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Given the concepts and the infographic, how can you participate and assist in a face-to-face
learning environment?
-As I was, given the concepts and the infographic that the learning environment is face-to-face class. I
notice that all the chairs and tables are well arrange in the infographic. And. It is definitely ready for
the students to participate in engaging activities and the things that is need to teach the learnings and
the subject matter of the teacher. The way I can show my participating and assisting the learning in a
face-to-face learning environment through preparing activities that provides instructions and
evaluates student’s learning. Which is why equipment’s and instructional materials are made
available in the classroom where teaching and learning take place most of the time. In additional, to
be a teacher in participating and assisting students I must conduct engaging, interactive, and
informative training sessions. And manage the training environment. Adjust your teaching style and
methods to meet participants' needs. Facilitate discussions in a way that enhances the learning
experience and deepens participants' understanding.

Classroom Environment Before
- Old chairs and tables with a heavy gauge steel and hard plastic seat and backs

-Only using Manila Paper in Presenting a discussion

-Limited instructional materials/activities; manila paper, text books and etc.

- Limited Ventilation equipments/lite room materials

Classroom Environment Now

- Chairs and tables are well made with a poly shells that are more animated

- Improves using technological gadgets in Presenting it through Powerpoint and etc.

- Improves more in the modern of instructional materials and productively; projectors and laptop etc.

- Improves Ventilation equipments with Air conditioner and/heavy room materials.

What do you think brought the changes in the face-to-face learning environment now?
-In my own perspective, I think it brought the changes in the face-to-face learning is the K-12 program curriculum
and the 21st century skills. Which is why it is so productive and well enhance classes with the face-to-face
learning environment in this modern era. Were students and teachers can learn through the use of social media,
technology visualizer, and more. Since, it is pandemic in this current situation, there’s a little bit change in the
face-to-face learning environment, because it is now a blended learning where teachers and students can now
access to the use of online and module learning to their houses or school premises which change a lot in the
learning environment.
From the changes that you identified, choose one that you can do. How will you do it?
-I think the changes that I have identified. Maybe I can do it through online class as an intern teacher.
Since, it is pandemic. I can actually manage it to use my teaching demonstration to the student
learning environment, through using Online Platform classes and other entertaining and internet
engaging activities. To make my student to be active and motivated in my lessons in choosing this that
I can do it through online class environment to be conducive in learning.

Do you think making the learning environment conducive for a face-to-face classroom will
enable the learners to achieve better learning outcomes? Yes Explain your
-Because, making the learning environment conducive for a face-to-face classroom will enable the
learners to achieve better learning outcomes through; interactive activities like, recitation, role plays,
group works and so on. This will enhance the learner’s social skills and also their 21 st century skills
even in the teacher as well. In engaging the learning environment of the learner’s increases students'
attention and focus, promotes meaningful learning experiences, encourages higher levels of student
performance, and motivates students to practice higher-level critical thinking skills to be a conducive
learning environment.

Write Action Research Prompts

What common problem have I noticed in a face-to-face learning environment?
-I think one of the common problem that I have noticed in a face-to-face learning environment is the insufficient
funding for classroom supplies and equipment, because if there’s no supplies and money to maintain a good face-
to-face learning environment, it will not be a conducive learning environment that’s why we need to resolve this
problem at once.

Can I translate this problem into a question?

-Yes, I can translate this problem into a question of “Why there is always an insufficient school supplies and
equipment in teachers and learners inside the classroom? How can you manage this situation?”

How would I solve the problem?
-As a future teacher, I can solve this problem in by means of requesting letter of
assistantship in the government. Where I can manage to get aid from the government or the
community to donate the school with sufficient school supplies and equipment that is
needed for my learners in our day to day life lessons.

Will it improve my teaching? Yes How?

-By means of having the sufficient equipment’s and money in developing your classroom into
a good productive learning. I am sure that students will satisfy there needs of learning. And
so to improve their quality of education and it is also to improve my teaching in way of
enhancing my knowledge and skills in having sufficient and enough of information in a
conducive learning system.

What will I do to solve the problem? Describe briefly how you will do it.
-I will do what it takes to have a sufficient equipment and money to provide my class in a
good stable learning outcomes by means of providing them what can I afford to my students
in terms of; papers, school supplies, photocopy of my lessons and visual aids in technology
stuff. In order for my students to learn more productively in our topic in the ways I will do it.

Work on my Artifacts:
Describe the physical environment:
-As I have described this physical environment it is all about the student and the teacher’s interaction with each
other on how the get along in the learning in face-to-face environment. I think there is more space inside the
room, which is more than enough for the learners to move or roam inside the classroom to discover things what’s
inside in the classroom and to participate in every activity. Yes, the room arrangement match with teaching-
learning principles, because inside the classroom it is versatile and yet, they can socialize to each other and they
can develop a good concept in exchanging ideas through interaction and collaboration in the classroom. So on as
in the several room arrangements in the school are also match it is quite the same in this room that I am
observing. In additional, the visual displays are more attractive and they do stimulate the learning, because it has
more engaging, motivating and activities on it to be learn and to be taught by the learner’s conducively. The
school premises is safe and the classroom space is free from hazards, because our school is more quite a private
and it will always have a guard or rules that need to follow and also in emergency hotline as well, but overall my
resource teacher is always have the thing in keeping secured and safe in the classroom, because she’s more well
train and more looking at to her learner’s. Lastly, the learners are more comfortable in terms of light and
ventilation inside the classroom, because the school is private and it is already a enhance school with good
ventilation and light materials use like; Air Conditioner and hard materials for the student to be comfortable in

