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Laura Camila Ruiz Hernandez, Saira Milena Osorio Sanchez


The aim of this report is to quantify the percentage of total nitrogen and protein in samples of
meat, flour and dairy products based on experimental data, in order to compare the values
obtained to decide the most nutritionally optimal food for consumption, promoting skills in
discussion and decision making based on the analytical results. From a comparative study
between the experimental results obtained between the Kjeldahl and Dumas method for the
analysis of different food groups, the percentage of nitrogen and the percentage of proteins of
certain meat products, of novel flours and of two yogurts were obtained, comparing these
data with the theoretical ones to find the percentage of error of each one and thus to be able to
decide which food has greater nutritional benefit for the development of the person,
investigating about the general characteristics of the proteins and their biological function.
Concluding that proteins are important because they form the structure of all body tissues,
regulate the proper functioning of each organ, protect us from disease because antibodies are
proteins and provide us with energy to perform daily tasks.

Keywords: Kjeldahl method, proteins, macromolecules, carbon, hydrogen, nucleic acids,

lipids, carbohydrates

Determination of nitrogen by the The organic compounds are carbonized by

Kjeldahl method the action of concentrated sulfuric acid at
the high temperature at which it is
operated, the carbon is slowly oxidized to
Many nitrogenous compounds, heated
carbon dioxide by the action of sulfuric
with concentrated sulphuric acid at high
acid, which is reduced to sulfur dioxide.
temperatures and in the presence of a
This is a strong reducer, capable of making
catalyst, decompose with the formation of
nitrogen pass to its lower state of oxidation
ammonia, which is fixed by the acid in the
(-3), NH₃, which in the acidic
form of ammonium ion. The determination
environment is transformed into NH₄⁺.
consists of 3 stages.
Organic nitrogen bases such as primary,
secondary and tertiary amines
1. digestion: the nitrogen compound is RNH₂,R₂NH and R₃N, can be considered
heated with concentrated sulphuric acid, to as ammonia in which one or more
which potassium sulphate is normally hydrogen atoms have been replaced by the
added to raise its boiling point and achieve organic radical R. In these compounds,
faster decomposition of the sample, a nitrogen is already in its lower state of
catalyst is needed, since copper oxide, oxidation so that, in these compounds,
mercury, mercury oxide, selenium and nitrogen passes to NH₄⁺ easily in the
copper selenium have been used. the process of digestion.
operation is carried out in long-necked
flasks (Kjeldahl flasks). the abundant
On the other hand, some compounds must
release of sulphur dioxide and trioxide
be subjected to preliminary treatment prior
requires the process to be carried out in a
to the kjeldahl method. In the case of
glass case.
gunos nitrates and nitro compounds, Ammonia is absorbed in a 4% excess boric
sodium thiosulphate salicylic acid is added acid solution whose concentration is not
to the mixture to be digested. The citric since what is valued is the borate ion
inorganic nitrates are normally formed in the reaction.
transformed directly into ammonia with
sodium hydroxide solution and high alloy
BO₂ + HBO₂ → NH₃ + →-
(Al,Zn,Cu)Ammonia is distilled and the
analysis is continued, the determination
can be started directly by the distillation with a standard acid solution
H⁺- + H⁺ ---> HBO₂
2. Distillation: after allowing the mass
undergoing digestion to cool, an excess of
Finally, the acid consumed in this titration
concentrated sodium hydroxide is added
is equivalent to the ammonia obtained and
and immediately connected to the flask to
the nitrogen content of the sample.
a coolant whose outlet is immersed under
the surface of a measured volume of
excess standard acid. The mixture in the
flask is distilled until at least one third of
its volume has passed, which ensures
complete volatilisation of the ammonia. To
prevent the liquid from being projected,
small pieces of porous plate are added to
the flask and a suitable siphon is used to
prevent alkaline drops from being carried
over into the refrigerant.
Figure 1. Process diagram of the Kjeldahl
3. assessment: Excess acid is titrated with method.
excess sodium hydroxide solution.
Although a strong acid and base react in
this titration, the solution is not neutral at
the stoichiometric point since the presence
of the ammonium ion is hydrolyzed to
give a slightly acidic solution in which
methyl red is used as an indicator. A blank Kjeldahl method reactions
solution is usually used at all stages of the
procedure using sucrose as the organic
(CHNO) + H₂O↑ → CO₂↑ + NH₄⁺ +
compound in the digestion.
CO₂↑ + H₂O↑

