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Ken Krogue

Jamie Shanks

42 LinkedIn Inside Sales Tips

By Ken Krogue and Jamie Shanks

The 42 LinkedIn Inside Sales Tips eBook is designed to help you drive new
business. You’ll learn critical practices to help you connect better with
prospects and customers and increase revenue.

Traditional selling channels of email and phone are tried and true, but
LinkedIn and other social channels can greatly increase sales performance.
Here is a preview on just one of the powerful tips — did you know LinkedIn
performs 7 times better than email in some cases? Get social and leave old
school selling in the dust.

These 42 tips were originally presented by Ken Krogue and Jamie Shanks
as a webinar which you can watch here.

LinkedIn is
out-pulling email

7-to-1 | Sales for Life Share this eBook:
Linkedin CheatSheet
Jamie Shanks Tips
1 Be a Thought Leader 7 Follow ‘Hot Prospects’
2 Drive Opportunity 8 Timing Within Followers
3 The Secrets within Groups 9 Timing Within Signals
4 Skills as a SEO Hunting Tool 10 Attack Followers
5 Save Your InMails 11 Insights into their business
6 ‘Hot Prospects’ in Groups

Ken Krogue Tips

12 Grab Your Name 28 Use Tags to Categorize
13 Use a Good Picture 29 Use LinkedIn Events
14 Complete your Profile 30 Offer Value to Connections
15 Make your Wedding/Funeral List 31 Recommend Others
16 Connect to your Customers 32 Use LinkedIn for Introductions
17 Follow your Customer’s Companies 33 Do a 3x3 Analysis
18 Connect to your Employees 34 Follow Prospect Companies
19 Have a Point Person 35 Use 3 Free SEO Links
20 Connect to your Prospects 36 LinkedIn Events with Trade Shows
21 Respond by Email then Connect 37 Promote & Share Every Event you Attend
22 Connect at Trade shows 38 Target Prospects by Size, Title, Industry
23 Join Industry Groups 39 Ask for Recommendations
24 Join Local Groups 40 Ask for Customer Recommendations
25 Update on Twitter 41 Make it Easy to Ask for Referrals from
26 Connect a Widget on your Blog your Customers
27 Send Messages Instead of Email 42 Don’t SPAM | Sales for Life Share this eBook:

About the authors
Tips: 1-11
Sales for Life provides two things for clients.
First, they train sales teams to drive business
through LinkedIn and Twitter. Second, they
become the sales rep themselves. Sales for
Life has a social selling, lead generation
program that takes over a company’s LinkedIn
and Twitter accounts and begins driving
new opportunities similar to traditional B2B
Jamie Shanks lead generation.
Managing Partner
Sales for Life

Tips: 12-42
Throughout Ken’s career, he has worked to grow
the inside sales industry from a small department
into an industry. Through his professional
experiences, Ken has conducted research on the
best practices and methods of selling—including
socially. At, Ken has used his
experience of the inside sales industry to create
a powerful sales automation software platform
Ken Krogue which increases the effectiveness and efficiency
President & Co-founder of an inside sales department. | Sales for Life Share this eBook:

1 Leader Be a Thought
To start generating results from LinkedIn and social selling, you need to
become a thought leader within your industry. There are two avenues of
approach to being a thought leader in business.

Step One
If you’re a sales rep at Company ABC, you need to be subscribing to pieces
of thought-leadership that you can share with your prospects, vendors, and

For example, Ken is a fantastic creator of great thought-leadership. Jamie

subscribes to Ken’s blog and views the information using Feedly, a product
used to visualize RSS feeds into a newspaper. Other tools he uses to capture
quality content to share with his prospects are and HootSuite.

Step Two
Create original content. Easy ways of distributing content are using a blog,
SlideShare or YouTube (video is becoming extremely important). | Sales for Life Share this eBook:

2 Drive
After relevant content has been curated and digested by your prospects,
you can start driving meeting requests through LinkedIn.