Describe the psychological environment:

-As I have, describe this psychological environment, it tells about the behavior and the attitude of the student and
the teacher in the classroom environment on how they are behaving and interact with each other. I think there
are sets of rules and procedures followed inside the classroom by means of; Please be quiet, class hours are
starting, be hygienic, rules in fire and earthquake drills. Paying attention in class, no cheating policy, respect
religious behavior, be open minded and accept and treat nicely of your classmates and always recognize the
importance of differences and qualities of different gender identity of the learner and there’s more. These are the
rules that makes and sets the classroom into a good procedure to develop the learning of the student’s mind.
Which the teacher can demonstrate the procedure to the learner on how they adopt the learning system of rules
inside the classroom. There are some of sets of expectations that can motivate the learners to learn by means of
engaging social activities like group works, recitation with points and visual video to make them more realistic
and entertaining in class so that they would achieve a good learning outcome. In my addition, these are all
observable in class like; the classroom atmosphere based on trust, cooperation and empathy, with this kind of
behavior the student would develop their skill on social and interactive in the classroom. Modeling of positive
attitude, respectful behavior, constructive actions and avoidance of ridicule, sarcasm, superiority in the class,
because this would develop their self-esteem and being the best version of themselves and lastly, there always
opportunities for learners to share their experiences and learning with each other, because learning starts with
us as we go over to our school to discover and to learn independently in ourselves.
Describe the social environment:
-As I have observed the in the social environment in our classroom, it is more likely
to be an interactive and social vibe that makes learner’s and teachers to be
exchanging ideas. To be more conducive in the learning environment. I think, there
are more opportunities for positive interaction inside the classroom, because our
resource teacher is giving a good engaging activities and interaction to her student’s
in way of showing a video in her lesson plan, games, recitation and group work
activities. Which it can make the learners to improve their social skills and
dedication in learnings and to know them each other on how they manage to
improve their communication skills and also the teacher is giving some rewards and
other to boost their learnings and so on with points and recognizing their works as
by groups or individuals. Yes, there are outdoor activities that foster friendship,
camaraderie and cooperation? By means of Physical education or exercise before,
diving to their formal class to improve their physical appearance and to be energize
in their lessons. The individual needs and differences considered in the classroom,
because we are in country called democratic, it is okay to have a freedom of speech
and to respect each of our differences of what we are and who we are, because we
are unique in our own ways. Also, this would improve our good behavior, because
considering our differences and the needs of the classroom is important to consider
the goodness of everyone in the classroom.


As a teacher, what have you discovered to be easy to implement in your virtual class?
-Well, as I discovered to be the easiest way to implement in a virtual class. I think to be interactive and
communication, because with this skills, we can easily get along the virtual class into a good engaging
and motivating learning using the virtual mode platform in the internet. Because as we interact we
learn something and it can be encourage the learner’s to exchange ideas and to collaborate to the
teacher and to their classmates in one another.

How did the students show their active participation in the lesson?
-By means of a teacher giving them a lesson of well encouraging, engaging and more
interactively fun, which they can catch their attention to participate in the virtual lesson
through recitation, group collaborative and more ideas to learn from their respective
teacher in the online class.

1. /

2. /


4. /
As a future teacher I feel that the on-line learning environment can be safe if
-I will manage them well, it giving good guidelines on be aware of the social media like;
cyberbullying, phishing, hacking etc. I will also orient or demonstrate them to use the online
platform environment in our day to day lesson. Also to give them advice and guidelines on
using the online learning environment, because it is sometimes dangerous without the help
of the teacher’s advice.

I think that teaching in a virtual learning environment is

-mostly it is challenging and emotional sometimes, because it is hard for us teachers to monitor the
learning of our students, because we can’t see them much on how they behave in our class session is
we cannot see them in physical only in virtual and also to know what are their emotion feelings in
their face and etc. And also it is hard for students as well, they can’t afford online learning if they don’t
have a budget with it and they go on modular learning, which is a bit difficult to monitor, but all we
can do is to keep moving and do what it takes to solve this challenge in life as a teacher in the virtual
learning environment.

Identify the problems brought about by the on-line learning environment.
-I think the problems brought about by the on-line learning environment are; technical issues in
software virus like; cyberbullying, phishing, and hacking. It can be a hindrance to students in
distractions in assignments or lacking of money to sustain the needs of the students in online
learning, because their family can’t afford it all the time and the internet connection as well.

How would you solve this problem?
-This problem will be solved, by means of demonstrating or orienting the use of the online platform
when to use or when to not, knowing the advantages and disadvantages of using the online learning.
Also to avoid serious problems in cyberbullying or hacking this is why. I need to make netiquette for
online guidelines learners to use the online. Also to set the schedules to be provided the learners time
in entering the online platform and to limit the use of internet the use of learners.

