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ISS etal Muscle | ease Organization of the Muscular System Figure 15.1 (from p. 104) Fill-in Sac CoPUAMIG RETCuWU 1. NOE ‘bation a et ~ Nweveus ~ Nueueus B A(n) is a bundle of parallel myofilaments within a muscle fiber, . The is similar to ER but collects and “tevez 5 ~enfuuney stores calcium ions in a rest le ~- ina resting mule Too types of myofilaments in a skeletal muscle fiber are_? filaments and hick | 3 F 4 filam F MYoFORIs, 5 5. tlern, oF unit, of myofibrils within a myofilament is a(n) f MD CHONORION 5 6. ned bythe invard extension af the cell membrane sealed 2 7. covered witha fibrous sheath called a(n) 2. -Lituwke pg 's_2-_, whereas it pulls at is insertion, wrapped with a fibrous 2. endon is more accurately called a(n) _2 has a fibrous _2_ wrapped around its sarcolemma. 8 a joint may have the term _2__in its name. MYOFIBKIL Ky aseisl may tate im “rane Cs), $e em awrn ame iem THIN ___4 Putin order Fillin AARCOLENMA ML. _SARCOMERE Put these structures in anatomical order from superficial to deep. “Wiese tubules CT ese tubules (Eu) . sarcolemma Enunysium 7 perimysium © pwen 5 | Reams y= Sem AQONENKOGK yp jomysium Putin order —Eunysum ; : ~Peitivstum : : —ENnymystum 5 288 Renna © —ENdowty stun B 0 12 E. —thincTeR —Feinoa ‘4 15-6 Identity FRONTAL \ ADDVCTOR. 2 NGS es SPHINCTER 4 peevis 5 TA 8 ULINAK /UILNARI 9 __FXTENSOR _ 10 Identity Determine the musele-naming term defined in each item. 1. Associated with the frontal bone 2. Adducts a part 3. Long 4. ircles an opening or a tube 5. Short 6. Flattened 7. Parallel to the midline of the body 8. Rotates a part 9. Associated with the ulna 10, Extends art 9 uscles of the Head and Neck les of the Trunk 2 & 3 x ge a a a 2 2 s ca 6 2 0 Figure 16.3 Color these muscles of the upper extremity referring to the outline labels in table 16.3. 16-9 les of the Lower Extremity a7 Muscle Identification ‘Table {Use the following muscle names in the table only once. adductor group —~ Iatissimus dorsi. ~ biceps brachii ~ pectoralis major *” : delwoid - pectoralis major/Iatissimus dorsi combination. 7 erector spinae ~~ quadriceps femoris group — i rectus 2 gastrocnemius ~ us abdominus tensor fasciae latae | ~ ‘gluteus maximus / a tibialis anterior 7 hamstring group ~ iliopsoas triceps brachii ~ Part Moved Flexor Extensor Abductor: Upper arm PECTORALIS. PECTORALIC LATISCIMUL paLTID variés gull’ Does MATOR DORs) COMBINATION Lower arm = | BICEPS BRACHT / TRICE. BKACHIE ae a Tenor Fatclae | ppouctoe Thopsoas | luteus Mim} i atae Bin famsting Guadviceps Group Femovis, Group Gashocnenius | Tivialis Antero Rech Redowhinu| Erector Spire Fill-in 1. The occipitofrontalis, or epicranius, originates on the xt — 2. The masseter, temporals, and ptery gods all insert on . The sterocleidomastoid inserts on the 2. . The temporalis raises the? The _? _ closes the eye. ‘The pectoralis _?_ inserts on the humerus. . The deltoid inserts on the? The —2.imtercontals help accomplish Forced expiration, Beenow The erector _?_ help maintain posture i HUMMER | The pectoralis major is? to the Pectoralis minor, : INTERN Ai '1. The latissimus dorsi is on the? side of the trunk, 12. The _2_ intercostals contract when you take a deep breath, SPINAE 9 13. The rippling effect seen on a the lower midline of the Ted by hypertrophy of the 7 musete 14. The origin of the brachialis 1.» Je la srasping a baseball tightly in the b 16. Both the biceps beachi abdomen of some athletes 0 Ht insertion. and. You would likely use the 2 ind the flex the forearm, 12. The extensor digitorum inserts c the 2 18 The adductor longus and the Pe lm Pat of the adductor group. 19. The hamstring muscles alt 2 the leg 20. The muscle that Pulls the leg so that you ean ‘CFO8s i over the other leg while called the _? muscle. 31. Both the gastrocnemius and the 2 plantar flex the foot, 22. Muscles of the ‘waticeps group all 2 the leg 2. Inthe male, the _ 2 pull the ethiph et PU! als0 can constrict the urethra, 24. The large muscle that extends the thigh isthe 9 | 25, The levator ani raises the? Forexample, the increased ‘iggers an increase in respirat i ‘piratory rate. Why? teased oxygen use means more cellular respirato that results in more'earbon dioxide release into the blood: Respiratory contol centers increase the resiraory tae Fesponse to the high blood concentration of carbon diox |, For some exercise physiologists, fers to any significant use of skeletal muscles. hysiology has many important applications in ‘raining, injury prevention, ergonomics (study of ovement as it relates to work a ‘and everyday health issues, ‘ ‘chee, Answer the following questions. They will help you eresing aspect of exercise physiology is that it in- ciate the whole-body aspect of exercise physiology. a the study of nearly every system and organ in the the questions before answering, You may oe 4g, not just the skeletal muscles. When skeletal muscles answers inthe form ofa table on a separate sheet, cnniract, their sudden increase in metabolism affects many a |e processes throughout the body exercise as you can, One has already been given to you: 1 that are needed by cells as they work.) {as many metabolic needs of ske © onjgen. (Think of things from the extracellular environm ' "Fee Fatty acid © + Glucore Creatine gharphate " Laviore 2; For each need listed in question 1, nam ‘© fulfill a need. In our example of oxygen, breathing blood flow is also required to deliver the oxyzen. ‘B ; fe by Tee achds - ratty acids ave obtaived by steel musel E Wraatn cor yreat down of tre tip partiches *Glutoce, - glucose 1s obtained from “the metabolism carbohy dvrtes and other subdances and supp lial to mascle by mn a wea “Create phosphate - GMC ao Specht aiblewle shoved m AWE " re Phosphate helps in ta one ADP +> ATP with the, plas uc Parr Of creatine phosphate eras: ; ‘lactate. it 16 fone by a bic, ave au, hes. (a0 sy ha ea sip | Sooner eath pct sed iad (OE Sach yeh a presen change Ranger Does tate icrease? Decrease? 4 tae a 5 Aer tac Met ysesey ‘ ad - igi ooh aptly # ear’ neal i eo eal Fen ed ga coe hold” until exercise is over? he wel as fe bind : sve sytem Oil cl. down hat supplies that need. Think about all the processes that as a process that supports oxygen availability. However, he body process t 4 aes exercise, some processes slow oF stop etal museles, What processes must be “put'on 4H ue more oxygen than norma) as vk ee ciety, proces tee, di

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