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Geometry and spatial reasoning, Handbook of Research on Mathematics

Teaching and Learning

Article · December 1992


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2 authors:

Douglas H. Clements Michael Battista

University of Denver The Ohio State University


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Douglas H. Clements

Michael T. Battista

Spatial understal'ld lngs are necessary for Interpreting, understanding, and

appreciating our inherently geometric world . (National Council of Teachers
of Mathematics, 1989, p. 48)
Geometry is gmp!ng space ... that space In which the child lives, breathes
and moves. The space that the child must learn to know. explore, conquer.
In order to liye, breathe, and move better in It. (Freudenthal, In Nnional
Council of Teachers of Mathematics. 1989, p. 48)
Ar islng out of practical activity and man 's need to describe his
surroundings. geometric forms were slowly conceptual/led until they took
on an abstract meaning of their own. Thus from a prKticaJ theory of earth
measure. there de ... elo ped a growing set of relatlom or theorems that
culminued in Euclid's Ele ments, the. collection, J)'nthe.sis, and elabon.tiOfl
of all this knowledge. (Fehr. 197]. p. ]70)
Equations are JUSt the boring part of mathemuics. I attempt to see things
In terms of geometry. (Hawking. NuiOflal Research Council, 1989, p. ]5)

School geometry is Ihe study of those spatial objects, relation- draWing, and construction of figu res; (b) Study of the spatial
ships, and transformations m;u have been formali7.ed (or malhe- aspects of the physical world: (c) use as a vehicle for repre-
matized) and the axiom:uk mathemaliC"JI systems th:1I have senling nonvisual mathematical concepts and relationships; and
been constructed 10 represent them. Spatia! reasoning, on the Cd) represemation as a formal mathematical system. The first
exher hand, consists of the set of cognItive processes by which three of these d imensions require the use of Spatial reasoni ng.
menla! represemations for Spatia! objectS, relationships, and When the term "school geometry" is used, it almost unl·
transform31ions are conSlrucled and manipulated. Clearly, ge- ver:sally refer:s to Euclidean geometry, e"en though there are
ometry and spada! reasoni ng 3re strongly imerrelated, and most numerous approaches to the study of the topiC (for exam·
mathematiCS eduallors seem to include spatial reasoning as pie, synthetic. analytic, transformational, and vector). The tradi-
pan of the geometry curriculum. Usiskin (1987), for instance, tional, secondary school version of geometry is axiomatic in na-
has desc ribed four dimensions of geomeU)'~ (a) visualization, rure, elementary school geometry IraditiOnally has emphasized

The :.Iuthors gratefully acknowledge the helpful commenlS pllJYided by David FU)'5, Brookl)T1 College, and Sh:.lron Senko Mlchlg;ln St:lte UniversJrr.
nme to prepare this materi3! was p3111:.l1l1' provided by the National Science found:l(]on under (jr.ult No. MDR-8651668. An)' opinions, tinding5.
and conclusions or retommendations e.'l:pressed in thiS publlcation are those of the authors and do 1101 necessarily refleCI the "Jews of the N3tlon:.lJ
Science Foundation.


measurement and Informal development of those basic con- sao, 1990). For instance, fifth graders from Japan and Tall,V',m
ceptS needed in high school. According 10 Suydam (1985) thert! scored more than £wice as high as US srudents on a geometry
is a great deal of agreement mar the goals of geometry instruc- test (Stigler et aI., 1990). Japanese students in both first and
tion should be 10 fifth grades also scored much higher (and Taiwanese students
only slightly higher) than US. students on testS of visualization
• develop logical thinking abililics; and paper-folding. Sligier el al. (1990) postulate dmt the laner
• dellelop spatial intuition about the real world; results may be due both 10 Japanese classrooms' heavy reliance
• impan me knowledge needed to study more malhe mallCS; on visual representations for concepts and to expectations that
",d Japanese srudents become competem a[ drawing. Da[a from the
• teach the reading :md interpretation of mathematical argu- Second International MathemalicsStudy(SIMS)showedthat.ln
mentS (p. 481). geometry, US 8th and 12th gt3ders scored at the 25th inter·
n:llional percentile or below (McKnight, Travers, Crosswhite, &
The National Counal of Teachers of Mathematics (1989) e(ll'- Swafford, 1985; McKnight, Travers, & Dossey, 1985).
lim/11m Standards [.111s for all students 10 UslSkin (1987), dtlng data from the 1982 US. Nalional As-
sessment of Educational Progress (NAEP), reponed that fewer
• identify, describe, compare, mode!, draw, and classify gea- than 10% of 13-year-olds could find the measure of lhe th ird
melric figures in twO and three dimensions; angle for a triangle, given the m~ure of Lhe other £wo angles;
• develop spatial sense, o nly 20% could find Lhe length of the hypolenuse or a right
• e,"plore the effects of transforming, combining, subdiViding, triangle given its legs. ( He concluded tllat a greater number
and changing geometr,ic figures; of srudents could do the more difficult computatio n because
it Is laughtto more srudents.) [n the 1986 NAEP, Koub" et al.
• understand, apply, :lOd deduce propenies of and relation-
(1988) reported srudents' performance at identifying common
ships between geometric figures, including congruence and
geometriC figures, such as parallel lines and the diameter of a
circle, :lcceptable, but srudents' performance with figures nOI
• develop an appreciation of geometry :'IS a means of describ- frequendy encountered in elleryday life, such as perpendicu-
ing and modeling the physical world; lar lines and the radius ofa circle, were reported as defiCient
• explore synthetic, transformauonal, and coordinate approach- Performance dealing with properties of figures, visualization,
es to geometry, with college·bound srudents OIlsa required 10 and applications was poor, For example, only 60% of sevenlh
develop an undeCSIanding of an 3.xiomatic system through grade srudems could Identify the image of an object reflected
investigating and comparing various geometric systems; and through a line; only about 10% of seventh graders could find
• e,"plore a vector :lpproach to certain aspens of geometry. the area of a square, given tile length of one of Irs sides (56'*'
found the area of a rect:lrlgle, given the lengths of 1/5 sides):
This chapter contains seven major sections. First, srudents' and less than 10% of seventh graders could Identify which Set
~rformance in geometry is bnefly summarized as a back· of nu mbers could be the lengths of the sides ora trlangJe(even
ground 10 theemire research corpus. Second, research on three though 66% could do it if segments were gillen). Apparently,
m:ljor theoretical perspealves on the developmenr.of geomet- srudents can handle some problems much bener If the prob-
ric thinking-Pilget, the van Hieles, and cognitive sdence- lem is presented ViSually rather than verbally (Carpenter et al"
is reviewed. Third, the establishment of wth In geometry is 1980; Driscoll, 1983b; Kouba el aI., 1988).
discussed, hlghlighting both theoretical and empirical work. TIle siruation is even worse :n the high school level. FirSl,
Founh, the relationship between spatial thinking and mathe- only about half of all high school students enroll in :I geometry
matics, the narure of Spatial reasoning and Imagery, :md al- course. or those e nrolled at the beginning of the school year
tempts 10 reach spatial abilities are considered. The fifth sec- only 63% were able to correctly identify mangles that were
tion, representations of geometric Ideas, includes Issues rei:lted presented along with disrractors (Usiskin, 1987), According to
to conceprs, diagrams, manipuladves, and computers. Sixth, we the 1978 NAEP in mathematics, only 64% of the 17-year-olds
examine group and cross-culrural differences. Finally, broad knew thaI 3 rectangle Is a parallelogram, only 16% could find
conclusions are drawn from this research corpus. the area of a region made up of two rectangles, and lust 9%
could solve the problem "How many cubic feel of concrete
wo uld be needed to pave an area 30 feel long and 20 feet
wide with a layer oj inches thick?" Of 17·year-olds that bad a
STUDENTS' PERFORMANCE IN GEOMETRY full yea r of high school geometry, only 5796 could calculate the
volume of a rectangular solid, 5496 could find the hypotenuse
According 10 extensive evaluallons of mathematic; learning. of a righl triangle whose legs were multiples of 3 and 4, and
eJemen[3ry and middle school srudents in the United Stales are 34% could find the area of a right triangle. Only 52% of enter·
falHng 10 learn basic geometric concepts and geometric prob- ing secondary students could state the area of a square when
lem solving; they are woefully underprepared for the study or 1/5 sides Wefe given (Usiskin, 1982). On the 1986 assessme nt,
more sophisricaled geometric concepts and proof, especially 11th-grade studentS who had n01 taken high school geometry
when compared 10SlUdents from Other nations (Carpenter, Cor- scored at about the same level as seventh graders (Undquist
bin, Kepner, lindquist, & Heys, 1980; fey et aL, 1984; Kouba et & Kouba, 1989), There were few performance differences In
al.. 1988, Stevenson, lee, & Stigler, 1986: Sligler, Lee, & Steven· visualization between those srudents who had taken geometry

and those who had not, -although there were large differences 10piC (MCKnight. Travers, Crosswhite, & Swafford, 198;). AI. the
on items requiring knowledge of geometric propenies and on secondary level. the Ir:tditional emphasis has been o n formal
lppliCltions less than 2;% of ll!h-grade srudents correcrly proof, desp1te the r.IC:t the students are unprepared to deal with
identified which figures h.,d lines of symmetry, whether they It. Indeed, as Usiskin (1987) summarizes
had taken geometry o r nor (even [hough symmetry is srudied
mroughout elementary and middle school). Even more incri m- ' 1lere Is no SCOmel'1· curriCtJluflT ~l tile elementary .school level. As
in:\ling of the curriculum is the faCt that only about 30% of high a result, snldeolS enter high school nOi knowing enoogh geometry \TJ
school geomeuT students enrolled in a course for which proof succeed There i5 a geometry CtJrriculum ~t the second:1!)' level, bUI
was a go::!1 were able to write proofs or exhibit any undersmnd- onlr about half of tile Sludenl,.S encounter II. and onlr about ~ third or
ing of the meaning of proof (Senk, 1985: Suydam, 198;). It is tlle5e studenlS understnnd 11. (p. 29)
no wonder that doing proofs was the least liked mathematics
lopic by 17-year-olds on the 1982 NAEP and rhat less than ;0%
of the students rated the topic as ImpormnL
This depressing picture of students' knowledge of geome-
try is el:1bor.lled through :t consideratiOn of srudenlS' miscon·
Piaget and Inhelder; The Child's Conception of Space
ceptiOns, Here are some e."amples (Clements & B:misra, 1989;
Fuys, Geddes, & Tischler, 1988; Hoffer, 1983):
nuo Major Tbemes. Two major themes of Piager 3fld Inhelder's
( 1967) influential theory on children's conception of space will
• :10 angle mUM h:tve one oorlwntal r:Iy be discussed. First, representallons of sJXlce 3re constructed
through the progressive organiZ3t10n of the child·s moror and
• ;J. right :mgie is an angle that points to the right
internalized actions, resulting in operational systems. There-
• to be a side of a figure a segment must be venical fore, the representatiOn of sp3ce is nOl a perceptual -re3ding
• a segment is nOt a diagonal if it Is vertical or horlzonmi off" of the spacial environment, but is the build·up from prior
• II square is nOt a squ:lre if its base is nor horizontal active manipulatiOn of th:1I envlronmcnt, Second, the progres-
• the only way II figure can be a triangle is if It is equilateral sive organizatiOn of geometric ideas follows a definite order,
• the height of a triangle or paral1elogr:tm is a side :ldl:lcem to and this order Is more logical th:m hIStorical In th;lt initially
the boISe topo logic:tl relations (for example, connectedness, enclosure,
and continuity) are constructed. and lmer projective (rOOilin-
• the lingle sum of a quadrilateral is the same as ilS area
e:rrity) 3nd Euclidean (:lIlgulariry, par.dlelism, and distance) re-
• the Pythagorean theorem Cln be used to caicul:lte the area l:lIions. This has been termed the topological primacy thesis.
of a rectangle It is important to reiterate thai P!;lget and Inhelder were
• if a shape has four sides, then If is a square diSCUSsing the child·s ability to represent space. lhey m3intlin
• the are;! of a q uadrilateral can be Obtained b)' tr:msforming that perce ptual space. is construCted early in the sensorimOtor
it into a rectangle with the same perimeter period. Nevertheless, perceptual space precludes me deve.lop-
men! of representatiOnal. or conceptual. space. in that its devel-
Apparently. much learning of geometric concepts has been rote. opmeO! also embodies the topological primacy thesis, It, too,
Propenies, class inclUSions, relationships, and implications are is constructed rJ(hcr than exiStent fmm me OUtset of develop-
freq uently not perceh'ed (MaybenT, 1983). ment. Representational space, in addition, reflectS propenies of
A primary cause of this poor performance may be the cur- logical operation:lJ thoughL
riculum, both in what mpies are treated and how they are
tre:ued, The major focus of smndurd eiemenlllry and middle 7bpologica l Primacy and Constnlctivism
school curncob is on recognizing and na ming geometric
shapes, ",ri tmg the proper symbolism for simple geometric H.vnc £\10!r<CE. Piaget and Jnhelder·s first experiments pro-
conceplS, developing skill with measurement and construction vide cvidence supporting bolh the themes of constructivism
tools such as a compass and protractOr, and using formulas In 3I1d topological primacy. Children t'.'ere asked to explore hid-
geometric measurement (PoneI', 1989; TIlomas, 1982), den oblects tactilely (haptic perception) and to either draw
curricula consist of a hodgepodge of unrel:Jted concepts with these objens or match them with d u plicates, Preschool chil-
no s}'slematic: progression to higher levels of thought-levels d ren were reponed initially to discriminate objects on the ba·
requisite for sophistiCned concept development and substan- sis of topological features, such as being closed or otherwise
tive geometriC problem solvmg. In addition, teachers oftcn do topologically equivalent. Only later could th~'discriminate rec-
not teach even the impoverished geomeny curriculum that tilinear from curvilinear forms a nd, finally, among rectilinear
is available to them, Poner, for instance, reponed whole dis- closed shapes, such as squares and diamonds.
trictS in which Counh- and fifth·grade teachers spent "virtually Piaget a nd Inhe!der claim mat the development of more
no time teaching geome[Ty~ (Poner, 1989, p. 11 ). E\'Cn wben sophisticated spatial concepts Involves increasingly systematiC
mugtll, 8eom~try t'.'as lhe topiC most frequently Identified t\S be- :md coordinated action. During the first &ages of development,
Ins taught merel y ror "e:(posure"; that is, geometry was g iven children are basically passive in their explorations. For exam-
only brief, cul1iOry coverage. The SIMS data ror the eighth·grade ple, children mily louch one pan of a shape, and this action
level indicated th:llteOlchers rated the opponunity to learn ge- results in a tacrile perception; touching anothe r pan involves
ometry much lower than the opportunity to learn any other another action and perception_ When children regulate such

:lctions by establishing relations among them, an accurate rep· (projective) or between figures themselves (Euclidean). Projcr·
resentation of the sh:lpe can be built. For example, the system· tive relalions begin psychologically, :1( th~ point when the figure
atic return to each movement's starting poin! allows the pans Is no longer viewed in isolation but begins to be considered
of the figure to be synthesized. It is when each menial action in relation to a point or view. For e!\<Imple, the concept of [he
becomes reversible lim it can be distinct yet coordmated WJth strnightline ~sult5 from the child's act of Inking aim, or sight·
every other action into a coherent whole, ing. Children perceive 11 Straight line since the earliest ye.1~, of
From lIlis perspective, then, abstraction of shape is not a course, but they cannot pl:lcc objcc15 along a strnight path nor
perceptual abstraction of:l physical prope~ but [5 the resuh par:lllellO the edges of a table. Instead, they tend to follow the
of a coordinalion of children's actions. Children ~can only 'abo edges of the tlble or curve the line tow'Jrd such a path. This
suact' the ide:l of such a rel:ltion as equ:di[)< on the b<lSis of is not a percepcu:d problem; they realize th:tt the line is nO!
an :letion of equalizatiOn, the idea of a Straight line from the Straight. but they cannol construct an adequ(ue representatiOn
action of followlIlg by hand or eye without ch:lnging direction, 10 make it so. They possess only an intuiLive, spalial represen-
and the idea of an :Ingle from tWO Intersecting movementS" tation, an Internalized imitation of previous perceptiOns that
(p, 43), can be :lltered by distracting perceptual configurations (e.g.,
the edges of a table). Internal representation is based on op·
DRAWlNa I(\')Of/<Clt BeclUsc making :I drawing is an act of rep- erations and ClIO , dlerefore, limit the Influence of perceptual
resentation, nOt of perception, Piaga :md Inhelder claim th:lt configur.lIions. Thus, at :lbout 7 years of age, Str:l~ght paths are
inac(Ur.lIe draWings reflea the inadequacy of mental lools for cOllStructed by chi ldren spomaneouslyalming or sighting along
spa!ial representation. Lndeed, the inability of young children a trajectory, putting themselves in line with the two poSlS to be
to draw a copy of even simple shapes Is taken as :In indica· linked by the straight line,
tion that coordination of actions, rather d1lln passive percep· Such findings are confirmed b~' experimentS such as the
tion, lies ill the foundation of the conceptual development of uthree mountains" taSk, in which children had to construct a
Sp3ce They claim that children's drawn copies of geomer· scene from the perspeclive of a dol!. For each new position of
ric shapes represent fopological fe'.\tures first For ex:lmple, at the doll. young children methodically went about their task of
Siage a (before the age of 3) no purpose o r aim can be dis- re-creating the appropri:lIc viewpoint, but it :llways turned OUI
cerned; children simply scribble. AI subst:lge IA ( up to about 10 be from the same perspective. their own. Thus, Plaget and
age. 3 years 11 months), a circle Is dr.l'\V11 as an irregular dosed Inhelder infer that chlldren must constrUCt systems of reference
curve, and squares and trianglcs are not dislinguisht:d from cIr· nOl from famt1i3rity born of experience, bUI rather, from opera-
cles, While children do not distinguish between straight·sided tionallinking and coordination of all possible Viewpoints, each
and curved figures, there is a correct rendering of topological of which they are conscious. They conclude that such global c0-
properties (for example, dosed paths with small closed paths ordination of viewpoints is tile basic prerequisite in construCl-
inside, on, or outside them). .An obvious objeCtion to such :lr- lng Simple prOjeCtive retlltions. For although such relmions are
gumenlS is th:lt inaccuracies in drawing might be :mribut3bJe dependent upon a given viewpoint, nevenheless :I single poim
to motor difficulties, However, Pfaget and Inhelder do nOt <lC- of view cannot exist in an isolated fashion, but necessJrily en-
rept such arguments, providing supponive examples like the tails the construction of a complete sy~em linking together all
child who could draw a pine !Tee with brandles at right angles points of view.
bUI not a square.
AI. stage II (aOOUl age 4), there is a progressive differentia· Euclidean Space. Piaget and Inhelder next investig:lte the de-
tion of Euclidean shapes. TIle criterion for this stage is the suc- velopment of notions presumed 10 be intermediate between
cessful reprocluaion of the square or rectangle. Euclidean reo the prOjective and Euclidean spaces. for example, the idf".l of
lationships, such as angle and indination, develop only slowly. constructing s imilar figures. These experimenTS illustrate the
Only at stage III (:lbout 6-7 years) are all problems overcome, gradual procurement of angle and parallelism conceptS during
for example, Piaget and Inhelder state that at least tWO )'t!ars of middle childhood. Finally, in the development of Euclidean
work is reqUired 10 pass from copying the square to copying space, children come to ·see·' objcc15 as located In a 1"\\.'0-
the rhombus, demonstrating that construction of a "Euclidean dimensional frame or reference. That is, Plagel and Inhelder
shape- requires more than a correa visual impreision. Such challenge the claim th:lt that the re is an innate lendency or
a taSk involves a complex interplay of :lctions. To Piaget and ability to organize objects in :t [WO. o r three-dimension:1l ref·
Inhelder, then, topological relationships develop first because erence frame. Sp3tial awareness does nor begin with such an
they represem the simplesl organization of those actions from organization: rather, the frame itself is a culminating poim of
which shape is abstr:1cted (for example, the dissociated ele- the developmem of Euclidean space.
mentS of primitive motor rhythms in .scribbling). Other rela- To lest this hypothesis in the case of horizontality, children
tionships develop over loog periods of time. were shown jars half·filled with colored Mter and asked 10
predict the spatial orientalion of the water level whe n the jac
Projective Space. To Piaget and inhelder, the difference be- was tilted. For venicality, a plumb line was suspended inside
~en topological and projective or Euclidean relations con· an empty jar, which was similarl~' tilted, or children were 3.Sked
cerns the way in ..... hich the different figures o r objectS (Ire reo to draw trees an a hillside. Children initially were incapable of
lared to one anOther. The former are internal to a particular repreSenting planes; the waler, for example, was represented
figure; the larter invoke relations between figure and subject by a scribble. AI. Ihe neA"t stage, the level of the water was

always drnwn perpendicular to the sides ohhe jal', regard less of

lilt Satisfaction with such dnlwings was in no way underm ined
even when an aCtual ~"'3ter-filled tilled jar was placed next 10 the
drnwlng. !t is, then, quile striking "how poorly commonly per-
ceived evenlS are recordcd in the absence of a schema within
which they may be organlzed~ (p, 388), Somelimes, senSing
that the water moves towards the mouth of the jar, children
raised the level of the watcr, still keeping the surface perpen·
dicular 10 the sides. Only at the final stage (at about 9 years
of age) did children ostensibly draw upon the larger spatial
frame of reference-the tabletop-in order (0 3scenain the
Ultimatel}\ the frame of reference constituting Euclidean
sp:!(,e" is analogous to a container made up of a ne[Work of
s ites or positions. ObjectS within this container may be mobile,
but the positions are statio na ry. From the simultaneous organi·
zation of all possible positions in three dimensions emerges Ihe
Euclidean COQrdlmlie system, This org,miz.:Jtion is rooIed in
the preceding construction o f the concept of straight li ne (as
the m;:J.;ntenance of a constant direCtion of lrave!), parallels, and
angles, followed by the coordination of melr orientalions and
indin:ltions, This le:lds to:l gradu:l1 replacement of relations of
order and distance between objects with similar relations be-
[Ween me positions memselves. It tS as if a space were emptied FIGURE 18-1. Shapes such as those On the left were considered
of objectS so as to organize the space itself. Thus, intuition of Euclidean by Piaget and Inhelder In their haptic perception I!)(_
sp:!ce is not a "reading" or ;nn:lle apprehension of the prap- perimena! those on the right were considered to be topo!ogial
enies of obieCl~, bur a system of relatiOnships born in actions forms.
performed on these objects,

Criticisms o[ Pioget mulltlJJelder's Wbrk. As with much of

me Genevan work, Piaget and Inhelder's theory of children's However, il is still possible ma[ children show a bias toward
concept of space has been widely innuemial and widely criti- topological lIersus Euclidean charaaeristJcs. Here, 100, basically
cized. One criticism has been that Piaget and Inhelder's use of corrobor.1tive results have been mixed with tho.'it' contrary to
tenns such as topological, separation. pro."imity, and Euclidean, predictions, For example, curvilinear shapes were identified at
as well as the application of these and related concepts to the least as easily as purponedly topological ones (laurendeau &
design of their studies, are nOt mathematically :lccurme (Darke, Pinard, J970; Lovell, 1959).
1982; Kap:ldla, 1974; Martin, 1976a), Several studies have :llIempted to ameliorate me problem
Related to this criticism is the problem of classifying fIg- of ambiguiry by showing children a tCSt shape and then, after
ures :IS (opological or Euclidean. Ellery figure possesses bOth its removal, asking children 10 idemify a shape most like it.
mese characteriStics to an equillalent degree (that is, one Esry 0970; cited in Darke, 1982) found that 4-rear-olds clas-
cannOl discuss an exclusillely Euclidean figure), but Pi:lget sified the topologically equivalent shapes to be most like the
and Inhelder's experiments depend o n il mutually exclusive original. However, older groups of children chose them as least
classification of figures intO these rn'O catego ries Funhermore, like the original. OIIeraIJ, the author claimed Pi:lget's thesis was
because many oflhe: figures they used were topologically equill- .supponed wim the important condition that distortions from
alem (see Figure 18.1), one cannot be cenaln whether young the original were not substalltial; this, however, Is a marie ron-
children's choices were made on the basis of topological char- cept as it in"'OllIes measurement (see also Cousins & Abrnwnel,
acteristics (Manin, 19700). It is not dear why some anomalies 1971:Jahoda, Deregowski, & Sinha, 1974), Manin (1976b) used
such as are dismissed as lack of drawing skill, whereas a sel of shapes and three 113fiants: A was topologically equi v-
others, such as the in:lbUlry to draw a square's straight sides, alelll (0 the model, while B and C, though nOt stricti)' equiv-
are not Given such problems, replicatille research is critical. alent 10 the model in a Euclidean SCrLo:e, presCf\'eC! as many
Euclidean propenie$ of the model as consistent with [he faer
Otber ResemY;b 011 tbe TlJeory. Researchers closeJ~ repllClting that they had been altered 10 eliminate a pan!cular IOpological
Piaget and Inhelder's experiments halle generally confirmed property. Thus, Band C preserved propenies such as sLf3ight-
their findings (Laurendeau & Pinard, 1970; Lollell, 1959; Page, ness, curvature, line segmel1llength, and angle size that A failed
1959; Peel, 19;9). Howeller, even within these srudies ambigu- to preserve. But B failed to preserve connectedness and C var-
ities arise. For example, several researchers reponed that even Ied closed ness. Four-year--olds tended 10 choose the topOlogi-
at the earliest ages (2-3 years) children can disdnguish be- cally equivalent copy as the worst copy of the model less often
tween curvilinear and rectilinear shapes, contrary [0 the theory man older children did. BUt, the worst scores were at or abm"e
(Lewell, 1959; Page, 1959). chance levels :lnd, mus. did not suppon Piaget and Inheldds

theory, [n addition, '1-year-olds sacrificed topologica[ properties sess an underlying Euclidean conceptual syslem (liben, 1978;
in their selections as freely as did 8-year-olds, Mackay, Btal.endale. & Wilson, 1972; Thomas &,Iamison. 1975)
A difficulty In designing such e:.:perimems is in quamify- On the other hand. it appears that young children's grasp of
ing the degree of equivalence of the shapes. Geeslin and Shar Euclidean spali!l! relationships is more adequate than the the-
( 1979) modeled figures via 3. finite Set of points on 3. grid. ory positS, Very young children can orient a hOfizonml or ver-
Degree of distortion was defined as the sum of displacements tiC:lI line in space (Rosser, Horan, Mattson, & M3.7..teo, 1984).
of these points. The authors postulate that children compare Similarly, 4- to 6-year-old children Cln extrapolate lines from
twO figures in terms of the amount of "distortion" ne~S5ary positions on both axes and determine where they intersect
to transform one figure Into another, after an attempt at super- (Somerville & Bryam, 1985). Plagetian theory seems correct
imposition using rigid motions and dilations. This model re- in posrulaling thaI the coordination of relallons develops after
cei\'ed Strong support. In agreement with other research, chil- such early abilities. Young children fail on double·;L'(is orien-
dren preschool to grade 4 were cognizant of both topological tation taSks, even when misleading perceptual rues are elim-
and Euclidean properties and of how these properties distm- inated (Rosser et al., 1984). Similarly, the greatest difficulcy is
guished varIants. A smull number of students 31 each level fu - in coordinating twO e:;:trapolations, dt..'"Veloping al the 3- to 4-
vored either topologJcal or Euclidean properties. Note that, as year-old level, with the ability 10 e:\1.rapolate those Jines devel-
the authors admit, these studies dealt with percepdon, while Pi- oping as much as a year earlier (Somerville, Bryant. Mazzocco,
aget and [nhelder specifically address representation. Funher, & Johnson. 1987).
the mQdel is mOt'e predia:ive than i[ is explanatory. These resultS suggest an initial Inability to utilize a concep--
In sum, resull$ of many o f the Piagetian studies may be an ar- tual coordinate system as an organizing spatial framework. Nev-
tifact of the particular shapes chosen and the abtlitles of young ertheless. it Is Instruclional1y significanl thill, by the lime they
children to identify and name Ihese shapes (Fisher, 1%5). If enter school, children can use coordinates when these are pro-
U"Ue, however, this does not support a strong version of the vided for them, even If, in facing traditional wks, they are not.
topological primacy thesis. It may oot be topological proper- yet able or prediSposed spon13neously to construct coordimllcs
lies as a class which enable young children 10 identify cer- for themselves.
U1in shapes, Visually saJjem properties (such as holes, curves, However, performance on coordinate tasks is influenced by
and corners), simplicity, and familiarity-rather than topologi- a variety of factors at all ages. Performance on horiZOntality
cal versus Euclidean properties-may underlie children's dis- and venicality tasks may reflect bias toward the perpendicular
crimination. in copying angles, possibly because Lhis reference is learned
Similar problems have been found in drawing experiments early (IbbotsOn & Bry.tnt, 1976). RepresentatiOns of figures
(Cadwell, 1963. Lovell , 1959). i'l"lartin ( 1976b) reponed that the are also diStorted, either locally by angle bisection or by in-
dr:lwings of 4·year<llds dId not reflect predominantly topolog- CfC3Sing symmetry of the figure as a whole (Bremner & Thy-
ical features. He ~uggested that il may not be attentio n to topo- lor, 1982). Finally, performance on these Piagetian spatial tasks
logical properties th:u en3bles children to draw homeomor- correlates wiLh disernbedding as well as with general spatial
phic copies; rnther, II may be their increasing coorcUnarion abilIties (Uben, 1978). Such results indicate a general tendency
of Euclidean or proiective properties, given thal the coordi- 10 produce symmetry or simplicity in constructions which con-
nation or such propenles automatically preserves topological found the traditional Plagetian interpretatiOn (Bremner '"'* Tay-
properties. Thus, despite evidence that many young children [or, 1982; Mackay et aI., 1972).
produce a circle when drawing a square, results do not con- Such multlple determInation of performance also choraa!:!r'
firm a strong topological primacy position. Research i~ needed izes the literature on perspective·taking abilltiesl Piaget and In-
mal uses other lechniques to Infer children's imernal repre- heider'S projective space. For example, perspeCtive-laking tasks
sentations and that more closeJy examines children's 3aions are easier If the children move around the objectS or are pro-
and thoUghts in the process of drawing shapes. For exam· vided a model of the room, suggesling the locations of the ob-
pie, one research program has confirmed a hierarchical devel- Jeas are coded individually with respect to an external frame-
opmental sequence of (a) reproduction of geometriC figures "WOrk of landmarks. Thus, coding the location of small objeCIS
requiring only encoding (that is, building a matching configu' may develop from association (coincidence) with a single ex-
rJtion of shapes with the original constantly In Sight), (b) repro- ternal landmark, TO proximity to a single landmark, to distance
duCllon requiring memory (building a matching configuration from severnl landmarks. By age 5, and poSSibly as early as 3,
from recall), and (c) lransformation involving rotation and vi- children encode the location of small objects with respeCt to a
sual perspe<:1ive·talldng (building 3. matching configuration ei- framework of landmarks. Such encoding continues into adult-
ther from recall after a rotation or from another·s perspective); hood ( Newcombe, 1989), implying that the development of
preschool children are able to perform 3l only the first two projective sJl'lce may involve !lot JUSt the coordination of view-
1e.'C1s (Rosser, Lane, & Mazzeo, 1988). pointS but abo the establishment of an e;«tern:lJ framework For
Research on children's construcrion of a fnune of reference both perspective· caking and coordinate system abilities, the key
for Euclidean space-a coordinate system-similarly has re- may be the construction and selection of increasingly coordi-
vealed alterations and elaborations of Piagel and Inhelder's the- nated reference systems as frameworks for spatial organizalion.
ory. For example, young children are more competenl, and aoo-
lescenrs and adults are less competent, than the theory mighl Conclusion. Overall, while not tmally disproven, the topo-
suggest. Regarding the laner, nOl all high school seniors or col- logical primacy theory Is nex supponed. It may be Ihal chil-
lege students are successful on Piaget"s tasks designed 10 as- dren do not construct firsl lopological and later projcaJve and