It is very convenient to use a semi-micro

equipment with digestion flasks of 100 B(OH)₃ + H₂O + ↔NH₄ NH₃⁺ +
ML; Hengar tubes to absorb the sulphur B(OH)₄+
trioxide and as air cooler simply a large
diameter tube in the form of an inverted or
H₂SO₄ + protein sample → (NH₄)₂SO₄
The acid and base used in this semi-micro
+ CO₂ + H₂O + other compounds
method have a concentration of the order
of 0,02 N.
Advantages of the Kjeldahl method
other techniques must be used to
A great advantage of this method is its determine the NPN fraction in the sample.
great applicability in the different media or
substances to which it can be used, that is, For some samples 100% of the nitrogen
how it is possible to notice in the text will not be obtained, in the case of
especially in the field of food has a very aromatic species, the heterocyclic nitrogen
wide field of action (seeds, milk, cereals, is difficult to separate so a pre-digestion
cheeses, oils, eggs, etc.), as well as for process must be done
example with minerals such as coal and in
the study of soil with fertilizers, among Some of the catalyst reagents are
others. pollutants and even toxic to humans, for
example mercuric oxide (HgO) in some
The large number of variations that this cases others produce gas concentrations
method has for its development, i.e. that can be harmful to the environment.
depending on the determination to be
made, for some substances there are for
example direct proportions of catalytic During the distillation process, loss of
substances, reduction of digestion times ammonia can be a problem, because if the
using other compounds, the effects of right precautions are not taken there may
temperature, indicators for titration, be leakage losses and even during cooling
microwave digestion, among others. in the condenser some of the condensed
ammonia may remain on the walls
It allows the analysis of almost complete
insoluble samples, which means that these The complete degradation of the sample
samples can be in their original form, can be complicated for certain amino acids
when they go through the digestion since in some only a stoichiometric
process, the concentrated sulfuric acid fraction is dissolved with the sulfuric acid,
high temperatures are responsible for that is why a second compound is used
decomposing the substance ( hydrogen peroxide to perform the
complete separation of the nitrogen from
the sample)
Disadvantages of the Kjeldahl method
The change of toxic compounds for
For the determination of proteins the compounds with less environmental
method has a main problem and that is the impact and that do not alter people's
interference caused by non-protein health. Some substances used in the
nitrogen (NPN), this generates a Kjeldahl method have been replaced over
disadvantage since these must be separated time, although the efficiency is lower, the
to determine the actual protein content. So risk of illness from the use of these
substances decreases.

Functions of proteins
Human body Food

have a plastic function, since they form the Proteins are molecules formed by amino
structures of all our body tissues and organs. acids that are linked by a type of bonds
For example, collagen in bones, cartilage, known as peptide bonds. The order and
tendons and skin; elastin in the walls of arrangement of amino acids depends on
blood vessels, muscles and lungs; or keratin each person's genetic code. All proteins are
in nails and skin. composed of: Carbon, Hydrogen, Oxygen,
Nitrogen and most also contain sulfur and

its regulatory function is very important. For The two main properties of proteins, which
the proper functioning of each and every one allow their existence and the correct
of our organs, elements are needed to performance of their functions, are stability
activate and deactivate their processes. and solubility.

