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Uprooting plastic pollution: An raw material that dissolve in


plastic pollution in a nutshell

Plastic is one of the most used products in the world, and, safe to say one of the most
detrimental ones to the environment. Though we cannot deny it has become an
entrenched part of our lives, for it brings various of purposes and convenience to daily
living--but its consequences on the environment, marine life, and wild life is much more
According to studies, ‘every minute 1 million plastic bottles are sold all over the world,
each year 8 million tons of plastic garbage is dumped in oceans, almost half of the
plastic that we use is disposable or single use only and 500 billion plastic bags are used
by the world every year.’ Thus this rapid increasing production of plastic overpower the
world’s ability to deal with.

potential solution
Now, Israeli chemical engineer Sharon Barak together with her team pioneered the
“fake” plastic, this product isn’t plastic but looks and feels like. It hat consists of 100%
eco-friendly raw materials that can dissolve in water after used, so it self-decomposed.
What makes it more practical is the fact that human can drink the water after being
dissolved. Unlike any ordinary plastics like bottles and straws that takes 400 years
before it decomposes, this said material can become part of nature in just a few
minutes, presenting no harm to the animals and human.
This invention does not only reduce the amount of plastic produced every day, but make
most of its consumption; used for food wrapping, bottle manufacturing and any typical
plastic is used in daily basis- it can actually be made to anything.

Plastic pollution is not a one-day problem that can instantly be altered by one product.
This kind of plastic that biodegrades in water had been came to public on April of 2019,
everyone was talking about it, a game changer they say. But why is it still not accessible
in the market? First, producing this product takes time and money. Second,

Promising missions
The sole mission of this product is to weed out all the plastic in the world and bring a
replacement in this

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