Eudide,m ideas. Rmher, It may be that ideas of all types de· tions, and programs of ;!([ion, rebted 10 Ihe movements of OUr
velop over lime, becoming incre:lSl!lgly inregrmed and syn· body and its pans, which constitutes dle intuition of space'
theslzed, These ide:JS :Ire originally intuitions g rounded ill (p. 87). 111OS, inruitions consist of sensornnOtor and imeJlec.
:u:tlon-bui!ding, drawing, ':l1ld perreiymg, Thus, research Is lOal skills organized into a system of beliefs and expectations
needed ro ideml!)' the specific, original inwitions and ideas thot constitute an implicit theory of space. MOSt important, intu-
that del'dop :md the order in which they deyeJop. For e1>:am· itions thus constructed are enaCtively meaningful: they are sub·
pie, children mlghlleam to coordinate certain actions thm pro- jectively self-evident because they e:\-press the direCt behavioral
duce culVilinear shapes before coordinating those mat produce meaningfulness of an idea
rectillnear ones (Martin, 19700), although theoretical e.'(piana- For e.'(ample, the nOlion of Stro.ight line seems self·evldenL
tlons of s uch sequences are lacking. Observed bcl;: of synchronv A sophisticated adult is convinced that one may go on e:\1.end-
bern-een perceptual and conceplOal abilities suppons Piagel's illg the line indefinitely, or thm by following the straight line
consll"U([ivist position (Rosser et aI., 1964), bUi speCific cogni· one uses the shonest path to re:lch :l given point. These :tppe:tr
tive constructions gener.lIly h:lve nOl been idemified uncquiyocal ~faClS,~ propenies of the "obiea~ C:lJled a Straight
Such research should a lso e.-;;plore the deform:nlons that line. However, the srraight line is an obslraclion. not a percep-
d lildrcn do accept in their represenCllion of figures. For ex· tual object.. It Is a convention based on lLxioms which could be
ample. some children ecru-.lle an ~almost clo:sed~ figure with a chonged. It is through e:\1.fapolation from a beh:lVioral mean·
closed l'arianL Previously une:~plored factors such as lal1guage, ing thar one tends to believe in the absoluteness of the concep-
schooling, and the Immediate SOCial culture also dem:lnd :llten- tiOn. People know that they can draw :t str:tighl line, recognize
lion ( Darke, 1982), Piagetian imerprel:lliOnS of students' per· a straight line, and run along a s traight IUle 10 reach a goal in
formance on tusks tOO often emphasize logical fallures :It the minimum distance. The\' imbue the nOlion with Ihe qualities or
e:\-pense of uncovering the developmem of Ideas not yet unequivocal el'idence and credibilily because II is behaviorally
dilTerenti:ued and integrated; thus, new approaches are ....-ar· meaningful,
ramed. In any case, it appcilrs that certain Eudlde;tn notions HOweyer, building intuition based on experience CUts both
are present :u an early age (Rosser et al.. 1984: Rosser et :11., WilYS. The liOlit:ltions ofhum:1Il f'..)[perience accou m nOl o nl y for
1988) and, contrary 10 Piaga and Inhelder and interpreters the adaptive and organizing functions of intuitions, but also for
(peel, 1959), even preschool chUdJ'en Ill:IY be able to work distorted or erroneous represemations of reality. Thus. space in·
with cenain Euclidean ideas. tuitions, like other intulfions, do not del'elop inevitablr into in-
Similarly, results regarding Piaga and lnhelder's constructS creaSing correspondence '>'.1th pure logiC or mathematiCS. as a
of projective and Eudide-Jn space reveal dlat young children reading of Piaget may suggest. ImuitiYe represent:ltions of space
ha\le basic competencies in esl:lblishing spatial frame'NOrks are non-homogeneous and anisotropic (exbibiting properties
that could be effcoively bull! upon in the classroom. How, with different values when measured :llong a.xes in different
ever, we should probably e.-;;peCt, in students of all ages, 0 gen· directions). For example, people tend to anribute absolutely
era! Gestalt lendenC}' 1O....~lrd S~'1l1fnetry and simplicity, for t',..'(- priVileged direaions to space. such as " up~ and "down. ~ They
ample. in matching and reproductiOn [;J.Sks, Research is needed view space as cemefi.--d (for eX:lmple, at one'S home) and hav-
10 identify instruction fociJilaling the construction and selection ing increasing densl!)' as one approaches the centratioll zones,
of increasingly sophisticated reference systems for o rganizing with the effect th:lt diSl:lnces are increas!nglyampllfied upon ap-
sp:l1ial information proach. Thus, our intuitive represenL'ltion of space is a mixture
Researchers ha\'e tended nOt to d iscuss Piaga and Inhelder'S of possibly contradiCtory properties, all reltl1ed to our terrestrial
second maior theme: Children's representation of sjXlce is nO! a \lfe and our behavioral adaptive constr:tints (Fischbein, 1987).
perreplllal "reading off" of their spatial environment, but is con·
SlfUCled from prior aaiye manipulatio n of thOt environment
This is surprising, in that most of Piaget and Inhelder's re- The van Hleles; Levels of Geometric Thinking and Phases
sults do suppon this hypothesis al least implicifi)' (results from of Instruction
one study, Wheatley & Cobb, 1m, provide direct support, as
discussed in a succeeding section). More anlcul:lled research Lewis Of Geometric Thougbt. According to the theory of
from a constructivist position is needed. In this regard, we tum Pierre and Dina V'..lIl Hiele, students progress through levels
brlenv 10 other work consistent With this critical Idea of thought in geometry ( Ii:In Hide, 1959: Ii:In Hide, 1986. van
fischbein (]987) argues that people's intuition of space is Hiele·Geldtlf. 198<1). from;l Gcsllllt·like visual level through in·
not inn:lle and not reducible to a conglomerate of sensori:ll creasingly sophislicated levels of description, analysis, abstr:lc-
Images, Space represenwtions constitute a complex s}'Stem of don, "nd proof The theory has the follOWing defining charac·
conceptions-although not necessarily formuloted e1>:phcidy- leristics;
which exceed the dma ilt hand and the of pert-eption
In general. Subjective space is an imerprel.1t10n qf reali~, nOt • learning is a discontinuous process. That is, there are ~jumps~
a reproduction of it It is shnped by :lnd exceeds experience. in the learning curve which reveal the presence of discrete,
Consistent with Piagct's constructivism, Fischbeln'S theory fur- quolllUtl\'el}' different levels of thinking.
ther e lobor:ues the n:lture of the intuition of space. To begin, • The leYels are sequential and hierarchical, For srudems to
Imuition is not merel y :l renection of objectiYely given space function adequalely at one of the adV3J1ccd leyels in the van
propenieSi ramer, it is a ~highly complex system of e.xpecra· Hiele hierarchy. they musl have mastered large portions of

the lower levels (Hoffer, 1981), Progress from one level 10 student means "1his figure has the shape I h:lYe learned 10
lhe nexr is more dependent upon instruction than on :lge (':Ill ·rhombus' · (van Hiele, 1986, p 109) The end product of
or biologiClI matUrluion, Teachers C:ln reduce subject rTUlner this re:lSOning IS the creation of conceptualizallons of figures
10:l lower level, leading (0 rOle memorization, bUi students thru ru-e based on the e.xpliCit recognition of their propenlC5
cannOL bypass levels and still achieve understanding (mem- (that is, after this conceptual construction, the srudent is ar
oriz:1l!on is nO! an important feature of:lOY level), Acquirill8 level 2),
understanding requires working Ihrough cen-ain phases of
instruCtion. lE.'EL 2 : OESClUl'fT\ Upon reaching the second lcyel.
StudenLS recognize and can characterize shapes by their prop-
• Concepts Implidtiy underslood at one level become e.xplic-
enies. For instance, ::I student might think of a rhombus as a
iIly underSIOOCI :u the neX! level. "."1 each leyellhere appears
figure with four equal Sides; so the term ~ rhombus" refers to a
in an extrinsic way tlm which "'as Intrinsic:lt !.he preceding
collection of "propenles tb:1\ he has learned to call 'rhombus"'
level. At the boISe IeI'd, figures were in fact also determined
(Yan Hiele, 1986, p. 109). Students see figures as wholes, but
by their propenics, but someone thinking al this level Is not
nO\V as coJ\et:tions of propenies rather than as visual gestalts;
aware oflhese propenies" (v:ln Hide, 195911985, p. 146).
me image begins to fall into the background. Propenie.s are
• Each level has its own language. "Each level has its own lin- eStablished experimentally by observing, measuring, drawing,
guistic symbols and ilS own SYSlem of relallons connecting and modeling. SOldeJ)ts discover Ihut some combinations of
these symbols A relarion which is 'correCt' :It one level can propenies signal a class of figures and some do not; thus. the
~I itself to be Incorrect .It another. Think. for example, .seeds of geometric Impl1cation are planted. StudenlS at this
of a relation between a square and :I rectangle. Th'o people level do not. however, see relationShips between classes of fig·
who reason at different levels cannot underStand e3ch OLher. ures (for e.xample, :I student might ('ontend th::lt a figure is nO{
Neither can manage to follow the thought processes of the a rectangle because il is :J square).
Olher" (van Hide, 1959f1985. p . 246). lnnguage strucrure Is At !.his leyel, the objeCts about which students reason arc
a critic:tl factor in the movemem through the levels. classes of figures, thought about in terfl'lS of the selS of proper·
ties thac the students :lSSOCinte with those figures. The product
Both the number and numbering of the levels h:tve been of this reasoning is tile establishment of relationships between
variable. We shall Initially descnbe the van liielcs' original five and !.he ordering of propenies and classes of .IigtJfCS.
levels and laler discuss a sixth. Our r.uionale is twofold. First,
although van Hiele's recent works have described three rather lL\'El. 3: AIIs"r!!.IcrfRsl..\no:w.. At Level 3. students can form air
!.han the original fiye leyels, both empirical evidence (reviewed strna definitions, distinguish bet~...eefl necessary and suffidem
In succeeding sccrlons) and the need for precision in psycho- setS of conditions for 3 concept. and understand and sometimes
logically oriented models of learning argue for maintaining even provide logical argumenlS in the geometric domain, They
finer delineations. Second, lhe empiric-.ll evidence also sug· can clasSify figures hierarchically (by ordering their proper-
gests 11 level that is more basic man v:m Hide'S ~visual " leve1. ties) and give informal argumentS to JUStify their classifications;
There have been several differem numbering systems used for a square, for e.~mple, is identified as a rhombus because it ('81\
!.he levels; we have adopted one s}'Stem and have transposed be thought of as a ~rhombus with some extra properties.~ 1hcy
!.hose of e:lch researcher (0 this scheme for conSiStency's sake. can discover propenies of dasses of figures by Informal deduc-
tion. For example, Ihey might deduce that in :any quadrilateral
lLva I· VISUAL. Initially, students idemify and opcrate on the sum of the angles must be 3600 because any quadrilateral
sh.apes and other geometric configurations according to meir can be decomposed into twO triangles, each of whose angles
appearance. They rCf.'Ognize figures as visual gestalts, and, thus. sum 10 180°,
they are :able to mentaily represent these figures as vtsual im· As studenls discover propenies of various shopes. they feci a
ages. In identifying figures, they often use visual protOtypes; need to organize the propenies. One property can signal other
stUdentS say that a given figure Is a rect3J1gle, for instance, be- properties. so definitiOns C3fI be seen not merely as descrip-
cause kit looks like a door.- They do not, howevcr. !luend 10 tions bur as a method of logical organization. It becomes dear
geometric properties or 10 dl:lra(leristic traits of the class of why, for example. a square Is a rectangle. This logical org3J1iza·
figures represented. That IS, although figures are determined tlon of ide:lS is the first manifeslatlon of aue deduction How-
by their propenJes, students at this level ore not conscious of ever. the students stili do nor understand !.hat logical deduction
the properties. AI this level. students' reasoning Is dominated is the memod for establishing geometric truths.
by percepllon, for example, they might diStinguish one figure At this level. the objei.."tS about which students reason are
from W10lher Without being able 10 name a single property of propenies of classes of figures. Thus, for inStance, the "prop-
either figure, or they might fudge that two figures are congru- enies are ordered, and the person wlU know that the figure is
ent because they look the same: "There Is no why. one iuSt sees a rhombus iflt satisfies the definition of quadrangle with four
1(' (van Hlele. 1986, p. 83). During srudents' transition from the equal sides" ( V'.lI1 Hiele, 1986, p 109). The product of this rea·
Y!sua] to the descriptive level , classes of visual objects begin 10 soning is the reorganization of ideas achieved by Interrelating
be associated with their charaCteristiC propenies propertieS of figures <lnd classes of figures.
AI: the visual [cYCl, !.he objects about which StudenlS reason
are classes of figures recognized visually as "the same shape: IL\'EL 4 FOItlt.u. DmucnoN. Students establish tileorems wi!.hin
For Instance, by the statement "This figure is a rnombus.~ the an axiomatic system when they reach Level 4. They recognize

the difference among undefined terms. definitions. axioms, nnd

o f, 7\~
theorems. They are capable of constructIng original prool's; that
is, they can produce a sequence of SUltemems m:n
logically ju s-
tifies a conclusion as a consequence of the "givens."
At this level, students can reason formally by logically illler-
preling geometric statements such as axioms, definitloos, and
theorems. The objects of their reasoning are relationships be·
[ween properties of classes of figures, The product of their
reasoning is the establishment of second-order relationships-

rel:lllonships between relationships-expressed in terms of
logical chains within a geomelric system,

lE\u 5: R/OOW,IIETA.\L\Tllf.\LATIC.U. AI the fifth level students rea·

son formally about m:nhematicill systems, They can study ge-

ometry in the absence of reference models, and they can reason
by formally m:tnipul:lIing geometric Sl,lIemeOlS such as J.."I;ioms,
definitions, and theorems. The objects of Ihis reasoning are re-
lationships between form:l.l construCts, The product of their 12
reason ing is the escablishmenl. e labor:ulon. and comparison of
axiomatic S)'Siems of geometry. 14 \

Reset/reb 011 tbe Levels. As with the work of Pi:lgel and In-
helder, van Hide's theory has been Infl uemial and extensively
studied. Research results will be discussed under the rubric of
several critical questions.
FIGURE 18--2. QuadrUatenls to be ldentiOed.
sruoum' GEOlttT'IUC
00 '0'11': VAN tUEU: l£IIIUl ACCt!1!.\TB.Y DESCRIBE
'O'ItNlU.'«o? Generall~
empirical research, from both the U.S. and The e ....istence of unique linguistic struaures at each Je\'el
abroad, has confirmed that the van Hiele levels are useful in has been supponed in that, for example, ' rectanste~ means
describing students' geornelric concept de~'elopment, from e l- different things 10 students at different levels (for example, a
emenl3ry school to college (Burger & Shaughnessy. 1986: Fuys visual gestall \'5. a "bearer of propenien (Burger & Shaugh-
et aI., 1988; Han, 1986: Hoffer, 1983; Wirszup. 1976). For e."I;am- nessy, 1986; Fu~'S et al., 1988; Mayberry, 1983). In sum, the levels
pIe, Usiskin (1982) found that about 75% of secondary Students appear to e:'(ist and describe studenlS' geome~ric de~'elopmenl,
fit the van Hiele model (it should be noted th:u the percent- validated through both interviews and written assessments.
age classifiable at a level varies with the instrumem and scoring
scheme). Burger and Shaughnessy (1986) adminiStered clinical .lIM. 'O'IE I.fVEts DISCREl'E? IS 11fEllE A Dlsc.oSTlNUny IIElWEEN 1£\_
inrerviews to students from kindergarten 10 college. They re- as? Soviet research seems to Indicate a positive answer (Hof-
poned that sNdenrs' behaviors were generally consistem with fer, 1983; wlrszup, 1976). O n me whole, however, results are
the I13n Hieles' original gener.!! description of the levels, For mixed. First, sever.ll researchers have reponed that srudems
e.'(lImple, students were to identify and describe all the squares, in transition are difficult to classify reliably (Fuys et aL, 1988;
rectangles, parallelograms, and rhombuses in a sel of quadrilat- Usiskin. 1982); this is especiall}, true for levels.2 and 3 ( Burger
erods similar to those: in figure 18.2. Students who included im' & Shaughnessy, 1986), Difficulties in deciding between levels
precise visual qualities and irre levant attributes ( for example, wefe conSidered by these researchers as evidence questIoning
orientation) in describing the shapes while omitting relevam the discrete nature of the levels.
anribUles were assigned to Level 1. References to visual protO- Fuys et -al. (1988) developed and documented a working
types (~a rectangle looks like a door") were frequent among model of the van Hiete levels and characterized the geometriC-
swdents assigned 10 this level. Students who l'Ontrasted shapes thinking of sixth and nimh graders. The researchers used sL~
and Identified them by means of their propenies v,'ere assIgned to elgh[ 45-mlnute instructional-assessment interviews, which
Level 2. One girl, for e;(llffiple, said that rectangles have -two a llowed them 10 chan studentS' ability to progress within and
sides equal and parallel to each other. "!Wo longer sides are between le\'Cls as a result of inscruclion. Thev determined both
equal and parallel 10 each other. and thC}' connect at 90 de- an entry level and 11 potential level (the lev~l demonstrated :!f-
grees" (p. 39). Squares were not included Studems who gave ter instruaion). Whereas some of the studeoLS appeared to be
minimal characrerizadOI1 of shapes by rererencing other shapes on a plateau. there were also those who moved flexiblv 10
were assigned Level 3 (for example, a square is a parallelogram differenl levels d uring the le:lChing episodes, an e ntry I~I
that has all the properties of a rhomb us and a rectangle). One assessment alone might have underestimated their abi lities
srudent frequently made conjecru res and anempled 10 verify (V}'SOlSky, 1934!l986). Further, there W'dS instability and oscil-
lhese conjectures by means of formal proof, Indicating Level 4: lation between the levels In several cases. Similar results were
thinking. observed in II teaching experiment on polyhed ra ( Lunkenbei n,

1983). Continuil}' rnthcr than jumps in learning was frequemly o more basic than Ihe \IlUl Hide's "visual" level. For example,
observed. 9-34% of 5e(:ondary sludents have fai led 10 demOflStflne think·
ing cnarncterisllc of e\-·en the visual level: 26% of the students
Do snJDENTS Mf.\SON· AT THE SA)!E VA.'ll HIElE I.£I'l1S ACrosS TOPICS' TIlis who beg:lll the year at Level 0 remained at Level 0 al the end
questIon IS also relevant to the issue of the discreteness of of the year (Usiskin, 1982). Such stability "Olrgues for the exiS-
the levels. and evidence on this quesllon is similarly mixed. A tence of le\lel 0 (Senk. 1989). likewise. 13% of the response
test of consensus revealed that pre-service elementary teach- patterns of pre-service teachers do not meet the crilerion for
ers were on different levels for different concepts (Mayberry, Le\lel 1 (Mayberry, J983). finally, sludents who emer a geom-
1983), as were middle school (Mason, 1989) and secondary sru· etry coul"Se at Level 1 perform significantly bette.r lit writing
dents (Denis, 1987). Similarly, Burger and Shaughnessy (1986) proofs thl1n those who enter at Le\'el a (Senk, 1989).
reponed trun studentS exhIbited different preferred levels o n This issue is nm resolved, however. FUYS et 31. (1988) sped·
different taSks. Some even oscillated from one level to another fied thai 10 be "on :t level" students had 10 conSistenlly e.xhibil
on the same taSk under probing. The researchers characterized behavIors indianive of mat level. They also slate, however, that
the levels as dynamic ramer th:1O static and of a more cominu· level 1 is different from the other levels, in that srudents may
ous nature than their discrete descriptions would lead one 10 not be able to e.xhibillhe corresponding behaviors (thai is, they
believe. Gutierrez and jaime (1988) compared the level of rea· may not be able to name shapes). According to the researchers,
soning of pre·service teachers on three geometric: topics: plane these students should not be described as "nOl yet 3t level 1."
geOmetry, spatial geometry (polyhedra), and measurement. The Nonetheless, they do demark such behaviors as "weak Level
levels reached across (opics were not independent, but the dal3 I t In a later work. Fuys (1988) hypothesizes th:lt srudents with
did not suppon the theorized global nature of the levels. The weak levell thinking are using one of ReWs (1987) case-based
researchers h}'PO(hesizeci thai as sNdents develop, the degree models as :I foundation for their concepts, ralher than a more
of the globaJil)' of the levels is not constant, but increases with sophisticated, rule-based model, Whether this actually argues
leve.l. That is, as children develop, they grasp increasingly large for a separate level or for sublevels is as yet an open question.
"10C"3lilies" of mathematical t'omen! and thus understand larger However, the bulk of the evidence from van HieJe-based
areas of mathematics. research, along with rese:lrcn from the Piagetian petSpective.
Fu)'S el ai, (1988) agreed that when firsl studying a new con- ind!c:lIes the existence of thinking more primitive than, and
cept, students frequently lapsed to Level 1 thinking. 1l\ey main' probably prerequisite 10, van Hiele's level 1. Therefore, we
tained, howe\ler, that students were quickly able to move to the postulate the follOWing additional level:
higher level of thinking they had reached o n prior concepts.
The researchers, therefore, claim that these results support the lEvEL 0: PllE-tw:OGl'lmo,'1. At the pre-recognition level. children
comerttlon that a srudertt's fXJlential level of thinking remains perceive geomeuic shapes, bUI perhaps because of a defiCiency
stable across concepts. The queslion is stili open, but there has in perceplUalllct]vity, may artend to on ly a subset of a Shape's
been the suggestion that assessment instrumems must be topic visual characteriStiCS. They are unable to identify many com-
speCific (Senk, 1989). mon shapes. They may distinguish between figures that are
curvilinear and those thaI are rectilinear but nOt among fig-
Do TIlE l..EVI!!S FOIUI\ ~ tltE!WICHY? Research more consistently ures in the same clasS; that is, they may differentiate between
indIcates thar the levels are hierarchical, although here tOO a square and a circle, but not belWeen a square and a trian-
there are exceptions (Mason, 1989). For example. Mayberry gle. Act'ording to Plaget, ~il is one thing to perceive a circle
(1983) employed Gutman'S scalogram analysis to show that her or a square and quite another 10 reconstruci a visual image
tasks representing the levels formed a hiernrchy ror pre·servlce of it 10 the point where it can be picked out from a group or
teachers. These results were replicaled by Denis (1987) for models, or drnwn after a purely tactile exploration" (Plaget &
!\teno Rican secondary srudents. Gut.l~rrez. and Jaime (1988) Inhelder, 1967, p, 37). Thus, sNdents at this level may be un-
reponed similar analysis and results, bUi only for Levels 1 to able to Identify common shapes because they lack !he ability to
4; Le\lel 5 was found to be dIfferent in naNre from the mher form requisite \lisua1 images. 1"hese images presuppose mental
levels. Most other researchers did not test the hypothesis In representations constrUcled from the t'hUd's own actions. TI13t
:1 Similarly analytic manner; nevertheless, they interpret their is, "The image is 3t first no more lhan an Internal imitation of
results as supporting this hypothesis (Burger & Shaughnessy, previously performed actions, then laler, of actions capable of
1986; Fuys el aI., 1988; Usiskin. 1982). being performed" ( Piaget & JMelder. 1%7, p. 449).
Thus, the levels appear to be hierarchical, although there AI this level, the "obieC1S~ about which sNdents reason are
remains a need to submit thiS hypothesiS to rigorous tests As specific visual or tactlle stimuli; the product of this reasoning
the van Hides posited, however, this does nOl imply a matura- Is :I group o{ ligures recognized visually as ~the same shape."
tional foundation. fiTS( , assignments to levels does 001 seem to
be strictly related 10 :lge or grnde (Burger & Shaughnessy, 1986; SHOI1lD ornER OW!AC"1UISncs OF TIlE U\"EI.S Bf. CO/'ISIDERfO? Levels
Mayberry, 1983). Second, development through the hiernrchy are complex struCtures involving the de\lelopment of both
appeals to proceed under the influence of a teachlng!leaming conceptS and reasoning processes (Burger & Shaughnessy,
process (Wlrszup, 1976). 1986), In addition, researchers have emphasized the impor-
tance of several interrelated nOtiOns: intent, belief systems, and
WHAT IS TIlE MOST IlASIC lEVa; nuT IS, OOES " lZI'£I. 0 EXIST? As. pre· metacognition. fuyseral. (1988) posit thaI at each level students
vlously mentioned, there Is evidence for d\e existence of a Level must become aware of what is expected, intentionally thinking

