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Xaiver Williams

Dr. Dabback

MUED 373

28 April 2022

Practicum Summary Report

My practicum experience during advanced methods was a very eye-opening opportunity.

The amount of experience and knowledge that I gained throughout the semester working from

educators with a variety of backgrounds truly shared a glimpse of what student teaching could be

like in the near future. Engaging with students and the music learning process reminded me of

why I wanted to be a music educator. The conversations with teachers, mini private lessons, and

20-minute teaching opportunity it's something that I did not think I would truly be so happy to

experience. At the end of the day, my work with the different ensembles throughout this

semester has alternately helped me become a better music educator.

Throughout the semester, I was able to work and observe students in grade 6 through 12

in band and chorus. I was able to work with students that we're educated in a private/religious

affiliated style of teaching and in a rural public education system. while the two are different, the

passion for teaching and learning music are quite the same. The educators and students involved

in these programs have a desire to grow musically and share their talents not only in their local

community but around the world. My favorite moment throughout the practicum opportunity

was working with two new trumpet students in a middle school band program that have never

played in band until now. The students were eager to learn more about trumpet and grasped on to

concepts fairly quickly. The highlight of this was seen their face illuminate with joy after they

realized that what was impossible can be possible if they believe in themselves and have

confidence in their ability as musicians.

Xaiver Williams

Dr. Dabback

MUED 373

28 April 2022

After observing the chorus students in preparation for their national performance out of

state, I was able to gain a new experience of teaching students in the choral background. while

many of the concepts that are taught in band (tune quality, intonation, dynamics, style) also relate

to those taught in choir, the director of this program leads a diverse and well-mannered group of

musicians who remained professional and demonstrated great musicianship throughout their

rehearsal. I was also surprised to see the amount of parental support that stayed in the audience

while the students were preparing for their concert and brought donations to support them in

their efforts to travel. This experience provided me a great moment to see the difference between

working and a private school and working in a public school. While there are some similarities

and differences due to location and funding, the joy and love for teaching music is evident at

both schools.

I also appreciated the opportunity and of being able to work with our teacher at the

middle school. The advice and guidance that she was able to provide while I was at the school

provided me with a practical insight into how to be successful as an educator in the classroom. I

appreciate the advice that was given about remaining a constant learner even after we have

completed our degrees. While we, as music educators, may have met the standards to receive our

music education degree and licensure, working in the field of education requires us to be

continuous learners. This thought was easily connected to the way the music educator in the

middle school was able to relate to their students by learning the instruments with them at the

same time. I recognize that this was the foundation of building meaningful connections with
Xaiver Williams

Dr. Dabback

MUED 373

28 April 2022

students in the classroom and utilizing this as a moment to express that as an educator we too are

human as well.

I am grateful for the opportunity to have had this experience before my official student

teaching moment and my degree program. Many lessons have been learned throughout the seven

practicum observations that took place throughout this semester that I believe will truly be

helpful as I prepare to finish my degree. there were moments throughout completing my degree

where I questioned if I really would use the stuff that I am learning in the classroom and how I

can best use my gifts and skills in helping my students be successful. Working with these

students and the band director directly helped me realize that everything that I've learned is

nothing more than a tool being put into a toolbox to better equip me as an educator later down

the road. This opportunity provided a new perspective on me and how to best support students in

the classroom by providing a solid music education experience.

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