Remember, LinkedIn is not a repository for your resume. It’s a place to

actively drive business.

If your prospect posted an article (update) on LinkedIn four minutes ago,
you can see they are engaged online. Whether you use the telephone to
call them or send a message through LinkedIn, you know the chances are
high that they are available to pay attention to your message.

Additionally, make sure you’re using a call-to-action at the bottom of

every message. This creates a much higher ROI. It’s a great method to
booking meetings.

Not Is
Place to sit passively To Use call-to-action
Repository for resume Actively drive business | Sales for Life Share this eBook:

3 Groups

Secrets within
Nothing is more powerful within LinkedIn than groups. As a member of
LinkedIn, you are allowed to join 50 groups. Use every one.

When deciding which groups to become a member

of, think in three levels. Groups to join
First Think in
Join five to ten groups that everyone else in your
industry is joining. 3 Levels
Go a layer lower within specific verticals. For Industry
example, join groups that clients are involved in.

Most importantly, is to understand the persona Involved
of your buyer.
At Sales for Life, they sell to VPs of Sales and Sales
Directors. Therefore, they need to be involved in Persona
every major group in North America that these
buyers are part of. | Sales for Life Share this eBook:

4 Hunting tool Skills as a SEO
At the top of a company’s LinkedIn corporate page there is a button
called “Insights.” This is where LinkedIn provides a profile outline of that
particular company.

For example, on’s LinkedIn page, it shows the most common

skills that employees have.

How to Target
If you’re targeting companies like, you can select a skill
like “Lead Generation.” The link will take you to a page that shows all the
most influential companies relating to that skill and the most populous
groups you’d want to join. This tool is extremely useful when mapping
out groups to join. | Sales for Life Share this eBook:

5 InMails Save your
If you aren’t connected to someone
on LinkedIn, you are unable to send
them a message without using InMail,
a paid service.

However, if you’re a member of Sales

2.0 and Inside Sales Experts you can
send anyone within that group a
private message even though you
aren’t a 1st degree connection.

There isn’t enough data yet to send messages

determine if InMails are opened more through a group page
frequently and have a greater ROI than
other LinkedIn messages. Regardless,
sending messages through shared
LinkedIn groups is the best avenue. | Sales for Life Share this eBook:

6 In Groups ‘Hot Prospects’
The great part about groups is that they provide numerous prospects. After
sending a message and starting a conversation with a quality prospect, go
back into that same group and target other group members.

How to Find Prospects

You can do this by conducting advanced searches based on targeted
keywords, key company functions or seniority. This will provide you an
endless prospecting pool, all of which is available with free messaging. | Sales for Life Share this eBook:

7 Follow
‘Hot Prospects’
LinkedIn allows users to follow up to 5,000 people. Following is different
than connecting but the benefits are the same.

Best Practice
To build your database, go into any group you are a member of and pull up
the list of group members. You’ll notice that at the bottom of the profiles
of the people who you are in 1st degree connection, it will say, “Unfollow.”
If you start scrolling into the 2nd and 3rd degree connections, you’ll notice
that the button changes to “Follow.” | Sales for Life Share this eBook:

8 Followers Timing within
Timing is everything when it comes to getting in touch with prospects. This
is where LinkedIn is so helpful.

By using LinkedIn as a “time trigger,” you know the moment a prospect

posts an update. Because of this, there is a strong possibility they could still
be on their computer. Use this as an opportunity to time your message and
increase the likelihood of making contact with a message on LinkedIn or
a phone call!

If your prospect has the time to be using LinkedIn right now – they probably
are available to take a phone call. You have a much higher probability of
getting him on the phone at this time than at any other time. | Sales for Life Share this eBook:

9 Signals
Use this tool to create
between 30 and 50
trigger words using
Timing within

competitors and key industry phrases. Check this tool three

times per day: in the morning, at lunch and in the evening.

