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Chinese Concentration Camps

The world said never again after the holocaust. But it is happening in 2020. As of 2018, China
has constructed nearly 400 concentration camps where there have been estimated over a
million Muslims being manipulated, tortured, forced into changing their beliefs and religion,
slaved, and much more actions against human rights for no valid reason at all other than
“Islamophobia”. These “Re-education Camps” are also using Muslims, as many worldwide
companies such as Nike, Puma, Zara, Gap, H&M, and dozens more are using the Muslims that
are being tortured forced to labor. Many documents have been shared on social media that
show how these Muslims are being slaved and tortured, but it has yet caught the eyes of the

In these concentration camps Muslims are being abused, raped, tortured, and killed. But those
who survive are subjected to electrocution, waterboarding, repeated beatings, stress positions,
injections of unknown substances, and other atrocities. As a Uyghur woman testifies about her
encounters in a Chinese concentration camp before Congress, she stated that “I would rather
die than go through this torture. I begged them to kill me”. These detained families are being
broken up and the kids ages between 3-8 are being sent to orphanages and being brain
washed. Many leaked videos and documents that have been shared show how these detained
Muslims are being brainwashed. In eastern Turkistan, beyond the camps, the Chinese
government is doing this by building an open-air facility. Software for facial recognition,
identification controls, home stays, and monitoring software are all part of daily life.
These concentration camps are violating many rules and taking away many basic human rights.
To begin with, in the concentration camps Muslims are being forced into eating pork, drinking
alcoholic drinks, and other prohibited acts in the religion of Islam. A leaked video clip showed
the detained Muslims being forced to attend alcohol drinking contests. However, if they refuse
to attend, they are being tortured and killed by the authorities.

In these “re-education camps” Uighur births are being cut down by abortion and sterilization,
organs from these detained Muslim are being harvested and sold, Uighurs are being put into
forced labor camps to work for many multinational companies.
China has made it clear that racism and slavery still exist in the 21 st century which is big problem
that can have a big affect on the community. China violates many major human rights to the
Uyghur Muslims. First of all, China takes away the right of freedom from the Muslim detainees
by forcing them into doing prohibited actions in the religion of Islam against their will or they
will be slaughtered or killed by the Chinese authorities. Furthermore, China takes the right of
worship by making the detainees change their religion through abusive ways where the
Muslims in the camps are being beaten up, forced to do prohibited acts, participate in alcohol
drinking contests and much more.
In these concentration camps brainwashing techniques are used on the detainees. When
families are detained, the children are sent to orphanages to be brainwashed and change their
beliefs as they are still children and will not understand what is going on. Moreover, women are
being forcefully married to other Chinese men against their will. Men are forced to eat pork,
drink alcohol, and denounce themselves as Muslims. Also, documents have shown that the
detainees are forced to take pills and get injections. The detainees are the human subject of
medical experiments, organ harvesting, and sterilization procedures.

Many countries worldwide support China’s actions against the Uighur Muslim people. A big
percentage of these countries are Arab even Muslim countries such as Saudi Arabia, Syria,
Kuwait, Iraq, United Arab Emirates, Yemen, North Korea, Philippines, Serbia, Cuba, Russia,
Oman, Venezuela and many more countries that support the unethical slavery and racism going
on in China. This will only give Chine better motive to increase the amount of concentration
camps, the Muslims being detained, and the inhuman actions taken by the Chinese authorities
on these detainees.
Never again is happening again. We need to lift our voices and fight the discrimination against
the Uyghurs that is happening right now. Global leaders know that this is happening, but they
have turned a blind eye. We need to raise more awareness to realize that such barbaric actions
are no longer acceptable.

[ CITATION The20 \l 1033 ]

The Guardian. 24 9 2020. 3 10 2020. <

[ CITATION Sav20 \l 1033 ]

Save Uighur. 10 3 2020. 3 10 2020. <

The Guardian. 24 9 2020. 3 10 2020. <


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