What initial plan do you intend to do to solve the problem?
-I will find a way to communicate to my students and give those suggestions or advice on
what they are feeling in this virtual learning environment and to listen them, if they have a
problem and so on. That I can manage to solve this problem and to overcome their problem.

List of Websites and the Titles of the Contents

Name of Website

3. Kahoot!.com
4. EdX:
5. Academic Earth:
6. Internet Archive:
7. Big Think:
8. CosmoLearning:
9. Howcast:
10. Futures Channel:

It is an educational tool that connects teachers and students, and is assimilated into a social
network. In this one, teachers can create online collaborative groups, administer and
provide educational materials, measure student performance, and communicate with
parents, among other functions.

It is an educational platform that allows creating educational lessons with the collaboration
of teachers, students, animators generally people who want to expand knowledge and good

It is an educational platform that is based on games and questions. Through this tool,
teachers can create questionnaires, discussions, or surveys that complement academic

An online learning destination and MOOC provider, offering high-quality courses from the
world's best universities and institutions to learners everywhere.

Gives huge array of academic options to student from traditional to contemporary studies.
They provide online degree courses from accounting and economics to engineering and also
carries material on niche subjects like behavioral psychology.

Is an authentic website storing the originals from various big websites. For example,
American libraries include the collection of free book directly attached with the college
libraries' websites.
It makes a great use of this website by creating their own distinct ideology, as it provide
various opinions on one subject.

This website is synthesized with three main options, including educational material, courses
and documentaries and academic purposes.

It’s a one-stop website for all the subjects

This is not just an online portal, but an educational channel for the learners and learning
materials as well.

Episode 8 Establishing My Own Classroom Routines and Procedures in a

Face-to-Face/Remote Learning.
Participate and Assist
-Before: As you enter, the classroom with proper manners and greetings like; good morning,
excuses and respect to the teachers and others. Checking attendance sheet, eating and
drinking as you go inside the classroom. Because the school ensures that you must following
the rules and regulations to ensure that you are abiding following the greetings and other
rules inside the classroom.
-During: Inside the classroom, you must participate in activities like; group work activities,
peer activities, recitation, reading and writing, know to communicate and interact with
other with questions and suggestions as well. So, the school ensures the proper interactions
and communications in the activities to achieve and to learning outcomes.
-After: Leaving the classroom with polite manners and by grouping with learners and a nice
way of saying of ending the session/dismissal in class. It is a great way of lessons you learn.
In which the school wants to ensure the learnings and motivation of the student that at end
of the day would, learn something in the classroom with questions and suggestion after they
head out of school.
-Problems: While implementing those I find it hard to observe and act with it. Because
sometimes those implementations in those kind of routine which takes a huge big
responsible as a teacher to his or her students. But not all the time we can do that routines
which it must be manage and to treat students in a nice way.

-I felt like, relax and calm because I contributed my knowledge and ideas to my Resource Teacher in
being useful and manageable in the classroom and also to the students as well. Which I am more
productive and with a good condition mood.

-My students responded to my classroom routines and procedure. In a manner of majority agree and
they like my classroom routines and also to my Resource teacher. And for that, they think it is okay
and well made in my classroom routine management to them.

-I think the feedback of my Resource Teacher on my classroom routines and procedures are. She is
practically approve my routines and procedures to class and also, she is proud of me that as an intern
teacher I’m improving a little bit. But, she suggests that I must need to create and find for guidelines
and routines in some other procedures that it can help me in my future teaching course to be ready as
a teacher someday.

-Yes, there is for example; when the students go out or eat the canteen. I would surely allow them to
go out 1 by 1 and with excuses so that it is will discipline and organize for me and for the students as

-She’s quite indulge and amaze by my procedures and routines that I made for her and to give additional in her
guidelines. But she is expect that I have more in mind for it and continue to develop this kind of concept in
making a procedures and routine to my future students to implement it.

1. What factors/conditions prompted you to establish those classroom routines and
-The factors/conditions prompted me to establish those classroom routines and procedures are to
main the attitude and behavior in the student. To be more professional respectful, mature, open-
minded and to practice themselves in the future and also it is very important for them to learn and to
be a good learner in the classroom.

2. Was there a marked improvement in classroom management after employing your

classroom routines?
-Yes, there is a marked of improvement in the classroom management, after employing my classroom routines to
my students. Because, they deliberately follow them and use it in their day to day life learning inside the
classroom or even in the outside of the classroom. Like I observe, them as always and it made me feel happy that,
they embark and consistently following that guidelines that I share to them and to know me well in a relationship
with the students.

3. Did the teaching-learning process improve? Justify your answer.

-Yes, the teaching-learning process improve, because there’s a good impact on the learning of the
teacher and the student relationship in interacting, communicating and understanding to each other.
With a good conducive learning environment that the student manage to grasp the lesson of the

What insights have you gained while doing this learning episode?
-I have gained more knowledge and it enhance my teaching skills. In developing my
creativity, communication, interaction, collaboration and it boost my self-esteem. Making
the routines and procedures to my students and also to my resource teacher as well. In
sharing what my ideas on the classroom management.

