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Bulletin # JDE Incident No 75863 Completed By Hector Garcia

Incident Date: 09/15/2020 Approved By Guillermo Flores
Incident Classification
☒Injury/Illness ☐Environmental ☐Vehicle Accident ☐Property/Equipment Damage ☐Near Hit/ Miss
☐Security: Please Specify ( __________________ ) ☐Other: Please Specify ( __________________)

Preliminary Details of Incident

EE was O.D. drifting a 16 ¼ inch pipe while the pipe was still rolling on the rack. The EE did not notice how close another
pipe was to him and he got his left hand crushed between the drift and the pipe that was parked next to him causing a
contusion to the left hand. EE was wearing all proper PPE.
What Went Wrong?
EE tried to O.D. drift pipe while pipe was still rolling, and
pipe backed up on rack.

Immediate Cause(s)-
 No JHA for O.D. drifting.
 EE was not aware of hand placement.
 Not enough space to perform the task safely.

Immediate Actions-

 Had a safety stand-down with EE’s on O.D.

 A JHA for O.D. drifting was created.
 New JHA was reviewed with all EE’s.

Lessons Learned-

 O.D. drifting JHA must be reviewed with all EE’s before performing the task.
 Make sure pipe is not rolling before you start O.D. drifting.
 Keep at least 4 feet of distance from the pipe being drifted and any other pipe on the rack.
 Pipe located on both sides of the pipe being drifted must be chocked away from the drift task.

HSMSF-050.005 Rev. 01 Form Revision Date: 10-Dec-2019 Page 1

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