DNA with its
chemistry structure and the mode of replication.
2. Define genetic code. Explain its features and importance wit suitable examples.
3. Give an account of chromosomal mechanism of sex determination in plants.
Section B
Write notes on any four: 5×4=20
4. Transcription and translocation processes.
5. Pleiotropism and allelism
6. Application of genetic engineering in agriculture.
7. Lagging chromosomes
8. Organizations of the prokaryotic genome
9. Chromosomal mutation
Section C
Write short notes on any five: 2×5=10
10. Membrane transport
11. Polymerism
12. Cellular compartmentalization
13. Bivalents
14. Transgenic plants
15. Linked genes
16. Repetitive DNA
Tribhuvan University
Central Department of Botany
Practical Examination of M.Sc. Botany (1 year) Full Marks: 25
Botany-VI Paper (Bot. 525) Pass Marks: 10
Subject: (Plant Physiology)
Time: 3 hours.
Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable.
The figures in the margin indicate full marks.
Section A
Write explanatory answer to the following questions (any two): 10×2=20
1. What is rib lose biphosphate carboxylase enzyme? Discuss its significance in the Calvin-
Benson pathway and photorespiration?
2. What is proton motive force (PMF)? Explain chemiosmotic mechanism of ATP synthesis in
inner mitochondrial membrane.
3. What is acetyl CoA? How does it serve as a link between different metabolic pathways?

Section B

Answer the following question in brief (any four): 5×4=20

4. Highlight evolutionary significance of C4 pathway in photosynthesis.

5. What is multienzyme complex in lipid metabolism? Brief discuss its role.
6. Define coenzyme. Explain the role of any two coenzymes used in oxidation reduction
7. Differentiate between monoterpanes and diverseness. Discuss their role in plants.
8. How do plants response to salt stress? Discuss.
9. Describe various types of phytochrome mediated plant responses to light?

Section C

Write short answer (any five): 2×5=10

10. What is action spectrum in photosynthesis?

11. Why is oxygen necessary for operation of the electron transport process in mitochondria?
12. What do you know about the uncoupling agent of oxidative phosphorylation?
13. Why are fats solid and liquid at room temperature?
14. What is apoenzyme?
15. Why Jasmonate is called signaling agent?
16. How does relative growth rate of plant vary with specific leaf area?
17. What is triple response? Which hormone is responsible for this response?
Tribhuvan University
Central Department of Botany
Practical Examination of M.Sc. Botany (1 year) Full Marks: 25
Botany-VI Paper (Bot. 525) Pass Marks: 10
Subject: (Ecology)
Time: 2 hours.
Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable.
The figures in the margin indicate full marks.
Section A
Attempt any two: 10×2=20.

1. Explain the various models of the mechanisms of succession.

2. Describe methods of measuring primary productivity.
3. Discuss major causes and ecological consequences of biodiversity loss.
Section B
Attempt any four: 5×4=20
4. Define phenology. Explain briefly its significance in describing vegetation.
5. Describe briefly the ordination techniques used in vegetation analysis.
6. How do litter fall and decomposition affect ecosystem function?
7. Why is protected area network important for the conservation of biodiversity?
8. Highlight the ecological impacts of invasion by alien plant species.
9. How is the global carbon cycle linked with climate change?
Section C
Attempt any five: 2×5=10
10. How do e and k-selected species differ in seed characteristics?
11. Give names of tree species which form tree line in Nepal Himalaya.
12. What do you understand by facilitation?
13. Explain briefly types of survivorship curve.
14. Mention any two unique features if inner valleys in phtogeographic division of Nepal.
15. Explain the meaning of resilience in ecosystem.
16. Mention two important adaptive features of epiphytic plants.
17. What do you mean by biodiversity hot spots?
Tribhuvan University
Central Department of Botany
Practical Examination of M.Sc. Botany (1 year) Full Marks: 25
Botany-VI Paper (Bot. 525) Pass Marks: 10
Subject: (Taxonomy of Angiosperms)
Time: 2 hours.
Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable.
The figures in the margin indicate full marks.
Section A
Attempt any two: 10×2=20.
1. Give a comparative account of widely accepted one natural system and one phylogenetic
system of classification of angiosperms. Discuss merits and demerits of both systems.
2. Explain with suitable examples the use of phytochemical data to solve the disputed
taxonomic problems.
3. Describe the range of floral characters and phylogenetic affinities in the subclass
Section B
Attempr any four: 5×4=20
4. Explain briefly the role of taxonomy in plant conservation.
5. What are the general evolutionary trends in flowering plants?
6. What is typification? Why is it important in systematic study?
7. Discuss the role of allopatric and sympatric speciation in evolution of new species.
8. Describe the process of collection and identification of voucher specimens.
9. What does GSPC stands for? What are the scope and general principle of GSPC?
Section C
Write notes on any five: 2×5=10
10. Apomorphic and polymorphic characters.
11. Contribution of J.D.A. Stanton
12. Dichotomous key
13. Fruit types in Magnoliaceae and Ranunculaceae.
14. Endemism
15. Role of botanic garden in plant conservation
16. Angiosperm Phylogeny Group System of Classification (APG)
17. Biosynthesis.
Tribhuvan University
Central Department of Botany
Practical Examination of M.Sc. Botany (1 year) Full Marks: 25
Botany-VI Paper (Bot. 522) Pass Marks: 10
Subject: (Bryophytes, Pteridophytes and Gymnosperms)
Time: 2 hours.
Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable.
The figures in the margin indicate full marks.
Section A (Bryophytes)
Attempt any two: 10×2=20.
1. Discuss the process of distribution of bryophytes in Nepal.
Give an account of distribution of bryophytes in Nepal.
2. Write short notes on any two: 2.5×2=5
a. Pellia
b. Conservation of bryophytes
c. Peristome