The DNA is the central control panel that their structure makes each protein perform a
directs and organizes all the processes that specific and concrete function different from
will take place in our body. Genetic codes the others and from the function that other
are also combinations of amino acids. molecules may have, the pH buffering (they
Furthermore, within this adjustment of may behave as acids or as basics, depending
mechanisms is the defensive task against on whether they lose or gain electrons, and
pathogenic elements that try to invade the make the pH of a tissue or compound in the
body and cause disease. Antibodies are body remain at the appropriate levels) or the
proteins. electrolytic capacity that allows them to
move from the positive to the negative poles
and vice versa.

also have an energetic function. When our They are mainly present in foods of animal
cells cannot get energy from carbohydrates origin such as meat, fish, eggs and milk. But
or fats, they burn protein. But their they are also present in vegetable foods,
combustion is not clean, leaving residues such as soya, legumes and cereals, although
derived from ammonia, highly toxic to our in smaller proportions. Their intake provides
body. the body with 4 kilocalories per gram of

Other methods to quantify proteins in alkaline medium (Biuret reaction). The

biological samples stability of the reagent and chromophore
provides a method for protein
BCA method quantification that is simple, fast, highly
sensitive, and shows a high tolerance to
Bicinconinic acid, sodium salt, is a compounds that affect other methods.
compound capable of forming an intense OH-
purple complex with Cu1+ ions in an Protein + Cu2+ → Cu1+
alkaline medium. This reagent forms the
basis of an analytical method capable of Cu1+ + BCA → purple complex BCA-
monitoring the cuprous ion produced in a
reaction between proteins with Cu2+ in an
Bradford's method with copper salts, as in the first stage of
the Lowry method.
Under the right conditions, acid or basic
groups of proteins can interact with It is based on the formation of a colored
organic groups of certain dyes to produce complex between the Cu2+ and NH
precipitates with a characteristic colour. groups of the peptide bonds in the basic
medium. 1Cu2+ is complexed with 4 NH.
It is based on the binding of a dye, The intensity of staining is directly
Comassie Blue G-250 (also Serva Blue) to proportional to the amount of protein
proteins. The dye, in acid solution, exists (peptide bonds) and the reaction is quite
in two forms, one blue and one orange. specific, so that few substances interfere.
The proteins bind to the blue form to form The sensitivity of the method is very low
a protein-colorant complex with a higher and it is only recommended for the
extinction coefficient than the free quantification of proteins in highly
colorant. This method is sensitive (1-15 concentrated preparations (e.g. in serum).
µg), simple, fast, cheap and few
substances interfere in its determination. It has very few interfering agents (one of
Among the interfering substances are them is ammonium sulfate). It is a less
detergents and basic solutions. sensitive method than Lowry's so it
requires a larger amount of sample.
This reaction is measured by absorbance at
595 nm and there is also a linear The appropriate range using 1 ml end is
relationship within certain protein 0.1 to 1 mg of protein.
This method is very fast, cheap and
sensitive and can be worked on in a range The Lowry method (1951) is a
of 1 to 25 micrograms for a volume of 1 colorimetric method of quantitative protein
ml. titration. A reagent is added to the sample
to form a colored complex with the
Detergents and alkaline solutions interfere proteins, the color intensity being
with the test. proportional to the protein concentration,
according to Lambert-Beer's law A= ε.l.c
Biuret Method This method has two stages:
1) Cu2+ ions, in an alkaline medium, bind
It's a faster and less cumbersome method to proteins forming complexes with the
than Lowry's. The reaction is named after nitrogen atoms of the peptide bonds. These
Biuret, a molecule formed from two urea Cu2+-protein complexes have a light blue
molecules (H2N-CO-NH-CONH2), which color. In addition, they cause the three-
is the simplest molecule that gives a dimensional structure of the protein to
positive reaction. Under alkaline unfold, exposing the phenolic tyrosine
conditions, substances containing two or residues that will participate in the second
more peptide bonds form a purple complex stage of the reaction. The Cu2+ remains in
alkaline solution as its complex with basic food groups and are important for a
tartrate. healthy life. They are macronutrients,
2) The reduction, also in basic medium, of which means that they are one of the three
the Folin-Ciocalteau reagent, by the main forms of substances used by the
phenolic groups of the tyrosine residues, human body for energy or calories.
present in most proteins, with copper
acting as a catalyst. The main constituent Sugars and simple polysaccharides make
of the Folin-Ciocalteau reagent is up this group. Glucose is an example of a
phosphomolibdotungstic acid, which is simple sugar that is an important cellular
yellow in colour and when reduced by the food. The breakdown of simple sugars by
phenolic groups gives rise to an intense chemical reaction generates cellular
blue complex. energy and initiates the synthesis of other
components of a cell. Polysaccharides are
Groups of macromolecules of the structural components of a cell. On the
biochemical interest other hand, polysaccharides and other
sugars can function as cellular processes
Within individual cells, there are including the intracellular movement of
thousands of different types of proteins.
macromolecules, or organic compositions.
These will be different, even among cells Lipids
of the same person. Macromolecules,
proteins, nucleic acids, and Lipids are a group of biological molecules
polysaccharides, are formed by the that share two characteristics: they are
polymerization of hundreds of their low insoluble in water and are rich in energy
molecular weight precursors, amino acids, due to the number of carbon-hydrogen
nucleotides, and simple sugars. bonds.

