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Vocational Letters – September 2020.

Sometimes it seems that those of us who are dedicated to the proclamation of the Gospel, in one way or
another, do we stand for something? It is in having agendas filled with tasks, commissions, meetings that serve
to prepare for more gatherings... Moreover, we are dedicated to the proclamation of the Gospel to young
people. Sometimes it seems that we occupy our energies in preparation for large projects, events or
gatherings. We always want as many young people to participate and of course, so that they will be as best
as possible.
All this is very good: to proclaim the Gospel to the youth, we have to be active, dynamic, creative, and
hardworking... However, we can risk forgetting something that Pope Francis reminds us in Christus Vivit, 292:
Above all, for all people. This, even if it seems very attractive and sensible, sometimes it's not that easy.
At the heart, Pope Francis draws attention to something that I myself have experienced on many
occasions: to value not being undone. And to refine, I would say: do successfully. It seems that we fail or that
we betray something or someone when we are not busy in many tasks that are successfully carried out and
completed. Pope Francis reminds us that to accompany is not about doing many things, but only one (or maybe
none). That, of course, let's not forget what we call "success."
Yes, to accompany means action by the young man (a young person) and God who is with him in the
center of everything. If they're together, it's clear that you're not there. Therefore, when one accompanies,
he does almost nothing: he witnesses what God does in this young man. And yet, it is the greatest possible
sign of God's unconditional presence in the young man's life. Therefore, to accompany is a gift and at the
same time, a task that requires double responsibility.
First of all, the responsibility to know you are a sign of God's presence, to make sure that the image of
Christ shines in you, even if what you see when you look into your heart may be dark. Therefore, take care
of your experience of God, your spirituality, your life of faith... Young people are not looking for great ideas,
but a witness; authentic people who try not to be weak and small. No need to be perfect, but convinced and
persuaded by the Gospel. A young man is looking for someone like him and has opted for God.
Secondly, the responsibility to know your impact in the life of the young man, which is like that of anyone:
with moments of lucidity and others of dispersion, failures or sin. In the midst of all this, to be a companion
is the greatest guarantee of the friendly hand that God extends to the young man. His Presence to him above
all. That's why there's judgments, criticism, thinking it's not going anywhere... no! God knows what he's
doing with the young man. And what he does with you, if at any time it inspires you to correct him. You,
worry about listening with all the attention that you are capable; making time available to him, that there is
nothing or anyone more important than him. He may experience you as a sign of God who listens to him and
walks with him. Thank the Lord, when the life of the one you accompany, free of fondness, worries and
sorrows can be difficult.
A Claretian, with a long experience in Vocational and Pastoral ministry,
says that with young people you have to "learn to waste time." I wish our work
is full of names with which to waste time, listening and contemplating how God
is in their lives and how they respond generously... or walking with Him!
We are signs of God's company, let us not forget, that to be rather than to do.
There are those who want to join and encouraged us.

Miguel Alvarez Nieto CMF

Seville (Spain)

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