Write Action Research Prompts

1. The problems/challenges I encountered in establishing my classroom routines
- is that there are some students are not agreed or disagreed to my classroom routines,
which they find it is so difficult or they don’t like to have that kind of classroom routines as
they react that way.

2. I hope to achieve to address these problems and challenges by
-talking to my resource teacher to get more suggestions and additional ideas with these
problems that I am experiencing it to my students; that most of them agreed on my
guidelines and routines some of them are not, because it’s too easy or too difficult for them.
This is why I want to boost their feelings to be willing and motivate on these routines that I
made for them, because it is for their own good as well.

3. Some strategies/ways which I can employ to improve my classroom routines are
-through by means of researching and conducting a survey to them to know what are the ways to
improve. To also interact with the students and to assist, if they are having a difficulty in the class. Or I
can ask the internet to deepen and broaden my awareness of this strategies to improve and employ
my teaching strategies to my students in the classroom routines.

4. (Based on my answers in nos. 1-3), the possible title of my action research on this
episode is

“Enhancing an Effective Classroom Management and Implementing the

Routines and Procedures through the teacher and the students”.

To further:
-I think Google Scholarship docs or TedTalks education in the online platform.
Can help me further my knowledge, ideas and experiences broaden up. Because, it
will enhance my knowledge more in creating my own routines and procedures in my
future class. And also, that I have watched so much in TedTalks I have one learning in
“How to be a great teacher” and this link as well “
v=bNcQjnpmFns” these questions, it makes all sense to me that a great teacher is a
great learner as well, because we improve every day we learn. And that learning
would make us a better future teacher in life and we can do a thing or for two to add
more our knowledge to ourselves in making the best version of it.
Philosophical Statement

I think my set of ideals, values, beliefs and goals on classroom/remote learning management is to
be productive and be follow on choosing which is right or wrong decision in your conscience. I
want them to be comfortable with the other students, as well as me, so that there can be
meaningful discussions and interactions. Talking will be common place in my classroom, along
with group work. I want to encourage all students to participate in class so that they can learn
from each other as well as me. I want to have a democratic and equitable classroom so that
students can learn. I want to be a fair as I can be, so the students trust me. I will also show the
least of my good values, my experiences and the things that I learn from the school previous
school in my high school and show them the good and moral values in my learnings in my high
school life.

I think the way that I want to set my criteria and/or standards will set to judge the quality of my
classroom and remote learning is to have a good access in technology and a good communication
to your students and teachers in engaging learning and so on. With the feeling of having a very
patient and calm attitude with my class. I ask students about their life outside of class and feel
that they respond in class even more, knowing that someone is paying attention to them. I want
them to feel comfortable asking questions of me. I think my attitude towards the students is not
overbearing or authoritative. I do not believe in forcing the students to do anything. I want to
work with them in all circumstances so that we can achieve together and they don’t feel like I am
spoon-feeding them information. I want students to be a part of their learning. I want to motivate
students to learn and keep their interest by using engaging curriculum.
Classroom Rules and Procedures
I think one of the Classroom Rules and Procedures that I want to make and to ensure the
discipline of my students and I want it to implement in my classroom;
The best rule that I have heard and I would believe to be my attitude towards classroom rules is
that I need a classroom where learning takes place, and if we can respect each other then we don’t
need any other "rules." I absolutely believe in keeping a safe environment where put-downs and
name calling is not allowed–this also falls under respect. If I can have respect for my students as
well as having them respecting each other, I believe this leads to a safe environment where
learning can take place. I am not a stickler for gum chewing or eating and drinking as long as it
does not interfere with learning and doesn’t make a mess. I would like to give my kids the
freedom to eat or drink as long as they are responsible for their trash and mess. If it gets out of
control, I will let them know that the privilege will be taken away, right from the beginning. I also
do not mind if students wear hats in class. To me this is an ancient rule and as long as the hat does
not interfere with learning, then I will let them wear them.
I may try to create a class constitution if behaviors in the class are inconsistently out of control. I
really like the idea of having the students involved in making their own rules and negotiating
with each other which ones to put in the constitution. If the students are involved in making the
rules, I believe they will be more inclined to obey them and the consequences that will be
implemented will not be fought against. I would have the students write the final constitution on a
poster board and hang it in the room. I would also send the constitution home to have the parents
sign it and return it to me so that I can include them in what we are trying to accomplish in the
I would also use class meetings to discuss whole-school rules. I would hope that the school in
general takes some time during the year to discuss policies with the students to get student
feedback. In my high school this year, there was class time assigned to discussing the issue of
homework. The administration is taking the feedback of the students to decide how to solve the
issue of students having too much homework. I believe that it is imperative to adhere to whole-
school rules in order to have an effective policy in the school. I will try my best to follow the
whole-school rules where they make sense for the safety of the students or for order in the
school. If I do not agree with the school rules, I will be talking to administration to see if there
may be alternative possibilities.
Teacher-Student Relationships
I want to treat every student in my class as I treat my family as well in a nice way of manner;
giving greetings, generous and the good attitude. Through saying, “Goodmorning, My Dear Class
how as your day!”. I also want to respect them and with a good behavior as well. I also want to
treat my students in a simple way of recognizing them when they recited and motivate them
through activities and engaging group works. I also, want them to know that they have been
treated equally and deserve to be treated as person. Because all of us are unique we have
differences in our kind and be treated nicely.

