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There is no doubt that money is essential for us to survive in our day-to-day living.
As a matter of fact, our world functions largely through money that one cannot imagine
without it. However, wealth does not equate to everything in life. For instance, money
cannot buy happiness which is undeniably true. Even if it is difficult to define what
happiness truly means and it varies from one person to another, it’s still more important
than all the riches in the world combined. Antoine de Saint-Exupery (1943), in his famous
novella The Little Prince, teaches us that ‘it is only with the heart that one can see rightly;
what is essential is invisible to the eye’. Indeed, all the earthly things we see and touch
that includes money are not what truly matters but that of something we can feel in our
hearts. Aside from happiness being defined as an emotion, I believe it is also a state of
well-being. It is the end per se while other aspects of life, in this case money, only serve
as stepping stones or means to achieve this end.

It is important to keep in mind that

In an article published by Forbes in 2016, one author gauged a number of subscribers

about life and career questions who responded that among the eight top things that
people desperately desire but can’t seem to attain, happiness tops the list then followed
by money. With this being said,

The state of being happy is more significant in comparison to being wealthy because of
its intrinsic value that is priceless; it fuels success; and generates positive outcomes.

Caprino, K. (2016, May 24). The Top 8 Things People Desperately Desire But Can't Seem
To Attain. Retrieved September 13, 2020, from

Saint-Exupéry, A. ., Woods, K., & Harcourt, Brace & World,. (1943). The little prince.

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