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A documentary about women in taekwondo.


What is taekwondo? Taekwondo is a version of unarmed

combat designed for the purpose of self-defense. It is
where the body has gained the ultimate use of its
facilities through intensive physical and mental
training. It’s a discipline, technique and mental
training are the mortar for building a strong sense of
justice, fortitude, humility, and resolve. It is the
mental conditioning that separates the true practitioner
from the sensationalist, content with only mastering the
fighting aspects of the art. It also implies a way of
thinking and life, particularly in instilling a concept
and spirit of strict self-imposed discipline. Translated
literally TAE stands for jumping or flying, kicking or
smashing with the foot, KWON stands for fist, to punch or
destroy with the hand or fist, DO stands for art or the
right way, built and paved by saints and sages of the
past. When put back together taekwondo means the mental
training and the techniques of unarmed combat for self-
defense as well as health, involving the skilled
application of punches, kicks, blocks and dodges with the
hands and feet to gain rapid destruction of the opponent.
Taekwondo was founded on April 11th 1955, by General
Choi Hong Hi. Though due to him sadly passing on June 15th
2002, his son Grandmaster Choi Jung Hwa continues to
spread his father’s legacy all over the world.

Ellyise and Merryn film ourselves stretching and warming up by

doing pad work.

Here’s what its like being a woman in taekwondo from

a few different perspectives.

Kim answers the question, Ellyise answers the question, Merryn

answers the question.

A pattern is a set of important moves, both attack

and defense, set in a logical sequence designed to deal
with one or more imaginary opponents. Patterns are an
indication of a student’s progress in evaluating and
individuals’ technique. Patterns are practiced to improve
taekwondo techniques, to develop sparring techniques,
improve flexibility of movement, master body shifting,
build and tone muscles and improve balance and breathe
control. They also enable the student to learn techniques
which cannot be found in other forms of training. The
reason there are 24 patterns is because General Choi Hong
Hi the founder of taekwondo says: “Here I leave taekwondo
for mankind as a trace of a man of the late 20th century.
The 24 patterns represent 24 hours, one day or all my

Ellyise and Merryn film doing taekwondo patterns.


Why did you start taekwondo?

~Her answer~

What age did you start taekwondo?

~Her answer~

What inspired you to get into teaching?

~Her answer~

Is teaching the youth taekwondo a rewarding task?

Can it frustrate you at times?

~Her answer~

What belt level are you and can you explain the

~Her answer~

How challenging was it becoming a master’s degree?

~Her answer~

Have you been trained by a female instructor? If

yes, what was your experience? If no, how do you think it

~Her answer~

Are there ever circumstances where you would feel


~Her answer~


There’re different types of sparring which are all

beneficial when learning taekwondo, the fist one is three
step sparring which is designed for the beginner to
practice basic techniques with a partner, it teaches the
student distance, body angles, forearm conditioning,
accuracy, correct stances, counter attacks, coordination,
and timing. The next is two step sparring which is
designed for the intermediate student to learn more
advanced techniques whilst still using the same distance
and timing as in three step, but with more varied
attacks. The next is one step sparring, this is a very
helpful form of sparring because it means the student can
practice different combinations preparing them more for
sparing. Lastly is free sparring where students are able
to put their skills to the test, each fighter tries to
land strike with hand or foot on their opponent whilst
maintain their own defense. The skills that need to be
focused on for this type of sparring is speed, stamina,
timing, balance, flexibility, and the ability to adapt
according to the opponent.

Ellyise, Merryn and Finn film themselves sparring together.


Why did you start taekwondo?

~Merryn answers~

~Ellyise answers~

What did you start taekwondo?

~Merryn answers~

~Ellyise answers~

What belt level are you?

~Merryn answers~

~Ellyise answers~

How challenging was it to become this level?

~Merryn answers~

~Ellyise answers~

Have you been trained by a female instructor? If

yes, what was your experience? If no, how do you think it
~Merryn answers~

~Ellyise answers~

Do you feel empowered by the skills you have/are


~Merryn answers~

~Ellyise answers~

Do you feel safer now that you know this self-

defense technique?

~Merryn answers~

~Ellyise answers~

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