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Teaching Experience And Contextualization For Current Teaching Practice

Yizleh Tatiana Maldonado Parra

Course: Pedagogical Experience II

Tutor: Liliana Isabel Moreno

Group: 551025_9

Program: Bachelor Of English As A Foreign Language


September 8, 2020

Course Rules And Conditions:

I will try to be a conversation coach as best I can.

I will be respectful to my students not only that if I do not try to foster respect between the
students and myself.

I will improve my knowledge of ICT tools to give them a good application in the
development of my classes.

I will update my contact social networks with a suitable profile photo so that my students
will recognize me more easily when they need to contact me.

I will design my classes as best as possible using didactic material, and applying
everything I learned in my career such as methods, strategies, methodologies, etc.

I will complete the 64 hours, to help my students acquire more fluency in their

I will make up the sessions that for some reason I cannot explain at another time outside
the established schedule.

I will keep in touch with my tutor through any social media to be aware of any news about
the course.

I will publish the academic notes of my students on time, with their opinions.

Schedule For My Online Encounters:

My schedule for my online encounters that I established in individual activity 1 was:

Group A: Tuesday and Thursday: 2:00 pm to 4:00 pm.

Group B: Wednesday and Friday: 4:00 pm to 6:00 pm.

a. As a student of Pedagogical Experience II, I am called a training teacher in
online environments.
b. Among all language skills, my teaching will be focused on teaching skills.
c. The synchronic ICT tool I will use to perform my alive lessons is teams or
d. The whole pedagogical experience in this course will last 64 hours along 8
e. How many hours will you teach per week?: I am going to teach 8 hours a
f. About how many hours will you devote for lesson planning?: The hours that
are necessary to carry out good planning.
g. How many groups will you be in charge of?: I am in charge of two groups.
h. How many sessions will you conduct per week?: I'm going to conduct two
sessions per week.
i. How many sessions will you conduct weekly per group?: I'm going to
conduct one session per group.
j. How long will each lesson be?: Each lesson will last two hours.
k. How many students can you expect per group?: Well, since they are from
UNAD, I think they are groups of five students, as in all courses, one is of
five students.
l. What are the units’ names in this course?: The names of the units in this
course are:
Unit 1 - Virtual classrooms and lesson planning.
Unit 2 - Developing speaking skills through online communication.
Unit 3 - Developing a digital teaching portfolio.
m. How many stages or moments does Pedagogical Experience II have?: The
pedagogical experience II has 5 stages or moments.



In this description I am going to talk about my teaching experience when I taught English
in the pedagogical experience I course, in the La Fenicia Rural School at the fourth, fifth,
sixth, seventh, eighth and ninth grades. I will talk about how the teaching was, how the
students' learning was, among other things such as didactics, strategies and methods.

A Body Paragraph:

Well I started my practice last semester at the beginning of February as the second
Monday of the month, well I had to go two days a week I went on Mondays and
Wednesdays from 7:30 am to 1:00 pm, on Mondays I dictated the class English to sixth,
seventh, eighth and ninth grades, and on Wednesdays he taught classes to sixth, seventh,
fourth and fifth grades. My experience seemed good to me since the students cooperated
a lot and learned quickly, despite the fact that they only knew basic vocabulary since a
teacher who studied a degree in child pedagogy taught them English so they did not know
such structural issues, the only thing that failed me was that I could not continue with my
practice I could only do it until the beginning of March, because of the contingency
situation of the covid-19 virus, coronavirus They closed the school and since it is a rural
school the children do not have the resources to study virtual I could not continue teaching
my classes. Although this happened, I know that my students learned something
significant in the area of English since I tried to design my classes as didactically as
possible between that is that I could teach them some songs in English, I took them some
didactic resources that I made them as cards and posters those resources leave them in
the classroom so that they can practice what they can teach. One of the difficulties I saw in
the school is that there were not enough technological resources to work, there was only
one computer per room and a video beam project for the whole school. They are in two
groups; however I tried to teach them. About the methods, strategies, and teaching that I
implemented, it was taking into account the four language skills listening, writing, reading
and speaking, it gave me a shame not being able to continue teaching English I had good
projects for them to practice the language.


To finish describing this pedagogical experience, I think at this moment for me that I
needed full face-to-face practice since this semester I have already graduated and I will no
longer have face-to-face practice, because on vacation and sometimes when I have time I
give English tutoring to children individually, but it is not the same as teaching an English
class in a classroom with many students and trying to interact in English, but although I am
about to graduate I have projected for next year if I delay In getting a job as an English
teacher I am going to give face-to-face advice in my English house so as not to forget and
practice everything I learned in my career and that I can also take as a pedagogical
experience because I will be practicing my teaching.

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