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Romanian Idioms & Sayings

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It’s impossible to never have heard a Romanian say a funny odd thing like an expression make
of words you understand individually, but put together they make no sense…

Here are the top 5 Romanian sayings that I find interesting and funny at the same time. I hope
they make you giggle and help you take a break from the stress that has been going around
these days.

1. Plimbă ursu = Walk the Bear | expression

Locals’ ways of saying to be left alone or to stop being annoying by lying or bragging

E.g. Boy: “Hey, girl! Look at my car. BMW 7, 12 cylinders, petrol engine…”
Girl: “Plimbă ursul.”

2. Te-a tras Curentul = You are caught by the draft | medical diagnostic, usually said by
old people

Elders’ way of blaming certain health issues because a cold wind blew you

E.g. John: “Man, my back hurts so bad! :( ”

Granny Maria: “You slept with the window open. Te-a tras curentul!”
3. Mă scoți din pepeni = You pull me out of my melons | warning

Romanian’s ways of saying that they are so annoyed that they might hurt you

E.g. Vasile: *annoyingly sings and stamps his feet*

Ioana: “Jeez, stop it! Mă scoți din pepeni!”

4. Dăm milităria jos din pod = The millitary force will come down from the attic |

Usually, the Romanian Mother way of warning the kids before disciplining them

E.g. Kid: *hasn’t done his homework in a week; cracks gross jokes and hits the cat*
Romanian Mom: “Gicu, this is unacceptable! Where are your manners? Oooohhhh
dăm milităria jos din pod!”

5. Ia cu pâine = Take it with bread | command

Romanian ways of persuading others to do something they don’t want to do

E.g Kid: “Daaaad, I’m bored. Can I stop with the homework and go play?.”
Dad:“Nice try. Ia cu pâine and keep going!”

If you found those funny, take a look at this Facebook page called “Romanian Urban Dictionary”
They take word definitions with a grain of salt.

Also, if there are any idioms from your native language that you would like to share, please do
so by writing in this google doc. I would love to read them!

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