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Princess Marie L.

Dalupere December 17, 2019

PE 12 – YF

Taekwondo, by definition, is an art of self defense originating from Korea. It is also called Tae Kwon
Do which is an appropriate description of the art: Tae means foot, Kwon means hand and Do for art. Like any
other form of martial arts, Taekwondo has its own principles that every learner needs to adhere throughout
their journey of learning the art. These principles or tenets are namely: Courtesy, Integrity, Perseverance,
Self-control and Indomitable spirit. Some other sources include Victory as the sixth tenet.

Courtesy, as we know it, refers to the value of respect and politeness for others in the training area
for Taekwondo as well as to people we meet outside of formal Taekwondo training. It is important that we
observe proper etiquette and good manners at all times. Simply, it’s basically being nice to others because in
turn, we want them to be nice and respectful to us as well. Integrity, on the other hand, includes not only being
able to determine the difference between right and wrong but also being able to stand up for what is ethically
correct. This means that it puts premium on honesty and having strong moral principles. When we, as a
Taekwondo student, face struggles, our perseverance will be put to a test. It is the willingness to continue
despite the difficulty and discouragement in order to reach the goal. This applies in the training and other
aspects of our lives. Perseverance in relation to Taekwondo is to continue training through good and bad
times, when we’re bored or wondering why we’re still doing it, or when we think that we don’t have any
progress at all. It’s the drive that helps us keep working even when we want to quit.

Subsequently, self-control is vital for keeping our emotions, thoughts and actions in check. To
have control over ourselves comes from having respect for one another. It is when we remain silent if we are
on the verge of losing our calmness and coolness. It is when we don’t respond to the person instigating us of
something which is only for their benefit. The last tenet is having an indomitable spirit. A strong,
unconquerable spirit that originates from knowing one’s self in order to stand up for our own beliefs and to
stay strong in those beliefs and convictions no matter what the odds against us may be. It is consistently giving
our 100% effort in everything that we do inside the training area and more importantly in life. Having this kind
of spirit allows us to keep going, to not give in when things go against our way. We may not always succeed on
the first try at everything, in our attempts in Taekwondo or even in life, but with an indomitable spirit we can
try again and not be subdued in the face of fear or failure.

To sum it up, the five tenets of Taekwondo teaches students far beyond the art of self defense. I
believe it also instils the foundation of good sportsmanship among the learners. Understanding these core
principles produces good athletes who recognize that these tenets are the foundations that real winners and
real leaders need to stand on. Nevertheless, whether we practice Taekwondo or not, we must show courtesy,
integrity, perseverance, self-control, and the indomitable spirits of true winners and leaders in the community
that we are part of.


What is Taekwondo? A definition and short history. (n.d.). Retrieved from

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