The way that I want to interact to my students is to be with them as well. Or be a student, so that
you will develop a good relationship with your students and you as a teacher. You can also
interact with them, in know their likes and dislikes in introducing and knowing them more. And
also recognize them in giving good recitation and works. So that, the students engage more in
your lesson with good behavior and well mannered.

I will ensure that our good interaction between and among students relationships by means of
doing what it takes to show a behavior of being good and realistic to the learners and also to the
superiors. I also want them to interact, with a humor and understanding each other feelings so
that the class won’t be boring and it would be entertaining and humoristic for them to listen to my
discussion. Lastly, I want to be aware to improve the student’s attitude and behavior around their
superiors or supervisor. So that in the meantime they would manage to be good and to show good
personality to the people around them.
Schedules and Timeframes
I think the way I can organize my class schedule through, using my attendance shit to monitor my
students present and absences and also, I can arrange them in alphabetically in a seating
arrangement. So, that it is easy for me to monitor in checking attendance to know them that they
are present or not. I will keep my students to stay focused in their work task. By just giving them a
good comprehensive topic which they can grasp their willingness to learn, because the topic is
understandable and it is easy to learn, I can also make the students focus in their topic by means
of giving attention through rewards if they can focus in their task and make it a good output, I am
sure in the end they will get a reward and achievement for it and it would boost their engagement
in learning and focusing more to their task. Lastly, you can them also a good salutation or a good
way of discipline so that they would focus more and do more well in their output.
Classroom Structure, Design and Arrangements
The way I can design my classroom which it can create to be an appropriate learning
environment, you must be the best version of yourself and what you are and be free what can you
design in your own creativity. Through attaching pictures in the walls which it can be an eye-
catching to the student’s interest and it would develop their creativity in their task. I will also let
the student to decide on their suggestions in the classroom on whatever designs they want in the
classroom. So that I will know what kind of designs I use for their likeness and other that would
be good for their learning environment. I will also put plants and other attractive things and small
shelves in the class room so that it would look a good learning environment for the students and
lastly, I want supplemental materials for students to have access to for studying, writing or
researching. I will have bookshelves in the corner where students can research and use resources
supplemental to the textbooks. There will be a few computers for projects, reports and research,
as well as use of applications to present reports to the class (PowerPoint). Students will also have
access to the computer lab in the school where they can learn social studies as well as technology
by integrating the lessons. This will foster a holistic-learning approach that I will strive to teach to
my students. We will not be solely learning the facts of history, but will be integrating art, math,
geography, science and psychology to deepen our understanding of our units.
Classroom Safety Rules and Procedures
I want to be consistent with my students in terms of Classroom Safety Rules and Procedures. I
always want to have the agenda on the board so they can copy it down in their notebook everyday
as they walk in. On some days I hope to have a free-writing assignment so I can take role and they
can be engaged and working on their writing. I will use interactive notebooks so students can do
all homework assignments in the notebook as well as take class notes in the notebook and staple
in any handouts. The purpose of this notebook is to keep all class materials in one place so when
they go to study for a test, they are not looking all over for loose papers. In these notebooks,
students can show their creativity in designing a cover page for each unit as well as doing free-
writes or reflections to the lessons and central questions right in the notebook. I will go around
the room and stamp the homework each day it is due and will collect the notebooks every two or
three weeks to grade. Even if the student did not get the homework done, they may lose a point
because they did not have a stamp, but still has time to get the assignment done by collection
time. By stamping the homework and not grading it, it adds consistency to the classroom but does
not lead to negative feelings every day of having the homework graded. I may try to create a class
constitution if behaviors in the class are inconsistently out of control. I really like the idea of
having the students involved in making their own rules and negotiating with each other which
ones to put in the constitution. If the students are involved in making the rules, I believe they will
be more inclined to obey them and the consequences that will be implemented will not be fought
against. I would have the students write the final constitution on a poster board and hang it in the
room. I would also send the constitution home to have the parents sign it and return it to me so
that I can include them in what we are trying to accomplish in the classroom. I would believe to be
my attitude towards classroom rules is that I need a classroom where learning takes place, and if
we can respect each other then we don’t need any other "rules." I absolutely believe in keeping a
safe environment where put-downs and name calling is not allowed–this also falls under respect.
If I can have respect for my students as well as having them respecting each other, I believe this
leads to a safe environment where learning can take place. I would like to give my kids the
freedom to eat or drink as long as they are responsible for their trash and mess. If it gets out of
control, I will let them know that the privilege will be taken away, right from the beginning.
Strategies for Rewards and Consequences
I think the strategies I will employ for rewards and consequences are; if they are doing good in
class I will give them a reward in grade, depending their behavior inside the classroom; like they
are reciting, doing their assignments and the attendance. The rewards I will give is additional
points for their grades, good complements for them or treats if they perfect the exam. One of the
consequences that I will give to my students if they commit bad behavior inside the classroom, I
would give them in a deduction in their grades, teach them a lesson to improve their value of
morality, and tell them that his/her attitude is not good and it can correct it to avoid mischievous
and complicated things inside the classroom. More on, instead of focusing solely on the
misbehavior in the classroom, I want to focus on the good behavior and attitudes in my
classroom. I will have the students fill out postcards at the beginning of the year with their
address on them. I will use these postcards throughout the year to send positive feedback to the
parents at home every week. I will focus on sending a few postcards home each week. I want to
acknowledge and encourage good behavior and academic success in my classroom. I think that
letting parents know at home is another way to involve parents in the classroom as well as
reinforce good behavior and learning by the students. I will make sure that positive post cards
home will be given out for all students no matter how big or how small the accomplishment. I will
also make some positive phone calls home as these have worked well for me this year. I think
parents really appreciate positive phone calls home and it also sets up a dialogue between
parents and teachers. I do not believe, however, in using rewards like stickers or stars, A’s or
praise. To quote Alphie Kohn, "When rewards stop, people usually return to the way they acted
before." I want my students to be intrinsically motivated and giving out rewards inhibits intrinsic
1.What salient components have you noted?
-I think one of the salient components that I have noted are; Philosophical Statement, Classroom Rules and
Procedures, Teacher-Student Relationships, Schedules and Timeframes, Classroom Structure, Design and
Arrangement. Because, all of these are very essential and it is needed in our Classroom Management Plan to
monitor our student’s behavior and to be noticeable in their actions as well. So, that it is easy for us teacher’s to
know their behaviors and so on.