How To
On the top bar within LinkedIn, hover over the option that
reads “News.” Within that drop down menu, select the third
selection called, “LinkedIn Signal.” This tool allows you to
create trigger words to keep track of particular topics.

You can probably imagine how powerful this tool is. If

someone says the words “social selling” and that’s one of
your keywords, you will hear it and will be able to respond

Sales for Life has found, from their own business, that 70%
of every lead created is through this method. | Sales for Life Share this eBook:

3 types of
In addition to the “LinkedIn Signal feature,” there
is another technique that is equally important
for driving business with LinkedIn.

Direct Pick a client with a strong success story from
Competitor using your product.

Competitive Go onto their corporate LinkedIn page and click
Emulation on “Followers.”

Consumer This immediately tells you they’re going to be

the most receptive to a message that includes a
success story featuring that client.

Because if you are a follower of a company you
are one of three types of people: the direct
competitor (they want to know what you’re
doing), competitive emulation (other companies
in your space with the same target audience), or
consumer that have used your product (vendors,
partners and past clients). | Sales for Life Share this eBook:

11 Business Insights into their

In addition to viewing the followers of a client, you can also gain powerful
information by clicking on that same company’s “Insights” button.

How To
This feature within LinkedIn will retrieve six similar businesses that you can
target. These are the people who would probably care about the success
story of that similar company. Start messaging these people—they could
provide great value. | Sales for Life Share this eBook:

12 name Grab your
Make sure that your public profile URL is shortened to contain just your
name, i.e. If you leave the default
assigned by LinkedIn, your personal URL will have a series of random letters
and numbers. It looks like a mess and is hard to remember and link to. Make
sure you grab your name before someone else does.

If you aren’t able to grab your own name, try adding something that says
something about your professional expertise or industry. For example,
if Ken Krogue had been taken, I would have chosen /kenkroguesales.
Sales says a lot more about me than /kenkrogue1, which is the typical
fallback selection.


Don’t | Sales for Life Share this eBook:

13 Picture Use a Good
LinkedIn is a professional site—it’s not a personal site like Facebook. That
being said, make sure your LinkedIn profile picture portrays you in a
professional manner. You probably won’t have the same profile image as
you do on Facebook.

How To
To ensure your picture looks professional, use a good, close-up picture that
stands out. At, we use a black and white, short-cropped
head shot. Why black and white? It stands out. Make your picture unique
while maintaining a professional appearance. | Sales for Life Share this eBook:

14 Profile Complete your
Set up your profile correctly to keep it fresh. This will help you gain credibility
within the LinkedIn environment. It’s actually not as hard as it sounds.

LinkedIn provides the user with the necessary steps to complete their
profile. By following all the steps, your LinkedIn profile can be 100 percent
complete within a few hours.

Take the time to fill in educational history and professional experience. It

will be easier to expand your professional network. More importantly, it
sends a message of proactivity to prospects who may look at your profile.

Warning: Using LinkedIn with an incomplete profile is a mistake. It

shows a lack of credibility and professionalism.

100% profile completeness | Sales for Life Share this eBook:

15 Make your
wedding/funeral list
To begin building out your network, the first thing you can do is make a
wedding or funeral guest list.

This is an old prospecting technique with a new twist. I’m told that wedding
planners and funeral directors estimate the average wedding or funeral at
250 attendees if they don’t know how many people are coming.

Imagine if you linked to 250 people who care about you. Wouldn’t they
be the best place to start prospecting and looking for introductions,
recommendations, and referrals?

Build your
Network | Sales for Life Share this eBook:
16 Customers Connect to your

Within the B2B world, nobody is more important than your customers
and clients. With that in mind, it makes sense that you should connect to
each of them, adding them as part of your LinkedIn network.

By receiving their LinkedIn updates and content posts, I get to know

them and can start to connect to others that have similar interests and
pain points.