in a cenain way. For example, students at higher levels used problems they were dOIng but were also renective about their
such language as ~e:.. pbin; "pro ... ide 11," ~clinch it," and "be own thiJ,king.
[cchnic:I.J" In luStifying their re:lSOning. Students :1[ lower levels Secondary students do not fair much better. M:m~' srudenrs
believed thaI they should respond to a usk on paper e;"3ctly who have studied geomeHY formally are nonetheless on Le....
as It appe:lred (for example, ch:mglng lIS orientation is not :d- els 0 to 2, nOt le ... el 3 or 4: almost 40% finIsh high school
lowed). More of these students labeled an oblique o btuse tri- geometry below Level 2 (Burger & Shaughnessy, 1986; Suy.
angle (! "triangle" when a manipul:l1ive tri:lIlgle was used ( fuys dam. 1985; USiskin, 1982). In fact. because many students have
et aJ., 1988)_ not developed Level :3 thought processes, they may nOl benefit
Actu:dl)\ meracognitil·e knowledge al~'3~'S has been an im- fronl ndditional work in form~l geometry because their know!·
plICit p'Jrt of the van Hiele model, in its emphasis on intem and edge and the information presented In the textbook will be
insight, or ullderst:lnding. According to HorTer (1983), S(\Idents org'.miz.ed differently.
show such understanding when they perform competently and
Intentionally 3 method that resolves an unfumiliar problem. WHAT !£\"E.l5 01' TlU'''~lsG 00 TIl\D1T10)l.IL rt:\'TlI(lOG R£fl£CT? Gi ...en
TIley understand wllill they are doing, why they :m: dOing it, the sorry Slate of studentS' level oC geometric thinking, it is
and when It should be done. Ir certain beliefs, intelltions, :md nmural to :15k what levels arc promoted by textbooks. Fuys et
the related metacognitive and even epistetnic knowledge char- :II. (1988) anal~'Zed several current geomecry curricula as evi-
auerize each level, they need 10 be funher artirul:ued and In· denced by AmeriClll teXl series (grJdes K-8) in light of the van
carper-ned into the model. Hiele model. Four components of geometry lessons were ana·
Iyzed: the aim, expository material. exercises, and related test
WfV,T l£\'[U Of TlUN\(ING AAf EVlM:EO GIVEN "TlWlmOl'W.." INSTlII.iC· and review queslions. Not stJ rprisingl~', te."tbook series were
llCY.'W. p.w.or,,~!S?Once the basic char:lCterisucs of the model found to be deficient in this aspect. Most work invol ... ed n3m·
have been generJIl)' validated, the questiOn ariSes: What le~"Cls ing shapes and relations like par:lllelism, and SlUdents were
of geometric thinking 3fe achieved b~ students in their present only infrequently asked [0 reason with tlte fi&1Jre5.
educational en ... ironment? Srudies by Pyshkalo and Stolyar indio Most questions were answerable at Level L There 'MlS lit·
cated a significam number of Soviet students were perceiving tie Level 2 or above thinking required in the lesson5 or tests,
shapes o nly IlS wholes Students stayed at level I for a consid- staning only slightly in grades 7-8. A\'er<lge srudents would nOl.
erable time; by the end of grade 5, only 10-15% reached Level need to think above Levell for almost all of tlleir geomeuy
2 ( note that Soviet studems enter grJde I at age 7, compared to experiences through grade 8. There were some jumps- across
age 6 in the US.). This delay \\-'35 even greater with respeCt to lC\'eis; for example, exposition might occur lit a higher level
solids, for which there was no noticellble leap untt] the seventh titan the e,,,ercises TopiCS were repeated across gr<ldes ,It ute
grade ( Prshkalo, 1968, Wirszup. 1976) same level; the researchers termed this a ~circular" rather than
or the 16 sl)'1.h graders they stud Jed. Fuys (l988) found that a ~splrar curriculum. \X'orse, perhaps, propenies :and relation·
19% were un i forml~' at Level I, fOCUSing on shapes as a whole ships among polygons were sometimes nOl taught dearly or
without analyzingshupes In terms of their properties. e ... en after correctly.
instruction. They could identify famil iar shapes singly, bur not Similar analyses of older Soviel te.'Ubooks (those wrinetl be·
in complex configurations and sometimes nOl. in different or;· fore severJI major reforms) re ...ealed the absence of any system·
enmuans They had greal difficult}' "'1th the concept of angle. atic choice of geometric m:nerial1 large gaps in its study, and a
TIley galned only a little le...el 1 knowledge-...isual thinking markedly late, one·sided acquaintance with m:my of the most:
about shapes ~md parnllellsm-from work with manipulati import:lnt geome.tric concepts (Wirszup, 1976). Only about 1%
The authors described these students -as "geometry depri ... ed." of all problems dealt with geometry. This left sixth-grade sru-
Another 31 % made progress within Levelland were progress· dents, from the \'ery first lessons. doing work correspond·
ing toward Level 2. The final 50% began with le\'Cl 2 thinking ing to the first three levels of geometric development simul·
and progressed toward Level 3. Nevenheless, they had to re- taneously.
... iew some Le\'eI 1 knowledge and firm up ideas at Level 2.
Some made deducti...e arguments, but most equated "proor PI)CUes of lnstrllctloll. The van Hlele model includes more
with generalization by e."amples (inductl...e reasoning). tllan levels of geometriC thinking. Accordi ng to the van Hieles,
The ninth graders similarly fell intO three groups. As with the progress from one level 10 the next depends little on biologi-
lowest group of sixth gr'.dders, about 12% of the ninth graders' ca.l maturation or de ... elopment; instead, it proceeds under the
liwe school experience with geometry, coupled with langu~ge influence of a teaching/learning process. The teacher pla}'s a
:md memory difficulties, resulted in l.e\'ell performance. They special role in facilitating this progress, especially in providing
seldom realized that they could figure things out in mathem:n· guidance about expectations (Fuys et aL. 1988). Gi ...en that van
ics by thinking about them, and progress within Le ...el 1 was Hide level and achievement account for 40% [0 60% of the
limited. The H% in the middle group functioned 91 Level 2, variance in Writing proofs, much of a student's achievement in
with lapses to l.e ...el I. They knew familial' shapes in terms this area is directly controlled by the teacher and the curricu·
of their properties. but had no knowledge of paralJelograms lum (Senk, 1989).
and tf".lpezoids. Another 44% performed consistentl y at Le ... el The V3Jl Hide theory, though, docs nOf suppon an "absorp-
2, with progress to Level 3, working more rapidly and confi· lion theory" model of learning and te1ching. The van Hides
dently. They were not only thoughtful and inventive about the claim that higher levels are achie ...ed nm ... ia direct leacher

teUing, but through::. suitable choice of exercises Also, "chil- are used to describe this ne~'ork. The teacher's role is to en"
dren themselves will determine when the moment 10 go to the courJge slUdems to renea on and consolid1te their geomet-
higher level has come" (P V3.n Hu?le, person~1 communication, ric knowledge, increasing empha.<;is on the use of m:lthemat·
Sept 17, 1988). Ne\'enhe!ess, without the teacher, no progress ieal SU'UClUteS 35 :l framework for consolidation Fin:1I1Yt the
would be made, For each phase, we will describe the goal for consolid:llcd ideas are summarized by embedding them in the
sludent learning and the teacher's role In providing instruction structurJI orgnnlz:JliQrl of formal mathem:tlics. At Ihe comple-
thaI enables thiS le:Jrning. tion of Phase 5, a I'CW lel'el of thought is .mained fOf the topiC
PUME 1: IlIf'OIIIoIA11Q,";. studems become acquaimed widl
the content domain. The teacher discusses materials dari ~ing CriticallsSIles
this content, placing !.hem :u the child's disposal. Through mis
discussion, the teadler learns how students imerpret the Ian· IssuES REGARDING lFI'D5 Of TUIHI(II(G. There ure problems With
guage and provides lnform:uion to bring sludems to purposeful the research on the veraciry of the theorized levels. For ex-
3CIion and perception, ample, Fu~'s et at ( 1988) interpret their results lIS supporting
Iheir validif}\ However, they also daim support for 'I'dn Hiele's
PHAsE 2: GUIllEt) ORlf.NrAno~. In this phase, studenl5 be<ome recent ch<lractenzation of Ihe model in terms of three levels'
acquaimed widl the ob/a'1.S from whJch geomelric ideas are] (previously levell, according 10 these rese:Jrchers), ana-
ab5tracted. TIle goal of Instruction during Ihis ph:l5e is for StU· lytic (previously 2), and theorelical (previously 3-5). They Slate
denlS to be actively engaged in e..,<ploring oblects (for e....:lmple, th:u van Hiele agrees with Ihis interpretation, but they cuution
folding, measuring) so as to encounter the princlp.11 connec- [haL the three· level model may not be sufficiemly refined to
tions of the nerwork of relations thm is 10 be formed. The te:lch- characterize thinking, especially considering their findings that
ers' role is to direct swdents' :lctiviry by guiding them iD ap- sll.ldents progressed IOW:lrd Level 3 with no sign ofaxlom:llic-
propri:lle e..,<plor.uions-earefully structured, sequenced tasks thinking There Ofe (Wo additional problems with the three--
(often one·step, eliciting specific responses) in which students level model, however. First, it seems Ih:tt van Hiele describes
manipulme ob/eas 50 as to encounter specific conceptS :tnd the new visual level as combining aspeas of the preViOUS levels
procedures of geomeuy. Teachers should choose mmerials and 1 and 2; Iherefore, the mapping (rom one model 10 the olher
taSks in wh ich the largeted conceplS und procedures are salient. IS not unambiguous. Furthermore, if levels can be changed and
combined, their hypotheSized discrete, hier3rchic:t1 psycholog·
PI!A5~ 3: O:PUClTATlOl'I. Stuclenfs become conscious of the rela- Ical natu re must be queStioned. In l related vein, we have seen
tions and begin to ebborate on their intuitIve knowledge Thus, reports of both Stronger and weaker performances at cen:lin
in this phase, children become e..'<pliCitly aware of their geo· levels, and Q\'erlaps between levels: the question is, how wide
metric conceptualizations, describe these conceprualizmions in a band can be permitted before the nOlion of hierarchic;d de·
their own language, and !earn some of the tradjtional mathe- pendency d isintegr:lles?
mztieal langu:lge for the subject maner. The teacher's role is It is nOl even dear when a student is ":It" a level. What does
to bring me objects of Study (geometric objects and ideas, re- it mean for sludems to mink of shapes in terms of their proper·
lationships, patterns, and 50 on) to an esplicit level of :lware-- t1e..~? Do swdents achieve Level 2 when they evi nce cognizance
ness by leading students' dIScussion of them in their own lan- of the characteristics of shapes, or must they identify specific
guage. Once students have demonstrated their' awareness of propertieS? When do students thin k p'imlltily in lenos of prop·
lUl object or study and have discussed it in their own words, erties' Do they have to identilV properties of specific shapes or
the teache r introduces the relevJm mathem:lIical termi na- classes of shapes?
,,,,,,, Funher, should srudents' thinking be characteriz.ed as ·al ~ a
single: level~ For CX!lmple, GUlh:rrel.,};Jime, and Forruny (991)
f"Iw;E 4: FI!Et: OIl1fNTATIO.'1. Children solve problems whose 3ltempt to take into account students' capaciry to use each vall
solution req ui~s the synthesis and Utl!iz:ltion of lhose con- Hiele level rather than assign a Single level. They use avec·
cepts and relations previously elabor.ued. They learn to orient tor with four components to represem me degree of ,lCqulsi·
themselves within the "network of relations" and 10 apply the lion of van Hiele leve!.s I through 4 (for example, one student
relationships to solving problems. The te3cher's role is 10 se· might have a grade component for l evel I of 96.67%: level 2,
lea. appropriate m:lIerials and geometric problems (with mul· 81,50%; Level 3, SO.OO%: and leveJ 4, 3.75%; the researchers
tiple solution pams), to give inslfUctions to permit various could nOl measure Level S to Iheir satisf:lClion). They found
performances and to encourage students to reneet and elab- many students who are apparently developing rwo consecutive
Orate on these problems and their solutions, and to intro- levels of reasoning slmultaneousl}', and hypothesized these reo
duce terms, concepts, and releV3.nt problem-solving processes suits from mathematics instnlction thar leads studenl$ to begin
as needed the acqUisition of level n + I before level /I h3d been com·
plelel}, acquired (Gutierrezet a!., 1991). Such alternate concep- 5: trnGR~no.,,;. Students bu ild a summ:lf)' or aU they tua!izmions of levels of thinking need 10 be explored, as they
have learned abou t the objects of study, imegraring their knowl- ma~' bring into question the very nature of the levels: that is,
edge into a cohercm network that can easily be described and the levels seem 10 have !':lee validity, but if the number of lev-
applied. The language and conceptualizations of mathematiCS els is malleable and if performance Is spread across levels and

determined by what is taught, then it Is uncle'Jr whether the quadrilaler::Jls, proceeded 10 reclllOgles. and then to squares. II
levels are more logical or ps~chologJcal. addressed the relevant characteristiCS of each class and me hier.
Another problem with the levels is Ihe observed lack of archical relationships among classes, using lerms that emtxxty
~discomi nuitl~ in learning." Some have defended the theory these relatio nships; quadrilaterJI, rectangle-quadrlla!erat, and
in the face of thL~ evidence. claiming mat the observations may square· rectangle. At the e nd of instruction, most studentS iden.
rellen cominuit)' nor in learning but rather in teaching (Fu~'S tlfied duraaeristlcs of quadrilatcl"3ls, reaangles, and squares,
et aI., 1988: NolTer, 1983). This is an open question, but a prob- and about half identified hierarchical relationships among these
lem wim the defense is that it makes II vinua[Jy Impossible classes, though none had done so previously. Thus, Kay main.
to disprove the theory, a criticism frequentl y waged against ta ins that tlle van Hie!e theory does nOt capture the full com·
Piagel's theories. If there is a great deal o f "transition,'· then plexily of how young children come to understand geometric
(also like PJagel) this brings into qu~tion a striCt st:lge inter· concepts. Some concepts :11\\';lYs will be initially underslood
pret::lIioo. through inductive processes if the definilion of the concept in·
Questions also arise concerning observatiOflS o f reasoning volves a L"Omplex deductive argument yet can be represented
;n different levels ac~s topics. Some, anempting to make min· by a small number of vlsual templates (for example. Hcircle).
imal eJabor.1tions to the theory, have hypotheSized that these If the definition of the concept inl'olves a relatively simple de·
srudencs can ~quickJ~ move to me higher level of minkingHreo ductive argument and the concept ClnnOt be represented eas·
garding the lower·level !o piC. It is nOt clear e.xactly wh:1I dlis ily by a template, then init ial understanding will be deductive
means. Would others move reliably more slowly, and is this (for example, "quadrllateral"). This dichOtomy is similar to V}'.
speed not anributable to other faaors such as learning pcxen· gocsky's (193"'1986) formulation of spontaneous \'S. scientific
ual nOl. direcdy tied to levels of thinking? concepts. While both the depth of these first grnders' under·
Thus, it is critical that research be-conducted on valid assess· standing (especially of hierarchical relations) and the gener·
ment of v:ln }-Iiele levels. Paper and pencil teSting should be alizations made on the basis of the empirical resUIL<; must be-
further refined and ev:llumed ( for a recent discussion of this is· questioned, such al!emale hypotheses deserve- further lnves·
sue see Crowley, 1990: Usiskin & Senk, 1990; and Wilson, 1990). tig::ulon. Future invesllgalions should ensure that students are
Different inrerview lechniques, possibly less dependem on spe- not simply mi rroring repetitious verbal training: HDirect teach·
ciRc educational experiences, should be developed. For exam· ing o f concepts is Impossible and fruitless. A teacher who tries
pIe, we have created a trlad polygon saning msk designed to to do this usually accompli~hes nothing but empty verbalism, a
determine the level of geometric minklng for polygons. These parrot lIke repetition of words by the child, Simulating a knowl·
usks were crelted by the authors and Richard Lehrer. Srudems edge of the corresponding concepts but aClUal!y covering up a
are presemed with Ihree polygons and asked, "Which rwo a re \'3cuum" (VygOtsl..", 1934/1986, p. 150).
mosl alike? Why?" For e.xample, one srudem. presented with In a similar vein, de VilJiers (1987) concluded that, contr:lf}'
the following shapes, AD BA C 6. chose Band C, say- to van HieJe's theof)l hier.1rchical class inclUSion and deduCtive
ing thm they "looked the same, except that B Is bem In," She thinking develop indepe11dentl~ and depend more on teaching
....HJ.S anending 10 the visual aspectS of the shapes, a Level 1 reo strategy than on v:ln Hjele level. He then describes a success"
sponse. After wo rldng with our Logo-based geomcuy currlcu· ful teaching strategy in which eighth· and n inth·grade studerus
lum (Batusta & Clements, 1990), the student chose A and B, were taught first aboUI quadrilaterals, and how special quadri-
saying that they both had four sides. Thus, she !ended to let laterals could be obta ined by specifying properties, This ap-
the ovcr.111 visual aspea of the figures fade inlO the background, proach was contl"!l5ted-WIth the tradition3.! approoch in which
anending instead 10 the shapes' propenies, a Level 2 response. students associate names of figures wi!h visual prolmypes.
Finally, research is needed on the relative usefulness of statiC
and dynamic approaches 10 assessment. Dynamic approaches, The defin ing qU:llity a.sSO(i~ted ".. ith the name is therefore determined
which can assess "polentia'" level of thInking and the amount of by the Visual perception of the figure ... We believe thaI Ihe obsefy.I.
instruction students need 10 achieve that level, may be more il· lion lh:u children thInk of shapes:lS:I l\t101e without explicit rererefl~
luminating than the more ~1C31 st:llic, or M snapshot," approach to !heir romponCl1Il;. is the direct ~ult of our IIClually leaching chil·
(Vygooky, 193411986). dren from Ihe sum 10 thInk of shapes lIS a whole 3nd In terms ofvlsual
The way in which students, especially young srudents, learn proto()pe5,:lnd with no refC'ren~ 10 th6r components" (p ]9)
geometric concepts has also been questioned. First, research
demonslrates that young children can discriminate some of the However, the author makes this claim based on experimentS
characteristics of shapes, and often think of rwo-dimensionai with students imellecrually capable or attending to propenies.
figures in terms of paths and mOtions used to conSlruct them Our research, for Instance, indicated that afler being taught
(BaniSla & Clements, 1987: Clements & Batti5la, 1989, 1990; about me properties of squares and rectangles, many first
Kay, 1987). This is inconsistent with the le\'els -as presendy con· gr.1ders explain why they say that squares tire special ldnds
ceived. Secondly, while young children are currently laughl by of rect!lJlgles by simply saying ~beca use the teacher told us"
a Mtemplate" (Visual protorype) approach to recognizing geo- (Battista & Clemencs. 1990). However, the critidsm of the van
metric patterns, Kay (1987) maintains tlUt this is appropria!e if Hiele levels raised by de VlIlIers, that the levels are very depen·
there is only one such template for each class (this does nOt ap. dent on the curriculum , is certainly worthy of funner research.
ply to hierarchical·based classes), In contrast. Kay provided first He concluded that funher research on the level at which both
graders with Instruction thaI began with the more general case, hieiMchit-a1 classification and deduCtion occur Is needed.

Such questions lead to the conclusion th:u, while van Hiele metric Inaalvity" (Wirszup, 1976, p. 85) in the early grades
research has added to our knowledge considerably, the corpus leads to "geometricly dep rived" child ren (Fuys et aI., 1988).
has nO'- yet been structUred so as to simultaneously res[ aher- • Van Hlele suggested that the initial focus of the srudy of ge-
n3te hypotheses (for example, finding siudems whose behavior ometry mUSt have as its goal the an:3inmenl of the second
seems to suppan a charac[erislic of the levels does not provide level of Ihought: ~Geometric figures must become the bearer
:I strong test of competing hypotheses for the given behavior). of their properties~ (Wirszup, 1976, p. 88). He said that the
In addi[ion, the van HieJe theory describes students' behaviorsj subsequent focus of this Study should be the attainment of the
we also need [0 aCCOunt for Ihem Research needs to address third leve] of lhought, StudenLS should understand the rela·
such questions :IS: tions that connect propenies of figures and begin to logically
order the properties of shapes. MOSt researchers agree that
• Ho w specifically is studenLS' knowledge represented and dchieving level 2 and 3 lhinking is an import:lnt goal of pre-
StnlCtured at each level? Ate new operations and conceptS secondary geometry instruction. Ar whal age van Hiele be-
always construCted out of those th:lt came before, as in Pi- lieved students should attain these levels, however, remains
aget's theory? In doubt In certa:in writings, he indicates that StUdents In
• Do levels repre5(:nt discrete stages of major knowledge re- grades 1 to 5 should concern themselves with deepening
organization? That is, ClIn the leI-'els properly be described as thinking af Level 1 and that higher levels should nOt be val-
Slages? For instance, do they satisfy the following crIteria as ued more highly than lower levels ("There are no arguments
described by Steffe and Cobb (1988): to push towards a descriptive level, the visual level is so ex-
1. Constancy: some propelly, St:lle, or activity remains tensive that the subiectS there willlas[ for years,~ P. van Hide,
constant throughout each stage; personal communication, Sept. 27, 1988). However, in other
2. Inco"/Xlmtion: the earlier Stage must become [ncor- \'Vfitings, both van Hide and other researchers emphasize
petated in the ne.xt; the goal of Level Z thinking earlier-for instance, by the end
3 , Order invariance: the stages must emerge develop- of the primary grades (Wirszup, 1976). Such a goal may be
mentally in a constant order: and anainable. The familiarity of an experlmenral class of second
4. Integration, Ihe structUral propellies that define a graders with [he geomeuy of solids enabled them to reach
given SIll8e musl form an Integrated whole. level 2, surpassing seventh graders In me ttaditlonal curricu-
• Canweoperatlonalizc the levels? MoS(.srudles have used differ- lum (Wirszup, 1976)_ The Russian researchers also claim that
em testing instruments, some of which are contem-oriemed, me period of accu mulating f<lclS induCtively should nol. be
....ilile others are process-oriented. In addition, Fuys (1988) extended 100 long: they urge that simple deductions be en-
has suggested that the mode of presentation-verbal, pIcto- cou~ed in elemenL9.ry school. It Is imponam to continue
rial, or concrete-mighl influence srudcnts' performance on study of these issues, because research consistently indicates
such tasks. 6ec',1use the levels dearly depend on instruction, that learning is rote if levels are skipped (WirS7.up, 1976).
we muSt be especially careful to consider the relationship be- • Language. Impredse language plagues srudents' work in ge·
tween instruction and levels in all furore research. omelry and is a critical faaor in progressing through the
• E:"actly what ideas do sTUdenLS construct and what mental levels ( Burger & Sha ughnessy, 1986; Fuys e t aI., 1988: May-
operations must be attained in learning geometry? How does berry, 1983). Instruction should carefully draw distinc tions
this developmenl occur in the early ye:Hs? betl\'een common usage and mathematical usage ( Battista &
• Does a transition from one le vel to the next depend on the ClemenlS, 1990; Clements & Battista, 1990; Fuys e l aI" 1988).
acquisition of cemin typeS of knowledge, a restructuring of Teachers need to constantly remember that children's con-
knowledge, or both? Does this vary by topiC, especially topics ceptS unde rlyi ng language may be vastly different than teach-
outside of plane geometry? er.; think (Burger & Shaughnessy, 1986; ClemenLS & BanlSla,
1989). Thus, when mathemalical language is used roo early
• How can level of thinking be related to, yer diStingUished
and when the teacher does nOl use everyday speech as a
from achievemem (Senk. 1989)?
poim of reference, mathematical language is learned without
• What curriculum factors help facilitate transitions from one concomitant mathem:llical understanding (II3n Hiele·Geldof,
level to the next? thIs brings us 10 the neXt .set of critical 1984).
• Ma"ipulatiues and "real world" objects. language, of course,
Issur.s IU'GAAOIl'iG 1l-tl'l.lo,nONS fOIl 1l'.ACIliltG. Theory and research rcsLS on a foundation of real·world experiences; beginning
wltll such experiences is strongly indicated by research,
from the van li iele perspeCtive has strong Implications for in-
sltUC\lon; moSt of these implicatiOns have not been adequately
The Ocductive s}'Stem of Euclid rrom which a few things h3ve been
addressed in the research ilter2ture,
omilled CilfInOl: produce an elementary geometry. In order to be" el·
ementar}\ one VI~U have 10 S{21't from the world as perceived and as
• Edut:a1ional goals for letJels of /birlking, Opportunities for alread}' partially gloOOl1)- knowll ~' the children, The objective should
the construction of geometriC ideas should be olfereJ early. be 10 analyze mese phenomen:l and 10 establish a logical ft'ladonship.
Students do not reach the descriptiVt: level of geometry in Only through an approoch modified in mat VI'll¥!:an a geometf)' evolve
pan because they are nOl offered geometric problems In their mat ma), be called elementary according to psychological principles.
early years (van Hide, 1987). 111is ·pcoiooged period of gec- (V3l1 Hie le-<.ieldof, 1984, p. 16)

Students should m:lrllpulme co ncrete geometric shnpes :lOd Ande"soll s M odeJ o/Coglliriofl. One cognitive .science model,
m:neri:lis so thallhey Cln "work OUI geometric shapes on their Anderson's (1983) ACT". postulates (W() ~'Pes of knowledge:
own" (p. 88). Funher research has concurred th:n students re- declamfiue andprocedll lYll DecbNlive knowledge [s "knowing;
spond favorably to initial imroductio n o f concepts in re:1l ~'Orld that"; for eXllmple, postulates and theorems ~'Ould be stored
5ellings rind th:lI m:1flipulallves :lre impOn:'lnt and helpful. es- in schemas :JIang with knowledge about their funclion, form,
pecially (It the Levels 0 and 1 The visual :tppro:lch seemed nOI und preconditiOns. Procedufill knowledge, "knowmg how," is
oo l ~' to maint<lin s1Udenl imerest but also 10 assist studentS in stored in the form of p rodudion systems, or sets o f conditlon-
creating defini tio ns and conjectures and In g:lining insight into :Jctlon p:lirs_If the condillon, or cognitive contingenq' that spec-
relmionships (Fu~'S el a\" 198H). Considering Ihls info mJ:uion, Ifies the clrcumsmnces under \'I'hicll the production can apply.
along with the deficiencies noted in texlbooks , iI is imper:lIive matches some existing panerns of dcdnrm i\'e knowledge, the
Ih:\! teachers flOl rel~' solely o n the te;.;t IICt lOn IS performed (us u:!JJy adding new elementS to work-
ing memory; ~l:l\ is, the store of information the S}'Stem can
PIIASES 01' l;<STlttJcno~ TIle phases of instructio n lire ine:-arica· cUI·remly ttccess)
bl~' connected With the levels of th inking, :md poIcmially mo re According 10 the ACT' model, all knowledge Initially comes
import:m[ for educ:tlion: therefore, It is surprising and unfonu- In declarmive form and m usl be interpreted b~' gener:tl pro-
11:lIe Ihat hllie rescarcil other Ih:1\1 the van Hieles' has examilled cedures ( for example, one uses genel':ll. recipe-foJlo'""i ng pro-
the phases directly_ One Study indiClled that 20 d:lI's of phase- cedures to cook :t new d ish using the decla ralh-e knowledge
based inStrudion signific:u1tI~' raised high school students' \l;m re:td in a. cookbook). TIms. ptocedur:t! lea.rning occurs only in
Hiele level of thought (more so from Level I to Level 2 than for e:-o:ecuring :t skill; one leams b~' doing. When declarmive infor-
:tnl' other levels). but it did nOl result in g reater ;lchievcmcm npIlo n is in the form o f direct instructions, step-by-step Ime r-
ill suud:lfd comem or proof writing (Booango, 1988). Addi- pretltion is Straightforward. However. it1formatio n b usu:lI1~' nor
tion:!l studies ;lrc oorely needed, especially gil'en un resolved tim direcL In the Glse of high school geomet:l1, slUdems nlly
questions and concems regarding the phases; for example: use declarmil'e infor m:ttion to provide dat.l required b~' gen-
eml problem-SOlving operators, such:lS general sean:h. sequen-
• Ho\'l' ;lre the phases of instruction rel:llcd to the levels of tial decomposition of problems, means-ends :mal}sis, inferen-
thinking? ~l l'POtheticall~', students must be led b~' the tetlcher tiul re:lsonl ilg. or making ,malogies between worked eX:tmples
Ihrough ~1l fh-e phases 10 reach e!lch new le':e!' HO\vc\-er, cer- and new problems Importantly, geomett:' te:.;tbooks assume
win phases (for ex:ullple, :2 and 3) IIppe!lf to require of SIU- student f:!clllt}' WIth such opermors and virtually never d irectly
dellL~ ~-pes of th inking Il1m:!re bound 10 ~ gwen level (fo r ex- specify which procedures should be applied. This [lSSumption
ample, level 2). Van Hiele ( 1959) crillctZ.ed pj;lgel and lnhelder is sometimes mistaken _ For exam ple. several studems sludied
(1967) for attaching his · St:lges of del'eJo pment" to o ne (pre- b\' Anderson :til had misunderstandings ;Ibou t how one de ter-
oper:niomll) period, bUIl'll1l Hieles' ph3Ses ma\' make the up- mines whether:l st:t!emellt is implied bya rule. In gel1eral. the
poshe n1is( 111 being too flexibleund IterJI:tbleJJcross levels, behaVIOrs of these 5LUdenlS all beginning proof problems was
• Should the teaCher unempt 10 proceed IinearJ~' through the Clptured aCOJr:lIel~ by thiS model.
ph:I5C5. or :Ipproach them as recursive wllhi n e ach level? In perfo rming the task, pnxeduraliz:ltion gradual1~' replaces
the o r igin:l! interprellve app lication wi th productions that per-
• sho uld the IC'Jcher introduce many concepts :lnd gUide- Stu-
demoS through the le\'els 00 each of them il1 parallel, or work form the behavior direct l~~ For example, instead o fverbalJy re-
through the levels (sar to level "2 o r 3) '"'''tll:l single concept he:lrsing the slde-Mgle-side rule in geometry and figuring o ut
and Ihen use this as sca.ffolding to de\'elop higher levels o f how II applies, studentS bllild a production Ihttt directly rec-
th inking for olher concepts? ognizcs the appliGllion. In "Englisll,- such :t produdion might
• Is there a need for differentiation between ped:\80Sical rlp-
pro:lches for differem types of learning omcomes, such :lS
IF the gO:.l1 is 10 prove .1.\1"2" - 1:J.UV\'iI
concepts, skills, or problem-solving abililies? :lnd Xl' 2< UV
• Wlm is the role of automatlz:uiol1 and pr~cl ice? and 1'2 a V\V
• TIle fi nal phases \'I'ould seent to enh:lIlce IT:lnsfer; must tmns- THEN set l subgeal to prove t..X1'Z - LUV\'(/so SAS can be
fer also be aided through the provision of systcm:nic spaced used
reviews, which include a varlen' of problems?
Proreduralization is complemented bl' ;I composlljon pro-
cess combining sequences of produdions. Togethe r, procedu-
COGNITIVE SCIENCE: PRECISE MODELS OF r:lliz.1tion and compos ition are called k nowledge compilarion,
GEOMETRIC KNOWLEDGE AND PROCESSES the creation of task-specific prodUCtiOns through pmcdce. One
form of suppan fo r the knowledge c()mpil~ t ioll theol1' lies
A thi rd nKilor Iheoretical perspective t h ~1 has been applied In protoco ls. One, for example, illustrates Ihe protr-Jcted, te-
10 underst:lnding sludenL~· learning of geometry is lhat of cog- diously incremental process initially fo llo tl.'ed b~ a student in
Illli\'e scien~ This field !lIIemplS to intqjr.ll.e research and the- recogn izi ng the application of the SAS postulate 10 ~ problem,
oretiC":tl work rrom psycholO!n', philosophy. lingUiStiCS, :lIld ar- compared to the following recognition on a new t:1Sk five prob-
I1fi cial intelligence. lems later: -Right off the tOp of mr hend J am goi ng to take a