section B (Pteridophytes)

3. Describe the types of steles found in different species of Lycopodium. 10

Give an account of soral evolution in ferns.
4. Write short notes on any two: 5×2=10
a. Ophioglossum
b. Asteroxylon
c. Apospory

Section C (Gymnosperms)

5. Give an account of tamales. How does it differ from Pinales?

Describe characteristic features and phylogeny of Cycas.
6. Write short notes on any two: 2.5×2=5
a. Flower of Cycadeoidea
b. Male cone of Pinus
c. Distribution of Ephedrine
Tribhuvan University
Central Department of Botany
Practical Examination of M.Sc. Botany (1 year) Full Marks: 25
Botany-VI Paper (Bot. 521) Pass Marks: 10
Subject: (Bacteria, Virus, Lichens, Fungi & Algae )
Time: 2 hours.
Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable.
The figures in the margin indicate full marks.
Section A (Fungi)
1. Give an account of characteristic features of Erysiphales and describe different types of
cleistothecia found in this order. 10
Give an illustration of various types of sporangia and sporangiophores in roomiress.
2. Write short notes on any two: 2.5×2=5
a. Synchytrium endobioticum
b. Fruitinf bodies in Deuteromycetes
c. Poisonous mushroom
3. Write short notes on any two: 2.5×2=5
a. Symbiosis
b. Dimorphism
c. Basidiocarp

Section B (Algae)

4. Describe the general characters of Cyanophyceae and state why the members of this class
are important in agriculture. 10
Describe the structure and reproduction of Florideae and discuss their affinities.
5. Write short notes on any two: 5×2=10
a. Asexual reproduction in Chlorophyceae
b. Economic importance of Phaeophyceae
c. Cell structure of bacillarophyceae

Section C (Bacteria, Virus, Lichens)

6. Give brief account of any two: 2.5×2=5

a. Lichens as bio-indicators
b. Ultra structure of virus
c. Cell structure of bacteria
Tribhuvan University
Central Department of Botany
Practical Examination of M.Sc. Botany (1 year) Full Marks: 25
Botany-VI Paper (Bot. 526) Pass Marks: 10
Subject: (Cytology and Genetics)
Time: 2 hours.
Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable.
The figures in the margin indicate full marks.
Section A
Attempt any two: 10×2=20
1. Describe the characteristic features of genetic material. Give the experimental evidences to
prove nucleic acid as the genetic material.
2. With the help of virus, genetic materials from one strain of bacteria to another have been
transferred. Give a comprehensive account of the process with description of suitable
3. Define karyotype. Point out main characteristics of karyotypes in plants.
Section B
Write short notes on any four: 5×4=20
4. What is genetic engineering explain its importance.
5. Difference between variation and mutation
6. Which processes are partially controlled by the extracellular signaling molecules?
7. What are genotypes and corresponding phenotypes (blood group types) for the ABO locus in
8. What is genetic code? Give some evidences in favor of (i) non overlapping code (ii)
degenerate code.
9. Mechanism of transformation.