2. Why is there a need to utilize the information to create your classroom management
-I think there is a need to utilize the information to create your own classroom management plan, because
utilizing with information in the classroom management plan. It can make you as teacher in setting up the
classroom management plan to be task to be easy and to monitor your students with using or employing
information through a factual way in a good learning environment for students. Because the important or
purpose of classroom management plan is to make the students accountable for their actions. Effective classroom
management increases students’ success, enhances students’ academic skills and competencies and promotes
social and emotional development.

3. What were the significant things that you noticed when you were implementing your
-I think the significant things that I have noticed when I were implementing my plan is that using a Classroom
Design, because it is important to know the seating the arrangement and the equipment’s use in the class. Rules,
discipline, scheduling, organization and instructional and techniques. All of these are important and significant,
because it is included in implement our management plan in the classroom. I also notice that all of the significant
things that I have implemented these are the elements are very effective in the classroom management plant and
it must be designed. Because each teacher has its own unique style of managing to meet class needs, although I
have use the same elements in the book and it has a complement understanding and conducive learning that I
have applied to it in my classroom management plan.

4.Were there items in your classroom/remote learning management plan which were not
tailored to the needs of your students? How will you improve on these?
- I think there are some items in my classroom/remote learning management plan were not tailored to the needs
of my students like; monitoring their daily healthy lifestyle status, and financial concerns in life which they
impaired their understanding in learning the classroom. I think one of the best reasons that I will improve on this
kind of situation to my students. Firstly, I want to give it all the best I can to support their daily healthy lifestyle,
by teaching them and demonstrating them to know to take care of yourself and to be neat and clean and healthy.
Second, I want to support my students, by taking care of them inside the classroom and providing them what is
needed inside the classroom and to donate them as well if I can.

1.What elements in your classroom/remote learning management plan were mostly
followed/compiled with?
-I think one of my elements in my classroom/remote learning management plan were I mostly
followed/compiled with are; Rules, Discipline, Scheduling, Organization and Communication.
Because, all of these are mostly compiled and mostly followed all the time. Because it makes students,
to improve their personality and to be a professional person.

2. What elements in your plan were the most difficult to implement? Why?
-I think one of the elements in my plan were the most difficult to implement is the Instructional Techniques and
Classroom Design. Because I have notice that in making a classroom design it must be related to students
personality and there want’s and needs so, that it would reflect them in their personality and to know that they
like this classroom design you made from them so, that it attracts their attention and engagement in
mesmerizing your classroom design to them and also in the Instructional Techniques it takes time and effort to
think because you will use ways by implementing your learning content in different ways to make your learning
to be comprehensive and conducive for your students to grasp, regardless in tailoring your techniques to the
subject, grade levels and nature of the learner.

What were your realizations after creating and implementing your classroom/remote
learning management plan?
-I think my realizations after creating and implementing my own classroom/remote learning management plan.
It was kind of difficult and at the same time it is challenging and fun to make. Because, in creating and
implementing your classroom learning management plan, it takes time to monitor the student’s behavior, and to
apply it develop and to be effective in the classroom manage for the students. Because, a good learning
environment produces highly engage students who learn more, do more and work more. Teachers likewise
become more creative and productive in their work in implementing your own classroom management plan to
be good, engaging and comprehensive. I also realizing in implementing your own classroom management plan it
develops an effective working relationships with students, it trains students on how learning takes place inside
the classroom, it protects and leverages the time, it anticipates student’s behaviors in well-written lesson plans
and it establish standards of behavior that promote student learning factually.

