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Kard Hobjis Online pays tribute to various Philippine VS 2PCG Champions like Carlo Manalac, Ezra Asure

Sison et al. in one of the most powerful and enduring of the original VS 2PCG Trinity of Tier 1 Decks.
Want to bent out all-out destruction to your opponent’s board while ramping on and dropping
monstrous creatures straight from your reality-manipulating imagination? Then this is the deck for you.
Bad news for your opponents, it is now available at Kard Hobjis Online.


DECK NAME: "Wrath of the Dark Phoenix" – Dark Phoenix

"The mind is a fragile thing. It takes only the slightest  tap to tip it in the wrong direction." ―
Professor X to Jean Grey aka Dark Phoenix.

PLAYER NAME: CARLO MANALAC, EZRA SISON ET AL. (Various Philippine Champions)


1x Dark Phoenix

1x Dark Phoenix

2x Net Launcher

1x The Nullifier

1x Darkhold

1x Serpent Crown

4x Wasp

4x Kane

4x Primeval Hunter
4x Mirage

1x Spider-Gwen

3x Iron Man

1x Sersi

2x Hyperion

2x Jungle Hunter

2x Mainframe

2x Fin Fang Foom

2x Gilgamesh

2x Sentry

4x Dramatic Entrance

4x Academy

4x Predator Ship

4x Val Verdan Jungle

4x Madripoor

2x Wakanda


AVOID: Decks that regenerate their main characters or those consisting of high health value supporting


(0 Drop) Me – comes into play using your Break the Fourth Wall plot twist and an added bonus during
the early turn as an additional beef up attacker especially when you are old enough to give him a high
ATK/DEF stats.
(1 Drop) Hawkins – is here to provide an early team up attack with your main character Bullseye and
leave him unscathed due to Hawkins’ abilities.

(1 Drop) Solo – no Underworld –led deck is without this soloist that provide additional +1/+1 counters to
all solo attackers.

(2 Drop) Kane – your preferred two drop to fetch you a Red or Yellow basic location for use with
Bullseye’s Infallible Aim or A Lovely Night for a Murder super powers.

(2 Drop) Poncho – if you need to defend at the onset while Bullseye is prepping up his throwing cards
then Poncho provides the high DEF wall and can weaken your opponent’s back row characters with his
grenade launcher.

(3 Drop) Fanged Leviathon – if Bullseye fails to fulfill his contract at the early turns then leave it to this
alien Leviathon to initially wound your opponent’s main character.

(3 Drop) Lambert – this dude can literally snipe at opponents without getting struck back and let’s you
play Build a Better World PT’s with ease to power up your Bullseye.

(3 Drop) Taskmaster – a staple in this deck as Taskmaster can literally copy any of your opponent’s
supporting characters’ keyword powers on the board.

(4 Drop) Keyes – can transform any of your characters’ power symbol requirement to generic and can
stall highly aggressive characters too with his liquid nitrogen gun.

(4 Drop) Spider-Gwen – call her up from your deck if you will miss a drop and you need her to utilize
those Build a Better World plot twists.

(6 Drop) Iron Man – a good range and flight wall with the added bonus of helping you to reflip those
locations back into action.

(6 Drop) Royce – when he is alone he gets bigger. Besides he can distribute wound from one character
to another supporting character to help your main character murder more enemy characters.

(7 Drop) Mainframe – the biggest wall to block your rampaging opponent and he can literally reduce all
characters’ power symbol requirements by one to activate them.

(8 Drop) Gilgamesh – the ultimate hitter in your deck with huge ATK/DEF stats and eternal to just keep
him going back to your hand when KO’d or removed.


Lovely Murder utilizes several sets of plot twists like Mercs for Money to pump up your Underworld
characters and draw a card if able, Build a Better World to be able to reflip back your basic locations to
be used for Bullseye’s Infallible Aim and A Lovely Night for a Murder, Death Trap to surprise your
opponents cold and of course Break the Fourth Wall to be able to put a Me supporting character into
play for FREE.


Main Character: Bullseye

Supporting Characters: 31

Plot Twist: 13

Locations: 16

Equipment: 0

Protector: 5 (Poncho, Taskmaster, Spider-Gwen, Iron Man, Mainframe)

Filter: 1 (Kane)

Staller: 1 (Keyes)

Discarder: 0

Hitter: 4 (Hawkins, Lambert, Royce, Gilgamesh)

Ramper: 0

Key Cards: 7 (Bullseye L1 & L2, Lambert, Fanged Leviathon, Spider-Gwen, Iron Man, Royce)

Number of SC cards with 2 or more Health: 0 (Legal in Multiverse and Life is Too Short Formats.)

EXPANSION LEGALITY: Marvel Battles up to Fantastic Battles

ACHIEVEMENT: Played consistently during the Life Is Too Short seasons.

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