guess at what I am supposed to do. the side-angle-side pos- ing is interpreted as the teacher impoSition of prescribed Steps
tulate is what they art' gening tO~ (Anderson, 1983, p. Z3~). on students, it contrasts with van Hide's charaCterization of Stu·
Three differences are nOled: The appliC:Llion of the postul.:l!e is dents finding their own My in the network of relations; if it
faster, ute statemem of the postUlate !S no longer verbally re- is interpreted as teacher facilitation of students' construCtion
hearsed (th,1( is. evoking a de<:!ara\(ve representation imo work- and development of expliCit aMreness of Str:lIegies. the twO
Ing memory, replete with failures leading 10 inaccur.lcies), and positions are not disparate.
the original piecemeal application of the posrulale is replaced
by a single step of recogn ition. In sum. learning in this Iheory .Pt1mllel DistrJ"bllted Process/liS (PDP) NetWorks. Other cOB'
Involves! (1) acquiSition of declarative knowledge, (2) appli- nitive science research suggests models with even more
cation of declaralive knowledge to new silU'lI ions by means low-level detail For e:-;ample, a PDP (parallel distributed pre-
of search and 3n3lO&)'. (3) compilation of dom:lin-spedfic pro- cessing) nerwork model mighf explain the holistic template
ductions. and (4) strengthening of declar.ltive and procedural representations of the lower levels In the van Aiele hier:J.rchy
knowledge (Anderson, ~'le, Corbett, & lewis. undated). Such a network possesses processing //f lilS, representIng con-
TIlUS, an imponam key to success in proof-oriented geom· ceptual objectS such as features. ""oreis, or concepts, and con-
elry problem solving is the de\'elopment of data-driven rules. nee/iollS, with unlV".ltion weights between these units. It is the
These rules respond to configurations of information and re- patlern of interconneaions among the units that constitutes the
Sull in nmher development of the problem. For example, ex- processing srslem's knowledge strucrure in the domain-what
pertS qUickly perceive relations such as triangle congruence, it knows and how it responds (McClelland. RUme lhart. & The
even without recogn izing al that time how this will figure PDP Research Group, 1986).
in the proof, How might such achievement be fucllltated? In How might such PDP netWorks more precisely represent SIU-
a succeeding section, the effortS of Andersen and his col- dents" knowledge struCtures at different van Hide levels? Dur-
leagues in building -an AI (anificial intelligence) tutOr based on ing dle pre-recognition level, neural nerwork units that recog-
this theory wJII help constitute thei r :tnswer to this impomtnt nize cerwln commonly-occurring Visual features are formed ,
q uestion. dtus, these fearures bemme recognizable. Shapes are "recog-
nized" when renaln patterns of links among features bee."Ome
Grt't"IO~ Model Of Geometry Problem Solving. Greeno's established and enable- the child to respond 10 any of a class
(1980) modd of geometry problem solving is similar to Aft- of visual stimuli.
derson's model of cognition, Based on thmk-aloud protocols \Vl1en a sufficient numbe r of VISual fearures become rec-
obtained from six ninth-grade students. a compUier simulation ognluble and their detectors interconneCled in patterns thai
w:lS designed that could solve the same problems these sru- correspond to common shapes, the child progresses to the
dents were able to solve, and hl the same general "III3)'S the StU- visual level. At this level. networks of detector units serve as
dents solved them. The simulation is ~ production system within ~shape recogniz.ers~ with patterns of lCtiVl!tion representing ini-
three types of productions. renectlng the following three do- lial schema for figures. Figures thar Il)atch visual prototypes
mains of geometry required for students to solve the problems closely enough cause cemin panerns 10 be activated and, in
they are given. First. propositions are used in making inferences turn, the figures to be recognized. Properties of figures are
(familiar SUltements about geometriC relations, such :IS "Corre· not recognized expliCitly: the visual features thai embody tllese
sponding angles formed by parallel lines and a transversal are properties simply activate the protOlype recognizers. These rep-
congruent") !halcon.stirute the main steps in geometry problem resentations are not usu:llly reneCted upon by tlle child How-
solving. Second, perceprual concepts are used to recognize pat- ever, ....·hen some renection is necessitated (usually by external
terns mentioned in the antecedents of many propositions (for requests, such as copying a figure), a panern might be activated,
example, the corresponding angles). Third. strategic principles bUI lhis pattern may be Inadequate. For example, srudents of-
are used In setting goals and planning (for example, when so- len encode the basic configuration of a polygon rather than the
lution requires shOwing that [W() angles are congruent, one ap- number of sides, describing a nonconvex quadrilateral as a ~tri­
proach is to use relations such as corresponding angles, another angle with:l nQl:ch~ or a "triangle with a s ide bent in" (Clement<;
is to prove thOit triangles containing the angles are congruenr). & B3{1iSl3, 1989). With appropriate inslruaion, propeny recog-
Of these three domains, the first tWO are included explic- nition units begin 10 for m; !hat is, visual features become sen-
itly in instructional materials; howe~"C:r, strategic knowledge is tient in isolation and are linked 10 a \lerbal label. The .sludem
not References to that knowledge in the materials is indirect becomes capable of renenlng on the visual feaNl-es and, thus,
at besl, and most. teachers do not explicitly identify prindples recognizing the shapes' propenles. evenrually leading to level
of SlnItegy in their teaching Srudents must acquire this knowl- 2 though!.. While this is all conjecture, il is meant 10 illustrate
edge through induction from sequences of steps observed In a possible cognitive science Interpretation of the current van
e:x:1mple solutions. Thus, the induced strategiC principles are Hiele theory. ntere is a frustrating lack of progress in funher
in the form of tacit procedurdl knowledge, invol\ling processes explic:ning such notion-; as Mnetwork of relations~ and ~find his
the student can perfOfnt but cannot describe or analyze. lltese way about in the field of symbols. ~ These ideas are ime resting
strategic principles are quIte specific to the domai n of prob· and provocative, bUI they have not progressed 10 any greater
lems; should they be Ulught directly? G~no suggests that they degree of theoretical specificiry than that which they anained at
should because it" is unlikely that unguided discovery is more their inception (for a possible path for elaboration, see Minsky,
effective than a more explicit form ofin-;truction. If direCt teach- 1986, p. 131).

Resea:rdl has also substantiaIed Ihe PDP-posful:ued existence ever, limitations of the cogni(jve science models also must be
of multiple schemas. That is, students may possess severa l dif- noted. With the small number of subjects usuall}' involved, gen-
ferent visual subschemas- for figures (for example, a venically- eralizabiHlY is a concern. These models lend not to
and a horizoO!a!!y-orienled rectangle) without accepting the the unsuccessful sludem, processes s uch as conjecturing and
"aver3ge" case (for example, an obliquely-oriented rectangle). problem-finding, and the med'lanisms of knowledge reslruaur-
Neumann (l9n) Sludied geometriC patterns consisting of large ing. Also, it Is not dear that the genesis of all procedural knowl-
rectangles, each with IWO rectangles within iL The patterns var- edge lies in the compilation of previously·leamed declaradve
ied on three dimensions, the size of the outer recmngle, the knowledge. In fact , it would seem lhat many students in the
size of the lower rectangle, and the number of siripes In the current curriculum acqUire mathem:llical Ideas only procedu·
upper rectangle, Subjects studied a preponderance of stimuli rally, without connecting procedurnllo conceprual knowledge.
with e;\-.:reme values and few inlermediate values of these three That Is, srudents often perform sequences of mathematical pro-
\':Iriables. They were presemed with tesl patterns and asked to c~s withOUl being able to describe what they are doing or
r.ue how confidem they were thaI they had already srudicd that why, perhaps as visually moderated sequences as described by
pattern. Subjects did not average wt"Ja{ they had studied; inste3d, O'dvis (\984). MOSt of these models do nOl address students'
mey rolled the extremes much higher than the mean value P31- development of qualitatively different levels of thinking and
terns, shOWing th31lhey could extract out of multlp\e fod of representation, belief sYStems, rnOlivalioo, and meaningful in'
centrality in a stimulus set While not addreSSing mis question terprelatlon of subJect m;mer, and they de-emphasize dle roles
directly, studies on the van Hiele theory are consistent with this of sensorimotor llCIivi~', inruilion, and culture in mathematical
finding (Burger & Shaughnessy, 1986: Fuys et aI., 1988). thinking (Cobb, 1989: Fischbein, 1987). In fact, slmilaril1cs be-
As a final example, such a perspective helps explain people's eween computer simulations and sruciem performance may be
recognition of a twO-dimensional representaf.ion of a three· a retlection of paucity of Sirualions In which learning and lead)·
dimensional rube. FirSl, why do we see a line as an edge, Ing are meaningful. Nevertheless, the theories provide Insights
or a region as an area of a three·dimenslonal object? "Our and useful mel3phors, as well as specific eXplicalions missing
vision,syslems seem vinually compelled 10 group the OUtputs from mOSt Other perspectives.
of our sensors 1010 endties~ like these (Minsky, 1986, p. 254). The theories of Piagel and the van Hleles share cenain im-
What enables us 10 see those features as grouped together portant characterislics. Both, for example, emphasize the role
10 form larger objects? "Our vision-s),slems again are Virtually of the studem in actlvely constructing their own knowledge,
compelled 10 represem each of those feanues. be it 3 comer, as well as the nonverbal developmem of knowledge thaI is
edge, or area, as belonging to one and only one larger objcet organized into complex systems. For example, van Hiele em-
31 a time .... Our vision-sYSlems are born equipped, at each of phasizes that suct"eSsful students do not learn faCts, names, or
several different levels, with some son of ,locking· in' machin· rules. but networks of relallonships lhal link geometric con-
ery thai at every momem permits each 'part: at each level, to cepts and processes and are eventuaUy organized imo schemal3.
be. assigned 10 one and only one 'whole' at !he next. level" (van Hiele, 1959). Thus, studentS must abstract matllematlCS
(Minsiq', 1986, p. 251). How do we recognize !hese objectS as from their own systematic patterns of activities. Te-dchers can-
cubes? Our "memory·frame machinery also uses 'locking-in' not successfully provide direct help to Sludents who have not
machinery mat permits each object 10 be alt.:iched only to one yet altained a certain level. "If you W3Jlt to know how far chil-
frame (thar is, schema] at a time. The end result Is mat in ev· dren have made progress, do not wait for their imitation of your
ery region of the pictUre, the frames must compete with each argumentation, but lislen 10 them for what they have found OUl
other 10 account for each fearure" (r-.·Iinsky, 1986, p. 254). A PDP themselves" ( P: van Hiele, personal oommunicalion, Sept. 27,
model might postulate units representing competing hypothe- 1988). Thus, both Piagel and van Hiele strongly disagree with
ses concerning each vertex of 3 Necker cube-for example. the the belief that good teachers merely e.'q'lain dearly 10 children
lower left vertex may either be in [he front or back of the cube. 10 leach them, Some mechanisms of developrT\ent are also sim-
The netwOrk consists of twO intercOflneaed subneeworks, one ilar. Piaget stresses the role of disequilibrium and resolution of
corresponding to each of the [wo global lnlerpretations of the conflicts. Van Hiele implores teachers 10 recognize students'
cube. They are murualiy exclusive, and, thus, the spread of ac· difficulties, but not avoid ~crises of thinldng," because these
uv:ltion through the netwOrk forces one pattern or the other- fadlit3te the rrnnsitiOtt 10 the higher level. In addition, both
but not both-to be activated at any given mornem ( McClelland lend to avoid twO positiOns: (I) the goal of education defined
et al., 1986). as unabatedly accelerating developmcm (~we've ldemified lev-
els; now how fast can we get children through them~), and
(2) dle complete devaluation of lhinklng at a lower level once
The Three Theoretical PerspectiVes a higher level Is achieved. Espousal of these positions. however.
can be heard in discussions of some who apply their theories
TIle cognitive science models bring a precision 10 models 10 practlce; the wisdom of either stance is unknown.
of geometriC thinking not alwa~'S present In the theories of There are also imponant differences. As previously dis-
Piaget and van HieJe. For example, Anderson's and Greeno's cussed, van Hiele emphasizes thai the course of development
models Identify knowledge structures and processes in de- Is srrongly influenced by the leachingtlcarnlng process. More
tail, and the PDP models bring explicitness to cemin spe- slgnificanti}', van Hlele (1959) criticizes Piaget's belief in logic
dfic aspeCts of students' represenl3tions al lower levels. How- as 3 basis of thinking, claiming that logic am only develop on
• '137

thefound3tiOn earlier levels of thinking, I~'els Plage: 5Uppo,r of geometric thinking 10 invesllg3l.i"B the continual devel
~)' ~miSKd~ becaU5e he alre:ldy dlSCOYered 5t1gCS of a dllfer- menl of processes such as visual dunking that appear inJll:-
ent n:nure By Piag~fs ~stages,- van Hide mean! the sugcs of well deYeloped (Vygotsky, 193411986). Y
1J'it\Siuon (fOt example, from preoperational to c:oncme opera. In ~1. research thai builds on the strengths oralllh
oonal thoughtJln /1lOVIng through these three st28O, the child ~I'dica.t pe.rspecti~ ~Igtu. tuve potential. For example. ~
ftrst does not unlk:l'5t3nd a cenain idea, then f1lOI\.'eS intO l!1ln' agel s schemes, van 1-lIele5 network of relations, and Cognlu
5IriOn and finally underst2nds. van Hide Slates Wt the ~SI28O science's more explicit declarative netwOrks certainly POISSelie
and ~r\0d5 described by Pi:Jget are 001 essentially connected commonalities In their Y)('WS of knowledge stnIcture and . ~
• ' UIS
with a particubr age", but are charnaeristic for very many learn· possible that a symh6iS of these would yield a richer m
. • Ore
Ing p~ irre.specuve of the age at winch they take place~ veridical model. Ideally, such a model would have the: eYnI '
., of ... _ . ..... lea·
(1959. p 14). While Inlriguing. it should be ncxed thar. these uon UK: cognitive SCience perspective and the developme I
thtI:e sroge5 ronstltule but a small pan of Piager:'s developmental 2SpectS of the Piagetian and van Hiele perspectives. nta

tl}~re are also problems with van Hide's claim that II "es·
aped Plagel that me obfect of thought 1$ quite diffen!nt at the ESTABLISHING TRUTH IN GEOMETRY
different levels,.so that there can be no questiOn of reasoning
at the first level being based on a m351ery of logical relations How do mathetrultlcians establish truth? They use Proof, 1 •
which belong to the third leyel and therefore canOOI yet be ic:al, deduCtive re150nlng based on axioms. How do they fi~~
known" (1959, p, 14). First, van Hiele makes a similar misl:lke
tru! he anrlbules to Nager, defining logiC in his own Image,
or from his conslnlned perspective. Second, and more impoe--
twly, Pi3ge1 did hypothesize Um obj«tS of thought differed
!Il different developmental stages, Both theorists beli~ mal II.
truth? Most r~quentJy by methods Intuitlve or empirical I
rure ( Eves, 1912), In faCt, the process by which new mathemat.
ics 15 eStablished 15 belied by the: deductive fonNI in whi h
It is recorded (Lakatos, 1976), In creating mathematics
......~ . .._
Iems are r - ", con~re.s rna""" coumerexamples oITe eel
aitiallnsuuctional dilemma IS te2Ching about ob;eru lhat are -and conf«rures revised; a theorem resul~ when this r~ ,
not yet: objeCtS or refleCtion for slUdems ~t of ide:J5 is ludged to have an5\\'etl!d a Significant questlne-
UttIe ~ has been conduoed on the iSsUes of simi· Rell (1916) dislinguishes three funaions for proof in m ~
Iarities, differences. and potential syntheses d Piagers and van mafia: l.Wffiauion, which is con«med ~ith esablishin a
Hide's theories. 'They appear connected, Denis (1987) Indi· truth ora proposition; il/llmmaIlOn, ..-him is concernedgw~
cated tNt, fOr high school studentS, the van Hide levels ap- conveying Insighl 1010 why a proposition is UlJe; and ~'$I' ttl
pear to be hterarchlal across C()OO'e(e and formal oper.IltonaJ lisa/OJ, whkh is ocganization of propositions into a dc!du:;a'
PbBaian stageS. She reponed thar only 36% of students who S)'S1en1. VII!
had taken high school geometry had reached formal open. In geometry, as in other areas d mathematics, empirical 2nd
rJonaI. SQ,ge, and that mOSI of them atuined only level 3 In the deductive methods should Inter2Ct and reinforce each oth
Y:Ul Hiele hluarchy. She also found :I Significant difference In For InSI2nce. often when one is stymied in taking 2 ded er.
Y:Ul Hide Jevel between students at the concrete and formal live 2PP~, empiriCLI investigations can generate explora~~
opel1llion.,l stages (aJlhough the narure of this relationship is possibilities H~er, for most srudents in geometry. ded
eqUivocal). tion 2nd empirical merhods are separale domains With dlH<uc-
Recall thal the argumem presented (or the exisrence of a ent WOlys 10 est:tblJsh correctness (Schoenfeld, 1986). In fa~·
Level 0 Is b~ on a panlal synthesis of the theories of Piaget the use of fonmll deduction among students who are '
and v~n Hl<!le. Gre:ner synthesis might be possible, though, fng or haye I2ken secondary school geometry Is nearl ~.
for ex2mple, \I may be that van H!ele's Level 2 represents a .sen! (Burger & Shaughnessy, 1986; USiskin, 1982). AcCOrdl~ ~
fttOflStnJCtion on the absU3a/consclouslverbal plane of those Schoenfeld, mosl Students who have had a year of high h' 0
"naI ..... . .. ___ 5(" 001
geometric COnctpruallzal\Ons that Piaget and lnhelder (1961) geometry re ve empl"CI5IS W"UM: approach 10 c. .
hypotheslled were first construaed on the percepruat plane
-' A_" ' .
cuge ....... compass constructions is an empirical
and then ~cted on me represenulionallimaginal plane. loop· (Schoenfeld. 1986, p. 243), StudenlS make :I cOo' -test
Thus, Level 2 may depend In many ways on what Piaget termed !.hen lest it by examining their conSUUCtion. If the c : re ,
the con.strucllor1 ol·attiCulaled menul imagery.~ There is a po- lion looks sulftcu:ntly accurate, the: srudem Is satisfied that rue·
temiaI 2nd a neoed for more deailed work in this area. For ex· con)«tUte has been venfied.. -In various problem 5e$5 ' the
ample, iflVC5tig:llions need 10 consider how visual thinking Is denu have rejected correa solutions because they did : '~
manifested 9.'hen higher I~els 2re ~. As our d.I$CUSSioru suffic~tty 2CCUr:lle and have accepted incorrect solutlons be-
wtlllndicxe, it 15 doutxful that it is untranSli::lcTne:! and m~ly cause they looked good" (p. 243). in one series of intervi
.pushed into the background~ by more .sophisti~ w;rys of college students were asked to solve a COOSlrucUon prob~'
thinlting. The same psychological process. Visual thinking, prob- :after having solved 11 proo( problem !hat pfOllided a solu . m
ably bas a nwnbero( psychologJCLlI~ from primitlve 10 so- 10 !he consttuction problem - Nearly 2 third of the SfU~on
~ed and interconnected with ~ ways of thinking, all bqpIn the second problem by making conjectures thai tl lS
of whkh play dlfferem roles In thinking depending on whim viObted the results they had Just proved!" (Schoenfeld 1 ally
\ayer 15 aaJY3!ed Swdy of the development must go beyond In· p. 1 SO), Evidently, me .studenlS' proof aalVity either had' 988,
vestlgatlng only the growth of increasingly .sophistlctted I~'els ally established knowledge for the students-or the .__ '?- reo
1\S10\'... edge

"'35 ~11s~ but Wo15 rompgnmenullzed in such a W3.~ that of the nlemal $C2nnln8 of a range of items which bear on the
it was nex xccs:slble In lhe dam:l[n of COOSlfUctions. Accordmg point In question, lhls resulting evemually in an Integr:uion of
to Schoenfeld, in.5(rucuon:a1 Slr:ttegies used in the high school the Ideas into a iudgment~ (p _ 24). According 10 Bell, proof
cb.urooms might be the cause for Ihis comp:mmencaliZ:ltion grQ1\'S 0\.11 of Imernal testing and the resull:Ult acceptance or
Although lheo~ms :lnd dc<Iuction " 'ere used to imroduc:e lind rejection d a genenllUlion ~ter. one sub~ the generaliza-
wlid:ne construC1ions, lhl! emph:lSis was on cooslfuaions as tion to cndeism by (){~, fit"Sl through oral and then through
procedUres-th:1I Is, on skill acquisitiOn "Titter! SlOUements that present not onl~t the gener.tlizattoo bul
It should be noted dut ~eld's investigation of "em- evidence ror Its vaJidin' in the form of a proof. Thus, .srudetus
pIrical metJlOds~ w:tS restriCl~ 10 srudems' use of conszruc· will not appreci:lTe the purpose of formal proof unlillhey rec-
t;oos. which :l~ usuall!- taught as procedures with v.tI~ In ognize the public st3tUS d knowledge lind the resuh.ant need
..d of themselves Other empirical :lppro3Ches might produ«, for public verif\cnion . differem results For 1flS(:loce. constructions on :l Of crucial Imponance he~ 15 Ihe Idea of Imemallestlng.
computer nlight be beller for students for (W() reasons. FirSL For a mathem:ltldan, [mernaltests eventually uke the form of
computers require more predse spccific:nlon th:1O those done proof, :IS one Ilttempts 10 perform the SOCially accepted crlti,
with p:lper and pendl. Second, bec-dUse the compuTer performs clsm of one·s argument oneself, However, do srudents perform
the constructions, Ihe lencher ctln Ireat the topic less 35 a set thiS testing. :lnd, Ir so, how? When quizzed abour their Justlfica.
of procedures to be learned, Ihus focusing more on concept tlons for ide:tS, students may refer to general propositions, spe--
de-Ydopmcm. Even wllh computer construCtions, howe\'er, we Cific Instant iatIons of general proposllions, diagrams, and i~
might need 10 worry abom L1le pitfalls of promoting an empirl· I:lled results unconnected 10 IUStlficatlons (Talyzina, 1971) Of
ciSI nppro:lch, for ill5mnce. In commenting on the computer course, Ihe lal((!r rwo lusllficttions 3re problematic, the fifSl of
sofiw;lre Geollle/l'lc SuJ1POSe", Schoenfeld (1986) woodered If Ihe;e beC'dU5C:. students ofien make unwarr:lIlfed assumptions
the .tbHltv of the progr:am 10 n.--pe:ll constrUctions aUiomallCllly basni on dtagrJms, and the .second because StUdenlS an: 18-
would lead Students to be O\'erlr empirical Judah SchW3.1tt. noclng the need for one's t"e15Onlng 10 be laid OUt in detail 50
me softw:tre's author, replied bY recounting an insrance whe~ thai It can be ewlu.lled_T:liyzina also found lh:tt ~"OUnger StU-
me opposite ~ 10 have happened. One smdent tried to dents mlXh more often than o.1der studentS recalled a general
conVince another studenl lhal something "ra5 rrue b\' appell· propositIOn ruther dun a specific. relev.lnt insunl.iation d tIUl
ing 10 a l:arge rolleaion or confirming e.xamples. Another sw- genel'lll propu!iiuon. II W3S ci:l1med that the latter behavior" "is
dent COUntered 1b.'1 me class had seen 10lS of CQll5IruCtlOns ch3l'X1erlsuc of the higher smges of mastering the ability to
11\:11 "'''OI"ked ror m:uw examples but l:lIer had fUmed QUI 10 solve geometrY problems" (p 98) Thai is, 2. duraCleristic of
be Incorrect. Thus, ma~obe ~U2 deduction ariSes from em- more :lccomph.shed thinking In geomeu)' is .. curtailment of
pirical approaches, the 1.:lIIer student had, through. e.'\pe~ Slep-~'"SIeP, deductive thoUghL
with empirlasm, dl5CQ\l'el'ed lIS IImiralions. This was certainly
an imponant 51ep to"':Jrd apprectlling a need for the deduc-
ti~ opproach 10 estnbllshlng trum in goomelty. Apparently this Students' proof Perlomwtce
IS nOl an isolmed case As we WIll discuss below, research 10-
dlcalcs mm the Goomer"'c slIpposer's empirical me:lSuremem About one month before the end of the school year, Senk
:1ppro:lch does 1101 neglllil'el~' afTect students' ability to learn ( 198;) t!!SIW dIe proof-wrhing ability of 1,;20 srudents In ge-
prool: ometry cl:ISseS thlll had siudied the topiC..... proof w.iS consld·
Other studies have confirmed the ex istence of slUdem con- ered correct If all the steps follo ....w logic:J.lIy, even If there
fusion concerning methods of JUSIifying m:llhem:nical state- were nlinor errors III notmion, VOC', or names of dle-
menL!i. [n :I sludy by ~lart!n and Harel (1989), pre-service O~ntS, Seventy percent of Mudems were correa on a simple
elementary leachers were usked 10 judge the mathematical cor- sl:(·stcp proof [n which the)' were: to supplr either the ~
rectness of induclh-e and deduai\'e verifications of statements or die sUllement Firl\'·one percent of Students were correct on
For ~dl 51atemem, more Ih:m 50% of the studeol5 accepted a simple proof requiring :an au.'Ci\i:lry line :md in which the
an Inductive argu~t and more ttun 60% :KCepted :t. deduct Slud~nts had to wnle bcxh Sl:ttements and reasons themse:]vo.
live argument :t.S :t \':did m:uhemallCll proof. Fifty-[U'O perrent nlim:·lWo percent of the ~uderK5 could prove tlut the di:tg-
:accepted an incorrect dedlKlJve argumeOl as valid for an unb- onais of a rectangle are congruent, bUi a mere 6% pr'IJ\-ed :I •
miliar Slatemefll FISChbein :Uld Kedem (1981) found dut high som~hat more difficult theorem thm did not follow directly
school studentS, Ilfier finding or lerming ;I correct proof for a from rhe ttbngle<ongrue~ POSlUlates and theoremS.Just3"
5L11ement, maim:l\ned th:u surprises :arro suU possible and that d the students ttteived penect scores on the leSl.. On only
further checks are rlesit":1b1e In:l srud" of students age 12 to thrtt 0( ~ rwelve problems whkh requIred a full proofwere
1;. Galbr:l.lth (1981) found Ih:ll oYer a third of the StUc:ialIS did III 1e3Sl h:alf 01 the students successful. Senk concluded 1h:J1
noc: under$t;lnd th:u. counterexamples musl suisfr the condit onlv :lbow 3D'1tt or :111 students in full-year geometrY cour..e5
uoos of:& coojeaure but v\ol:r!e the conclUSion; IS% felt one Uul leach proof re:Kh a 7;% mastery level in proof writing·
countero:ample was not suffiCient 10 disp~ a st:l.t~m Brumfield (1973) queried 52 high $Choat sl1x:1ents...oo had
....ccorchng 10 Manin :lnd ltarel, in e~ryday life people con- tlken an accelerated gcometr" course the pteviOUS year and
5[~r "proor es5em!:dly to be ~wtul convinces me.~ Bell (1976) were headed for an ~th'3.nced placemelll calcuh» course abolll
suggested thaI "conviction arr",es IT'I05{ frequently as the result geometl)~ When asked 10 list as many posrulateS as lhev ~Id

remember, 50% of the students liSted nothing at all and 31% However, they ignored the size of angles; they did not aRempe
lisled anI)' Statements that were nO( posrulates. Forty percent of to determine why the pattern occurred.
the srudems could nO[ list il single theorem, with many mixing The child at this level is capable of the most elementary
theorems with a.'(ioms, definitions, and false statements. When form of deduction. It ·consists either of foreseeing what 9,'ill
asked to choose one Interesting theorem and prove it, 8] % haPJlCn when such and such condItions are given, or in recon·
of srudenlS did nO( attempt a proof, and only one of the 10 structing what has happened when such and such results are
srudems who did was correct. Apparently, even bright stUdents given" (Piaget, 1928, p. 66).
get very lillIe meaningful m3memmics out of the traditional,
proof·oriented high school geamen), course. Leuel2 (ages 7-8 through 1 1-1"2). N. students begin this level,
they not only make predictions based on empirIcal results, they
begin trying to justify their predictions, Induction and deduc·
The Development of Proof Skills lion often connlct. In the angles taSk. !hey atlempted [0 analyze
the angles for each new example. Because they were unable
• Given students' poor performance on proof writing, it Is im· !O see me sizes of the three angles as imerdepe/'ldent, though,
perative 10 investigate the development of Ihls importam skill. they were often misled by the appearance of the angles, and
What are its components? Wi:la( are the prerequisires for proof often seemed less advanced than the students OIl Level I. Chilo
writing? When do children first attempt to ruStify meir conclu- dren's Jncow;'ct predictions seemed to lead Ihem to analyze
sions? How do they go aboul it? interrelationships betWeen the angles, bUI they were unable [0
Several components for understandIng and constructing eswblish a general relationship. There is also an amicip3l0ry
proofs have been suggested by Galbraith (1981): (a) under· character and purposefulness 10 se3rches for information. For
sl3nding -and being able [0 perform an exhaustive check of the example, students might use information 10 establish classes of
se{ of possibilities requ ired to verify a st<lIemem, (b) detecting posSibilitieS and nonpossibililies In a searth task.
and u[ilizing a re!e\'<lfll panern or principle in !he daro, (c) uti· During the latter pan of this level, inductive generalizations
lizlng a chain of Inferences wilhout needing to estlbHsh inter· t:lke place more qUickly and often immediately. E:tch instance
mediate steps with concrete referents, Cd) recognizing the do-- is compared with preViOUS instances. On the angles task, chilo
main of validity of a generalization, (e) correctly imerpreting dren were able to establish a re!mionship between the !.hree
statements and definitions, and (f) undel'Slanding the formal angles of a triangle. Also, there is no longer a contradiaion
structUre of proof. Van Hiele, Piaget, and other theorists have between the analysis of the angles in Individual Iriangles and
offered several different perspectives on the development of the inductive generalization aboU[ !.heir sum. "On the contrdtyl
proof skills. Piaget (Piaget, 1928; Plagct, 1987; Piaget, Inhelder, the induction itself which leads the subject to believe that the
& Szemlnska, 1960) for example, described levels for the n~ angles of any trIangle will yield a semicircle provides an an-
[ions of justification and proof. We will give a broad o\'erview ticipmory schema which guides the composldon of the angles
of these levels (the numbers used for the jevels are a syn!hes1s. of new triangles" (p, 204). The discovery becomes universal:
so they do not necessarily correspond to those of Piaget). "They always do [form a semicirclet (p. 2(4). Srudents at this
level , however, do nOl establish logical necessity. Even after em·
Levell Cup to age 7-8). In decisions abom the truth of ideas. plrically eliminating all possible a/'ISWers but ohe, one srudem
there is a lack of imegration of observa(ions and local cart- said ~l prefer opening Other ones {dues], you never know~
elusions. E:lch piece of d3ta collected or example examined (p. 114).
is treat:ed as a separate eveor not imegrated with others. Ex· There is the capability of implication for these children
ploradon proceeds randomly, without a plan, and local conclu· "when reasoning rests upon beliefs and not upon assumptions,
sions may be contradictory. This lack of direction in !.hinking in other words, when It is founded on actual observation. But
is due 10 the fact !.hat ~there is nothing here which lends to such deduclion is still realistic, which means that the child can-
make thought conSCiOUS of itself and co~quemly to system· nO( reason from premises Without believing in them. Or even if
atize or 'direct' ilS suc~ive ludgments (Piaget, 1928. p 15).
he rc-.lSOflS implictdy from assumptions which he makes on his
Being egocemric, the child attempts neither to see the paint of own, he cannOt do so from those which art." proposed to him"
View of aflother nor to think 3bout making his or her Viewpoint (pp. 251-52). Thus, although thought is logical, it is empirical
understood by others, in narure.
At the end of !.his level, there is some degree of Ime·
smtion and more purposeful exploration, Thought is more Level 3 (ages I1-U and beyond). The dlild is capable of
direcred, students begin to understand that severa! dues or formal, deductive reasoning based on any :lSSumptlons, The
examples must be integrated to draw conclusions. Al!.hough soundness of the assumptions does not affect the validity of the
pa[{erns are est3blished empirically, this Is done without at· argument, Logical necessity is established by the me!.hocl em-
tempting to understand why the patterns occur. For instance. ployed. StudenlS integrate information that has been revealed
when students were putting together angles of a triangle, they by various aaions and decide what information muSt be: ob-
were shown wharhalJPened for one triangle and asked to pre· mined from further actions. At leve! 2, "the deficiency !hal reo
dict what would happen for orhers. The students COUnted the mains is the failure to recognize exhaUStivity, which prevenlS
angles and predicted that shapes with mree angles would pro- subjects from considering their proofs as suffident even when
duce semicircles :lrJd shapes with four would produce circles. !.hey are. Only at Level 3 does progress in [nt~ratlon lead to

