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Xaiver Williams

Dr. Maynard

MUED 271

03 October 2020
Duke – Feedback Summary

As a musician, feedback from a teacher, judge, or other musician has always been hard

for me to accept. I would suggest that as human beings, we are inclined to accept feedback that

we want to hear as opposed to the feedback we do not want to hear. For me, it’s the moment

when a person tells you that you are doing so well in one area and then provided a list of things

that you are not doing well in. This chapter has served as a reminder for me to be cautious as to

how I provide feedback to my future students.

Growing up, the one person that I would never want to hear feedback from was my

father. His feedback was never what I wanted to hear, and it caused me to alter how I performed

in the class, sports, and music for him to say something positive. My father would be seen as the

negative feedback person by many, including myself, but he helped push me to be the person that

I am today. I relate to what Duke writes as he discusses what negative and positive feedback look

like. The feedback that my father gave me over the years did not sit well with me then, but I now

see the fruit of is committed to seeing me succeed as a college student.

Feedback is based on the relationship that the person giving has with the person

receiving. For us to be effective the feedback that we are providing students, there has as to be a

relationship formed that allows a level of understanding to be in place. That level of

understanding is not that I am providing feedback because it is my job, or something sounds bad.

Instead, that relationship has to set on the agreement that whatever I say or do as your teacher is

to help you succeed later on in life. This is what I hope to do for my students. I hope to develop

relationships with my students that way they can know I am here to help them succeed. As the
Xaiver Williams

Dr. Maynard

MUED 271

03 October 2020
book mentions, feedback can come from anywhere. If there is one place I hope students will feel

comfortable receiving feedback is from me. Purposeful feedback is what I learned to provide for

my students and that is a lesson I hope will help them be successful.

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