From connecting with your customers, they become your biggest resource
for prospects. We recommend that your CEO, VP of Sales, VP of Support,
among others, reach out as part of the welcome process to each new
customer and connect. Then reach out to them now and again to ask, “How are
things coming?”

Be sure to organize your customers with tags. That way you can easily
find them.

Organize Customers with tags

Reach Out
to customers | Sales for Life Share this eBook:

17 Companies
Follow your

After connecting to your customers, follow their companies so that you can
see the news flow that comes through LinkedIn. Similar to Jamie’s previous
idea, by following customer companies you gain insight into the biggest
news coming out of that company.

Keep in Mind
Customers like when you know things that are going on in their organizations.
It shows that you care and that you are invested in keeping them as
a customer. | Sales for Life Share this eBook:

18 Employees Connect to your

When deciding who to add as a connection, start with the people you’re
surrounded by every day—fellow employees. If you’re in a management level
position, spend time and teach your colleagues and employees the value
of using LinkedIn as a team.

Do it from day one in the onboarding process for all new hires. In order
to gain the maximum results from LinkedIn, this should be a group effort.
Make sure you get your people together and coordinate your efforts
and strategies. | Sales for Life Share this eBook:

19 Person Have a Point

LinkedIn works by letting you view people who are two levels deep­–meaning
you can connect to a person through a series of two other people starting
with the one you know.

Best Practice
Have at least one person in the company who reaches out to a lot of
connections. Make sure these are real connections and that your connection
requests aren’t spam. If everyone else at the company is connected to
the point person, they act like a “doorway” with great connections for
everyone else.

At, I am the point person. Within my professional network

on LinkedIn, I am connected to over 3,100 people. Through me, all of my
sales reps have the potential to connect to far more people.

Beware: If headhunters and recruiters connect with your point person,

they have access to all of your people. Connect with caution!

Who’s Viewed Your Profile? Your LinkedIn Network

6 Your profile has been viewed by 6 people in the past

day. 3,101 Connections link you to 14,680,285+

44 You have shwon up in search results 44 times in the

past day. 20,395 New people in your Network since
October 2

Add Connections | Sales for Life Share this eBook:

20 Prospects Connect to your

Just as you should connect to all your customers, you should also connect
with your prospects. Our salespeople are asked to connect to their prospects
right after the first contact attempt.

Do they always do it? The smart ones do. They understand that by
asking to become connected on LinkedIn it increases the rate of building a
relationship and rapport.

How To
You can search by keyword to find prospects. For us, anybody with “inside
sales,” “lead management,” or “” in their LinkedIn profile is
a prospect. Find out what the keywords are that target your audience and
begin generating your prospecting lists. | Sales for Life Share this eBook:

21 Respond by email
then connect
People always ask, “How do you build your connections?” Personally I use
the technique, “respond by email and then connect.” This method is a great
way to make connections with interesting and valuable people.

How To
Whenever you receive an email from someone you think would be a valuable
connection, simply respond by email and mention in the email that you will
be connecting by LinkedIn. In your connection request remind them you
just emailed them. LinkedIn penalizes you if you try to connect to too many
people who reject you because they don’t know or don’t remember who
you are. | Sales for Life Share this eBook:

My favorite task after going to a
Connect at
Trade shows
trade show is to take all of the new
business cards given to me and
connect on LinkedIn.

When you send the request to

connect, remind them of the
“common experience” you had
together at the trade show so they
remember and don’t reject you.

Best Practice
We have a rule at
that we will never go to a trade
show unless we are sure that we
can set enough appointments
before the show even happens to
pay for the show.
Remind about
Before we went to one of our biggest
shows, Dreamforce (a Salesforce®
show) last year, we already had
over 700 appointments for demos
at the show. This year it was
over 1,000. | Sales for Life Share this eBook:

23 Groups Join Industry
I strongly suggest that sales reps join industry LinkedIn groups. Why?
Because the days of lunch networking groups are gone. A great group on
LinkedIn for those in the inside sales industry is “Inside Sales Experts.” The
group was created by Trish Bertuzzi, the Founder and CEO of The Bridge
Group, Inc. in Boston.

