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Characterization of the class

- Public school students
- 7th grade
- boys and girls

2. Are the goals of the lesson clear?

yes, the objectives of the class are:
- students understand what comparative adjectives mean.
- that students understand the grammatical rules of comparative
- students can form simple affirmative sentences with comparative
- students can turn any adjective into a comparative adjective.

3.What teaching materials did you use? How effective were they?
- A slide show was made.
- The presentation included 5 practical activities.
- they developed a photocopy with simple phrases and adjectives that they had
to convert into comparative adjectives.
- a column of adjectives and another of comparatives were pasted on the
board, they had to match the correct one

4.What techniques did you use?

before preparing the class, I wanted to apply the technique of using didactic
tools, making the class interactive and dynamic, forming a semicircle with the
students, so that they feel more comfortable and participate easily
5. Was your lesson teacher-dominated?
Yes, the teacher in charge assigned me the group and topic I could work on
and approved the lesson plans, slides and activities.
6.Which parts of the lesson were most successful?
the practical parts, when the students went to the blackboard and did exercises,
it was when I noticed that they were more motivated, most of the students in
this course do not like to write in a notebook, but with real-time practice and
repetition, they understood it very easily.
7.Which parts of the lesson were least successful?
the students do not like to write in the notebook, therefore the theoretical part
and where the grammatical rules of the comparative adjectives were shared,
they did not have the same attitude.
8. What do you wish to observe (e.g., aspects of behavior, problems)?
the behavior of the students in front of the activities, the subjects, and the way
in which the teacher teaches them. I also want to learn how to identify
different learning styles in students.
9. What are the positive features of the performance?
the positive characteristics are, drawing the attention of the students,
identifying that they understood the lesson and that the students actively
participate with the activities and exercises that are applied during the class.
10.. What is the role of the teacher (e.g., expository, inquiry)?
the role that I wanted to apply in this class was expository, inquiring,
empathic, creative, communicative and didactic.
11. Are the students involved and interested?
yes, during the class they were very participative and attentive to all the
activities that were taking place.
12. What types of utterances are made?
when students begin to understand and form simple sentences during class, he
says things like "I'm already a gringo" "I can go to another country now"
13. Is the pace right?
Reviewing the video, I think the timing and rhythm of the voice were fine, for
a 45-minute class.
14. What style of classroom/pupil organization is used?
for this class I asked the students to organize themselves in a semicircle and I
think that in this way I could have more attention from them.
15. What negative features of this performance present themselves?
In this class, I think there were more positive aspects, but the distraction
caused by the mobile is very great, right now I think an addiction to social
networks and the mobile is being created.
16.What nonverbal behavior is present?
disinterest in few students, they do not want to learn and do not have the
attitude to receive a class, few did not enter the class and the teacher in charge
allows it.
17. What symbols, icons, rituals, or artifacts are observed?
The only thing that I identify is that the students are very distracted with their
cell phones, on social networks, during class, sometimes they do exercises like
Kahoot or quizz where they can connect from their cell phones, but when they
are not in an activity like this, they are distracted.
18. Are the voices clear?
I don't understand very well what the question refers to, but as for the video of
the class, the sound is bad.
19. Is the language formal or informal?
Informal language is used on some occasions to facilitate student
20. .What mannerisms are evident?
I don't understand what the word mannerisms means, and the meaning of
google is not logical to answer something in class.
21. hat is the source of my ideas about language teaching?
I believe that the best way to learn a language at any age is the didactic part,
where the student is at the center and experiments, dares to practice, and is not
afraid of the result. I think that in public schools the English subject was the
one that fewer students wanted to see, it made them sad or afraid and it
shouldn't be like that, so I think that changing the methodology could be the
best way.
22. Where am I in my professional development?
I am learning every day, when I started my degree I did not know exactly what
I wanted to do, but as I have been doing the internships I have realized that I
enjoy classes with certain ages and groups of students more, every day I learn
something new either thanks to the students, my classmates or the teachers, I
think I'm on the right track.
23. How am I developing as a language teacher?
practice is essential, the more contact you have with the language, the better it
will be for me as a student teacher. I think I still have a lot to learn, but
everything is a process.
24.What are my strengths as a language teacher?
My strong points, I think, are the design of the class material, the didactic
material, the activities, the slides, the videos, the evaluations and the handling
of ICT, the use of space and seeing the student as the center of the class.
25.What are my limitations at present?
I feel that I lack more vocabulary and practice to arrive at a class speaking
completely in English and to be able to do a class completely in English. I lack
the vocabulary to speak English confidently.
26.Are there any contradictions in my teaching?
Probably the contradiction is that I don't feel I have the necessary vocabulary
in English but I am a graduate student in English.
27.How can I improve my language teaching?
working on the skills that I feel I need to improve, practicing the language
more and looking for new tools to have didactic and effective classes.
28.How am I helping my students?
the follow-up and the process that is carried out with the students is slow but
efficient, we are analyzing their abilities and how it is easier for them to learn.
29. What satisfaction does language teaching give me?
enseñar el idioma me hace sentir feliz, ver y saber que los alumnos están
aprendiendo, que les empieza a gustar el idioma, y que no les da pereza, es
muy satisfactorio.
30. .What things have you learned from this analysis?
planning classes, analyzing students before and after class, keeping track of
my progress and theirs, is important for better teaching.

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