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Onychophagia (Nail biting), anxiety, and malocclusion

Article  in  Indian journal of dental research: official publication of Indian Society for Dental Research · September 2012
DOI: 10.4103/0970-9290.107399 · Source: PubMed

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2 authors:

Avesh Sachan T. P. Chaturvedi

Rama Dental College Banaras Hindu University


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Short Communication

Onychophagia (Nail biting), anxiety, and malocclusion

Avesh Sachan, TP Chaturvedi

Department of Orthodontics,
Faculty of Dental Sciences,
Institute of Medical Sciences, Nail biting is a stress removing habit adopted by many children and adults. People usually
Banaras Hindu University,
Varanasi, India
do it when they are nervous, stressed, hungry, or bored. All of these situations are having a
common phenomenon between them is anxiety. Onychophagia is also a sign of other emotional
or mental disorders. It is a habit that is not easy to quit and reflection of extreme nervousness or
inability to handle stressful conditions. This abnormal habit may cause various malocclusions
associated with dentoalveolar segment of the oral cavity. Crowding and rotations of incisors
Received : 26-07-10 are common with this habit.
Review completed : 01-12-11
Accepted : 05-04-12 Key words: Anxiety, malocclusion, nail biting

Nail biting or onychophagia is a common stress-relieving and should be diagnosed and managed according to
oral habit. Onychophagia, the habit of biting one’s nails is requirements of clinical situation. Correction or control of
commonly observed in both children and young adults. Nail this functional problem might involve alteration of behavior
biting includes biting the cuticle and soft tissue surrounding patterns and multidisciplinary treatment. Nail biting should
the nail as well as biting the nail itself. Onychophagy is a be evaluated to identify specific concerns regarding stability
nail disease caused by repeated injuries of nails. Nail biting and to suggest methods of retention to improve stability.
as auto destruction and onychophagy are its most aggressive
forms. The need to bite or eat fingernails is related to a ETIOLOGY
psycho emotional state of anxiety. A nail biting child is
exhibiting an evolutionary disturbance related to the oral Nail biting, demonstrating anxiety made worse by tense
stage of psychological development.[1] moments, is seen as a reflex of emotional unbalances.[3] Nail
biting has a sequence of four distinct postures.
The problem is usually not observed before the age of 3 or • The hands are placed close to the mouth and keep there
4 years. Most cases of nail biting or onychophagia are seen for a few seconds to half a minute.
between the ages of 4 and 6 years; it stabilizes from 7 to 10 and • The fingers are quickly tapped against the front teeth.
increases considerably during adolescence, because this period • A series of quick spasmodic biting follows, with the
is a time of crisis. To most adolescents, this is a difficult and fingernails pressed tightly against the biting edge of the
even traumatic passage. Up to 10 years of age, the incidence teeth.
of nail biting is relatively equal but thereafter it is observed • The finger is withdrawn from the mouth.
that boys are significantly higher than girls as nail biters. [2]
The basic cause of onychophagia is difficult to determine.
Dentofacial or dentoalveolar functional abnormalities like Although it has been observed that nail biters have more
nail biting can associated with other dentofacial conditions anxiety than those who do not have the habit. People
bite their nails during moments of stress. Children do it
Address for correspondence: in moments of anguish, when they do not know a lesson,
Dr. Avesh Sachan read sad stories, listen to horror stories, watching television,
E-mail: or talking on the phone. It can also be a learned behavior
from family members. Nail biting is the most common of
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the typical “nervous habits,” which include thumb-sucking,
Quick Response Code: Website: nose-picking, hair-twisting or pulling, tooth-grinding, and
picking at skin.
DOI: When nail biting associated with other problems, it gets
more complex, and requires specialized help. When a child
Indian Journal of Dental Research, 23(5), 2012 680
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Onychophagia (Nail biting), anxiety and malocclusion Sachan and Chaturvedi

swallows the bitten-off nails, stomach problems like stomach rotations, the malocclusion will usually revert without
infection can develop, in addition to the hygienic aspect of treatment.[11] Application of a bitter-tasting commercial
nails, which are seldom clean, and various diseases can be preparation to the nail, in the hope of stopping the habit,
transmitted. After adolescence, onychophagia is usually is ineffective; these procedures cause greater tension in
replaced by the habit of lip “pinching,” chewing of pencils young people. Techniques such as application of olive oil
or other objects, nose scratching, or hair twirling. In adults, to the nails, make them soft and pliable, and removes the
smoking or gum chewing seems to be a common substitute. temptation to chew off nails with the teeth.