The diversity among macromolecules is A lipid is an insoluble molecular organic

developed from the extensive potential to compound composed of hydrogen and
form different combinations of the 50's or carbon. The two main types of lipids in the
monomers so common that they make up a blood are cholesterol and triglycerides.
macromolecule. These macromolecules
can constitute up to 90% of the dry weight In terms of their purpose in the human
of a cell. body, lipids are of crucial importance for
energy storage and cell membrane
Carbohydrates development. If lipid levels become too
high they can build up on the walls of the
Carbohydrates, also called carbohydrates, arteries to form a plaque that can block the
are the sugars, starches and fibers found in passage of blood. They are important in
a wide variety of foods such as fruits, the transmission of cell signals, function as
grains, vegetables and dairy products. the starting point for various biosynthetic
They are called carbohydrates because processes such as the synthesis of estrogen
they chemically contain carbon, hydrogen, and testosterone. Some lipids can transport
and oxygen. Carbohydrates are one of the signals from receptors on the cell surface
to targets on the same or other cells. Total protein and free protein
Phospholipids contain two fatty acids
assembled to a polar major group. In Crude Protein or Total Nitrogenous
addition to phospholipids, cells have Materials (TNM) are determined by the
glycolipids and cholesterol. Kjeldahl method. As a result of their
structure based on individual amino acids,
Nucleic acids the nitrogen content of proteins varies only
within very narrow limits (15 to 18% and
Nucleic acids are an important type of on average 16%). For the analytical
macromolecule present in all cells and determination of the total protein content
viruses. The functions of the nucleic acids or "free protein", the nitrogen content is
are related to the storage and expression of usually determined after removing the
genetic information. Deoxyribonucleic organic matter with sulphuric acid, and the
acid (DNA) encodes the information that protein content is finally calculated with
the cell needs to make proteins. A related the help of a factor (usually 6.25)
type of nucleic acid called ribonucleic acid
(RNA) has several molecular forms and is In the Kjeldahl treatment of foods, not
involved in protein synthesis. only proteins or free amino acids are
determined, but also nucleic acids and
Messenger RNA (mRNA) carries the ammonium salts. The bound nitrogen of
DNA information to the ribosomes. In aromatic compounds such as pyrazine,
addition, ribosomal RNA and transfer cyclopentapyrazine, pyrrole and oxazol is
RNA are involved in protein synthesis. also determined, as well as the bound
RNA can also catalyze chemical reactions, organic nitrogen of vitamins such as B1
such as those involving protein synthesis (thiamine), B2 (riboflavin) and
and RNA processing. nicotinamide.

Proteins However, as foods generally contain only

trace amounts of aromatic nitrogen
Proteins play an important role in most of compounds and vitamins, the error thus
the tasks that an organism performs. made is considered negligible.
Proteins do the work of a cell, directed by Furthermore, nitric nitrogen, hydrogen
the genetic information carried by the cyanide, hydrazine nitrogen and azo group
nucleic acids. A cell expects many nitrogen are not determined by this
thousands of proteins, which function as method, which makes the method
the building blocks of a cell, saving and particularly interesting and relatively
transporting small molecules, transmitting specific for the determination of proteins.
data between cells, and defending the body
against the onset of infection. But proteins First VELP Scientifica Kjeldahl device
also function as the enzymes that speed up
most chemical reactions. In this way,
proteins conduct most of the cell's
Typically, block digesters have a
controller that adjusts the temperature of
the entire block and the operating time,
which automates and allows for timed
ramps during the course of a digestion.
The Kjeldahl apparatus is available as a
stand-alone unit, if properly combined
with the fume removal system as specified
Figure 2. Micro Kjeldahl from VELP above, or can be placed under an
SCIENTIFICA extraction hood.