the conviction that the conditions e5Ulblished as being neces- "What It means to say um some property 'follows' from another
sary, when taken togedler, are also sufficient~ (p, 116), cannot be e~plained" (p. 111). At level 3, in contrast, the con-
For the angle task, s\Udent.s progressed from simply believ· tents of statements A and B are not import;lf\I. ~The onlr things
ing that the angles Will alW3YS make a semicircle to a belief, of importance for the further train of thought are the links ex-
based on logical reasoning, that this must necessarily be so. For isting betv.-een A and B. With these links the new oetworkof reo
example, they might Slme that the lhree angles make a semicir- lations is conStructed... When this second netwOrk of relations
cle because "the angles (at the base of 20 elongated isosceles is present in so perfect a form that its strucrure can be read
triangle) aren'l quite right angles, and the point makes up the from it, when the pupn is able to speak to others about this
dilference" (p. 205). However, the logical reasoning that is used Stfucture, then the building blocks are present for the netwOrk
by the students is not based on formal mathematics. 50 the stU- of the third level" (p, 112), A techniC3llanguage develops th:u
dents may have believed that the three angles must necessarily make.5 it possible to communicate with others aboUi the es-
form a semicircle, but they usually could not provide :I formal semial ide;J.S in the network of relatiOnS ( thaI is, 10 reason),
reason. "WithOut the netwOrk of relations, reasoning IS impossible"
In summary, al leVell, the child's thinking is nonreflec- (p, 110), But Wim the power of communication that result.s
tive and unsystematic, and therefore, nO! logical. AI Level 2, from the technical language comes an obligation to "Slick [0 the
thought is logical, but restricted to being empirical, Onlr aI necwork of reJ:lIions." That is, with formal re-dSOning come con·
Level 3 is the child capable of logical deduCtion and of con- straints, Therein lies the difficulty for many stUdents; mey do
sciously operating within a mathematical system. What causes nOt know what the CQnstr.lints are nor do they under.>[and why
progress through the levels? From where does the need for they -apply.
\'erificalion arise? "Surely it must be the shock of our thought According to van Hieie, the Inrultive foundation of proof "be-
coming into ContaCl wim tim of Others, which produces doubt gins with a pupil's statemenr that belief in me truth of some as-
and the desire [0 prove. _ Proof is the outcome of argument" sertton Is connected with belief In the truth of other assertions,
(Piaget, 1928, p. 20<1). Due 10 contact with others, the chUd be- The notion of this connection is inruitive. The laws of such a
come5 ever more aware of his or her 0\\11 thought, becoming connection can only be learned by analysis" (1986, p, 124),
"conscious of the defini tions of me conceplS he IS using" and LogIc is created by analyzing and abstraaing these laws, lh3t is,
acquiring ~a pania! aptitude for introspecting his own mental by operating on the network of links between statements. De
expenments" ( p, 243). The child becomes IncreasinglY'3ble to V!lIiers (1987) concurs that deductive reasoning firsl occurs at
take the perspective of others. Finally. with the onset of formal LeveJ 3, when the network of logical relations between prop-
mought, mental experiments, in which reality is constructed by erties of concepts is established. He continues tha t because
reproducing In thought sequences of events as they have hap-
pened or were imagined [0 have happened, are replaced by
slUdents at lb.'els I and 2 do not doubt the validity of their
empirical observations, proof is meaningless ( 0 them: they s~
logical experiments, in which the actUal mechanism for con· it as justifying the obvious.
strualon is reflected upon. AI this time, arguments can, In a Van Dormolen (1977) describes three levels of proof perfor-
real sense, be internalized; "Logical experiment is therefore an mance and relates them to the van Hicle levels. In the first, lus-
experiment carried OUI on oneself for the det:ection of contra· tincations are made for single cases; conclusions are restriaed
diction" ( p. 237). 10 the speCific example for Which the justification is given (for
e.xample, a particular reClangle). In me .seeond, justifications
Van Hiele's View and conclusions may be for specific cases, but refer lO collec-
,ions of similar objeCts (for example, the dass of rectangles):
According to van Hiele, me reasor/ing of srudenlS at the vi- several examples will be considered to illustrate a pattern, with
su31 and descriptive/analytic levels is quite different when they srudcnts capable of generatlng further examples, In the third,
identifY a figure, For Ihe student at the visual level, the judg- srudents justify statements by forming argumeniS that conform
ment is "based on an observatiOn" (van Hiele, 1986, p. 110), (0 Jccepted norms, that is, they are capable of giving formal

"There is no why, one JUSt sees il" (p, 83), For the student proofs, Van Dormolen relates his first level to van Hiele's visual
at the descriptive/analytic level, the judgment results "from a level of minking, his second to van Hide's descriptiVe/analytic,
ne[W()rk of relations" (p. 110). The thinking of students at the and his third to van Hlele's level of formal deduction In whj.:h
descriptive/analytic level may involve observation; it may be srudenL~ altend \0 the properties of arguments. It should be ob-
that they see an Image whenever they consider a given figure. served that although srudents in Van Dormolen's second level
TIle image is nO( the basis for judgment; the netwOrk of rela- h3~,(, made progress. their method is fraught Mth potential for
rlons is. Even if a figure was Imperfectly drawn (or diSlOrted error, For instance, as srudentS reason about a class of shapes
on a computer screen), such srudents' thinklng would not be by examining specific cases. they often attend 10 properties of
SWlIyed if they were assured it was the Intention of the dr3wer the p:miculac insl3llces, thus making mistakes about the class
[0 make all sides equal. Van Hiete continues that it Is this net· in general.
work of relations that distinguishes between the IWO levels. At
the beginning, o ne does not possess the nelWOrk. Van Hiele Leve ls and the Ability to Construct Proofs.
Once a class of shapes is thought of as :I collection of prop-
erties (at Level 2), che relationship between a figure and othce As can be seen from the above descriptions, a proof-oriented
figures is determined, and can be reflected upon. An elemen· geometry course: requires thinking at least at Level 3' In the
tary fOflll of associational implication can take place. Hoo;..'CVer, VIln Hic\e hierarchy. However, over 70% of srudents begin high

schOOl geometry at Levels 0 o r 1, and only those Students -~ho lished. For inSlance, if a srudent knows that a rea:angle is a fig-
enter at level '2. (or higher) have a good chance of becommg ure that has opposite sides equal and fou r right angles, and a
Illpetcm with proof by the end of the course (Shaughnessy square Is a figure that has all sides equal and four right angles,
C; Burger, 1985). II follows, therefore, thai i~S(ruction should then the srudent may deduce and intemalize the fact that aJl
help stUdents aila!n higher levels of geometric thought before squares are rectangles. The conclusion is newly created know!.·
they begin a proof-orlenced study o~ geo",letry. . edge thaI has, by virtue of deduction. been integrated into the
Senk (1989) Investigated the relauonslup between van srudent's current cognitive. strucnJre,
levels. writing geometry proofs, and achievement in nonproor In suppOrt of the PiagetiaJI perspective, Driscoll (1983b) has
geometry. Students enrolled in full-year geometry classes were emphasized me role of cognitive development In me acquisi·
tested in the fall for van Hiele level and entry level geome- tlon of the ability to construct proofs, claiming chal students
try knowledge. and in the spring for van Hiele level, knowl- need to be fonnal operational thinkers to completely under·
edge'of geomeuy, llnd proof-writing ability. It w~ . found mal st:lnd :lnd construCt proofs, AS evidence, he nOled th:u on logic
achievement in writing geometry proofs was positively corre- ilems (rom me 1978 NAEP (on which even the 17·year·olds
lated with van Hiele level (.50 in (he fall , .60 in the spring) and did poorly), there was a much grc:lter jump in performance
to achievement on nonproof coment (.70 in the spring), Senk between the 7· and 13·year-olds than between the 13- and 17·
argued chat srudents who stare geometry ar level 0 have little year-olds. Funhermore, Gardner (1983) suggests that only dur-
chance of learning to wrlle proofs , students at Levell have less ing the formal operational period can individuals deal with the
than a one-in--three chance, and s tudems at Level 2 have a 50· idea of abstract spaces or with formal rules governing space,
50 chance. level -Z Is lhe critical emry leveL Senk nOled thaI That is, formal geometry c:m be collSl.I\lcted only by Individuals
at the end of the school yetr. students at Level 3 or above Sig- who can integrate logico-mamematical and spatial intelligence
nificantly outperformed on proof students at ~ev:l 2 or below, into a scientific system. McDonald (1999) provides suppon for
but students at levels <I and.5 did not .score slgmficamly bener the notion that the nature of thought of which a srudent is
than students at Level 3. ( POSSibly tK.."Cluse of the tow number capable affects che srudem's construction of knowledge in ge-
of studems in the upper lWO levels.) Indeed, 4%. 13%, and 22% o metry. 'rwenty second:uy students classified as forma! opera-
of studems at Levels 0, 1, and 2, but ;7%, 85%, and 100% at lional and 20 as concrete operational made iudgmenLS about
levels 3, 4, and 5, respectively, were classified as having mas· the similarity of 13 geometric concepts from the area of simi·
tered proof writing. These dam seem to s upport that van Hide larity and congruence, Multidimensional scaling techniques In·
level <I is the level at which students master proof, with Level 3 dlcated that prototypical cognitive maps could be drawn for
being a tfllnsitionallevel. One might conjecture mat s tudents 3t both the formal and concrete operational students, Further-
LevCI ; probably are not able to do substantial proofs that they more, formal operational srudents' structure of the content was
have not seen before (or acrually unders13nd what the proofs Significantly more Uke thai of subject maner expertS than that
entail or accomplish), However, van Hiele's hierarchical theory of the concrete operational students. Finally, in comrast to van
that only s rudents at Levels <I or 5 s hould be expected to con- Hiele's theory, Mawn (1989) reported thatlhe reasoning ability
sislently write formal proofs was nO{ strictly supponed by the of fourth to eighth graders W3S far beyond what may have been
rese:uch. anticipated, given their low van Hiele level of geometric think·
Spring achievemem on nonproof coment accounted for 57% ing. These slUdems evinced logical thinking Indicative of l.evcl
of che Vdriance In proof scores, bot van Hiele test scores ac- 2, but without knowledge of Specific definitions or geometriC
counted for ooly an additional 3%. Although Han (1986) also conlent corresponding 10 that level.
found thai van Hide leve! predicted performance on a proof- We conclude, then, that this is not a ~chit:ken or egg" type of
writing [est, the relatively small contribution of van Hiele level problem: there exists a dynamic interplay betv.'een level of rea·
to prediction above thal of standard achievement test scores soning and organization of knowledge, An imPJrtant research
must be explained (Senk, 1989). It may be due to the d ifficulty issue is the elaboration of this interplay: HOW does the organi-
of separating level of thinking from content. (The correlation zation of knowledge depend on the stage of operational think·
between the van Hie!e tcst and coocent was .6.) ing, and how does the stage of Ihinklng depend on knowledge

A Conflict
Proof and Instruction
There seems to be a great difference in emphasis between
van Hlele and Plaget on how geometric reasoning and proof There have been numerous attempts to improve srudem.s'
develop. For van Hie!e, the emphasis seems. to be on content; proof skills by teaching!onnal proof in novel MyS, almost all
one progres>cs to higher levels of thought In geomeuy when of which have been unsuccessful (Harbeck, 1981; Ireland, 1974:
the netWork of relations becomes suffidently built up, The abil- Manln, 1971 ; Sununa, 1982; Van Akin, 1972). An alternate ap·
I!)' to reason logically in geometry Is dependent on the amount proach claims that for students 10 develOp an ability with proof,
and organizatiOn of content·speclfic knowledge. According to they must understand its nature, For example, Driscoll (1983b)
Piaget, however, certain logical operations develop in studenLS reponed a srudy by Greeno and Magone In which college sru·
independent of the content to which they are applied. These dents who had had high school geometry but ~ re nOl \lery
operations can be applied in a variety of comextS; it is through good at it were given a two-hour training program on proof-
~ operatiOM thal new mathematical knowledge is estab- checking, The insuuctional program not only taught srudent.s

spednc 5tepS 10 follow in chediing;) proof, 1t provided students validating arguments that can be scrutinized by olhers -ha~ that his elements of thought were not words, but ~cerui n signs images, but provided verbal information about the properties
the opponuniLy to anal~'Z.e the nature of proofs. The rese;)rchers shown more positive effeCts. :md more or less cle~r images which can be voluntarily repro of figo res i nste:td.
found that the e.xperimental students were not onl~' more ef- In summary, we have seen that students are eXlremely un- duccd or combined~ (Gardner, 1983. p. 190). Numerous mathe- Hershkowia (1989) outlined the role of visualization In the
fective than control students 111 checking proofs, but th~' did successful with formal proof In geometry This is disappoint- maticians and mathematics educatOrs have suggested that spa- development of a studenfs conceptualization of a geomell'ic
bener at construaing proofs as well They hypotheslled thaI ing, given the amount of time in the curriculum devOted to tial ability and visual Imagery play vital roles in mathematical idea and re.lated this development to !.he van Hide levels. First,
students needed to understand the nature of proof and how it this goa\. However, our analysis of students' proof-making abil- thinklng (lean & Clements, 1981: Wheatley, (990). Perhaps un- a p('(Xotypical example is used as 3 reference to which possible
differed from everyday argumentation. ities reveals a far more devastating finding: Students are de- derlying this position is lhe recognition that different modes of exemplars are compared visu:llly (van Hie1e Levell). Second,
Fuvs claimed th:1( ~me six",h 3Jld ninth graders in their ficient in their ability to establ ish truth in geometry, and, In- thought are used in mathematiCS. the prototypical visual example is used to derive the critical
tetching expcrimem made progress toward level 3 thinking deed, In all of mlllhematics. They have not developed those KrutetskiJ (1976), for inst:lnce, refers to (WO different modes attributes of the concept (transit ion from Levell to level 2),
"by following and summariling deduct.lve explanations. and beliefs and schemas that motivate and allow them to establish of thought: verbal·loglcaJ and visual-pictorial. He argues that the which are then 3pplled in judging other figures. Finally, the
givIng deductive arguments" (Fuys, 1988, p. 9) TIlere Wll5 Indi- mathematical truths. Indeed, if we adopt a constructivist per- balance between these two modes of thought allows for diH'er- critical attributes or properties of the concept are used to judge
cation that some students' inability to do proofs was attributable .specti~ on mathematics learning, :IS stUdents coOSU'Ua mathe- em "ma!.hematical casts of mind" which determine how an indio whelher figures are Instances of the concept (Level 2), Battista
to SlUdents believing th:.t lusllfiCltion is something that others matical meaning and build a nerwork of knowledge in mathe- vidual operales on mathematical ideas. He classified as analJ'tic. and Clements (1990) found a similar developmental sequence
do for them; "this is true because it is a theorem or procedure madcs, the process by which !.hey establish mathematlCllI trulh those srudents who prefer verbal-logical modes of though t In among studenlS doing geometry in ;) Logo environment.
for themselves becomes Vitally imponam. For. in the process mathematical problem solving, even for problems that wou ld Moreover, visual thinking is utililed by many Students in rep-
I Ie:lmed in cl:lSs."
Bell (1976) suggested that SlicceSS in proof could be pro- of constructing and restructuring mathematical knOWledge, Stu- yield to a relatively simple visual approach; geometric, those resenting and operating on concepts that do not inherently con-
mmed through cooperative in\,estigmions by students in which dents must decide what they believe to be mathematical truths. who prefer visual'plctorlal schemes even on problems more tain a spatial aspea (Krutetskii. 1976; Lean & Clements. 1981). Be·
conjeaurcs were made and conflicts were resoil'ed by students Each newh' enCOuntered idea is accepted as true or rejected eas!ly solved with analytic means; and oonnol1lc, those w-ho cause. or instruction, for iflSlance, students may think or fractions
presemlng ;trguments and evidence. Fawcett (1938) cOnduoed as false ~ed on current krlowledge and reasoning StfUcrures-. have no specific preference ror either verbaJ.1oglc::\1 or visual- and operatiOns on fractions In viSual terms (Clements & Del
a 2-year experiment in geometry with the results supponlng Each of these decisions, in turn, either buttresses the current pictorial thinkJng. The theory of hemISpheric specialization of Campo, 1989). In fact, heavy reliance on visual ~presentations of
!.his contention. Students were challenged to develop Iheir o-wn Structures or causes them to be reorganized Ihe brain corroborateS the existence or twO modes of thought mathematical ideas might be espedaUy imponant at tl1eejemen-
axioms, definitions, and theorems and to examine. debate, and Obviously, more research :mention must be devoted to how (Springer & DeutsCh. 1981 ). A great deal of phYSiological evi- tary school level (Stigler et aI., 1990) because young children
IU5l.1£)· their conjeaures. At the end of the [WO years, the e.,\;. students establish truth and how they come to undersl.3lld and dence indicateS that Ihe [WO hemispheres of the brain are spe- rely more heavily on imagery than do adults (Kosslyn, 1983).
perimemal students scored higher than trndJliontl.l students in utilize proof in their mathem:nlcal thinking. Work such as Pi- cialized for different modes of thought processing. In general, Indeed. Johnson (1987) argues that imagery is what enables
geometry, and both experimental Students and their parents aget's, which docu ments Ihe developmem of knowledge ver- the left hemisphere is specialized for an:lIytidlogical thinking us to utilize our bodily experiences to structure al! thought,
claimed thaI the students' deductive thinking had improved. ifiCllion skills. is imponant; much of this work. though, was In both verbal and numerical operations; it excels in sequen- nOt just ma!.hematlcs. There are [WO mechanisms by whIch this
Fawcen also observed student behaviors that indicated an un- done In a contcxt divorced from formal mathematics, .Are the tial taSks, logical reasoning, and analysis of !.he components of process occurs. The first is the Image schema, ~a recurring,
derstanding of proof, behaviors such as asking tha[ significant same results obtained in situations where students are explor- a stlmulus. laoguage is processed in the left hemisphere. The dynamiC pattern of our perceptual imeractions and motor pro-
words and phrases in st.:uements be Clrefully defined; requiring ing mathem~tjcs in classroom situations? Can we elaborate on right hemisphere, on the other hand, predominates for spa- grams !.hat gives coherence and structUre to our experience-
evidence to suppan conclusions: analyzing evidence; recognll- the levels of verification? What types of tasks and environments tialtaSks. artistic endeavor, and body image and seems special· (po xiv). for example, the venical schema is the abstr:lct cogni-
ing, analyzIng, and re-evaluating st:lIed llnd unstated assump- encourage students to progress to higher levels of verifica- for holistic thinking. "Although the left hemisphere seems tive structure Ihat emerges from our natural tendency 10 em-
tion? How is students' knowledge organi2ll.tion affected by their to be as competent as the right in identifying the Euclidean ploy an up-down orientation in struCturing our experience. We
tions; and evaJU:lling argumen ts.
In a similar vein, Human and Net (1989) reponed success methods of establishing truth? (and nameable) properties of obJeas (th:1t is, points, lines, and encounter this strucrure repeatedly as we perceive objects and
in a geometr.... course, based on the van Hie1e model, that :u- planes), ills much less c:lJXIble than the rlghl in identifyi ng the maneuver about the world,
tem pled a ~gende introduaion" to deductive and axiom:ltic less nameable topological properties such as t.rarIsformatlons The second concept useful for underslaOding the role of
thinking. The intent was 10 make proof as meaningful as poSSi- Involving changes in lengths, angles, and shapes" (Franco & bodily experience in t11inklng is the metaphor. According to
ble by includIng proofs of nonobvious sutements and
SPATIAL REASONING Sperry, 1977, p. 108). Johnson, a metaphor is "a pervasive moele of understanding by
by having students formulate !.heir own hypotheses to prove. POsitive correlations have been found between spatial ability which l'o'e project panerns from one domain of experience In
The materials began to develop deductive skill by revicwing Gardner (1983, p. 8) argues that spatial abiliry is one of and mathematics achievement at all grade levels ( Fennema & order to structure anOther domain or a differem kJnd" (p. xv).
some familiar st:ltements about triangles, and then asking stu· the several "relalively autonomous human intellectual compe- Sherman, 19n; Fennema & Sherman, 1978; Guay & McDaniel, It is one of the primary cognilive mechanisms by which we
lences" which he calls ~human intelligences." Spatial thinking 19m. It is nm difficult 10 see why this relationship exists for Sll'Ucture and make sense of experiences. Because physical ex-
denlS to solve problems by thinking with the aid of these state-
ments. for e:c::tmple: "Given triangle PQR,PQ cPR, and the is essential 10 scientific t.hought~ it Is used to represem and there are numerous conceptS in mathematics that have an 0b- peftenCe is so fundamental to intellectual development, image
exterior angle nt R being lOOo. supply as much addition3! In- manipulate information in learning and problem solving. The vious visual dimension. Davis (1986), for example, describes schema become a primary source ror metaphors. "Through
fonnation about the triangle as you can and explain how you "metaphOriC :lbility 10 discern Similarities across diverse do- what "cognitive building blocks" are needed to determine the metaphor, we make use of patterns that obtain In our physi-
mains- derives in m:ll1v Instances from ;t manifestation of spa- area of a rot:lted square on a geoboard. In ~ddltion to mental c::\l experience to organize our more abstract understanding"
obtained this information."
The results of srudies by Human and Nel, and especi;tlly tial intelligence" (Gardner, 1983, p. 176). An example is when 'images of squares and triangles, he cites mental representa· (p. xv). For e.xample, the Idea that "more is up." as pan of the
scientiSlS draw analogIes berween hum:m society and microor- tions of lhe aCts of rexatlng and translaling trJangles, of putting venical schema, IS used 10 help us understand the :tbstract no-
by Fawcett, :Ire consistent with an analysis of proof by Hanna
ganisms or brain function. Accord ing to Harris (1981), the us. them logether to make other shapes, and even of CURing apan tions of moretless and change in quantity. Johnson argues that
(l989c). She argues that because mathematical results are pre-
sented formally by mathematicians in the form of theorems and Employment Service estimates that mOSt technical and sci~­ squares to get (riangles. Similarly, Soviet researchers have em- !.he use of image schema as metaphors for understanding air
tlfic occupations, .such as draftsman, airplane designer, ~­ phasized the importance of sp:ltial thinking in geometry, "VI· St.r:lCt notions is pervasive and natural in human understanding.
proofs, this dgorous practice is mistakenl ~ seen by many as the
tea, chemist, engineer, physiCiSt., and mathematician, req~Ire SUallzations are used as a basIS for assimilating abstraa (ge- Even the idea or deduction derives rrom the spatial concept of
core of mathematiOlI practice. II is then assumed that "learn-
ing mathematics must involve trnining ;n the abiliry to (reate persons having spatial ability at or above the 90th percenule. Ometric) knowledge and Individual concepts" (yaklmanskaya, ~followlng a"

this fonn" (pp. 22-23), InsU'U(tional tre:ltments that have been 1971.p. 145). For instance, understanding the concept of rect- Despite the claims for the imponance of Imagery and spa-
b3Sed on this view have generally failed to accomplish their angle and ilS propenies requires that srudenrs analyze the spa· tial thinking In mathematics. the relatiOnship between Spatia]
$oals, probably because the students are attempting to follow The Relationship Between Spada! Thinking tlal relationship of the sIdes of a rectangle-thaI is, understand thinking and learning nongeometrk concepts is not straightfor-
formal rules unconnected to any actMry they find meaning- and MathematiCS ·OPPOSite" sides a.nd disting\llsh them from ~adiacem" sides. II ward. for inSiance, Fennema and ( 1985) present some-
ful. On the other hand. studies that have ancmpled to involve was argued that lcachers should provide :lctivitles for devel- what conflicting resullS. Students high in spada! abJllty and low .
students in the crucial elements o f mathematical discovery and Hadamard argued that much of Ihe thinking required In OPing sntdents' spatial imagination because assimilatiOn wo uld In verbal abUhy ( high/low students) tended to tranSlale prob-
discourse-conjectUring, careful reasoning, and the building of higher mathematics is spatial in nature. EinStein commented be "formaliStiC" if the teacher did not develop students' spatial lems into pictures more completely than lowlhigh students, and

