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Local Studies

Investing in a coffee business is a substantial settlement in the Philippines. A massive

portion of Filipino population loves coffee as a beverage. In 2018, demand for coffee is
noticeably higher than a local supply, Philippines consumed 170,000 metric tons of coffee, but
produced only 35,000. (Perfect Daily Grind, 2020).
According to Antonio Lavina message that was ​read by Cameron Odsey, Cordillera
regional executive director of the Department of Agriculture (DA), the millennials are willing to
dish out P100 or more in whatever innovative brew that they want to have in their
espresso—customary, plain, prepared coffee, or mixed, for example, cappuccino, latte,
Considering that as time goes by, an ever increasing number of teenagers are
consuming caffeinated drinks including coffee which are typically devoured by adults. The early
school plans" stress" and furthermore the rising popularity of coffee shops made students drink
coffee and coffee based items.

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