Section C

Write short notes on any five: 2×5=10

10. Membrane transport

11. Genetic counseling
12. Multiple alleles
13. Population genetics
14. Blood group inheritance
15. Transgenic plants
16. Repetitive DNA
17. Sources of genetic variation
Tribhuvan University
Central Department of Botany
Practical Examination of M.Sc. Botany (1 year) Full Marks: 25
Botany-VI Paper (Bot. 521) Pass Marks: 10
Subject: (Bacteria, Virus, Lichens, Fungi & Algae)
Time: 2 hours.
Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable.
The figures in the margin indicate full marks.
Section A (Fungi)
1. Discuss different types of life cycle in yeast with illustration. 10
Give an account of sexual reproduction in Ascomycetes.
2. Write notes on any two: 5×2=10
a. Appendages of Erysiphaceae
b. Food value of fungi
c. Heterothallism
3. Write short notes on any two: 2.5×2=5
a. Morchella species
b. Heterocious rust
c. Pycnidium and acervulus

Section B (Algae)

4. Illustrate with specific examples, the range of thallus structure in chlorophyceae. 10

Discuss the economic importance of algae with example.
5. Write short notes on any two: 5×2=10
a. Internal structure of Laminaria thallus.
b. Describe the features of Rhodophyceae
c. Economic importance of Cyanophyceae

Section C (Bacteria, Virus, Lichens)

6. Give brief account of any two: 2.5×2=5

a. Types of bacteria
b. Different types of lichens
c. Transmission of plant virus

Tribhuvan University
Central Department of Botany
Practical Examination of M.Sc. Botany (1st year) Full Marks: 25
Botany-VI Paper (Bot. 522) Pass Marks: 10
Subject: (Bryophytes, Pteridophytes and Gymnosperms)
Time: 2 hours.
Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable.
The figures in the margin indicate full marks.
Section A (Bryophytes)
1. Enumerate the distinctive features of the order Anthocerotales and discuss its affinities. 10
Discuss life history of Sphacrocarpus and mention its systematic position.
2. Write short notes on any two: 2.5×2=5
a. Sporophyte of Sphagnum
b. Role of moss in ecological succession.
c. Acrogynae

Section B (Pteridophytes)

3. Illustrate with specific examples, the soral evolution in ferns. 10

Give an account of gametophytes found in different species of Lycopodium.
4. Write short notes on any two: 5×2=10
a. Aquatic fern
b. Lepidodendron
c. Types of telomes

Section C (Gymnosperms)

5. Give an account of sailent features of Taxales and explain its phylogenetic position. 10
Explain, “Cycas is a transitional stage between ferns and gymnosperms”.
6. Write short notes on any two: 2.5×2=5
a. Pentoxylon
b. Distribution of Ephedra in Nepal
c. Paleozoic seed
Tribhuvan University
Central Department of Botany
Practical Examination of M.Sc. Botany (1 year) Full Marks: 25
Botany-VII Paper (Bot. 527) Pass Marks: 10
Subject: (Fundamentals of Research)
Time: 2 hours.
Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable.
The figures in the margin indicate full marks.

Section A

Attempt any one: 10

1. What is scientific research? Discuss the approaches used in conducting ethnobotanical research.
2. What are research ethics? Explain the major ethical issues in scientific research and discuss the
processes in handling them.

Section B

3. What is research proposal? Summarize essential components of a research proposal.

4. Discuss the procedure of reviewing literature and explain the significance of literature review in
writing a research proposal.
5. What is research design? Discuss its importance.

Section C

Attempt any four: 2.5×4=10

6. Distinguish between qualitative and quantitative research.

7. What is hypothetical testing? How do you formulate hypothesis?
8. Explain the important safety measures for a botany laboratory.
9. What is the importace of ‘control’ in an experiment?
10. How does a dependent variable differ from an independent variable?
11. Why are illustrations important in research communication?
Tribhuvan University
Central Department of Botany
Practical Examination of M.Sc. Botany (1 year) Full Marks: 25
Botany-VI Paper (Bot. 524) Pass Marks: 10
Subject: (Ecology)
Time: 2 hours.
Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable.
The figures in the margin indicate full marks.

Section A

Attempt any two: 10×2=20

1. Explain the parameters of a plant community that are considered important for vegetation
2. Give an account of variation of net primary productivity (NPP) across major ecosystem in the
world. Explain important factors that influence NPP.
3. What are invasive alien species? Discuss the characteristics that impart invasiveness to these
species and the process of their invasion.
Section B
Attempt any four: 5×4=20
4. Discuss the importance of scales in ecological studies.
5. Give a comparative account of traits attributes to r and k selection.
6. Discuss briefly the relay floristic mechanism of succession,
7. Write a note on ecosystem cybernetics.
8. What, in your opinion, is the most important driver for biodiversity loss and why?
9. State how population, poverty and over exploitation of resources are related.

Section C

Attempt any five: 2×5=10

10. What do you mean by population dynamics?

11. What do you understand by intrinsic rate of population growth?
12. What do you mean by gradient analysis?
13. Define ecological niche.
14. Explain in very short the meaning of facilitation.
15. Differentiate between resistance and resilience.
16. What do you mean by biodiversity hotspots?
17. Give a concise meaning of population explosion.

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