The VELP Scientifica Kjeldahl has been The Kjeldahl apparatus for digestion
designed to maximise automation, freeing followed by steam distillation is
up laboratory staff and providing the best sometimes called "rapid Kjeldahl analysis"
conditions for reproducible results. In partly because several block digestion
addition to the objectives to improve methodologies are shorter than the
Kjeldahl analysis, substantial effort has classical method.
been invested in the creation of
environmentally friendly equipment. The typical Kjeldahl distillation apparatus
is designed to accept straight digestion
The first Kjeldahl digestions were tubes directly from block digesters. In this
performed using stone extraction hoods way it is not necessary to transfer the
and gas blankets as a source of heat. Then, sample. The steam distillation is much
around the 1930s, they were replaced by faster than the classical Kjeldahl
the classical Kjeldahl digestion and distillation, usually taking 3-5 minutes.
distillation apparatus. The traditional Kjeldahl distillation units are available
Kjeldahl apparatus for digestion consists with different levels of automation,
of a 250 ml capacity flask. Macro Kjeldahl ranging from relatively manual models to
flasks began to appear, for volumes of 400 highly automatic Kjeldahl distillation
to 800 ml, suggested for those samples units. The basic models dispense sodium
with a very low amount of nitrogen, and hydroxide under the control of a button.
handle relatively large samples. A smaller Many models include a timer to control the
version that appeared was the micro duration of distillation. Some units
Kjeldahl apparatus, consisting of smaller automate the entire Kjeldahl nitrogen
capacity flasks of 30 to 100 ml volume, process once the digestion flask is in place,
commonly used with a low sample and others automatically titrate to the end
quantity. Aluminium heating blocks point after Kjeldahl distillation and
designed to accept several straight calculate and display the results in a
digestion tubes at a time. They usually printed report.
hold 6 to 20 at a time. In all cases, since
Kjeldahl analysis involves significant Receiving solutions can be titrated
corrosive fumes, proper attention must be individually by hand using an indicator
paid to fume removal. solution and a burette, but several models
of automatic tabletop titration instruments
are also available. Some units will titrate The quality of fresh, chilled and frozen
one receiver solution at a time to a set end meat, or meat that has undergone any other
point; others will automatically titrate technological treatment, has a series of
several receiver flasks sequentially. considerations that are explained in the set
of biological properties.
chemical and physical factors that
Nature, production and preservation of determine the suitability of a
meat products food or feed material according to the
Meat is a perishable product, its organic nutritional. sanitary. sensory and
nature makes it psychomechanical requirements
susceptible to alterations that can easily for direct human consumption or for their
develop over time. benefit and industrial processing.
when there are no favourable conditions to
avoid the In general, the factors that contribute to the
various actions that ultimately lead to quality of
putrefaction. meat can be divided into three groups:
Alterations to normal meat can be those determined before
biological (microorganisms and parasites), of the animal's birth (genetic). those
physical (colour, odour, taste) and modified during the animal's lifetime
chemical (acidity, rancidity) which affect (environment) and those affected by the
the quality and health of the product. subsequent steps in animal production
Therefore, meat must be subjected to (meat technology). Thus, the technology in
procedures meat is placed in the foreground towards
that allow the characteristics and the conservation of the quality of the raw
conditions of the fresh product to be material.
maintained with full nutritional and
commercial value. New techniques for the improvement of
meat quality
It should also be noted that meat
technology does not seek -Electrical stimulation
The quality of the product must be -Suspension of the channel through the
