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Example Project - Moderators Comments

Link to the student project

Criterion A: Planning
The client is clearly stated with a reference to evidence of consultation in the appendix, and the
scenario is clear. The rationale is fully explained – both for product and for software. Most criteria for
success are specific and testable.

Criterion B: Solution overview

The record of tasks includes all 5 stages (plan, design, develop, test and implement) in sufficient detail.
The design overview is detailed, but should have been explained for better understanding. A test plan
is partially complete because it does not clearly address the criteria for success. For full marks, the
design overview should include UML diagrams with interdependencies explained and some algorithm
design. The test plan should address all success criteria.

Criterion C: Development
The complexity of the solution is sufficiently high, but most techniques have not been explained –
therefore moderate complexity. There is clear evidence of algorithmic thinking and creativity, but most
algorithms have not been explained – moderate to high ingenuity. The documentation is clear and
structured. Candidates should aim to explain their understanding of and the use of the techniques
involved and to showcase their algorithmic thinking and creativity.

Criterion D: Functionality and extensibility of product

Functionality of the solution in the video is fully evidenced and most criteria for success have been
addressed. Extensibility is straightforward due to the detailed design overview and to proper attention
to programming style.

Criterion E: Evaluation
All criteria for success are addressed and the recommendations are realistic, but there is no evidence
of client/adviser feedback. A proper evaluation should include a discussion of success criteria based
on significant client/adviser feedback and recommendations for improvement should be justified.

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