When I first joined the group, there were 8,000 members. I recently checked
and there are now over 20,000 members. I don’t know anywhere else on
the planet where that many inside sales professionals congregate. Over the
years I have now met hundreds of them and I count them as friends. I did
this by getting involved in their discussions.

Trish Bertuzzi | Sales for Life Share this eBook:

24 Groups Join Local

In addition to joining industry groups, join professional groups in your

geographic area. This is a great tool, especially if you sell locally.

How To
Go to the Groups search window at the top right and type in your home
city and/or home state to find groups close to you. Now look for industries
that you want to find prospects in. These groups usually have quarterly or
annual meetings. That are a great resource for prospecting locally. | Sales for Life Share this eBook:

25 Twitter Update on
For the most part, you probably post similar content on LinkedIn and
Twitter. At least occasionally. Why not kill two birds with one stone? By
linking together your LinkedIn account with your professional Twitter profile,
specified LinkedIn updates can be sent out to your Twitter followers as well.

It’s a great way for your prospects and followers to see the latest news
about you and your company.

Warning: Just like most tools, this can be overused. I like to filter it
down to just the best updates. | Sales for Life Share this eBook:

26 Connect a

Widget on your
In the social media age, content is king. By bringing in quality content that
your connections on LinkedIn would care about, you offer value.

Check out the widgets available on LinkedIn. I love the WordPress widget
that publishes my three most recent blog articles to my LinkedIn page. Just
like with automated Twitter posts this can be overused.

Make sure you are only pulling in the most relevant content to your
connections. However, if your blog is targeted at the same audience as your
professional LinkedIn audience you shouldn’t have too much of a problem.
If you’re interested in inside sales, subscribe to my blog | Sales for Life Share this eBook:

27 email
Send messages

Instead of
Through LinkedIn,
constantly tests different media
through which to send messages
to prospects in addition to testing
the content of the messages. In
terms of response rates, emails
range between .1 percent and
.3 percent.

The exact same message sent

in our early in-house tests by
LinkedIn responded 300 percent

We recently released a new product,

PowerSocial, that integrates social
Enable sales reps to learn
platforms into sales automation about and engage prospects
more intelligently.
technology. Already we have seen
increases in or response rates. Learn More

PowerSocial gives your reps a social

view without the distractions of
going to the social networking sites. | Sales for Life Share this eBook:

28 Categorize Use Tags to
LinkedIn allows you to use tags to categorize your customers from prospects,
friends, etc. tags are like ‘Circles’ on Google+. As your connections grow,
the tag allows you to slice and dice your LinkedIn network for all kinds of
communication purposes.

How To
Tags are found in the Contacts section of LinkedIn and are absolutely
invaluable for more advanced methods of using LinkedIn for prospecting,
such as sending targeted emails to only specific categories. | Sales for Life Share this eBook:

29 events

Look for LinkedIn events that
correspond to trade shows. By adding
the event, you can network within the
group and invite them to come meet
you at your booth at the trade show.

These groups attract hundreds of

users that will be attending the same
event. For example, if a group has
190 people who have said they are
attending that gives you 190 people
you can introduce yourself to before
the event even begins.

Remember Tip 22 has a rule to schedule
enough appointments before the
event to pay for it. LinkedIn groups
are one way we accomplish this. | Sales for Life Share this eBook:

30 Offer value to
It’s important to interact occasionally with your LinkedIn connections and
build relationships with them. Offer valuable content to your connections
including training materials, quality books, best practices, tips, tricks, and
best of all, referrals.

