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On Tuesday, October 29, 2019 I learned English for the first time in semester 3 with

Mr. Rahman. At the meeting here, he discussed about RPS, Google Classroom, Learning
Systems, assignments and assessments. Every student is obliged to join Google Classroom
because all assignments and materials will be shared there.

1. LSM : Convensional and Multimedia

2. Score : liveliness, absent, prior knowlage, and learning journal
3. Learning Cycle : presentation, role play, reflection.
(In learning, it is as if students are nurses, and are able to think creatively to learn easily)
4. Assigment : group, individual (leraning and prior knowlage)
5. Final Exam
The material discussed at the meeting yesterday was Medical Terminology
Medical Terminology
Medical Terminology is usually derived from lartin, Greek, or the language of medicine.
Medical terminology combination of prefix, root, and suffix. In the medical language that I
often find, every word has a meaning that contains prefix, root, and suffix.
Example: Microorganism = Micro+organ+ism- Micro: prefix, Organ: root, Isme: Suffix
Epidermis= Epi: prefix, dermis: suffix
Part of Medical Terminology
1. Beginning (Prefix)
Often about size, shape, color, direction,amount
2. Midlle ( Suffix)
Often relates is a part of the body
3. Ending (suffix)
Can be about size, shape, color or about problem

 Prefix
1. Size 4. Where
-Micro=small -Extra=outside
-Macro=big -endo=whithin
-Megalo -Inter=between
-Megaly -peri=around
2. Rates -Trans=across
-Hyper-=high 5.
-Hypo=low - echo=ultrasonic
-Tachy=fast - electro=using electriking
-Bradly=slowly -dys=not working properhy
3. Color =mall/bad
 Root
1. Osteo=bone 11. Skall=crani
2. Myo,sarco=musculle 12. Ocullo=eye
3. Neuro=nerve=saraf 13. Oto=ear
4. Derm=skin 14. Trombo=blood clot
5. Angio=blood facel 15. Hepato=liver
6. Veno=vein 16. Mamo=breast
7. Cardio=heart 17. Colo=usus besar
8. Lino=nose 18. Gastro=stomachace
9. Tympan=Gendang telinga 19. Illeo=ileum
10. Nerph=kiddney= 20. Thorax=chest
21. Lung=lungo,pluro

 Suffix
1. Emia=blood condition
2. Itis=implamation
3. Osis=condition
4. Ectomy=removal of
5. Gram=picture
6. Graph=process of making picture
7. Otomy=making cut in
8. Scopy=instrumen to view
9. Stomy=Creat an opening

Example :
1. Hypercholesterolemia = elevated blood cholesterol
2. Dermatitis=inflamation of the skin
3. Colostomy=creating an opening in the colon
4. Transesophageal= trans+esophag+eal
Explain or interpret about x-ray
5. Echocardiogram=echo+cardio+gram

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