there was some indicadon mat lowlhigh students were less space. Others have debated the characterization Imo these [WO <1 Images represem no{only objectS, but also 100errelar\onships into how Imuges are constructed, let I.IS e.xamlne Plaget and
able to draw and 10 use pictorial represem:ltions than high/low factors (Clcmenls, 1979: Elin(, 1987), -and indeed, there Is de- between an objec(s componem parIS and other objects. ThaI Inhelder's description of stages of performance on this taSk.
students. However, when using 3 problem-solving process that bate aboul Ihe nature of spalial ability and its measurement is, ~the funClional relalions among objectS as imagined must In Stage 1, (2-4 yrs), the child cannOI construct a complece
emphasized the use of spatial visu:!.Ilzation, students who had For instance, Bishop ( 1983) has suggesled twO spatial compo- to some degree mirronhe funcllonal reltuJons among those image of the geomelrfc figure, "and, :tcmrdlng to whether he
high spatia! visualization skill solved no more problems than nenlS that he believes are espedally relevant for mathematics same obie1:ts as actUally perccived" (Shepard, 1978, p. 131). has felt a curved or str.light side o r a paim, he likens the shape
Students who had low visualization skill. Lean and Clements learning. The first is the abiliry to interpret figural information touched 10 a visual shape possessing the same c1\aracter\stlc,
(1981) concluded that srudents who process mathematical in- and Involves understanding visual representations and vocab· While dlere has been much deb:lIe about the physiologi- not bothering about the fest of the object or auempting to PUt
formltion by verbaHogleal outperform students who ulary. The second is the abJlicy foc visual processing. Involving ~':Il
narure of imagery, ooe noted rese3rcher in memal Imager)' logether the 10la1 Structure. " . Il is obvious thaI these errors
process this information visually. Similarly, Hershkowitz (1989) manipulation and transformatio n of \'isual representatio ns and concludes the follOwing: are due to inadequate explOratiOn of the objet:ts.•. • to recog-
claimed that the use of im2gery in mathemarical thinking can images and uanslation of abstract relationships intO visual rep- nize geometrical shapes me child has to explore the whole
cause difficulties. FOf example, if a COllcepl is tied 100 closely resentations. Other autho rs (Guay, McDaniel. & Angelo, 1978) contour" (p. 23). Thus, if a child is unable to take in a whole
Although the brain processes mat underlie a mental Im:lge ~ nOI
10 a single image, its critical anribute5 might nOI be recognized belit:\'e that the essence of lrue spatial ability is the forma· themselves be Hke an\, sort of a picture. {he\, must necessarily con· shape wilh a single tactile cenU"3lion, he or she is compelled to
or use of the concept in problem·solving situations might be tion and lrans{ormaljon of visual images as organized wholes. taln the informadon thaI could In principle. p~nnil the remOStruC1lon move his or her hands across the objea to produce a ser!es of
limited because of over reliance on this image. On the other They argue that many SO-c'dlled spadal tesls can be done effec· or a plaure wtm a high degree or Isomorphism 10 the exlernal object cenlnllions. "The perceptual recognllion of the shape is con-
hand, Brown and Whe:tdey (1989) reponed 'hat. although the lively with analytic processing and, thus, are not goOO measures imagined.. . _\'V\lat is behind the common tendency to think of a mental sequently a result of the co-ordination of these centratiolts "
fifth-grade girls wim low spatial ability thaI they imervleweci of spallal ability. Furthermore, there is evidence thai different Image as some SOft of a plaure may be the lila thai th~ br.:lil"! process (p. 38). "The lack of exploratiOn on the pan of children at thiS
performed well in school mathematics, thcir understanding of groups of individuals use different processes on spatial taSks. thai underlies a purelr mental image Is very much like the brain pro· may therefore be explained as the result of 11 general de-
Some represent problems visually: others represent them ver- ~ thll is produced by looking at a corresponding plC1ure. (Shep;ird, ficlency in perceptUal activity Itself'" (p. 24). Children of this
multip!icalion and divisiOn was inSirumental, whereas the high
bally. Some attend to the whole stimulus at once; others at· 1978, p. 128) stage could not draw a copy of even Ihe simplest sh:tpes be-
spalia! girls' understanding was more relational. One high spa-
tial girl, although evincing an exc~lIent grasp of mathematical lend to pans of it at a time. Some individuals use processing cause. perceptual aClivffJ~ nOt perception, is the source of imi-
ideas and problem solving in the interviews, performed poorly aids, such a.~ marks o n paper. ob ject manipulalion. and body Supporting this viev.', Shepard and his colleagues found that tation. That is, since these children failed 10 explore the edges
in school mathematics. Similarly. Thrtre (1990a) suggested that movement· the amoum of lime it takes individuals to Judge whether twO of the surfaces, they could nor dr,tw the surfaces
spatial fonns (rwo-dlmenslonal depictions of three-dImensional In Stage 2 (4-7 yrs), perceptual activity becomes apparent.
10th grade. students who scored high on spallal orientation
objectS made of congruent rubes) are the same is dependem
were betler able to underscand nongeome:ric problems and to Imagery
link them to previous work than were students who scored low o n the number of degrees thal one form must be roGited to
A gener.:ll dlsl1nction Is drawn between r\'o'<l mafor classes of s.hlpe.
match the other:. Kosslyn's research also supports th is palm of
In spatial orientatIon. Several researchers have suggested that the most imponan, curvilinear or tyithoul lIngles, and reailinear or with angles, _ II 15
view. He and his colleagues found, for Instance, that more lime
Thus. there is reason to belieo.·e thaz spacial ability is im- determinant of spatial visualization ability is maintenance and not the str,light line Itself which the child contraSts with round shapes,
portant in students' conSlruaion and use of mathematical was required 10 scan grealer distances on a mental image and but r-,lther ule conJunction of str.Jigh! lines which go to form an angle.
manipulalion of a high quality image of the stimulus, where-AS
concept.s-even nongeometric ones. BUI the role that such mat larger images required more time to scan Ih:l.n smaller (p.30)
others ar8ue thai perfo rmance on most spatial testS is best un-
thinking plays In this COOSlruction is elusive and, even in ge- ones. They concluded that their experiments suppon the claim
der51.000 not In terms of imagery but rather in terms of rea-
omellY, multifaceted. For example, in van Hide Levell, one that "ponlons of Images depict corresponding ponions of the
soning and problem solVing (Eliot, 1987). Ho wever, mOSI faaor Funhermore, thc child conS(l\JCIS his represent!ldon o[ angle
relies on and is restriaed to visual processing. Al van Hiele rcpresemed objea(s) and that the spatial relalions between
an:lJysts and development3l1slS agree that "persons with well-
ponions of me imaged obreCl{S) are preserved by the spatial not as twO imerseoing lines, but rather as the Moulcome of a
Level 2 and higher, one's use of visual images is constrained developed Spatial skills should be capable of imagining spatial palr of movements (of ere and hand) whic h conjoin" (p, 31). In
by one's verbalJpropositioml knowledge. Images and transfor- relations between the corresponding ponions of the Image"
arrangements of objects from different pointS of view and of ( Kosslyn, Reiser, & Ball, 1978, p. 59). fuCI, "Euclidean shapes ... arc at least as much absU"aCled from
mations of images incorpor.lte thIs knowledge and, as a result., manipulating visual images~ (ClemenlS. 1979, p. 15), Thus, the partIcular actions as they are from thc object to which the :lC-
might behave differently at the different levels Finally, there is Shepard (1978, p. 128) also nOted that the exlslence of am-
concept of image plays a central role in o ur study of spalial liOns relate" (p, 31). That is, the Image the child extraCts from
the use of imagery in thinking about nongeometric concepts. biguous pictUres such as optical Illusions lndicale5 that "nol all
abili[)t of what is perceived or imagined is contained in (he concrete an obiect is what can be constructed from his own actions per·
One might be manipulating mental entities that have neither Images are intcrnally perceived, whollslic representations fonned On the object. Even drawings express an obJea nOI so
picture that is extemally presented or reconslructed" (p. 129).
a visual nor a verbal format but are nonetheless opcrated on of objects or scenes thai are iSOmorphic to their referents. much as visually or t::l.clilely perceived, but In terms of the re:-
by visual-like transJormatlons. Future research should :.mempl A mental Image, perceprual or imagined, has a "deep as well
They are mentally changed by continuous tr.U1Sforma(ions cor- [aled perceptual activiry However, although perceplUal activity
to elaborate t.hese dlfferem types of uses of Imagery and take as a surface strucrure. ~ But how are mental Images formed and
responding (0 physicallransfo rmations. Kosslyn (1983) defines is capable or being carried to completion d uring Stage 2, the
care in distinguishing between the qualit::l.tively differenl rypes how is im~ery related to perceptio n? Let. us rerurn to Piage(;
four classes of image processes: generating an image, inspect- analysis remains empirical; thus, for complex shapes, il fails 10 •
of visual thinking. ing an image 10 answer questio ns about II, transforming and achieve a synthe:iiS and coordination of perceptua.l ciala based
operating on an Image, and maintaining an image in the service Perception is the knowledge of objects resulling from dlrerl contact on reasoning.
w!th them. los 3g."111lSl thiS, represenUition or imagination involves the
The Nature of Spatial Abilities of some other mental operation, During 3 (7-8 yrs), e;~plor,u ion of shapes is still per-
evocation of obferu in thelral)seflCt' or, whel"! it runs parallel 10 pen:ep-
According to Elim (1987), there is consensus among spalial uon, in Ulelrprc:;;ern:e. II completes perceplu31 knOWledge by reference formed by means of the same type of perceprual activity as In
Gardner (1983, p. 173) States thai ~Central 10 spatial intelli- researchers about the follOWing four points, 10 objects flO! actually perceived.. .. Now In ali probability the lrn<l8e is the earlier stages. HO\VC\'er, this acrivity is now directed by an
gence. are Ihe capadties to perceive the visual world accur:lIely, an intemali~ed fmlUitlon .,. , and Is conseque.ntly derl~a:I fl"Oln motor ~operatlonal method which conslslS of grouping the elements

10 perform transformations and modifications upon one's Initial 1 The memal processes thai underlie the experience of an :lct;vlty, even though Its final form Is that of a figural pattem !need on perceived in terms of a generaJ plan, and starting from a fixed
pen::eptions. and to be able to re-create aspects of one's visual image are simi lar to those thm underlie the perception of the sensor)" (Plaget & Inhelder, 1967, p. 17) point of reference to which the child can always retUrn." At this
experience, even in the absence of relevanl physicl stimuli," objeCl~ or picrures. level, the coltstruction of the Image of a shape assembles daw
lWo major components or faClQf5 of spallal msks have been 2. An image is a coherem. imegrated representation of a scene As discussed previously, one of Plaget'S experimental lasks Into an anticipatory schema that includes possible features such
Identified (Bishop, 1980; HarriS, 1981; ~1cGee, 1979). Spatial or object from a panlcuJar viewpoint and is open [Q a was 10 have children first examine Ilat geometrical shapes with- as straight o r CUl'\led lines, angles, parallels, order, and equal
orientation is underst::l.flding and operaling on the relatioo· perceptual· like process of scanning. out .seeing them and then Identify the shapes by drawing, nam- o r unequal lengths. "In other words, every perceived shape is
ships between the positions of oblem In space with respect 10 3. An image can be subjcct to apparently continuous mcntal Ing, or polming thcm out. or this lask. Plager and lnhelder :lSSimiJaled to the schema of the actions required to construct
one's own position-for instance, finding one's way in a build- tranSformations, such as rotations, in which Imermediale sa}', "Clearly, the reaction involves translating tactile-kineSihetiC it" (p. 37).
ing. Spatial tliSualiuUiol1 is comprehension and performance of stales correspond to Intermediate views of an acrua! objea impressions from an invisible objecl inio a spalial image of Mosl of the discussion above relates to ~haptjc perception."
imagined moveme nts of objectS in twO- and three-dimensional undergoing the corresponding. physical transformation. a Visual kind" ( Piagel & Inhelder, 1967, p, 18), To gain inslgbt The difference between a haptiC and visual centratlon is lhat a

visual centration can t:lke In more elementS ;u the same tim~. the task. Some interpreted lhe cliagr-Jm as a set of tr[llngular operational thought (in a Pi!lgeli:ln sense), and !hal !he Ihineen- a strong impaq on !heir cogOflive decisions. Even when the
Thus, simple shapes can be visually apprehended in :l single regions and others 3S :I sel of Jines fonning a deSign. Only ~'ear-o!d s ubjeas of the present study were nOt in !.he formal definition is e.xp l icjtl~ mentioned, most subjects are not able to
cemration. the mOSI advanced students nOl: only imerpreied the diagram operational stage" (p. 50). Ali Shah (1%9) found that perf0"" respond correctly. 1l1e manner in which a concept functions
According ( 0 Piaget and Inhelder, "it is one thing to perceh-e :IS " set of triangular regions but also col1S!ructed the relative mance on !hese transformations increased gremly from age 7-8 in a reasoning process is highly dependent on its paradigmatIc
a circle or a square and quite another to reconstruct:t vistlal placemem of these triangles. Some srude ms were able to ro- 10 age 10-1 1, but thar only abom 50% of !he laner age. group connections. The filCI of knowing explidtly lhe definition does
image of it to the point where it ClIn be picked out from a group tate images of the 1,II1gram pieces men1311y and. thus, andcipale mastered these lopics. Moyer (1978) Invesligated whClher, for nOi eliminate the constraints Imposed by the tacitly intervening
of models, Of draw it after a purely tactile e..\-plor:l,(fon~ (p_ 37). their positions: others delermined the correct orientatio ns by children of ages 4 to 8. understanding of a (WOodimensional paradigm" (p. 146). This also helps explain StudenlS' resistance
But a visual image of a shape presupposes a memal represen- ph!'5ical Irial and error. iSOmetry is dependeor upon an e:-;plicil awareness o h he phys· to hierarchical relationships among quadrililterals, The images
Illilon , and thus ~rhe image is nO{ a direct outcome of percep- In summary, we h::we seen thai images are internal, wholis· ical motion related 10 the tt'Jnsform;nion. There were no signif. anached to elIdl figure [unction cognidvely, not as panicular
t lon~ (p, 38) Funhermore, "the power to Imagine the shapes tic represemalions of oblects (hal are isomorphic to Iheir refer· icant effectS for sUdes and flips (with the trend being a negative cases but as generoll models. Thus, srudents ha\'C to learn the
I'isua.lly when !hey are perceived through the sense of touch ents and can be inspected and trans fanned. The conslruction effea for younger children), bUI lhere was a dramalic, benefi- decisive role of e.xpliCitly defining concepts 10 avoid errors In
alo ne. is an e.'{pression of the sensorimotor schema involved of images [s cert:linl~' affeCted by e:»isting cognilive struaure, cial effect for turns. He also found thai a slide task was at leasl using the terms !hal signify them. They have to conStruct a
in meir perception" (p. <il). Piaget concludes that in all three but il would be helpful 10 know more about how this acru· as easy as a flip, and IUrns were most difficult. Finally, Usiskln meaningful syntheSiS of !his definition with II range of e:»em·
stages, ~children are able to recognize, and especially (0 rep· ally occurs and whether it can be controlled. If ~'C accept Ihat ( 1972) compared the effects of a transformational approach plars. Employing such a synthesis of an31~tic and verbal pro·
resent, only !hose shapes which they can actually reconstrua images are based on actions, by whal mechanism are images to high school geometry to !he traditional approach. Both the cesses 10 consrruCt robust concepts is possible, especially for
through their own actions" (p.<i3) derived from these actions? Is the image of an ob!ect simply experimemal and control groups s howed significant increases studentS in grAde .5 and be~'ond ( HershkOWitz et at, 1990).
Thus, the mental represematlon of a figure- its image-is a replay of lhe sequence of lCtions involved in perceiving it? on a spatiaVperceptive test, although nOl diffcremi3Jly so. Both This formulation is highl)' conslstem with Reirs (1987)
seen by Piaga as an internal imimtion of :lorans. 11le recon' 1·1av.: !hen, are Images generatet! in !he absence of objects; !h!l[ groups showed a decline In alrltudes IOwards mathematics, but ~ ideal ~ model for interpreting malhematical concep(s reli-
structiOn of shapes as visual images (so thllt they can be drawn, is, what ps!'Cho!ogical mechanisms suppOrt Ihe represent:ltiOn only the control group's was SignIficant. it was also fo und thai ably and efficiently. In f.uniJiar situations, this ]1lodel fi rst ap-
for insmnce) "is not JUSt a m:mer of iso!:lting various percep. of an imager girls' anJrudes lOW<lrds mmhemalic.s dedined more than boys' piles no nformal, case-based knowlet!ge (see Fischbeln's [1987]
tual qualities, nor is It a queslion of extracting shapes from the for both the transformmional and traditional approaches. p3radigmatlc models), then checks doubtful conclusions wilh
objects wilhoul more ado. The reconslnlction of shapes rcSl5 e.xplicil fo rmal knowledge. in unfamiliar situations or when·
u!X>n an active process ofpurrill8 ill rr?lation, and it therefore Improvement in Spatial Ability ever Inconslstendes or needs to make general Inferences arise,
Implies that the abst raction is b-.Ised on !he child's own actions REPRESENTATIONS OF GEOMETRIC IDEAS the Ideal model rums directl y to formal know ledge. Nonfo,...
and comes 3bom through their gradual co-ordln:lIion~ (p. 78). Numerous studies have indkmed that Sp.1tlaJ ability can be mal knowledge, then, Is still useful in providing checkpoinl5
Although evidence from e.xperimental psychologists has nOl: improved through training (Bishop. 1980). Ben·Chaim. lappan, for more abstract arguments. Reii' found the processes of ef·
been gathered to suppan Piaget's claim for the importance of and Ho uang (1988) reported !hill a !hree--week instrucl!onal fective e;<;pertS fit this ideal model closely and recommends
Concept Images
aaion, it is ~l( least consistent wim il. For insl:mce, according training program significantly Incre:JSCd the splllial visualJzauon activities that encourage ilS developmem in srud~ntS, such as

, to Kosslyn (1983), images of objects are built OUt of sepa·

rately ~ored pans, such as line segments o r common geometric
ability for all slUdents in grades 5-8, wllh no ses differences in
the gains. They suggested that seven!h grade may be the Opt;·
Vinner and Hershkowitz (1980) claim lhll l In thinJ.ting, peo-
ple do not. use definilions of concepts, bUi rather concepl im-
teaching studenl5 concept·interpretation procedures and le tting
them Implement those procedures in various typical and error·
shapes, along with information (verbal or nonverbal) specify· mal lime for spatial visualization lralning. 8ishop (1980) found prone cases, !hus compiUng repertoires of know ledge aboul
ages, combinations of all the mental pictures and properties
ing how the pans are to be: a rranged relative (0 one another. that srudenlS taughl in primary schools where lhe use of rna· special cases and common errors.
that ha\'e been associated with lhe concepi. Their research val-
Images of figures never before seen could be generated by nipulative materials was prevalent performed belter on teSts of This line of inquiry is relevant to both lheory and practice;
idated not only thal!hesc concept images exisled for a number
amalgamating pans that have been previously generatet! fcom spatial ability than students who v.-ere in schools lacking use it is unfortunale, then, thar h has neithe r :Jdequa\ely acknowl-
of geometric concepts, bUi thai such images could be adv~ rscly
e.xperience. Using this theory 10 suppon Piaga only requires of such materials. Battista, Wheatley, and T.1lsma (1982) found edged nor buil! upon earlier work. for example, Vygotsky'S
affected by inappropriate instruCtio n. For e:»ample, lhe fact th:u,
us 10 equ:ue Kosslyn's component pans of images (0 memory thar studenl5' spatial skills improved dur ing !he course of an ( 1934/1986) conSU"lJct of "word sense" as lhe sum of all !he psy.
for many sludentS, the concept im3ge of an obtuse angle has
tr'.lces of a person's aCiions, physiCiI or perceptual. informal geomelfY course. However. !here are repons mat no chological events aroused in a person's consciousness by !he
a horizon!al ray mighl result from the limited Set of examples
Also taking a constructivisl approach to spatial thinking, improvement in sparlal ability results from a standard course in word Is In some ways:t more elaborate formulat ion. Word sense
they see In te:>;tS and a "gravit:l!lonlll factor" (that is. 3 figure is
Whe31ley and Cobb (1990) claim that individuals give meaning high school geometry ( Bishop, 1980). There is also evidence- is a dynamic, complex-, fluid whole, whIch has several zones or
·slable" only if II has one horizontal side, wi!h the other side
and structure to spatial panerns based on their e:»periences. thai performance on spatial tasks incre:lSes with grade level unequal stability (the word's definition is o nly one of the zones
ascending). (The findings of other srudies agree that students
conceptual structures, intentions, and ongOing social internc· (Ben-Ch.lim et al., 1988;John5On & Meade, 1987). of word sense. albei t the most stable and precise zone). A word
limit concepts to studied exemplars and consider inessential
lions, "We do not conceive of the pattern {of shapesl as be- Given the obvious connection between spadal thinking and acquires Its sense from the context in which it appea rs. in differ-
bul common features as essential to the concept; Burger &
ing 'OUI there' for the child to caprure visually and store ru tnlnsform3lional geometry, one might hypothesize that work ent come.-':l5, iI changes its sense. '"TIle primordial word by no
Shaughnessy, 1986: Fisher, 1978. Fuys et al, 1988; Kabanova·
is In her head but believe !hal each child COnslruas through with the hmer would improl'e skills in !he former AS Fey St:lted, means could be reduced 10 a meft' sign of the concept Such a
Meller, 1970; Zykova, 1969). Components of concepl Images
her actions an image of the pallern which may later be re- the "transformation approach makes geometry an appealing, word Is rather a picture, Image, menw sketch of !he concept.
were also Identified; for elGlITlple, srudems' concept Image for
presented and lransformed" (p. 3). These ~aCtJons" can be dynamiC subject thm will develop spatial visualization ability It is a work of art indeed. TIla! is why such a word has a 'com-
a right triangle were most likely to include :1 right triangle with
phYSical or perceptual, conscious or unconscious. Furthermore, and also the ability to reason" (Fey et aI., 1984, p. -"\4). In 3gree· plex' character and may denote a number of objectS belongIng
a horizontal and a ven-ical side, less likely ( 0 include a simI-
construaion is nOt necessarily a conscious process; fo r esam· ment with Ihis hypothesis, Del Grande (1986) found dlar such 10 o ne complex:" (VygO(sky. 193411986. p. 133),
lar triangle rotated sllghd y, and least likely to Include a right
pIe, when a person gives meaning to a diagram, Ihey mOlY be a geometry unit improved spatial perception of grade 2 Stu·
isosceles triangle with a horizontal hypotenuse. Stud y of .such
unaware of the "meaning·making" process (G. Wheatley, per· dents. Williford (1972) also InveSilgated the effects of teaching
concept images may provide useful informatio n abolll errors Usfng Diagrams
sonal communication. AuguSI 11, 1989). In W11eadey and Cobb's the conceptS of rigid motions and congruence. He conduded
!llal srudents make. For example, students who know a cor-
study, firsi' and second'gl1lde studentS were given five tangrnm that second and third graders learned manual procedures for
rect verbal descriplion of a concept, but also have a specific The Soviel researcher Kabanova·Meller St.1!es ~Mastery of
pieces- a medium Irlangle, fWO small lriangles,:1 square, and:l prodUCing tr.lOsfOrmltion im::lges, but nm how to perfo rm such
vtsual Image or prototypC associated tightly with thai concept, geomf"U'ic theorems is charaCteriStically accomplished through
p:trallelogram-and asked (0 make :I piCtUred square. To help transformations mentally. Kidder's ( 1976) results extend Willi·
may have difficulty applying the verbal deSCription correaly !he perceplion of diagrams and is imimateJy conneaed w1!h
tile srudems. :1 line diagram showing the placemem of the Ihree fo rd's in that they indicale slUdenLS' ability 10 mentally perform
(Clemenl5 &: BattiSt3, 1989: Hershkowitz et al., 1990. Vinner & !he developmenl of spatial images" (1970, p. 7). To be suc·
((Jangles was shown 10 studentS for three seconds initially and isomelries wilhoUl training is limited at !he middle and junior
Hershkowitz, 1980). cessful with proof problems in which a di3gram is used, SIU'
at aoy other times the studenlS requested. They found the SIU- high level. He conJectured !hat "the ability to perfonn trans·
Aschbein (1987) relates concept images to inru itlon. SuD- dents must establish semantic connections in the diagram. The
denlS at different levels of performance o n several aspects of formations at the representational lel'el de rIves from forma!-
jeas anach a particular presentation [0 the concep4 which has solution process muSl be ' co nstructive"; !.hat Is, 5{Udcnts must

form conclusions from me conditions ("exp:lnd~ Ihe condition) Wllile we hlwe been focusing on how diagrams can affect Results of research have additional implicatiOns for the using concrete models Ihan o ne using applk:nions, whereas
and find new relalionships in me diagram (~aransform~ the di- srudems' representation of conceptS, theorems, and problems, presentalion of e.xamples and nonexamples. Psychological re- se.vemh graders benefited equally; the younger students may
agram). Sometimes students derive the solution byexpaLldlng we should nO( overlook misconceptions th:1t could artse OUi search often implies th:u positive instances are more useful than have been less able to impose the rt:levant relationShips (Lesh
me condition sle p by Step until it includes me solution; OIher of StudenL~' lmerpret:llions of me d iagrams themselves. For e.x- mixed negative-and'positive instances, whereas educalional re- & j ohnson, 1976). Overall, the benefits of manipu]atives hold
timeS StUderus represent the solution through a visual image ample. P.arzysz. (1988) reports Ihat srudems often attribute ch:tr- search SUggesL~ the usefulness of nega tive instances (Gi bson, al!ross grade level, ability level, and 10piC, given .hat use of
and then detennine the logical steps required 10 derive It. In acteristics of a drawing to the geometric obif'(1 it represents, 1985), Wilson's results ( 1986) suggest a resolution; When every a manipulative "makes sense~ for that topic (Driscoll, i983a;
addition, when perceiving a diagram ror a problem, a student fail 10 understand tilat drawings do nOl necess:rrily represem feature of every irrelevant dimenSion was equally likely, POSi_ Sowell, 1989) Hov.'ever, US. textbooks only infrequently sug-
must rocus on what is essential :md dismiss what is nonessen- all known Information about the object represented, (lnd com- tive Instances were more helpful In learning, When cenain ir- gest the use of manipulalives In geometry, and even when they
tiaL Kabanova'MelJer found that some pupils could nOl do so, monly attempt 10 drnw figures so that they preserve both vicw- relevam features predominate, mixed positlve·and-negative in- do the suggested uses are not aimed at developing higher lev-
and she antlbuted this inability to the original learning of the Ing perspective and studem knowledge about the propenies Stances were more helpful. Note th:n the IQrmer is unlikely els of thinking (Fuys et aL, 1988; Stigler et al.. 199O) In comrast,
relevam theorems. When learning theorems, studems onen in- of me object being drawn (for example. drawing the base of a in the classroom context (especially considering typical proto- me evidently more successful japanese instruction and instruc-
corporated inrormation contained in a specific diagram as pan regular p\'ramid as a square instead of a parallelogram). types ill teXTbooks), and, thus, a mixture will be superior in tional materials fearure far gre:lter use of manipulatives (Stigler
of:l theorem (for insUince, thinking that the exterior angle of An Interview With a bright founh-gr.lde studem, referred to most instances, especially for more difficull concepts (Charles, et at, 1990). Similarly, Mitchelmore (1980) found that British
a triangle must be obruse be<:ause the diagram given with the as Kl, at the end of the school year suggestS caution in making 1980; Gibson, 1985). Funher, strategies for sequendng e.xam- s tudents were about.3 years ahead of U.S. children in both spa-
theorem picrured an obruse e:\'1erlo r angle). This information even the most strnlghtforward assumptions about how students pies and nol1examples are nOI equally effective. Rational se- tial and three-dimensional drawing abllity. He suggested that
later constrained the application of the theorem That L~ , the Interpret diagrams (Clements & Battista, 1990). The student was quences (nonexam ples of a concept matched with d ive (gent differences :lrt: an ri butable to different lcaching ~pp roaches, In
student did nOt recognize the thCQrem was relev.uu for an- asked to identify all the rectangles OUt of a set of quadrilaterals examples to focus attention of the critical attributes) are su· that British teachers tend to cake a more informal approach to
Dlher problem because the diagram conr:tined an acule exte· consisting of rectangles, squares, rhombuses, parallelograms, perior to random sequences and can lead (0 a high level of geome.try and use more manipulative materials at the elemen-
rior angle and trapezOids of various sizes and orientations. lie said thai achievement ( Pe ny & jansson, 198n. Pre-service leachers can tary level and more diagrams al higher levels. Another, comple-
As StudentS use a diagram 10 Interpret a theorem, they must [wo parallelograms were "sana like" reaangles, "/ike you're be successfully trained to use such strmegles, Including ex- mentary possibility is that the curricula refleel each country's
alter the corresponding mcneal Image ~by distinguishing Its looking at It a different way, Like you'd look Side-ways or some· emplification moves (presenting example or nonexample) and anirude 100000'3rds the use of spatial models.
essential as~ du ri ng the abstrJClion process" (p. <16). The thing: W'hen the Interviewer asked if one of these parallelo- charaaerizatlon moves (sl3tements about attribute, re levant Of Unfonunalely, nearly ha lf of K-6 tead\ers reporl that their
image becomes:l guide for thinklng about and applying the the- grams was really a rectangle, KL said "Yeah, it makes It Ifyou're not) (Charles, 1980). studentS use manipulativcs less than once a week, or not :11 all
orem.ln a successful teaching experiment using multiple dr:lw- looking at It, like if it's like a piece or p:tper and you're looking (Driscoll, 1983a). This m:ly be imponant, because manipulative
Ings to illustrate theorems, students learned how the place- below it .... " The Interviewer went on to ask what if II MtS a use for a school year or looger resullS In Significant differences

ment, direction, and magnitude of geometric e lements in a piece of p:lper that was CUt thai way. KL: ''l1\en it wouldn't be The Role of Ac.tion
of moderate to large size In favor of the manipulative groups;
diagram might vary within the conditions SCt forth in a theo- a rect:tngle: For Kl, the figures dr.lwn on paper represented use of shoner duration often does nOt produce Significant re-
rem. It 'IW.S concluded that pfcltll~· of geometric objectS; they were not consi~red as ge· Mental action is deemed imponam to the learning of geom-
sults (Sowell, 1989). Further, use of manipulatives is not suf-
ometrlc objectS themselves. In faa, il is true Ihat a pa!3lleio- etry by each major theoretical perspective. Recall thal Piaget
ficient; simply using manipulatlves does nex: guarantee mean-
-, The process of abslraCling the essendalll5pecui of a concept or theo- gram might very well be a picture of a rectangle drawn in per- and Inhelder claimed children's represem:ltion of space is nOt
ingful leaming ( Raphael & Wahlstrom, 1989). StudentS must be
rem must be lnsepal'llbl\' Hnked \\'ith an lIWlIreness of how the felliures spective. But the fact that KL was almost willing to name such a perceptual reading off of their spalial e nvironment, but is
acrompanylng II dlagnm may' The pupil, therefore, muSt IC<lm to guIded to reflea on their use of manipulatives and to re late
a plcrure :t rectangle is most inStructive Initially for children, the result of prior active manipulation of that environment,
formul:!.!.. verba lly the priflciple br which the fellul'I$ 1I5 wt'll :IS the manipulative models to their informal conceptS.
pictUres :lfe meant to be depictiOns of real objcas. In mathe- The second teaching phase in the van Hiele scheme centers
geometric elementS and their relationships, may val')' in d ifferent dia- Ifmanipulatives are accepted as Important, whatofpiaures?
matics, however, pictures are meam to be symbols for conceptS. around studenlS' manipulation of objects johnson provides an-
gl"dlnS without desu'O)'lng the sense of the concept or theorem. Unless Pictures can be Imponanr; even children as young as 5 or 6
KLseemed 10 be [n lransltion between these twO Imerpretations other perspeaive on this imponam issue by arguing for the
the dlagr.uTlS are used in this manner, "lu1'ing the visual ma{Crial Will years (but nOI younger) can use information in piaures 10 build
and was, thus, vacillating between mem. This c,'\ample is espe- tmpOrtance of Image schema as metaphOrs.
be Ineffective. (p. 48) a pyramid ( for example, see Murphy and Wood, 1981). Thus,
cially Illustrative because it demonstrates the wide discrepancy piau res can give students an immediate, imuitive grasp of cer-
In a similar veln, Vladimirskli concluded mat the diagram that can exist between a child's and a leacher's or teXtbook's 1be Use of lIIanfplllali!ll!S. Although there are exceptions
tain geometric Ideas. However, piCtUres need to be varied so
accompanying die discussion of a geometric Slaremem Is nO{ al- interpretations of a simple diagram. (Anderson, 1957), the maJority of studies verify that the use
that s rude nts aren'l led (0 form incorrect concepts (see the pre-
ways helpful in reasoning (Vladimirskli, 197t). Studems might Driscoll (1983b) relates other difficulties Ihat s.t udents have of manipulatives should facilitate the construction of sound
vious discussio ns of concejX images and diagrams). However,
mislake features of the diagram as essential features of the ge0- with drawings to the notion of concept images discussed :tbove. representatio ns of geometric concepts. E.xposure to a greater
research indicates that it is rare for pictures to Qe superio r to
metric relationship being considered, thus inuodudng irrele- For instance, middle school studentS had a great deal or dlffi.- variety of stimuli positively affects achievement in geometry
manipulatives. In faa, In some cases, piCtures may no t differ
vant ideas intO the concept Alternately, !I theorem might be culN identifying rlghr triangles when they were drawn with a (GreabelJ, 1978). Such taC1ile-kineslhetic experiences as body
in effectiveness from instruction with symbols (SowelJ, i989).
linked 10 only the example diagram given with its statement; the nonStandard orientllion (legs not venical and horizomal). If movemem and manipulating geomelriC solids help children,
But the reason may not lie In the "nonconcrete narure of the