improved and maintained in order to offer blocked hole.
the consumer a healthy, hygienic and -Maturation of the carcass or its vacuum
economical product. cuts.
better meat. -Acceleration of maturation by means of
high temperatures -Enzymatic or
Food production in the world is increasing mechanical softening -Restructuring or co-
rapidly, but its distribution is uneven and extrusion.
stocks are limited, which is why it is
necessary to optimize production by Yogurt Composition
incorporating technology in agro-industry
and particularly in the meat sector.
The chemical composition of yoghurt Nutritional contribution of mango
changes according to the type of milk used syrup, stevia and oats as yogurt
(whole cow's milk, goat's milk, sheep's additives
milk or other animals' milk) and according
to the addition of flavouring substances or Parra, Barrera and Rodriguez
fruit. The ingredients and method of (2012) conducted research on the addition
production determine the types of yoghurt: of stevia and oats to the
liquid, creamy, skimmed, with fruit, etc. preparation of yoghurt from a mixture of
goat's and bovine's half-fat milk
The most important vitamins contained in In a 70/30 proportion, respectively, 3% of
yoghurt are vitamin A, B1, B2, B6, B12, oats and 2% of stevia were added as a
C, D, I. The main minerals are calcium, sweetener. To compare the effect of these
phosphorus, potassium and sodium. ingredients, a control yogurt was produced
Yoghurt prepared with partially skimmed which did not contain oats or stevia. After
(or skimmed) cow's milk contains 88.50% the
water, 3.50% protein, 1.80% lipids, 5.00% incubation was packaged and refrigerated.
carbohydrates and an energy content of 49 The study was conducted for 1 month for
Kcal per 100 grams. the
which was a physicochemical, proximal,
Function of the bacterial culture and sensory and microscopic analysis
how it affects the organoleptic Scanning electronics. The results indicated
characteristics of yogurt a final acidity of 0.94%
during storage for the sample of yogurt
The fermentation of milk for the with stevia, oats and
production of various products is a very mango syrup, as well as the nutritional
old practice, which surely originated values for that same
unintentionally during the storage of food. sample for protein was 3.82%, fiber 0.14%
Fermented milks are products prepared and 10.51% for carbohydrates. The
from whole, partially or totally skimmed, sensory evaluation showed favorable
concentrated or substituted, totally or acceptance for the two treatments; no
partially with powdered skimmed milk, However, yogurt with oats and stevia had
pasteurized or sterilized and fermented by greater acceptability in
means of specific microorganisms, the comparison with the control. The electron
main ones being LAB. When these microscopy results of
fermentations are carried out, metabolites (SEM) showed the presence of crystals of
such as lactic acid, ethanol, bacteriocins stevia and oats. It is
and many other compounds are produced concluded that the production of yoghurt
that preserve the milk and give it from a mixture of cow's and goat's milk
distinctive organoleptic characteristics. presented acceptable quality
There is a very wide variety of fermented characteristics.
milks, involving a large number of LAB
species and some yeasts. Parra, Martínez and Espinoza (2011)
developed an investigation on
physicochemical behavior of stevia,
fructose, dextrose and lactose as sweetener. The samples were evaluated
sweeteners at different concentrations during the incubation period until the
during the incubation time in the yogurt reached a titratable acidity of 0.85 -
preparation of whole yogurt. The 0.90% lactic acid or a pH of 4.7. Each
following was used hour a sample was taken evaluating pH,
low concentrations of stevia at a acidity, syneresis and soluble solids,
concentration of 1.5%, fructose 8%, finally a sensory analysis was performed
lactose 8% and dextrose 8% and high with an untrained panel. In the results
concentrations of stevia 2.5%, fructose obtained it was found that there is no
10%, lactose 10% and dextrose 10%, these major variation when using
results were compared with a control different concentrations of sweeteners.
yogurt sample containing sucrose as a


