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English B

Grade 11 Name: __________Dylan Wei____________

Responding to Written Text
Barnardo’s Ad Campaign

Vocabulary in Context
Words from the text appear in bold below. Circle the word in each set of answer choices
whose meaning is most UNLIKE the word in bold.

1. Provocative
a. Protruding
b. Disturbing
c. Offensive
d. Outrageous

2. Recoil
a. Turn away
b. Shudder
c. Wind up
d. Wince

3. Demeaning
a. Insulting
b. Humiliating
c. Debasing
d. Meaningful

4. Squalor
a. Filth
b. Squat
c. Poverty
d. Starvation

Reading Comprehension
Use bits of the text to respond to the following commands. Be as precise as you can.

5. Identify the purpose of the Barnardo’s ad campaign.

The provocative campaign was designed to overcome indifference about the
continuing impact of poverty on children's lives.

6. Describe the public reaction after the first ad appeared in the morning papers.
the Advertising Standards Authority received 92 written complaints through its
website and ordered an urgent investigation.
7. Identify why NCH opposed the Barnardo ads.
Because NCH said the ads were "demeaning and insulting to the very people
they purport to help".

8. Describe the first ad.

It is an image of a newborn baby with a hospital tag around its wrist and a
large cockroach crawling out of its mouth.

9. Identify why Andrew Nebel believes the ads are appropriate.

It is because this latest campaign in particular deals with child poverty,
which the public is almost in denial about. We needed to overcome public
apathy about poverty in Britain.

10. Identify why Simon Burne opposes the ads.

Simon Burne said that "Shocking adverts like these mislead the public about
what it means to be poor."

True or False
Circle “True” or “False” for the following statements and justify your responses with
evidence from the text.

11. Previous Barnardo ads had been ineffective. True False

It has been running hard-hitting pre-Christmas campaigns for the last four
years and last year won an advertising effectiveness award for pictures of
children with aging faces, warning how prostitution can steal childhood.

12. Barnardo failed to check whether the ads met industry standards. True False

"We did as much as we could to establish they would not contra vene any
codes of practice. We are still confident in the campaign."

13. The Barnardo ad campaign was large. True False

Andrew Nebel said that "We don't have much money to spend, so we are
looking for high levels of awareness from a relatively small campaign."

14. Shocking ad campaigns like this one can be successful. True False

"There is a place for shock tactics ... but we are concerned and uneasy about
the way in which the complex issue of child poverty is linked specifically to
drug abuse and alcoholism."

15. Donations to charity fell at the end of the 20th century. True False
It started to recover. The giving declined in the 1990s and only started to
recover in 2000 with the growth of more professional fundraising and
introduction of tax incentives.

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