"visual images corresponding to the relationship being studied students' conCepl images do nOt include relevant and irrele- especially young children, learn geometric concepts (Gerhardt,
pictures ~ much as it lies in their "nonmanipu lability"; thaI
become inen and inflexible" (p. gl), Thus, srudems will be vant anributes of the concept, they become tOO restricted for 1973; Prigge, 1978). Children also fare bener with saUd cutouts
is, children cannOl act on titem as flexib ly and extensively. ThIs
unable to effectively use th~ meorem in problem solving. The proper identification and use of furure examples. than primed forms, the former encouraging the use of more
suggestS investigation of manipulatable piaures such as graphic
author found that an Instructional lteaunenl designed to have Along with the previously·discussed PDP models, th is re- senses (Stevenson & McBee, 1958).
compuler representations, the sUb/ect to which we turn. .
students analyze the "syslem of features of a concept" in Ihe search corpus on geometric representations h..'\S suong instruc- There is empirical support that even for older students, es-
cootext of diagrams was successful in helping studentS' knowl- tional ImplicatiOns: There Is a dire need to provide variety in pecially those at lower levels In the van Hiele hierarchy, manip- The Promise oj Computers. Computers' grnphic capabilities
edge become unlinked from specific diagrams. exemplars and, laler, to hdp students construa a meaningful ulatives are an essential aid in learning geomeuy ( Fuys et aI., may also faCilitate the construction of geometric representa-
Although these. autho rs diScussed how diagrams affea Stu- verbal synthesis or definition from these exemplars (incl uding 1988), Use of manlpu!atives seemed to allow studentS to try OUI tions. As with other topics, students instructed in geometry
de nts' representatIon of concepts and theorems, it should be dealing with special cases and common errors). "By'lUlalyzlng their ideas, examine and reflect on them, and modify them, This with compUiers olteo score significanlly higher than those hav-
dear that Similar comments about misconceptions -and inStI'UC- tIle paradigm in the light of the concept, by learning to find physical approoch seemed 10 maintain student interest, to as· ing just classroom instruction (AuSl.ln , 1984: Morris, 1983). Even
donal remedies could be made about SllJdentS' representation correct examples and counter-examples corresponding to the SiSt srudents in creating definitions and nev.' conjectures, and with children as young as preschool. computer-based programs
of geometriC problems. Indeed, there are numerous accountS concept, the srudent may reach this stage of grasping a concept 10 aid them in gruning InSight imo new relationships, Similarly, are as effective in teaching about shapes as teacher.<Ji reaed
of persons arriving at incorrect solutions to problems due to which [s not void, related to exemplars which are not misused" sixth-grade students learn conceptS of veaor space bener with programs (von Stein, 1982) and more effective at teaching
improper problem representations (Davis, 1984). ( Fischbei n, 1987, p 152) concrete materials (Lamon & Huber, 1971). Founh graders ben- spatial relational concepts than television (Brawer, cited in
efited more from an advanced organizer on motion geomeuy ueberman, 1985). Computer games have been found to be

milrginaUy effective at promOting learning of angle estlOmuon stract definition (a level 3 aCtivity). Asking students if a squ3re malhematical1y-oriemed conceptualizations (including angle as use units of varying size, define and create their own units,
skills ( Bright, 1985) and significaOlly more effective than tradi- or a parallelogram can be drawn by their rectangle procedure rcxatJon :tnd as a union of twO lines/segme nts/rays) (ClemenlS maintain o r prediCt unit size, and create length rather th3n end
tion:t1 Instruction in facilil:ltIng achievement in coordin:ne ge- if given the proper inputs encour:tges studentS to sran ordering & 8.1111513, 1989). Other researchers stud ied how logo might point represenlations through either iter',uh'e or numeric dis·
o metry ( Morris, 1983), However, opumism about th~ use of figures logically (another Level 3 activity), provide experiences a! the second ilnd third van Hielc levels tance commands. Funher, Logo penuits the child to manipulate
C(')nlpllters must be tempered by considerntion of the findings Research suggests that these theoretic-..u predictiOns :] [e for ninth-grade students (Olive, 13nken:tu, & Scally, 1986), logo units and to explore transform:nions of unit size and number
of comparative media research_ Decades of pre-computer re- valid. Grade 7 studen[5' work in logo rel:lles closely to theit students gained more Ihan the control SfudentS on Interviews of units without the distrncting dexterity demands of measuring
search comparing the effectS of different media o n achieve- level of geometriC thinking (Olson. Kieren, & Ludwig, 1987), that operatlOnalized the 'I:ln Hiele levels for the concept of an- instruments and physical quantity (Campbell. 1987). Working
ment .show basirnUy th~ s:une result: No signifiCllIll difference tn addition, appropriate use of Logo helps elementary srudems gle. Sever:tl other researchers ha\'e similar!~' reponed a posi- with kinderganners and firsl graders, Campbell found thai:
(Clements, 1984), A change of curriculum or teaching str.llcgy begin to make the transItion from the Levels 0 and I to Level tive effect of logo on Students' angle concepts (Kieran, 1986a:
may explain the positive results of many comparative studies of 2 of geometric tho ught. For example, Logo experience has Olive et aL, 1986), although in some sItuations, benefilS dId not 1. Children have difficulry adjusting to changes in unit size, es-
Computer-ASSiSted Instruction. or CAl (Clark, 1983). How~ver, been shown to have a significaml~' positive effect on elemen- emerge until after more than a year of Logo experience (Kelly, pecially \\'hen the unit size is halved. They may be using per-
there are ccruin functions computers can perform that cannot tary school children's plane figure concepts (Clements, 1987; Kelly. & Miller, 1986-1987). cepruaUspatial strategies r.lther th3n numerical/mathematical
be duplicated in Other situations, Clements 8: B:lttiSta, 1989: Hughes 8: Macleod, 1986). This may 11'ls line of research also Indicates that students hold many ones to solve these problems.
be because, as recommended by van Hiele researchers, logo dllTereru schemas regarding not only angle concept but :11so an- 2, Children are remarkably aCCUr:.lte when estimating halved
loGo. Logo represents such an application. We have seen incorporales impliduy the types of propenies which will be gle measure. Third graders frequently relate the size of an angle distances, even if the midpoint of the toml distance has to
that children'S inilial representations of space are based on nco developed by level I thinkers e.>;plidtl)\ something that te:>.'- tQ the length of the line segments that formed its sides, the tUt be imagined.
fion (Pjaget & Inhelder, 1967), One im plicatiOn is mal logo books oflen fail to do (8.'miSt:l & Clements, 1987, 1988, 1991; of the tOp line segment, the area enclosed by the lri:tngular re- 3. Children understand that a diSTance traversed with a smaller
activitIes designed to help children abstrac t the nexlon of path FUrs et aL, 1988). logo experience encourages students 10 view gion defined by the dr.lwn sides, the length between the sides unit requires a greater number of units than thai same dis-
may provide a very fenile environment for developing their 3nd describe geometriC objects in terms of the actions o r pro- (from poInts sometimes, but not always, equidistant from the tance traversed with a larger unit, However, they consiStendy
conceptualiz:tlions of stmple two-dimensional shapes. Logo en· cedures used to conSlruct them (ClemenlS &: Bauista. 1989). vertex), the proximity of the twO sides, or the rum at the venex underestimate the strength of the inverse relationship be-
vironmems are, in fact, action-based. These actions are both When asked to describe geQrnetric shapes, children with Logo (Clements & BattisL'l, 1989). Intermediate grade students often tween unil size and numerosity of units.
perceptual-watching the tunJe's movements-and physical- experience prolTer not only more statementS overnll, but also possess one of twO schemas, In [he ~<j5-9O schema,- slanted <i. Contrary 10 expectalions, estimation of lines with oblique
inlerpreting the tunle's movement as physical modon that more Statements that expliCitly memion components and geo- lines are associated with 45" turns: horizontal 3nd venicallines o rIentations is usually not more difficult than lines with hor-
could be performed by oneself. By firSt h:lVing children fo rm metric properties of shapes, an indication of leI'el 2 thinking with 90" turns. In the "protractor schema,· inputs to rurns are izontal or venical o rientations. There were no differences
paths by walking, then using logo, children can learn to think (Clements & B3ttista, ]989, 1990; Lehrer & Smith, 1986). based on usage of n protractor in ·standard" position (thus, across grades; a rath~r modest amount of logo experience
of the fUn!e 'S actions as ones that they can perform: mat Is, the Similar results have emerged in the area of symmetry and 10 have a tunle at home position rurn left 45". students might (rwo hours) may have helped the kinderganen children ig-
tun Ie's actions become ~body symonic· (Battista & Clements, mexion geometrY. Working with a logo unit 00 motion geome- use an Input of 135", which corresponds to a protractor'S read- nore th~ problem-irrelevant variables in the .!ip:l.tial field.
1988; Papen, 1980). Because the mathematical concept of p:lth try, students' movemem to van Hide levels was slow, but there ing when its base IS horizontal) ( Kieran, Hiller, & Erlwanger,
ClIIl be thought of as OJ record of movement, the pnth concept was definite evidence of a beginning awareness of the prop- 1986). Logo experlences may foster some misconceptions of an· In almost all comparisoos, logo children ~'ere more accu-
may constitute a panicularly good staning point for the srudy of enles of lransformations (Olson et at. i987), Similarly, inter- gle measure, including viewing 11 as the angle of rotation along rate than contrOl children. The comrol children were more
gt'Ometry. Having studen[5 lIisually scan the side of OJ building, mediate grade students in the United StateS were engaged in the path or the degree of rotation from the venical (ClemenlS likely TO underestimate dist:tnces, panicularly the longest dis-
run their hands 310ng the edge of a rectanguklr roble. o r walk:1 symmeO)' and mexion geomeuy activities using eiuler Logo Of & Battista l 1989). 10 addition, such experiences do nm repl3ce tances; have difficulty compenS:lllng for the halved unit sizei -
Straight path will give students experience with the concept of paper and pendl Oohnson·Gemile, Clements, & Battista, 1990). previous misconceptions of angle measure (Davis, 1984). For and underestimate the inverse relationship betWeen unit size
su-aightness, However, this concept can be brought to II more Interviews conducted with a subsample revealed that both treat- example, students' misconceptions about angle measure and and unit numerosity. The Logo experience may have con-
explicit level of awareness with path activilies in Logo; it is easy ment groups performed al a higher level of geometric think- difficulties coordinating the relatiOnshIps berween the tunle's tributed to estimation accu raql Nevertheless, even inexperi-
to have StudenlS use the tunle to disco\"er that a straight path Ing than did the control grouPi logo students performed at a rotlltion and the construeted angle have persiSted for years, es- enct!d children knew thal ule smaller numbers were to be as-
is o ne that has no turning. Thus, such experiences can help higher level than me noncomputer SlUdents o n four of the six pecially if n01 properly guided by their teachers (Hershkowitz sociated with the shoner lengths and that progressively larger
srudents develop a description or formalization of the concept lmerview taSks, noncomputer studenlS performed at a higher et ai" 1990; Hoyl($ & Suther\:rnd, 1986: Kieran, 1986a, 1986bi numbers would be assigned to progressio:ely longer lengths.
of straightness. level on one. Both logo and non·Logo groups oUlperformed Kieran et al., 1986). In general, however, logo experience ap- This basic principle of measurement seems to be acquired early
These and other types of Logo activities might be used to en· the l.'Ontrol group on immedi:lIe :1nd del:lyed post-tests: in addi- pears to fuctlltate angle measure understanding. Logo children's in life and may not be dependent on specific measurement e.x-
cournge students to progress to Levels 2 (descriptive/analytic) tion, though the twO treaLmenl groups did not dif- conceptualizations of larger angles are more likely 10 reflect periences.
and 3 (abstractlrelation:ll) in the van Hiele hierarchy. For in- fer on u,e Immediate poSt-test, the Logo group outperfonned mathematically correct, coherent, abstract Ideas ( Clements & Not all research has been positive. First, it should be noted
Stance, with the concept of rectangle. srudents initially are able the non-Logo group on the delayed post-test. Thus, there was Baaista, 1989; FindI3},son, 1984: Kieran, 1986b; Ness, 1987) and that none o[ the srudies have reported students' mastery of the
only to identify visually presented e.>;amples, a Level J (visual) support for the notion that the logo-based version enhanced show a progression from van Hiele Level 0 to level '2 in the concepts invesligated, but merely a facilitative effea. Second,
activity in the 'lOIn I-Jiele hierarch)'. In Logo, however, Students conceprual reco nstruction of previously-learned ideas. Com- span of me treatment (Clements & Battista, 1990). If Logo expe- some Sl.udies show no significant differences between I.ogo
can be asked 10 construct a sequence of commands (a pro- pared to Students using paper 3nd pencil, students using Logo riences emph!1size the difference be[Ween the angle of rotarion and control groups (rohnson, 1986). Third, some studies have
cedure) to draw a rectangle. This · .. , allows, or obliges, the worked with more precision 3nd exactness (GalJou·DumieJ, and the angle formed as the run.le traced a path, misconcep- shown limited transfer; for example. srudems from IWO ninth-
child to externaJi7.e Inruitive expectatiOns. When the intuition 1989; )ohnson-Gemile el aL, 1990). Thus, there IS evidence in tions regarding the measure of rexation and the measure of me grade Logo classes did not differ significantly from control Stu-
is translated inlo a progr.lm il becomes more obtrusive and suppon of the hypothesis th:n Logo experiences can help e1e- angle may be avoIded (Battista & Clements, 1991 ; ClemenlS & denlS on subsequent high school geomet!)' grades and tests
more accessible to reflection" (Papen, 1980, p. 14;). nut is, meom ry to middle school sTudeo[5 become cognizant of their BaniSla, 1989: Kieran, 1986b). (OLive et aI., 1986).
in COll$tructing OJ rectangle procedure, Ihe students must ana- mathematical inruitlons and f3cilitate the transldo n from visual There (s some evidence that Logo experiences affect mea· One problem Is that Students do not aJ~"aYS think mathe-
lyze the visual aspectS of the reaangle and reflect on how its to descriptive/analytic geometric thinking in the domains of surement competencies beyond the mC'.1Sure of rotation and matically, even when the Logo environment invites such think-
component pans are pUl together, an aetivity that encourages shapes, symmetry; and motions (Clements & Balllsm,I990). angle. Observations show that first graders invent their own ing. For example, some students rely excessively o n visual cues
Level 2 thinking. Funhennore, If asked to design a recungle Several research prOjects have Investigated the effectS of Standard units of measure 10 make Logo drawings, such as a and eschew analytical work, such lIS looking for exact mathe-
procedure that takes the length and width as lnpUl5, srudems logo experience on srudents' conceptualizations of angle, an- rectangle with a width of 44 and a length of 88 \ia Fot"Mrd 44 matical and programming relations wimln the geometry of the
must construci 3. form of definition ror a rect:lngle, one that gie measure, and rolation. In one study. responses of Inter- Forv.-an:l44 (KulJ , 1986). Research Indicates that logo can help figure (Hillel & Kieran, 1988). The visual approach is not cor·
the computer understands. Thus, they begin 10 build intuitive mediate grade control students were more likely to refleC1 lit- you ng children learn about measuremem and aid researchers related with [he ability to visualize, but, instead, refers to re-
knowledge aboUI the concept of defining a reaangle, knowl- tle knowledge of angle or common language usage, whereas in learning more about what young children learn abour mea- liance on the visual ~dat.::l." ofa geometric figure in detennining
edge that can later be imegrnlCd and formalized into l11l ab- the responses of th~ logo srudents indicated more generallzed, surement. logo provides an arena In which young children m:ly srudents' Logo constructiOns (fo r example, ~this lasl side looks

like 60 " If)' FORWARD 60"). In terms of van Hiele ~\"els, Ihe Computers aJlowthe d}"amic manipulation oftwO<ilmenskmal measuring examples ~pro\15" a Statement lrue for all members inteUlgem rulers. Anderson, Boyle, and Relser (1985) claim that
visual approxh 10 solving Logo problems involves reasoning represenuuions of lhn:e-dimensional figures. Osta (cited In of an infinite set' andlor thai deducllve proof pertains [0 one if is feasible 10 build computer sysrems that are as effecuve as
thalUes ~rween levels 1 and 2, Almough imponam in begin· HershkowilZ et aI., 1990) studied this potential using [W() e.xample only. ~'Iany students who held both beliefs SIJlI pre- Imelligenl human "HOrs. 'n\eir Geometry Thtor was based on
nlng phases of learning, continued use of a visual approach commercial programs, one in which oper.ulons could be: ferred the deducti\'C proofs, 00l due to the influence or their a SCI of pedagoglcal prindples deri\'ed from the ACr theory
Inhibits children from arriving at mathemalical generaJlz.::l:tiOllS performed on three-dimensional objeCtS represented on Ihe tcachers as much as to the e;o;pla.natory characteristk of the First, productions in this theory always Include a goal In !be
relaled 10 meir Logo activif}' There may be lin Ie reason for Stu· screen and the other, a -paint" program, In which oper.l[lons proofs (Owan, 1989) . Supposer·b~ aaivilies designed 10 condition. thus, the: goal strUcture of each problem is made
detUs 10 abandon vISual approaches unless mey are presemed could ~ perfonned only on twO-dimensional figur:lIive de· change these beliefs engendered a mOYemenr away from con· e.... pliciL Second, students are helped to cope with working
with wks whose resoluljon requires an analytical approach, In signs. The programs have constraints tha( necessi[3te the use sidering measurement evidence as proof (Chuan, 1989; W1ske memory demand<; by placing on the compuler screen much
addsllon, dialog betw~n te:tCher and srudents is essential for of geomemc: propenies rather than JUSt yisual informal ion. OsCl & Houde, 1988), although some srudentS still thought there of the information th:1I the ~tudent m!ght forget in Ihe form of
encouraging higher-level r:osoning. care musl be- taken to help C(e3[ed problem situations In which srudents modified figures might be coumerexamples to deductively proven results. a proof graph. Third, beatuse: knowledge compilation occurs
srudems cSl3bl!sh and reflect upon pam-rommand correspon· [0 move between cwo- and three-dimensional representations. ConSidering POSNesl performance, percentages of students only during problem solv!ng, formal instruction is made pan
dences; mat is, connections between geometric paths drawn Solution Stra[egies of students in grades 8-9 were StUdied. IV. from f!.'qlCrimental and control groups who prOduced Informal of the problem-solving process, Students are given immediate
by the tunle and dle Logo comm:mcis that produce these paths first, their work was local, dealing with small pans of figures and formal proofs were about the SlIme [n five comparisons feedback on their errors 10 make It e2Sier for them 10 integrate
(Battista & Clements, 1987, 1991: Clements, 1987; ClementS & dtrough only perceprual strategies; with experience, though, conduc[ed In one e .....lIuallon, :md grealer for the Supposer this instruction in[o new produalons they form .
Battista, 1990). students considered morc globa! crileria and replaced Ineffi· group in the si:rth (Yerushalmy e[ nl.. 1987), The researchers The Geometry Tumr presenlS the Stmemem [0 be proved at
In sum, studies thaI have shown me moSt posilive effectS In· cient perceprual srra[egies wi[h strategies based on geometric: l1oted, however, thai teachers 100 frequently promo[ed a lin· the lOp of the screen and the given S13temems al the boltom.
voille carefully planned sequences of Logo aaivjlies and teach~r propcnles. ear ordering of data collec[ion and analysIS, conjecrure deriva· The student adds to a developing ~prOQr gr:lph~ by poimlng to
medi:nlon of students' work with lhose actJvitles. II would ap· TIle [oeus of construction programs, such as the Geometric tion, and proof, which ted to nonreflective d3t.a gathering and statemenlS on the screen and by typing Informalion. Each log-
pear thai Logo's potential to develop geomelIic ideas will be SIiPPOS~/' software series, is to rncilita[e students making and obscured the differences between representations of speCific ical inference involves a sel of premises, a reason, and a con-
fulfiUed 10 the extem th3l [eachers 2nd inslIUctional m:uerl· lesting conjectures. The Supposet programs allow students to Instances during dlla collection phases and representa[lons clusion. Reasoning forward, the Student poinlS 10 the premises,
als properly guide students' Logo experiences. This should in· choose a primitive shape, such as a trimgle or quadrilateral during conjecrure and proof phases Srudents, then, did I10C types the reason, points to relev:lOt geometric points in the dla·
dude encouraging sludents to ret1ea on and forge links be- (depending on the specific: progr:llTl), and 10 perform mea· appreciate the different levels of generallf}' these phases rep- gram, and points [0 the conclusion (If already on the screen) or
tween Logo-based procedural knowledge and more uadillonal surcmem oper.uioos and geomelric constructions on It. 'M'le resented. The researchers recommend starting Supposer activo rypes IL These are conneaed in the proof graph with arrows,
conceprual knowledge (Clements & 83nisu, 1989; Le:hrer & progrnms record the sequence of constructions and cn au· lties as investigations of a geomell'lc relationship or concept The proof is completed when there 15 a set of logical inferences
Smilh, 1986), lomatically perform it agllin on Olher lriangles or quadrllat· (Yerushalmyet al., 1987). connecting me given sta[enlents 10 the stalcmenlS to be proved.
erals. Thus, students can explore the generaliey of the conse- Unllke [eXlbook theorems, students believed SUpposer- The resultanl proof graph makes concrete IWO :lbsrraa dlarat-
GWtIlC TOOLS A,'II) CCJtI:Sl1WC1lO. noGlI.-\\IS (Gro~ Stmoosu). quences of constructions. Reports Indicate that Suppose:r cn generated theorems needed to ~ proved ~rore they could terislies of proof problem soMng: logical relations among the
Logo provides 2 powerful and flexible environment for stu· be used effectlVel)! In one evaluation, Supposer srudents per· be accepted as true, leading to ownership of the theorems. premises and conclusions and the search process used to find
~nts' repre:sentallon and explor:Uion of geomelric Ideas; Other formed as well as or better than their non·Supposer coun- They seemed to engage in van Hiele's Phase 4 learning. ori· a correct proof, As the student works, the tutor infef'$ which
compu[et dr2wing and cOflSlIUction programs pfO'Jide less fle,,- terparts on geometry exams (Yerushalmy, Chazan, & Gordon, enling themselves wilhin the ne(Work of geometric rela[ions rule the srudent applied by determining which one matches
-'• ibllity bUI no less viable learning environments. For eXllmple, 1987). In addillon, students'learning went b~'Ond SWldard ge- eurnpen. 1988). In sum, it appears that, with proper suppon the Studem's response. If correct, the tutor Is sileO!, Otherwise:,
USC of a computer "boxes~ function, which allowed children ometry content - for e;tample, reinventing definilions, maldng from the' [eacher, studems using SlJppose:r can come 10 under- Instruct.ion is given, All Instruction, thus, !s In the contexl Of
10 draw rectangles by stretChing an elearonic "rubber band,· conlecrures. posing and solving significant problems, and de· Stand the imponance of forlMl proof as a way of establishing solVing problems
gllve chlJdren a dlfferem perspective on geomeuic figures (For· vising orlgln.11 proofs. Making coojeaures did nol come easily mathematical lrUlh, although this seems to ~ rt' lau~d more to Three srudenlS of varying levels of abllley learned geom·
man, 1986). The atea fill funaion, which fills dosed regions to Sludents and there was much frustr;nioo at the beginning of Bell's IIluminallon funcl ion of proof thm the verification and ell')' 'With the Geometry TulOt'. According [0 the researchers.
with color, prompted children 10 reflect on such topological the year, but by the end nearly a\l srudents were making con· S)'S[ematlz:ulon funclions (Verushalmy, 1986), (1989), ar· 311 learned geometry successfully and were solving problems
fearu~s as closure. The polent!al of such drawing [ools lies jecrurcs on large scale projects and felt the need to lusdfy their guing from a philosophy of mathematiCS perspective, suggests more complex than those usually assigned in classrooms. All
in the posslblHty thaI children will internalize such functions, generalizac!ons On sped:illy-designed tests, Supposer students that differences between deduclive lrguments and arguments had positive aUlrudes (Anderson el al., 1985). Since this inilial
thus constructing new memal tools; research has nOI yet ade· produced the same or higher level generalizations Iha n the based on measurement evidence are nOf. as disti nct. as often test. the Geometry Thtor has been used sU(:cessfully in :it pub-
quately addressed this issue. rnteraction with cenain compU!er comparison group, There is confIlaing evidence, however. Fot supposed. He offers suggestions for leaching the differences. lic high school with four classes, from regular academic lIack
environments may help srudents build less restrlaed concept example, Bobango (1988) found thaI while Instruction based including de\'eloping proof as a social process and as an ex· to gifted (Anderson et aI., n.d.). It was repon ed tha[ students
Images. For e:wnple, producing random examples of Isosce- on the van Hlele phases using Supposer .slgnjficantl~· raised ploratory and explanatory process, rather as an endpolnL were enthusiastic. For the firS!. year, all groups showed stallsri·
les and righl 1l'Iangies varying il1 shape and orientalion hdped Students' van Hiele level of thought, more so [rom Level 1 to To implement the Supposer's guided Inquiry approach suc- cally Significant improvement from pre- to poSt·test. A second
2-6·year-old children generalize their concepts of triangles to Level 2 (han for my other levels, It did nex result in grea[er cessfully, research suggests the need for teachIng Slr3legies that year's test utilized a comrol group and found similar gains with
Include a greater variety of triangular shapes and orlem:nions achievement In Sl3l1dard content or proof 'Wri[ing, connect SlUdents' inquiry with the curriculum and encourage a significant difference of the Geometry Thtor srudenlS over
(Shellon, 1985), We have alre2dy seen that students' imerpretatiOn of dla· inquiry as a way 10 learn successfully what needs 10 be kf\O\\'n. control group srudents, with Improvements of about one stan·
Computer graphics tools may positively affect spatial skills, grams Is compJa. A promising finding is that StudenlS make In general, leachers in regular classrooms face multiple difficul- dard deviation. Students unanimously reponed thai they prt=fer
wllh special ~nefilS for girls, Although boys may oUlperform gains In understanding o f diagr:uns and their limitations us- lies using Supposer: however, such struggles seem 10 halle the the proof-graph SU'UClure 10 traditional rwo-column proof for·
girls In computet games dealing with spatial ability (Pepin, Ing Supposer After such experience, they approached diagrams potential to change teachm' practice, and lhus change lhe:ir malS. Further, such use has led 10 Imporuult revisions in the
Be3ulieu, Mane, & Le:rou", 1985), specially designed computer flexibly. treated a single as a model for a class of dl· beliefs about the mean ing of knowing geometry and lhe: ac· underlying Acr theory.
graphics modules have been shown to increase the spatial agrams, became aware Utat this model conuins charaCteris- quisition of this knowledge in classrooms Overall, while use Results of other eYaluauons of the program are more co m·
skills of high school girls to a level significantly beyond that tics 001 representative of the class, md added auxili:uy lines of Supposer was foond 10 demand hard work from and cause plex. KafuJ (1989) used the Geometry nuor to help srudenlS
of boys, although girls Staned whh 2 lower composile mathe- 10 diagrams (Ye:rushalmy & Ouzan, 1988; '!erushalmy a .aI., some rru5tJdtion for both texhers and studentS, benefilS were do congruence proofs in mree classes. Generally, the GeomClry
maries score, after this tr.Ilnlng Ihey had a signlfic:uuly higher 1987). evident (lampen, 1988. W"lSke & Hou~, 1988; Yerush;tlmy et nllor was a success. Ail students had positi~ anIrucles toward
score than boys ( luchin5, Rogers, & Voytuk, 1983). We have also seen Ut3t students have difficulty underStand· aI., 1987). !he program and recommended It for other s[udems, all com·
Present-<l:ty media use twO-dimensional represenwions to Ing proof; for Ins13nce, they often do nor distinguish between pleted me minimal problem set, and most of them did all of
pr-e5I!nt moSt threeod!menslonal information. Research Indl· twO sources of knowledge abom geomelrical Sl2temems, mea· ltmwG~Nf "T1JfQRII!G: mE GEOMIIT1n' 1\11'011. Another field In me additional problems-a te:tcher staled thai this had never
cares Utar people find this difficult (Ben-chalm e[ aI., 1988). surement evidence, md deductive proofs. They believe that which computers may make a unique contribution is that of happened before. However, when sNdents used the proof:p:Uh