1. Table of Meat Products Ranked from lowest to highest by nitrogen and protein

Meat sample % Protein g protein/ Expected

Product code V1 V2 V3 Average %N Observed 100 g % Protein % Error
sausage LCF 18,1 18,1 18 18,07 2,53 15,81 0,1581 22 39,15
bologna MTK 25,5 25,5 25,4 25,47 3,56 22,25 0,2225 26 16,85
sausage CHCZ 27,5 27,5 27,4 27,47 3,896 24,038 0,24 22 8,47
sausage SPF 31,3 31,3 31,2 31,27 4,38 27,38 0,2738 34.32 25,34
pork pâté ZPC 31,8 31,8 31,7 31,77 4,45 27,81 0,2781 32.27 16,03
sausage SVB 36,9 36,9 36,8 36,87 5,17 32,31 0,3231 35.82 10,86
style CHCZ 37 37 36,9 36,96 5,176 32,35 0,3235 38.53 19,22
bacon TAK 38,5 38,5 38,4 38,47 5,38 33,62 0,3362 36.38 8,2
turkey ham JPZ 39,7 39,7 39,6 39,67 5,55 34,69 0,3469 49.86 25,05
pork ham VCY 51,7 51,7 51,5 51,67 7,23 45,19 0,4519 40.97 10,33
cheese QFP 63 63 62,9 62,47 8,81 55,06 0,5506 56.80 3,16
fresh pork PCF 71,2 71,2 71,1 71,17 9,97 62,31 0,6231 68.33 9,66
fresh beef
filet FRF 74,1 74,1 74 74,07 10,37 64,85 0,6485 70.27 26,8
octopus FP 88,5 88,5 88,4 88,47 12,39 77,43 0,7743 77 0,55
breast PPF 96,3 96,3 96,2 96,27 13,48 84,25 0,8425 87.20 3,5
liver HPF 51,4 51,4 51,3 51,37 7,2 45 0, 45 47.47 8,95

2. Table of novel flours ordered from lowest to highest by nitrogen content

% Protein g protein/ Expected

Meat Product V1 V2 V3 Average %N Observed 100 g % Protein % Error
Banana 0,3 0,4 0,4 0,37 0,21 1,3149 0,013125 3,04 9.36
Ahuyama 1,8 1,9 1,9 1,87 0,74 6,8125 0,068125 8,53 25,26
Chickpea 5,4 5,5 5,5 5,47 1,09 19,9375 0,199375 21,62 8,48
Mushroom 9,7 9,8 9,8 9,77 1,5 35,625 0,35625 37,16 4,32
Lentils 6,1 6,2 6,2 6,17 2,84 22,5 0,225 23,99 6,62
Bean 5,7 5,8 5,8 5,77 3,19 21,0625 0,210625 22,56 7,12
Chachafruto 4,8 4,9 4,9 4,87 3,37 17,75 0,1775 19,25 8,4
peel 1,2 1,3 1,3 1,27 3,6 4,625 0,04625 6,19 33,99
Paprika 2,5 2,6 2,6 2,57 4,06 9,375 0,09375 11,14 18,82
Broccoli 6,9 7 7 6,97 5,7 25,375 0,25375 27,05 6,62

3. Table of novel flours ordered from lowest to highest by protein content

% Protein g protein/ Expected

Flour V1 V2 V3 Average %N Observed 100 g % Protein % Error
Banana 0,3 0,4 0,4 0,37 0,21 1,3149 0,01349 3,04 9,36

Pineapple peel 1,2 1,3 1,3 1,27 3,6 4,625 0,04625 6,19 33,99
Ahuyama 1,8 1,9 1,9 1,87 0,74 6,8125 0,068125 8,53 25,26
Paprika 2,5 2,6 2,6 2,57 4,06 9,375 0,09375 11,14 18,82
Chachafruto 4,8 4,9 4,9 4,87 3,37 17,75 0,1775 19,25 8,4
Chickpea 5,4 5,5 5,5 5,47 1,09 19,9375 0,199375 21,62 8,48
Bean 5,7 5,8 5,8 5,77 3,19 21,0625 0,210625 22,56 7,12
Lentils 6,1 6,2 6,2 6,17 2,84 22,5 0,225 23,99 6,62
Broccoli 6,9 7 7 6,97 5,7 25,375 0,25375 27,05 6,62
Mushroom 9,7 9,8 9,8 9,77 1,5 35,625 0,35625 37,16 4,32