Nail biting children are at risk of developing malocclusion Keeping the nails well trimmed is another useful measure,
of the anterior teeth. Non-physiological forces acting on the so that poorly trimmed corners and cuticles are not
teeth, such as those from nail biting, can speed up resorption temptations. For girls, having the nails manicured could
or cause apical root resorption.[4] Dental examinations of have a positive and surprising result. Boys might apply
these patients can show crowding, rotation, and attrition on bandages to their fingers, letting their friends believe they
the incisal edges of the mandibular incisors and protrusion are treating injuries, rather than fighting onychophagy.
of the maxillary incisors.[5] These malocclusions are created
by pressures from the onychophagia habit. The forceful and An effective alternative is to ask the patient to use the rubber
continuous habit of nail biting causes alveolar destruction bite piece when he or she feels the urge for nail biting or
in the area of the involved teeth.[6] Chronic nail biting can has anxiety. Chewing sugar-free gum, if not compulsively
produce small fractures at the edges of the incisors, and done, could also be a way to keep the mouth occupied and
gingivitis might result from continued nail biting.[7] render the habit difficult or impossible. Occupying the
hands with another activity, such as handicrafts or a musical
Bacterial infection can occur from diseases of the nail such as instrument, might also be effective in keeping the hands
onychomycosis and paronychia and nail biting might spread away from the mouth.[12]
the infection to the mouth. A nail biter with oral herpes can
develop herpetic whitlow of the bitten finger.[8] A positive The best way to treat a nail biter is to educate them,
aspect of nail biting is that fingernail growth is not retarded stimulate good habits, develop conscious awareness, and
but it increases nail growth by approximately 20%, perhaps thus guarantee effective results, because no other way to
because frequent manipulation of the nail stimulates the stop the habit is more efficient, intelligent, and satisfactory.
circulation to the germinal area in the nail root.[9] Rarely, nail During treatment, the child should be given emotional
biting may be a symptom of obsessive-compulsive disorder support and encouragement. A multidisciplinary approach
(OCD). OCD symptoms are usually treated with medicines. should focus on efforts to build up the child’s self-confidence
and self-esteem.[13]
Several treatment measures may help to stop nail biting,
some focus on behavior changes and some focus on Nail biters have crowding, rotation, and attrition on the
physical barriers to nail-biting. To control or correct the incisal edges of the mandibular incisors and protrusion
nail biting habit, the patient must be motivated. Patient of the maxillary incisors. Mild cases of onychophagia do
must be aware of the need to abandon the habit, and not cause severe malocclusion. Severity of malocclusion
here the professional role acquires relevance, offering associated with nail biting depends upon intensity, duration,
helpful suggestions in overcoming the addiction. Sudden and frequency of habit. Behavioral modification techniques,
suppression might introduce personality alterations. Some positive reinforcements, and regular follow-ups are
people spontaneously quit onychophagia because of fear of important for the treatment of nail biting or onychophagia
developing infections; others quit to imitate friends who with a multidisciplinary approach, if necessary.
have attractive nails.[10] No treatment is needed for mild cases
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Rekha Rani Koduganti, N Sandeep, Srikanth Guduguntla, VSS Chandana Gorthi. Probiotics and prebiotics in
periodontal therapy. IJDR 2011, Volume 22, Issue 2, Pages 324-330
It has been brought to the notice of the IJDR editorial team, that the substantial portion of the above mentioned
article has been plagiarized (copied) from the article titled “Prospects for the development of probiotics and
prebiotics for oral applications”, J Oral Microbiol.v.1; 2009 and after due inquiry and unconvincing reply from the
authors the Indian J Dent Res has decided to retract the same from the issue.
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Devi Charan Shetty, Aadithya B Urs, Puneet Ahuja, Anshuta Sahu, Adesh Manchanda, Yuthicka Sirohi.
Mineralized components and their interpretation in the histogenesis of peripheral ossifying fibroma. Indian J Dent
Res 2011,Vol 22. Issue 1, Pages 56-61
It has been brought to the notice of the IJDR editorial team, that the substantial portion of the above mentioned
article has been plagiarized(duplicated)from the article published in Pathology and Laboratory Medicine
International 2010: Issue 2. Pg 79-84


Devi Charan Shetty, Aadithya B Urs, Adesh Manchanda, Yuthicka Sirohi. A color contrast aided density imaging
technique to differentiate between dental hard tissues and its relevance. Indian J Dent Res 2011, Volume 22,
Issue 2 , Pages 266-269 has also been plagiarized (multiple publication of articles) in The Internet Journal of
Radiology. 2010 Volume 12 Issue 1 and Journal of Indian Academy of Oral Medicine and Radiology, April-June

After due inquiry and unconvincing reply from the authors the Indian J Dent Res has decided to retract the above
mentioned articles from the issue as well as to ban the Authors from submission of manuscripts in Indian J Dent
Res for the next three years.
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- Chief Editor, IJDR

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