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Hi, fellow stoners and weed lovers.

This is the start of my project who I will try to finish when I

get all the information and knowledge that I need to do it. So basically I wish to write a manual
for weed. All the ways you can use this magnificent plant.
The plan is to update this post until I make my first version of the Canna Sutra. I wish that all my
mistakes you correct in the comment section and feel free to add methods I will check every
comment and going to add things that I seem cool and good to add.
So I think everything is simple and explained but for you who are still confused this is a post that
will show you all the ways of using weed to get high.

So first I need to divide this consumption in more ways:

1. Smoking
2. Eating

Smoking weed is the most basic way of consuming weed but there are a lot of ways and
knowledge in this.
The smoking parts is also divided in more ways:

1. Rolling
2. Bong
3. Pipe
4. Bubbler
5. Dab

Rolling weed is the oldest way of smoking and every person who smokes weed smoked a joint,
spliff, jay, doink, reefer, doobie, or jazz. For the beginners, this is maybe the best and the safest
way of smoking. It is simple all you need is rolling paper, weed, and a stiff paper or
something similar(it should be thicker than a print paper and thinner than cardboard).

The Filter
So first before you start rolling you need to know how to make a filter.
The filter is made out of stiff paper or something similar. If you don't know what to use u can
always take your cigarette box and make a filter out of it. Also, most of the rolling papers come
with this filter cardboard so you can make it.
Few things more that you can use for making a filter:

● An index card
● A manila file folder
● The back flap of a checkbook
● A magazine subscription card
● Some business cards (not the thick ones)

The process is really simple and this is the first thing you should make before proceeding to the
next step of rolling.
If you wish to smoke with no filter then you can skip this step.
Fold it three times to make a pleat and roll the rest of the unfolded filter around the folded. It
should look like a "W" in a circle. The width of the roach is a matter of personal preference.
Wider ones let more smoke through, which produces a rougher smoke, while thinner ones cool
the smoke but run a greater risk of clogging. Shoot for somewhere in the middle. Some smoking
shops sell little booklets of ready to use filter tips, which generally consist of little strips of
hardened paper neatly cut to size. Alternately, you can buy cellulose filter tips like those used in
tobacco cigarettes. These can be found at smoking shops and probably your dispensary.
Although some people refer to the filter tip as a "roach", this is incorrect. Roach is the tip of the
joint that is left over after smoking. They’re related, but not always the same thing.
Youtube Link to a simple tutorial on how to make the filter

Grinding the weed

After you make the filter its time that you grinde your weed. This is also a simple process and
there are few ways of doing it and it all depends on your situation.

1. Grinding with your hands

2. Grinding with scissors
3. Grinding with a knife
4. Grinding with pestle and mortar
5. Grinding with a grinder

Grinding with your hands

Pure and simple. You are out and about only to find yourself without a grinder. With nothing else
available, your hands are the next best thing. The tradeoff means broken up chunks are likely to
be large, especially if you have big fingers. Holding one hand flat with the palm facing up, use
your other hand to break apart the weed. Carefully roll the bud between your middle finger,
index finger, and thumb. As your nugs break apart, the (smallish) chunks are collected in your
outstretched hand.
Tips for this method:
Don't use your nails because you will get weed under it and it's just a waist and also it's not
hygienic who knows what dirt you have under your fingers.
Grinding with scissors
Fill the shot glass(if you don't have it you can use a piece of paper on your lap and do the same)
with a few buds before chopping away with the scissors.
The shot glass keeps everything contained, preventing any buds from escaping the snip. Keep
chopping for roughly a minute to make sure your buds are sufficiently broken up.
Grinding with a knife
This method requires a decent amount of hand-eye coordination. We would recommend being
completely sober before trying, as the risk of injury is quite high. You will need to channel your
inner chef. The aim is to finely chop your weed using a non-serrated blade. Buds can be quite
small and delicate to hold, so proceed with caution. Now is not the time to see how fast you can
chop 10 grams of weed. Take it slow, and you will have plenty of buds, plenty of fingers.
Grinding with pestle and mortar
Just like our ancestors would have done. Whenever herbs were needed for traditional medicine,
they were first ground up using a pestle and mortar. For best results, leave your marijuana out
to dry for a few hours beforehand. Moist buds are harder to break apart.
Grinding with a grinder
And finally, the most simple and the most effective way to grind. Invest some money and buy
some weed grinder you have them in every smart shop in the world or you can order from the
internet. The grinder is simply the best its made for grinding weed. You just need to open it put
some weed and spin for about a minute and you will have perfect weed.
Tips for this method:
There are a lot of varieties of grinders but for me, the best is the grinder with 3 floors. Where
you grind where the weed goes and the shit holder. So you get the most out of your weed.
Buy a good grinder don't spare money on it because if you buy something bad it will break or it
will start to grind bad later.
Clean your grinder it is really important because if you use it a long time without cleaning it will
stuck when you are grinding or it will be hard to open. You will use the pleasure of your grinder
and you will need to buy a new one.

Finally, the time has come you did all the preparation now its time that you roll.
You will need a rolling paper (Later on I will add other things that can be used as a rolling paper)
Take the rolling paper and fold it in half lengthwise being sure the side with the glue is up.
Put the filter on the end that you prefer. If you put it on the right side you are holding it with the
right hand and rolling with the left and if you put it on the left you will hold it with the left hand
and roll with the right. It is your choice and what makes you feel comfortable.

Place the marijuana inside. Distribute it evenly along the length of the paper to ensure an even

Don't overload it or the joint won't close properly. On the other hand, don't be stingy with the mix
or you'll end up with a "pinner."
Now pick everything up and with the thumb and index finger press a bit on the filter part so you
have a good grip and with the other hand start rolling every part. (This is the tricky part you need
to roll it really good and press on top so it gets evenly dispersed and cylindrical in shape.)

These final moves will seal the paper into its cylindrical shape and determine how tightly the
joint is rolled. The tighter the roll, the slower and smoother the joint will burn. The tuck should be
initiated at the crutch, focusing on eliminating all slack in the rolling paper for a tight roll. If you
are having trouble, try using both thumbs and tuck the first inch of the paper while using the
crutch for support. This is another tricky step for those new to joint rolling – don’t get
discouraged, keep practicing.
Now when you have finished the part where you roled it you just need to lick the glue side and
easly role it to the end.
Just one more step and its blaze time.

Pack it and Twist it off

There are a few final touches that will help put the finishing touches on your hard work. Now that
you have a rolled joint, its time to pack it and twist it off.

● Muzzleloading is a good way to add a little extra size to the end of your joint. The
technique involves shoving ground bud into the tip of the joint similar to loading an in-line
rifle. It is best performed with some sort of tool – a pen, dabber, damper, scissors, house
key, headphone cord, etc. Use a tool of your choice to help push the bud into the
cylindrical tip of the joint and compress it down.
● Shake method of packing joints uses centrifugal force and your fingertips to compress
and pack the joint. We should note that this technique only works if you have some
rolling paper at the tip of the joint to pinch and hold. Once you have the paper at the tip
of the joint secured between your fingers, gently use your wrist to shake the joint back
and forth as indicated.
● Hitting the filter end on the tabble/whatch/ or something to just rearrange the weed and
packs the joint.

This is the first lesson and its the basics thing you need to know. I will wait for some input of you
guys to hear what you think about my idea and abut my post. The next update we will cover
more rolling techniques and now we can go faster because we are just explaining how to roll it.
I wish to say thx to the internet and to Keyton Cannabis (The gifs are from his page and I saw
few things that I should put in the post)

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