Best Practice
The best way to build a relationship is through providing quality, relevant
content. I reach out about every six months to my LinkedIn connections in
Utah and share my latest seminar with them for free. I probably have 70 to
80 people come. I do the same with webinars nationally and usually have a
few thousand attend. | Sales for Life Share this eBook:

31 Others Recommend
I strongly endorse giving recommendations to contacts such as co-workers,
colleagues, former employers and authors. It’s a great way to build morale
and friendships. Don’t wait for people to ask.

Make a personal goal to reach out and recommend one person a week.
If someone does something special, go tell them! You would be surprised
what taking the time to show gratitude and respect can do to open doors
and build strong rapport. | Sales for Life Share this eBook:


Linkedin for
I wanted to get in contact with
the inside sales department at
Novell. I looked up the company,
found an old friend of mine
that works there, connected
with him, sent him a message
and asked for a referral. The result   My
was better than I could have
hoped for.
My friend called me up and not only  Got me an
knew who I was trying to get in touch
with at Novell, but his office was only
two doors down. He walked down
the hall, knocked on his colleague’s
door and got me an appointment. It
was amazing.

That was my first productive use

of LinkedIn and I’ve been hooked
ever since. | Sales for Life Share this eBook:

33 Do a 3x3
If you’ve ever had a call that you weren’t quite sure how to begin the
conversation, this tip is critical. This is a technique that Steve Richard, from
Vorsight, taught me.

How To
Before reaching out to your prospects take three minutes and find three
things you have in common. This will help you have something to talk to
that prospect about. Keep this tip in mind when preparing to meet with
anyone for the first time whether it’s sales related or not. | Sales for Life Share this eBook:

34 Companies

When following prospect companies, you can’t follow too many or your feed
gets overwhelmed–just as Jamie said. You have to be very strategic about
the companies you are trying to get into. This is a great way to be able to
speak intelligently when you have conversations.

I would recommend that you look at your prospect companies every time
before you call them back so you can know the very latest news from
that company. | Sales for Life Share this eBook:

35 Seo Links Use 3 free
Most people don’t realize that LinkedIn provides three free backlinks
that anyone can use for “Google juice.” These links should direct your
connections to content to gain more information about you, your company,
or your industry.

In the “Edit your profile” layout, click on the “Edit Contact Info”, this section
will expand.

Next to “Websites” will be a “+ Add
to website” link, clicking the link
will open a new page. Change the
first box to “Other” and type the
content that you would like to be
the backlink.

Think of keywords that you want to

rank for on Google. These keywords
should be the text in your backlink.

Insert the link the content will point to. For additional content on building
quality SEO, check out Ken’s articles on | Sales for Life Share this eBook:


Events with
Trade shows
We talked about LinkedIn Events in regards to trade shows. But how do you
actually make connections at these events? Well, if you find that the trade
shows you’re going to have the social media foresight to build a LinkedIn
event, then all you have to do is bring up all the individual attendees.

How To
Send a message saying, “Hi, I want to meet you and shake your hand. Come
by my booth during the show and let’s get to know each other.” By using
this method we’ve been able to add dozens upon dozens of additional visits
to our booth, even if we can’t set appointments. | Sales for Life Share this eBook:

Promote & share

Every event
You Attend
I speak probably 20 to 25 times a
year and, often, I have found my
prospect base within LinkedIn.
I want to make my prospects aware

Everyone Wins
of where I’m speaking because I
want to meet with them.

We’ve been able to move several W

  hen you
LinkedIn connections from prospect
status to customer because they p  romote
come to the event we’re already
going to. Everybody wins when
you promote events.
How To
It’s really easy to do. Go into
LinkedIn, add the event to your
calendar, and promote it through
the “share” feature. | Sales for Life Share this eBook:

38 Industry
Target prospects By

Size, Title,

To help target prospects better, slice and dice your prospects through
LinkedIn’s advanced search. The advanced search allows you to search for
people and companies.

How To
When you search for companies you can target what you are looking for by
the size of the company, industry, and title. It’s all about the power of the
list, and LinkedIn is becoming one of the best in the world.