1.The problems/challenges I encountered in writing my classroom Management Plan
-Some of the problems and challenges that I encountered in writing my Classroom Management Plan
are the communications, because communication is a bit hard to make when your students doesn’t
listen that much and yes, it is difficult to grasp and to understand in the classroom management. And
also, one of the problems I have encountered too are the Instructional techniques and classroom

2. I hope to achieve to address these problems and challenges by
-talking to my resource teacher to get more suggestions and additional ideas with these problems that I am
experiencing on it in the classroom Management Plan. And I also, want to know what are the students needs and
wants in the classroom Management Plan. I want to improve the communication in class because it is really
needed in our classroom. I also want to achieve a good classroom design and Instructional techniques, by asking
for more additional tips and ideas on how to get along with this challenges that I am experiencing in making a
classroom manage to be good and conducive for the students to learn in progress and easy to adopt the
classroom management plans.

3. Some strategies/solutions/means that I can employ to improve these
-through by means of researching and conducting a survey to them to know what are the ways to
improve. To also interact with the students and to assist, if they are having a difficulty in the
classroom management. Or I can ask the internet to deepen and broaden my awareness of this
strategies to improve and employ my teaching strategies to my students in the classroom
management plan

4. Based on my answers in nos. 1-3, the possible title of my action research on this episode

“Improving and Designing classrooms and Instructional Techniques to

Maximize Student Achievement”.

To further
I think Google Scholarship docs, TedTalks and Teachings in education in the online platform.
Can help me further enrich my knowledge, ideas and experiences. Because, it will broaden up my
knowledge more on designing my own classroom/remote management plan where in the classroom
or in remote learning. And also, these are some of the online resources which will help me in these
activities that I have watched so much in TedTalks and this are the titles in the “Proven steps to a
better classroom | Tatiana Lingos-Webb | TEDxYouth@BeaconStreet and Classroom Management”
This are videos that it will make you improve your knowledge and enrich your learnings in making
your Classroom Management to be authentic and real in your future teaching course and here’s the
link to the videos in the title in youtube; “,” Which it would improve your quality in making
your own classroom management to be excellent.

Work on my Artifacts
Paste your Classroom/Remote Management Plan


2. What difficulties did you meet in writing your lesson/learning plans?
- I think one of the difficulties that I have meet in writing my lesson plan are; stating learning outcomes, because
you need to think of it on how you can achieve your learning outcomes to your students. Identify learning
resources to be used, identifying strategies to be used, integrating lesson concepts to real life situations,
integrating values in the lessons, and formulating the assessment tools. This are the difficulties that I have meet
in writing a lesson plan.

3. What feedback was/were given by your Resource Teacher in your first draft/succeeding
lesson/learning plans?
-The feedback that was given to me by my Resource Teacher; Renalyn Rose E Mandique in my first draft lesson
plan. She said that my lesson plan is well made, the content was good all of my objectives were comprehensively
aligned, the motivations, discussions, presentations, evaluations, assignments and so on. But the only thing she
notice that I must improve my grammars in my sentences and re-read again in my Detailed Lesson Plan. Overall,
she stated that my Lesson is a good quality and yes, I’m happy for my Resource that she said to me with good
positive feedbacks.

4. What were the best features/areas for improvement of your/lesson learning plans?
-I think the best features and areas for improvement of my lesson is the Grammars and the way that you are
going to deliver your lesson plan with your content. And it must be Comprehensively made for the learner’s in
order for it to have a good Lesson in your students.

1.How did you arouse students’ interest? What motivational techniques did you indicate in
your plan?

I did arouse my student’s

interest in my topic about
poetry. And my motivational
techniques that I indicate to my
plan is all about asking
questions and videos and
visual. So that my learner’s will
not get bored in my topic.
2. How did you respond to the diverse types of learners?

I just respond the to the

diverse learners in a manner or
respecting them in a nice way
and recognizing their cultures
and honoring them in their
behavior and attitudes. By
means of saying good things,
and salutations in our topic.

3. What instructional strategies will you employ in face-to-face or in a remote learning

delivery for this lesson? Explain.

The way that I will use my instructional

strategies that I will employ in face-to-to or in a
remote learning for my delivery this lesson
through facilitating the group class, to allow my
students ask questions or I should ask them
questions if they understand or not understand
the lesson, group activities and recitation. It
can be direct instruction or interactive

4. Was the language used appropriate to the level of the students? Explain your answer

Yes, the language used appropriate to

the level of my students, because it is a
Grade 9 lesson plan in Epic Poetry. And
all the content was followed to my
Resource Teacher and it is well made
and well comprehensive briefly to

5. What types and levels of questions did you formulate? Are they of the higher order
thinking skills (HOTS)? Write two (2) examples.
My types and levels of questions I did
formulate is related to a Epic Poetry
“Beowulf” and it is a Grade 9. Yes, they are
higher order thinking skills for 2 examples;
they should answer these questions After
watching of Beowulf, what would you say
were the qualities deeply esteemed by the
people of those times? Would these qualities
be esteemed in our times? Beowulf was a
good leader. What qualities would you
demand from a national leader? What
quality/qualities of Beowulf would be
6. What instructional resources will you use? Why? Cite the possible online resources that
you can utilize whether done in the classroom or in remote learning?

I think one of the resources I will to use to

my lesson plan whether it is online
resources, remote learning or classroom
are; Laptop, Powerpoint Presentation,
Speakers, Video Clips, textbooks, visual aids
and handouts. This are the possible online
resources that I cite it from the internet that
I will use it through online or in the
classroom, so that it is common and easy for
me to discuss to my learners and it is a
conducive learning at all.