4. Yogurt analysis table

Parameter Yoghurt control (YC) Yogurt Variety (YV)

Protein (%) 17.92 13.6

Fat (%) 0.5 1.16

Raw fiber (%) 0.10 0.24

Ashes (%) 0.72 0.77

Humidity (%) 80.76 84.23

5. Table of yogurt analysis by the Kjeldahl method

Yogurt Average (mL) %N % Protein observed

Yoghurt control (YC) 1.1 0.513 3.2750

Yogurt variety (YV) 1.2 0.56 3.5729

Sample quantity (g) 1,5

HCl concentration (N) 0,5

Dairy Factor 6,38

Analysis - The WHO and the Committee on

Nutrition of the American
Academy of Medicine (Food and
Nutrition Board) recommend an - The Spanish Society for
intake of 1.6 g/kg of protein per Community Nutrition has laid the
day or 20 g/day for infants between foundations for a diet capable of
6 and 12 months of age, so protein satisfying all the requirements of
should make up approximately 10- children, based on the Healthy
15% of a child's diet. Thus, of the Eating Pyramid. These can be
meat products used in this report, summarised in the following
the most convenient for the first guidelines:
intake of a newborn baby is fresh
homemade sausage, since it has ➢ Cereals (bread, rice and pasta) and
15.81% of protein. Even so, the potatoes are the basis of the diet.
percentage is quite high for a child ➢ Fruit and vegetables should be part
and the remaining protein is of the daily diet: their consumption
transformed into fat, which is should be as varied as possible, and
stored as cells (adipocytes) and it is should include citrus fruits.
known that in adulthood, obesity is ➢ Dairy products (milk, cheese and
caused by the increase in the size yogurt) should be part of the daily
of the adipocytes. The more we diet as an optimal source of
have, the more we can gain weight. calcium.
On the other hand, an excess of ➢ Olive oil is the preferred fat for the
protein acidifies the blood. To daily preparation and seasoning of
balance the pH of the blood, bones food.
are demineralised by releasing ➢ Meat, fish and eggs are the best
calcium into the bloodstream. source of protein, and care should
be taken to ensure that all three
- Chickpea (garbanzo) flour is very foods are part of the regular diet.
common in India, as it leaves a ➢ Other foods, such as red meat,
very interesting texture and color, sausages, edible fats, pastries,
especially in shrimp omelettes. It is snacks and sweets, should only be
more satiating than cereal flour, but consumed occasionally.
it is not usually used in
confectionery because it has a Continuing with this reasoning, for a child
slight chickpea taste. It is between 1 and 3 years the best yogurt
sometimes used to replace the egg would be the variety yogurt since it
in omelettes. contains a percentage of proteins of 13.6%
Lentils (lentil flour). It is milder in and 3.5729% being an adequate
taste than the previous one and percentage since the child can only
more digestible. It is also typical of consume between 10-15% of proteins,
India and very common in batter benefiting his growth development, since
and used as a thickener. Even on if we increase the intake of proteins above
more and more commercial the needs it does not bring any benefit and
surfaces we can see pasta made it is counterproductive.
with lentil flour (orange colour).
tissues, regulate the proper
Conclusions functioning of each organ, protect
1. A considerable margin of error is us from disease because antibodies
obtained due to: the standard meat are proteins and provide us with
factor is taken for all foods that energy to perform daily tasks.
have nitrogen, the standard protein Proteins are mainly used to
percentages vary from one table to generate diets based on them with
another either by year or by the the aim of losing weight, greatly
characteristics of the food being reducing the consumption of fats
evaluated, in addition each of the and sugars, so that muscle mass
protein percentages maintained a increases and fat in our body
margin of error of 0.1 to 2, all these decreases and stem cells are
factors make the theoretical food obtained by introducing proteins
used for the analysis of results is into the cells.
surprising an example of this is that
theoretically a baby could consume
mortadella and experimentally Bibliography
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