method for noncornpuler Mlrk, their ~rform:lnce decreased menLS must be reconsidered, as traditional approaches did 001 G ender D irferences males to use the techniques they Ie:Irned in 5Chool~ (p. 22)
(most also used Ihe St.1.temem·reason method). When uSing assess the fu ll spe<uum of what w:tS leamed; In some cases, Closely follOWing prescribed procedures CIn cenainly be help.
the proof·p:uh method, students tended to reverse the artier these appro.1ches made little senst: (for C'xample, when SlU· '" GfOmetry. In an examimuion of the mathenUllics ilems from ful in siNalions where true understandlOg is lacking (as Is the
of St:lIemems and re:Lsons and confuse the sequence of step!> dents worked on self·selected Inquiries). On ;u least one issue, the 1978NAfp, Fennema and Carperuer(J98I) found Ih3I males case with most students and prool').
This may indiCl1te :I serious problem ~1th ~ progr.un, for the Y:1rlous environments differed: With !.he Geometry Thtor, SIgnificantly outperformed females in Ihe areas of gcomeu'}' mel In a comparison on various measures or geometl1' achieve-
confusing the sequence of Steps in a proof is an IndiC31ion Ih:u pUlling more wn one srudent at a computer was deemed pat· measurement Fe11l31es' performance was lower than males' for ment, srudents in a SCl.ndard geometry curriculum were com-
studenl5 do 001 understand the nature of proof. 1.5 with many t1cularlv unsuccessful (Wenheimer, 1990), but in comrast, ('\'\'0 geometry and measuremeOi for a1lcognllive levels (knowledge, pared to students studying the geometry curriculum that was
srudents In a Standard ~metry course, these srudents may SNden~ working cooperatively at a computer seemed idealtn skill, understanding, application), and 311 ages (9, I}, 17 re"~). created by me University ol Chiogo School M3lhematics ProjeG
have been learning merely how 10 Sllperfidally operate within the mo~ exploratory environmentS of Geomenic StlPfJ05er and With the d ifference increasing with age. In the 1985 assess· (UCSMP). Flores (1990) reponed that the UCSMP tmument ei-
a set of rules. ~r obse~d problem Involved the rigidity Logo. lnd~, one of Ihe strengths of such environments is the ment, males OUtperformed females at all grade leveb, bul !.he ther reduced or reversed the usual gender gap fJYOl'ing m:tles.
of the Tutor. It is nO! cenaln whethe r changes in the progi.un or sponcmeous generation of cooperative learning and teaching differences were significant only at grnde II for geornerry and However, because the anal ~'Ses were perfonned on :;cores :ld-
length of srudeflts' exposure to the program would amelJor:u:e (ClemenlS & Battista, 1989; Lampert, 1988; 'emshalmy et al" 8r.ldes 3 and 11 for measurement (Meyer, 1989) Fennema and lusted for pre-treatment performance on a geometry readiness
these dlfficultles. In another study, experimental srudenr.s S~Ol 1987) carpenler observed large differences between m2les' and fe· te51, we do nOl know how males and females compared in
30'*' of their lime on the Geometry TInor (Wenheimer. 1990). In summa!)'. appropriately.deslgned softw:lrc can engender males' performance both for geometry Items thas: were pre· achievement, only on their gains in achlevemem during Ihe
Here, the re was no reponed difficulty shifting from proof'8rnph higher·lcvel intCr:lctlon with geometriC ideas. Cert:lln computer sented spatia ll y and those that were presented verball)'. Also, school year. Despite this cave:)!. the finding indIcates that fur-
to two<"Olumn format. 'I\vo expe rlmentlll classes 3vernged 79% e nvironments allow the manipulation of screen obiectS In M)'S consistent with the hypothesis thaL d!ITerence5 In sp3llal abll- mer investigatio n or gender differences in the UCSMP Is war'
o n a pest·test. whereas the col1lrol class averaged 69% (nbout :l dl:lt asSISt stu~ntS in viewing them as represemati~"eS of 11 class It)' somehow (ontribute to differences In nlathem:UiC5 achieve· ramed. [t is notewonhy thm females SCf!med 10 do beller In '3
lener grade in difference). The teacherlresearcher commented of geometriC oblects. Th1& apparently develops srudems' ability ment (Fennema & carpenter. 1981), there was some indication curriculum tha t placed he:w}' emphasL~ on reading (an activit}'
that an Incre:tSe In his individua1iz:ltlon of InSlruction w:lS the to reneel on me properues of the class of objects and to think from the sample items discussed III lhe 1985 data Ih"l the m:tle in which females have traditionally excelled) and applicatiOns
greatest Imp:!ct of the program's use. However, the TIJlor still in a more general and abstrnct manner. Thoughlful sequences adVlmtage ~"as greate.r on items presented wlm :m accompa- (in which females have usu;1l1y done mo re poorly).
makes considerable demands 00 the teacher; in fact, one re· of computer aCtIvities and leacher mediation of srudents' work nying dlagrotm (Meyer. 1989). Smith and Walker (1988) found
pon Slated that 2-3 te3chers were needed 10 keep the 1:Jbo. with activities appear to be critical components of an ef· significant gender differences 00 the 10lh grade geomell1' New / 11 SJxItial Skills.. Fennema and carpenter (1981) hypothesized
r:l1ory running smoothly (Schofield & Verban, 1988, note Ihal fiCldous eduCltional environment_ Perhaps (."Yen mo~ funda· York Regents exams, in favor of m2les. They r.ued the difference that one possible factor 1113t may underlie gender differences
software was no! In its final form). These researchers proffered menul, inquiry environments such tIS the Su(>POser- and logO- as small, and equated It to one·half of a question. In geometry achievement is sp3tial vi.~u.,lIz:ItI01l M:uhemaliCS
one addidonal waming: black and female srudems wen! more oo.sed environments nppear 10 have Ihe pott!fllinl 10 serve! as Hann3 (I989a, .1989b) reponed gender dlffel"\!nces for achievement generally correlates with spallal visualization In
IIkelv to e."pres5 hostility tow:lrd or displeasure wllh the. com· camlystS both in promoting 1e.1Checs' and sruden15' reconcep- eighth graders Studied in the Second Ime.rnational M:tthematiC5 the range of .30 10 60, and n'lll\es' spatial scores have con·
puter lutOf; Although Ihe results are posilille for the ITI05I p:m, Nalluulon d what it means 10 learn and undersl':md geometry Study (SIMS). Overotll, boys scored hlghe.r than girls on 75'*' siStenr.iy been found to be higher than females' (B:lUisCl &
It Is IlOI. clear that the evaluations were adequate 10 lest SN' 3J1d In promOling the growth of studenlS' autonomy in m.1th- of the geomet!)' items; girls scored higher than boys on 25% Clements, 1990; Ben..chaim ~ aI., 1988, Fennema & Tanre,
dents undersmndlng of proal' In either environment. More re- ematial thinkJng. Fundamental changes demand considerable Boys' 1T\e".lO score in geometl)' ""as higher !.han girls' ror 18 1985; Tartn!, 199Ob). In her review of gender·relaled spalial
search Ih3t investigates sruc!en15' thinking in this environmem can
elto n on Ihe p:!11 of reachers and for extensive suppon from of the 'ZO rountries- slgnificlmly.\O {or 10, Including the uS d ifferences, H.arris States that gender differences in favor of
Is needed. leacher eduClitOrs or advisors, from peers, and, u]timatel)\ from The signlficam differences in mean percenfage5 ranged from males appear in a broad speclrum of wks and sl1lJ,.1tions and
Impllc:u.lons of !his research program are ncx limited to the greater school system and rubure. 2% (0 6%. Ethington (1990), analyzing a subset of this same concludes that gender differences on Sp3lialtask! are -real, not
compuler lutO~. Anderson claims dut one of the reasons why data. found Wt, overall, males did better than females on the iIIusory~ (Harris, 1981 , p. 90). Unn and Petersen Stated "Differ-
traditional Instruction is olien so Inadequate is iliAt the teacher geometry items. ences between males and females in spatial ability 3re widely
h;lS an inadequate conception of the flow of control in the StU· GROUP AND CROSS-CULTURAL DIFFERENCES On the other hand, in their study of over 1300 h igh school acknowledged. yet considerable d ispute surrounds the magni·
dent. His model may illuminate these prDCeS5es. Similarly, the students. Senk and Usiskin found equal geometry proof.wriling Nde, natuce, and age of first occurrence of these differences"
structures of both problems :lnd processes by which a proof is \'('e have alrettdy reponed several cross-cuI N ral di!Teren~ skills among males and females, when e,'O(amtning all Sludents (Unn & Petersen. 1985, p. 1479). for InStance, they repon ed
generated mighl be more explicitly represented and discussed. in geometry achievement. There have also been srudles of cross· and lust high·achieving sNdents (Senk & USiskin, 1983). They that spatial perception and !"Otat ion tasks were easier for males
(UINral differences In spatial reasoning. For IOStance, Mitchel· also found that males significantly outperformed fema les on man for females but mal tasks characterized by an anal~' ic com·
blPUCAnONS AC1IOS5 COMMU fM'IMO.'oj~lum. Severnl findings are more (1976) reported ,hal native Africans of all nadonallllcs the entering and end-of·year geometry tests, but :luribured !.he binatio n o f visual and nonvisual strmegies 'w ere equally dlffituit
lmrig\Jingly consiStenl across sNdles using different computer had lower percePNal development when compared to Eul'O' latter difference to the former. In coml'ilSt, they found no gen· for males and females.
environments. FirSt, researchers and teachers conSistently reo peans Witll the S3Jl1e age and length of schooling as ~II as der differences in Viln HieJe level at the begin ning of me year, Johnson and Meade (1987) adminiStered a b:lIlel)' of spatial
pon !.h:Jt in such conteXlS studems cannot hide whal they do when compared to illiterate Eskimos 3J1d Nonh American In- with males, nevenheless, surpassing females in this respect at te&s to over 1,BOO public school .sNdentS, grades K-12. They
nOt undersl2nd. Tlul Is, d ifficulties and misconceptions that are dians He also reponed !.hon the spatial Ihinklng of studcntS the end of the year (Usiskln, 1982). They con!ectured that the found that males' spatial ablUt}' exceeded females' bv fourth
easily masked by U'adltlonal approaches emerge In computer In Kingston, JamtliCl1 was about three years behind that of Stu· occurrence of gender differences in geometric problem solVing grade, wilh evidence that this liu~riorit)' also exiSted :11 !.he
environments and muSt be dealt with. leading to some fl"US' dents In Columbus, Ohio. which. In rum, was three ~ears behind and the lack of gender differences In proof Wf'itlng could be earlier grades but was masked by fem:tles' superk>rlty In ver·
u'lltion on the pan of bolh teachers and srudents but also 10 that of students In Bristol, England (MJlchelmore, 1980). He QI· explained by the difference in rormal educnional experiences baI skills. (In faa, males' spatial 5COres were significanr.iy higher
greater development of mathematics abilities (Clemenr.s & Bat· trlbuted these CIOSS·cuiNraJ differences to various factors such relating to Ihese tWO types oC lasks Boys dnd girls do eqUlllly than females in gr.Kles 1-4 when reading scores were used as
liSCll. 1989; Schofield &: verban, 1988, Yerushalmy et ai , 1987) as physial environment, sod:l1!culruraJ em'lronmem, and me well on mathematical taSks for which In<lass and out4<lass a covariate). Their data also suggest.s mal the malelft:male dlf·
Second, al least at the high school le-.-el, srudenlS can become school m:uhemalics curriculum. Resulr.s from the fourth NAEP experiences are equivalent. Boys might luve more SP:lli2l and ference almost doubled starring at the tenth grade. They found
confused regattllng the purpose of differem compooents of a in the US. indiolled that blacks and Hispanics in gr.ides 7 and 11 problem-solving expenences than girls, and so they do bener a male spalial ad\'antage {or both blacks and whites.
course; a single location for computer work. discussion, and had more difficulty than whites with graphically presemed In· at Ihese taSks. An alternate explanalion is that gi rls do bener :n While il has been argued that the commonly reponed male
lecture may allevl:ne this confusion. A mooltor or projecto r for formation, measurement, and geomeuy Oohnson, 1989).john. proof ~vrl(in8 because it is a task thal requires Strict. adherence superiority in spali.:ll ability is of linlt: (Onsequence, johnson
group discussions Is noted as essential for all three environ- son and Meade (1987) found that whites' spatial scores IYerc to a c1assroom·mandated, forma l Set of rules-a ~grammar: and Meade su~ that the ~effect sizes are substantial enough
ments. (These may 5eem to be lower·level concerns, but an- higher Ulan blacks'. However, the factors that contribute to In a sense. This explanation is (Onsistenl with con jecrures by to create a siza.ble male mafority If spatl:1l ability "'ere aClUally to
ocher- general findIng IS Ihat the Importance and problems o f Ihese latter [WO dlffe~nces have nal been adequately tOvestl· Badger suggesting that g irls tend 10 -keep to specific methods influence performance levels on imponam 'r.Inables Of SeJL'C'
!Irranglng and managing hardware and softwdfe must nOl be gated, On Ihe other hand, researchers have investigaled dlffer- that have been approved by their teachers" (1981 1 p. 12) and don rates for renaln occupadons or uaining programs- 0987,
underestlmated.) Third, evaluation of learning in such envtron· enres In performance between males and females extensive ly by Linn and Hyde (1989) thal "females may be m~ likely than p. 738). For instance, if the mean were used as a selection

cutoff, their dllla for 8r:ldes 4-12 Indic:ne that 62% of the boys, Anomer promISing area of Investigation 15 the imer:actlon in some areas of mathematics but nOl others, on some spatial us how to build on the su-ength of children'S existing Intuitions
but a ni), 3B% of the gIrlS, would be sdected. of teachers- style along a vlsualtnonvisual continuum and stu- tests bUI not Others. In some cultures but not others (Hanna. while ultimately :tiding them In transcendlflg the shoncomings
dents' represenuufonal preference or visualizalion ability Bat- 1989a). For Instance, while males have performed better than of these Intuitions.
DIm.w<C15 IN STIt\T1:GlES. There are: .several ~pons thaI indl· dSl3 (1990) found that spatial visualizallon was more highly cor- females on various Spatial taSks, the largest and most conSiS- Similarly, research that elaborates and extcnds the van
c ne ~ relationship between spalial ability and mathem:ulcs rc:ialed With geomt:try learn-ng for students In the daMes of a tently observed IlIlIle 2dvamage on item! requiring Hide lbeery is crudal. This perspecdve appears 10 hold much
achievement differs for males and females. Llben and Golbeck teacher who emphasized and felt more confidem aboul the role the rapid mental rolarion of figures (Halpern, 1989), with the promise for d1e improvemcol of both research and instruc-
(1980) found that scores on Plagetlan horizonrality (water-level) of visualization In geomelry than a te:Jcher who de-emphasized source of the difference being identified as the rate of mental tion. and funher elaboration and e.xplicatiOn of such notions
and venlc::ality taSks (plumb-lme) 9o~re significantly and highly and felt less confident about this role. Males scored sl! ""ation, rIOI ~ccuracy (A1denon, 1989). It has also been found as "levels of geometric thinking" C:l:n help realize this promise
related to spadal ability for bOys, but nOl for girls (grades 4-12). higher than females in the former teacher's classes, whereas that training tends to reduce: these differences (Alderton, 1989, In addition. man~' of the impliculons Jor instruction previOUsly
Kyllonen, Lohman, and Snow (1984) JOuod we females' verbal males scored much higher than females In the Jatler tea~s Unn & Hyde, 1989). Gender differences have been anribuled described c:m and should be directly assessed in future slud-
aptitude and males' spatial aptllude each correlnted with per· classes. Presmeg (1986) found that studentS who were visualiz, 10 both biological and cultural faCtors and 10 -:a combinauon les. Espedally crucl:t\ is research on the phases of Instruction,
formance on a pJper folding wk. And Tarm: (199Ob) found ers seemed to do bener in classes of teachers who neither over- of the twO (Geary, 1989). In a meta-analysis, Bat:nninger and which has not received ':ldequate :lUemion.
thaI, although male and female high school sruderus did IlOl nor underemphasized visual presemarions, Bishop (1989) sug' Newcombe (1989) found (a) a weak relationship between par. Perhaps the greatest strengths and we-dknesses of che cognl.
differ on mathematics (goomecrk and oongeomeuic) achle\'e- gested that the lauer stUdy C:l:lled into queStIOn the u,sdulness riclpanon In spatial activities and .spatIal abiliry. and (b) that live scIence approach lie in lIS ~xtfCme degree of speafiC:l:lion.
ment or spatial orientation (SO) skill, tow SO girls scored much of SimpliStiC /1.11 stUdies in thiS area. More thoughtful research spallal perfonnance an be improved by training. Neither the It pn.:wldes much-needed details on cognitive processes (and
109.~r in mathematics than did high SO girls and high and tow is needed that InvestigateS the Imeraction belWeen teachers' partiCip:lllon1aCtivlty relatiOnship nor the Increases in perfor· tbus forces explication o n nmlons too often left vague In other
SO boys These findings are consistent WIth the hypothesis that instructional emphases and .students' preference for and ability mance differed for males and fem.des. Even when there are theories, such as "nenvorks of relallons"). It may in panicular
there are diffe~ces in the processe; underlyfng spallal and with visualization no gender differences on a task, It should 00( be assumed chat provide explidtness 10 limited aspectS of srudents' represen-
geometric thinking to males :lOd females. Thus, there IS l!'IidencesuggCSling mat males and females, o r males and females art' using the same stralegles (Newcombe, tations at lower van Hlele levels (for example, visual repre-
Inde<..od, there have been reportS that males prder nonverb:11 at least subgroups thcreof. may differ in the processes they use Dubas, & Baenninger, 1989, Tartre, 199Ob). Finally, linn 2nd sentatrons via PDP representations) and of concep.: formalion.
modes and females verbal modes of thought (Clements, 1983) 10 solve mathcmatics, particularly geometry problems. There liyde (1989) and Feingold (1988) have :lrgued that cogmtlve However, in a quest for m:lchloe-codable formats, some theo-
In fact, Thnre (l990b) reponed thai femal es, more than males, seem 10 be differences along the .sp:ltial dimension. However. gender differences, Including those in mathematics and spadal ries e5Chew such imponanr consllUCtS as belief systems, moti.
tended to keep a written record of information during problem- these differences have not yet been adequately in~ig:lted.. :lbUif}', are declining. Ii:llpem (1989), on the other hand, has vation, 2nd meaningful interpretation of subiect mallet, while
solving. Also, C l em~ntS (1983) found that a much great~r ~{­ More research is needed ;n which students are carefully ob- argued that these trends are anifacts of the testing Instillments de-empl'wizing the roles of inruillon and rulrure. Thus. a syn-
c~nl!lge of f~males than ITllIles used an inefficient visu::ti·whote selVed and imelVlcwed as they solve problems and changes in test populations thesis of cognitive sclern:e, ?iagctian, van Hiele, and Other con·
Str.11eg}' 00 the Dilkrential Aplltude Space Relations test. ~nd structivist theorles may yield panlcular riches.
thaI females used 115$ dfecnve concrere strategies and males BlAIN CJIIt:M'IZATlOfI,v.'[I GENDEII DtnnDIa:5. II has been suggested Empowering students with methods by which they can es-
used more efficient ab$tnlCt suategJeS on Spoil tal wks. In fact, by researchers in the phYSiology of the brain thar -sex differ- tablish for themselves mathematlc:al truth and, thus, helping
gender differences may ~resu h from the propensity of femules e.nces in verbal and spatial abilities may be rehned to differ- CONCLUSIONS A ND IMPLICATIONS StUdentS develop intellectual autonomy. is 01 crilic::al goal of ge_
to select and consistently use less efficient or less accurate ences in the way thilt those functions are diStributed between ometry h'lStrudion. and indeed or all mathematics instruction.
Str2leBlfS for these lasks (Linn & Petersen l 1985. p. 1492)
the cerebral hemispheres in males and females" (Springtr & Without doubt, geometry is imponant. II alTers us a .......dy 10 Currently, Ihis gool i~ trealed in :.t formal sense only m geom·
Bauista. Wheatley, and Talsma ( 1989) reponed a tendency for Deutsch. 1981 , p. 121). For instmee, it tw been conjeaured interpret and reflect on our physical environment It can serve etry, and, unfonunalely, our inwuolonal anempts at achieving
fem:lle pre-service elemenwy teachers er,:oUed In geome- wt "both language abilities and spatial abilities are represented as a tool for the study of other topics in mathematics and sci- this goal are failing, While we rruty dismiss fonnal proor a.s
try nOl 10 use the Str.ltegles that they uSt.-d most effeaivel¥ more bliater~lly In females \han In males" (Springer & DeUL'K'h, ence. More importantl)'. however, spalial thinking, which ob- an instructional oblcCtive that ooly the best students need to
Banisu ( 1990) found mat males outperformed females in 1981. p. 123) Further, mis hypahesiS posits thai greater lllt· viousJy undergirds geometry, has been suggCSted by famous master -thus we need not be ovcrly concerned with our Inabil·
spalial visualizatiOn and in high school geometry, but thaI there erallz:ttion of function (lhat IS, specialization to one side o r mathematidanssuch as Hadamard and Einstein to beessentlalto ity to leach It-we cannot SO dismiss the proces~ of establishmg
were no gender differences In logical rea.soo!ng abIlity o r use che brain) may be essential for high spatial performance bUt creative thought in all high level mathematics. Given their im- mathernalial truch. It Is the essellCC' of mathematics. without It.
of geometric problem-solving srr:uegies. When predicting ge- less laterallzatiOn more imporum for verbal perfo rmance, so portance. therefore, it Is essemial thaI geometry and spalial rea· srudents cannot do mathematics. they can only examine non-
omelry perfomuu\(:e, spatial visualization was the most imper- males should be superior In spatial taSks :lnd females In ver- SOrting receive grealer anention In Instruction and in research. critically what cxhers have done. Thus. much more atlention
cmc factor for femal es, whereas logkal reasonmg and, as a sec- ballll.Sks. Thus, gender differences in gtomctry perfo nnance- A.s t!.'e have seen, and belying itS obvious Importance In should be focused on research aimed at discovering how this
ondary facror, the discrepancy between spatial VIsualization and performance which involves both the spaual and logical modes the CUrriculum, StUdents' performance Ifl geometry is woefully Import2l1l proceM develops.. its effea on students' beliefs about
logical reasoning were mOSt importanl for males. It was sug- oCthought-mlght productively be exammed In terms of these lacking. Neither what StudenlS learn In geometry nor the meth- and struCturing of geometry knowledge, and how, for srudenlS,
gested th:lt there is .. fundamem:tl difference in the role that nvo types of thought. ods by whlcll they learn II are satlSf.ttl0ry There ha.s been tOO it C:l:n culminate in giving formal proofS.
spatial visualization and logical reasoning play in males' and For example, dr3wings by left-side, brain-iniured patients little instruCtional altemion given In the United States to Spatial Furure investigations need 10 consider how Visual thinkIng
females' Ie'Amiog of geometriC ideas. II W25 :llso found that tend to be d~lkiem in imernal fearures and in organization ~nlng. is manifest in higher levels of geometric thinking. It has been
the more spatial :ibility males, but not females. possessed in of planning but adequale In overn1l spatial configuration. with E\idence supportS a constructivist position on how children posrulated here that visual thl~ng has a number of p5}'Cho-
relalloo to their logical reasoning ability, the more likely they the reverse true for padents wlch injury on the opposlle side. lelm !iplItlal and geometric ideas. Ii appears that there is a logical layers. from primitive to sophisticaled, each of which
were to use a visualizalion str:l.legy and the less likely to use These differences were mirrored by 5-13·year-oJd boys and progressive construction of geometric concepts from che per- plays a different role In thinlting, depending on which layer is
:l dr3wing str:lIegy This finding seems to Indicate a fundamen· girls asked to drnw a complex figure. "!oJ. the youngest age, cepcual to the conceptual plane, as well as developmental se- activlltoo
al difference In the way t1ut the males and females reprtserll girls drew more Imernal details and more of the discrete pans, quences In which children buUd increasingly Integrared and We know a substanCial amount about srudents' learning of
geometric problems. Males with relativel), higher spatial ability whereas txYts concemr.ued more on the external configuration. synthesized geometriC schemata. Research ls needed to Iden- geometric conceptS. We need leaching/learning research that
seemed 10 forego the use of the drawing strategy in preference Al. 11 yea~, boys drew their designs in 'long, sweeping, cominu- tify the specific cognitive: constructions that children make at all leads students to COnstrUd robust concepts through a me:tnlng-
for VllIualiZ3tiOfl, perhaps bec3u.!loe their high visualization skills ous lines,' whereas girls'~ theirs part by pan' (Waller, 1979, age levels. especially in the comeXi of supponlve environments ful synthesiS of di~rams and visual hmge:s on the one hand.
made them feel drnwtng is unnecessary. Females with relauvely p. 173). In other words. where stylIStiC differences appeared, (forexample. those Including manlpulatlves. computer tools, and and through verbal definitions and analyses on the other. Such
higher spatial ability, on the other hand. were Olore likely [0 use the boys' style tended ro be charaaerisllc or right-hemisphere engaging tasks). Previously unexplored baors such as language. research should address the interrelationships between verbal
a diagram and less likely to use visualization. Simllarly. Thnre processing, the girls' of left-hemisphere processing" (Harris, schooling, and the immediate social culture deserve anention and vi~ual processing. It might also srudy how 10 help stu·
(1989) found that high SO females were more likely than low 1981. p. 103). In any such research progr.un. Research on geomelric represen- dents build on, strengthen, and elaborate their eXisting intu-
SO fentales to use a drawing. but !.here were no differences for It ls important 10 keep In mind the complexity of the re- tations from me cognitive science perspective should aJso be. itions about space and, ultimalely, develop second-order. ge0-
hIgh and tow SO males search on gender diIferences Such dlffe~nces are observed Integr:lled In this quest Ideally, such research should Inform metric Imullions.

Brumfield, C. (l973). Convention.11 Jpproodlt$ using ~)'I11hedc Eu- Del GrJnde. J.J. (1986). Can grode ~'O child ren's spatial perceplion be
euy. More impomntiy, however, gender differences represent"
Computers can help establish fecund erlVlronmenlS for the clidean geometr}'. !n K. B. Henderson (Ed), GlN>menJ' (1Ilbe II1f11be· lm~rovcd bj' insening a tr.losfoomulon geometry componr!l1t Imo
cause for concern. Why do gender differences arise? Are there
study of students' geometric thinking. Research indiCates that I/I(I/;a cllrricllllllll ' 1973 Jetll'book (pp 9S-115). RCSIOl1. VA< N:I- theIr lnm!lemmlcs progrnm? Dissertmloll Abstracts Il1Iem(ll/olln/
appropriately des igned software, sud, as logo and the Geomer-
current instructional practices that lend to exacerb:1le the Ilomo! Counc!! ofTh'~c!lers of M;tdH:matic5 47, ~689A. '
differences? What InstructiOnal practices can help ameliorate Denis. L P. (1987). Rel~tJonships between suge of cognitive devl.'lop-
lie. suppose; can engender high le~"els of geometriC thinking. Durger. '1(( . &: Sh:tughnessy,1. M. (1986). Char~clerlzing the \';11'1 Hie1e
We need to learn more about the design of engaging taSks and them? 1f.'\'C.'ls of devl:lopmcm in I!,o::ometr-,·. jollrl/flfjol' HesoetIrd) III M(lII)(!'- ment and I':m Hlele 1~1 of goomt'tric thought among Puerto RIcan
Finally, geometry learning is an area rich with possibillties mnlfcs £dU((I//oII, 17,31-46. adole:;rents. Di5se11(lIioll !\bslmcls IlIIemmioll(ll, 48, 859A. (Univer-
teacher mediation, especially with an eye 10 using such soft-
far futu re resean::h. Given students' poor performance in this Clm~!!, ? F. (19117) MfI{/£WlllS tits/mIce.. Cbildrell~ I~ oj 1ll1II1be!' Sity Mlcrofilrn~ No. DA8715795.)
W3re as a catalyst for the development of classroom cultures in
area, such research is sorely needed. Given a constructiviSt view (ll1d /tml. Final repon submlueQ [u the Nmiooa! Institute of Ml:maJ de VilliCf'S, M. D. (1987,June) Res(mrdJ l!I.·idellt:e Oil bielYJrdJicnllmllk-
which bom teachers and studentS expand melr beliefs about He'Jlth Under the A[)M.lHA Sm:lll Gram A~",lrrl Program. Gr:1nt No. illS, (fI(IciJillg sfrares;es. (md IllfI !'lin Hr'ele l/}eol)·.· Some cn'rkal
af learning, research that describes the development of geo-
learning and understanding geomeuy. MSMA 1 R03 MH423435{l1. UniverSl!r of M:Ir) bnd. College. Plirk. COmmell/s. P".tper presentctl :It learning ~nd le;tching geomelf)~ Is·
metric cancepe; and thinking in various instruCtional e nviron-
We have reported gender differences in both geomelf)' and C lrpemer, t P., Corbitt. M. K.. Kepner. Ii. S.. lindquist. M. M., & Re)·s. R. sues For resean::h and practice ""'Orking conFerc-nce. SjT:1CU5e. NY.
ments is certainly required. Indeed, we believe that quallta-
spatial reasoning f.lVoring males. If rese'JrChe£5 focus not on E, (1960). NatlQn:tI assessment. In E. Fennema (Ed.), Mm/)emfllics Srr~cuse Universit)·.
th-ely different and improved environments for education in
whether such differences exist but rather on their exact nature, !!d1lCf/llon f~(//l:JJ.. Implkations fol' lbe 80s (pp. 22-38). Ale"an- OodlVell, P. C. (1963). Chlldren's uOOerSt:lnding of sp~ti:ll cOllceplS. The
geomeuy will not emerge withoUi the presence of (a) the the-
such differences can provide one perspective for investigating dri,t, VA: Assocl:uion for Supenoislon a/td CurriC1,llum Development. Cmllldi(l/T jOllnf(ll of ~I::bolagl·. J 7, 141-161.
oretically cognizant leacher and (b) the student armed with a Charle:>. R I (1960). E.~emplific:t(ion and cil:lr:IC(t'riz'lIion mO'o'e; In the Driscoll: M.J. (l983~). ResMrcb lIIitbill reacb: Elemell/(//)' IiClJoof ,'mliJe-
the menIal processes of aU studentS. That is, by Investigating
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