7. Are your modes of assessment aligned with your learning outcomes and activities? Cite a
specific example.

Yes, my modes of assessments are aligned with

my learning outcomes and my activities. For
example; This are my learning outcomes •define
epic poetry through identifying its
characteristics and features; •analyze the given
text through guide questions; •show the value of
cooperation through a group activity; and,
•develop social awareness in relating the
themes of an epic poem to real life. And my
activities more on videos, group activities,
questions and answers and it relates to my
learning objectives.

8. Will your performance tasks ensure the mastery of the learning competencies? Explain

Yes, my performance tasks

ensure the mastery of the
learning competencies. Because,
I just following the curriculum of
Grade-9 and just made it in a
lesson plan and integrate it in my
own ways of instructional
9. In a scale of 1-10, How will you rate your learning plan(s)? Justify your answer.

I rate it 9 out of 10. It’s because there

some a little bit of errors in my
grammars but it is well-made and it is
briefly understanding and conducive to
learning. My learning plan or lesson plan
is comprehensively made and it is easy to
understand my topic and it is well made.

10. If this lesson is not implemented face-to-face, how are you going to do it remotely?

If this lesson is not implemented face-

to-face. If it is going to be remotely, well
I can say it I just to improve or to
integrate again the activities and the
things that I will to use to my lesson
plan in way of remotely which is more
technology and other things that I need
to improve it with activities related to
technology and it is still the same topic,
but with a mix of 21st century skill or it
is integrated.

Why is lesson planning an integral part of the instructional cycle?
-I think lesson planning is an integral part of the instructional cycle, because it is the
core to integrate a curriculum in the topic to make it more blooming and to improve
or add-on some engaging activities and lessons, which can catch up the interest of
students in the topic and to make it livelier and more creative. Which is why an
effective lesson plan has a great impact on the teaching learning process. It is a must
that teachers plan their lessons effectively to ensure a successful instructional
experience. Lastly, Instructional planning helps the teacher to construct goals,
objectives, instructional and assessment methodology for the classroom. It is
systematic planning that helps in developing, evaluating, managing the instructional
process during the classroom process.
1.The problems/challenges I encountered in writing my learning/lesson plans
-Some of the problems and challenges that I encountered in writing my learning/lesson plans all of the content
was hard to make, because it takes more time to finish in one topic in a lesson plan. But the most thing I’ve
encountered in making a lesson plan are; stating the learning outcomes, identifying learning resources to be
used, Planning specific learning activities, integrating lessons concepts to real life situations, integrating values
in the lessons, formulating assessment tools and giving assignments.

2. I hope to achieve to address these problems and challenges by
-talking to my resource teacher to get more suggestions and additional ideas with these problems that I am
experiencing on it in making a learning/lesson plans. And I also, want to know what are the students’ needs and
wants on how I can give a good quality output for my lesson plans to my students and to encounter this kind of
problems and challenges in making a lesson plan. To give my achievement, I think I should know my students
first and make a comprehensive and short lesson plan in order for them to understand the topic and grasp their
attention and to learn a good conducive lesson plan.

3. Some strategies/solutions/means that I can employ to improve these
-through by means of researching and conducting a survey to them to know what are the ways to improve. To
also interact with the students and to assist, if they are having a difficulty in understanding my lesson plans or
the ways I teach. Or I can ask the internet to deepen and broaden my awareness of this strategies, solutions, and
the means to improve and employ my teaching strategies to my students in the making the lesson/learning plan.

4. Based on my answers in nos. 1-3, the possible title of my action research on this episode

“Integrating and Maximizing the good quality in Making a Conducive

Lesson Plan”.

To further
I think Google Scholarship docs, Youtube Videos, TedTalks and Teachings in education in the
online platform. Can help me further enrich my knowledge, ideas and experiences. Because, it will
broaden up my knowledge more on writing my learning/lesson plans whether in the classroom or in
remote learning. And also, these are some of the online resources which will help me in these
activities that I have watched so much in TedTalks and this are the titles in the “Lesson Planning
Making and ” This are videos that it will make you improve your knowledge and enrich your learnings
in writing your own learning/lesson plans to be authentic and real in your future teaching course and
here’s the link to the videos in the title in youtube; “

Work on my Artifacts

“My Simple Reflection in making my own Lesson Plan”

-My Lesson Plan is detailed. I just follow my Resource

Teacher’s Lesson Plan, because her lesson plan is very
conducive in learning and it is well made comprehensively base
in her Performance and Standard Competencies in the
Curriculum in Grade 9 level. I just integrate and follow the
method of her lesson plan. But the same subject as well. She
said, that my lesson is good and uniquely made by me. Because
my lesson plan has all the Higher order thinking skills and it is
very convenient to the students to understand well and to
grasp their attentions, because my lesson plan has many
engaging activities and yes, it is more interesting because it is a
Epic Poetry Lesson Plan. Lastly, it is also complete with learning
outcomes, learning contents, learning resources and learning
procedures which is easy for the students to understand the
topic of my lesson plan.

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