I love the concept of dynamic

emails. LinkedIn sends me half
a dozen dynamic emails with
different sources of leads every

I’ve found that the best

companies to target are those
who are hiring inside sales
reps. It’s a strong sign that they
are growing. | Sales for Life Share this eBook:

39 Ask For
Just as you should give recommendations, you should also ask for
recommendations from co-workers, colleagues, and former employers.
Once you have lots of honest and frank recommendations, I like to move to
asking for recommendations from customers.

How To
It works best when you ask for recommendations early in the process as
a measure of how well you do. I also do this if a prospect is asking for
additional pricing discounts or negotiating terms aggressively.

You could say, “Well, with this discount I’m giving you, would you recommend
me on LinkedIn if I have earned it?” | Sales for Life Share this eBook:

Ask for

If you present at a seminar, ask for a grade from those in attendance
through a LinkedIn recommendation. Having these recommendations
for prospects to see can also help to shorten the sales cycle.

This is similar to the Salesforce AppExchange—but here people recommend

your apps that work with Salesforce from third party vendors. For our app,
PowerDialer for Salesforce, we care deeply about recommendations that
are left on the AppExchange for our product.

In the social media world,

recommendations and comments
are the new currency used to
promote your business (check
out this article on for
more information about social
media currency). | Sales for Life Share this eBook:

41 Make it easy to ask for

referrals from
Your Customers
To help generate more referrals, I tell my
prospects, “One of the best ways I grade myself
on how well I do is whether or not you are
willing to recommend me to other people just
like yourself when we are done.”

I set up this expectation early on and remind

them once or twice during the sales process.
Quite often I need to prompt them with ideas.
Recently, I’ve been using LinkedIn.

How To
This makes the whole process easier for both
parties. I often say something like, “To make it
easy for you and to help me grow my business
with your recommendations, I’ve found a few
people you know that I would greatly appreciate
an introduction to.”

Once they have given their approval you can

use the normal LinkedIn process. The LinkedIn
process is better than cold calling them on
my own. | Sales for Life Share this eBook:

42 Spam Don’t

Overzealous marketers ruined contacting by telephone, faxing, and email

by sending spam. Just don’t do it. It’s a mistake we should make only once.
I wish we had a dye that turned their LinkedIn page red for a week when
somebody uses LinkedIn to brazenly pitch their product!

Best Practice
Don’t try and sell them something, it’s a turnoff. Just offer great content.
If they want to buy something from you they will seek you out.

Don’t Do
Spam offer
 Content | Sales for Life Share this eBook:


Now that you fully understand how to make the most of LinkedIn to drive
business and results, you can now create a strategic plan to incorporate
social media efforts to increase revenue.

LinkedIn will play a large role in the future of sales – the good news is,
you’re already ahead of the majority of the industry. Hardly anybody is
using LinkedIn in a way to expand and grow business.

For an additional, more in-depth discussion on using LinkedIn to drive

business, watch this webinar featuring Ken Krogue and Jamie Shanks
available here.

Be sure to connect with Ken and Jamie on LinkedIn for inside sales industry
updates and best practices. | Sales for Life Share this eBook:

Thanks for reading “42 Linkedin Inside Sales Tips.” While LinkedIn and
other social media platforms can certainly help drive business and
revenue, combining these tips with sales automation technology will
increase the productivity and efficiency of your sales team even more.

For additional resources to support your inside sales team, check out
some of the other solutions from and Sales for Life.

Schedule My Demo Learn More

or Call: 877-798-9633 | Sales for Life Share this eBook:

Ken Krogue |
Jamie Shanks |

Maximize Results
Check out the eBook
Alex Orton | co-authored by Jon Miller of Marketo
Jessica Winn |

Copy Editors
Jessica Dyer |
Thomas Oldroyd |

Scott Humphries |
Stephen Gashler | Download eBook

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