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I believe that all these events that I have provided were impactful in throughout the years

and changed the course of history. Some of them I felt like were very meaningful for the United
States and it gave some of the people a great relief and for other a very tragic moment. Each one
of these events have impacted the US and many ways and I believe these are the ones that stand
out to me.
April 20, 2010 - A British Petroleum deep water oil rig explodes in the Gulf of Mexico,
causing the largest oil spill in the history of the United States, killing eleven workers, and
devastating the environment. It also severely damaged the fishing and tourism industries of gulf
The fact that the British Petroleum in the deep water exploded and was one of the
biggest that was ever seen. It came to the public eye as a major safety concern for heavy duty
work. I think it impacted us in a huge way It was a big impact that big company should take
better safety precautions and if they failed to do so they would be shut down. Due to the high risk
in this type of work.
The fact that it was known as the largest oil clean up in the industry was impactful due to
how much of the oil got into the ocean, land, and on the animals in the area. “The various
cleanup efforts were coordinated by the National Response Team, a group of government
agencies headed by the U.S. Coast Guard and the Environmental Protection Agency(EPA). BP,
Transocean, and several other companies were held liable for the billions of dollars in
costs accrued. Coast Guard cleanup patrols ultimately ended in Alabama, Florida, and
Mississippi in June 2013 and in Louisiana in April 2014.”
May 2, 2011 - Osama Bin Laden, mastermind of the 9/11, 2001 attacks on the World
Trade Center, the Pentagon, and other locations and leader of the terrorist group, Al-Queda, is
killed after ten years of pursuit by United States and coalition forces during a raid by U.S. Navy
Seals on his hideout location in Pakistan.
The killing of the most wanted terrorist in the world was great news to the US, wanted for
many years and hard to track. The United States got intel about his ware bouts and started
planning for the attack. “The assassination of Osama bin Laden was a significant victory for
the U.S. government and the American people at large. For many families’ of 9/11
victims, bin Laden’s death symbolized justice and retribution. The terrorist leader was not
only a major player within al Qaeda but also a figurehead that attracted supporters and
recruits from around the world.”

Years of trying to track him and to put a rest to the events that had happen on 9/11,
it was great relief to the country and it impacted us In the fact that he was no longer able
to continue attacks, and recruiting for his group.

April 15, 2013 - Two bombs explode near the finish line of the Boston Marathon, killing
three and injuring hundreds in a terrorist attack coordinated by two brothers associated with
radical Islam. The attack caused the shutdown of the city as police and federal officials searched
and apprehended the suspects within four days of the attack.
The result on the attack had a major impact across the US on events with having security.
As a result, “security is tighter, and costs are higher at major events like the Topsfield Fair and
Haunted Happenings in Salem. Organizers and police say the extra scrutiny is now a way of life.
“I think it's a sad reality of what we have to do," said Bill Clark of the Essex Agricultural
Society, which runs the Topsfield Fair. "You'd never want to be caught in a situation where
something happened, and you weren't prepared for it."

January 1, 2014 - Obamacare, the Affordable Care Act, goes into effect for millions of
Americans, the largest expansion of the social welfare state in decades. Over 7.3 million join the
system, some due to cancellations of existing healthcare policies; others due to subsidies
provided by the government. Premiums for policies see large increases due to expansion.

Obamacare was had a huge impact on the American society and the economy as well. It
provided us with the opportunity to receive full health insurance at an affordable price to where
people we’re not spending tons of dollars over health insurance.

According to the article, “there are a few reasons for the increase, the most notable of
which is the passage of the Affordable Care Act, or Obamacare. Markowska notes that the
growth in real spending closely matches the 4% increase in the number of Americans with health
insurance since the implementation of the Affordable Care Act in 2012.Part of the increased
spending no doubt has to do with the number of people spending more on insurance who did not
have it before, but also higher spending on drug prescriptions.”

April 25, 2015 - Riots begin in Baltimore after the death of Freddie Gray, a black man, in
police custody. This incident, coupled with others at the end of 2014 in Ferguson, Missouri, and
more in 2015, would lead to the creation of the Black Lives Matter movement and discussion of
police brutality in poor, minority, and violent neighborhoods and the appropriate response of
police when confronted with danger and issues on how to secure the public good.
The events that had happen prior and leading up to this day was causing u pa real stir
across the US already. People were trying to ignore what was going on and just try and brush it
off like it didn’t happen. After the Freddie Gray incident, the community of Baltimore rioted,
causing a stir with the city and other citizens that they didn’t see eye to eye that nothing was
going on.

What happen that day at the riot, I believe opened the eyes to many US citizens and
people across the country that racism was still alive today in the present world. The fact that
everyone just wanted to brush it off like nothing happened cause the movement of the BLM
organization so that they could speak up upon issue that are going against the black community.
June 12, 2016 - Terrorist attack in Orlando, Florida, with fifty killed and fifty-three
wounded, continues ISIS and Radical Islamic terrorist inspired attacks throughout the world,
including major attacks in Ankara, Istanbul, Brussels, and Nice.
Karen Tumlty stated “Not since 9/11 has a moment like this brought the nation together,
and that evaporated quickly, since then, calamity seems only to drive the left and the right further
apart, while faith in the nation’s institutions deteriorates further. Across the ideological and
partisan divide, it no longer seems possible to even explore much less agree upon causes and
solutions. So, the response has been muddled, even while the next tragedy looms.”
The nation was concerned over the gun violence, over how easy it was to get a weapon.
The US wanted to improve their national security on who and who can’t enter the country. I
think the events that accord on this day had a huge impact on the US since it first sparked up the
event of gun control safety and that their needs to be better regulations of them.

I think all the events that have occurred throughout the years have really changed my
perception on certain things. It has taught me to be more opened minded on certain topics and
take into consideration people’s safety and what needs to be done rather than just talk about it
and then brush it off later. I think that we need to talk more about the uncomfortable things that
people don’t want to talk about.










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