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Archaeology and the study of teeth

Simon Hillson
Archaeologists reconstruct the past from a variety of surviving articles recovered by excavation.
Among these the study of teeth is particularly rewarding both because their physical structure and
configuration throws much light on the nature and life history of the animals from which they came,
and because they have a high survival rate even under adverse conditions.
Archaeological excavations produce archaeological sites. They are robustly had a brain about half the size of ours.
many different finds. Not only are constructed and survive well in a They also differed in the size and form
there stone, pottery, and metal arte- variety of soils. The tissues of the teeth of teeth, jaws, and their supporting
facts, but also the remains of plants are especially tough, particularly the structures. Their incisor and canine
and animals brought in as food or raw hard enamel which coats the tooth teeth were about the same size as our
material, or living on the site when it crown. These tissues have to survive an own, but their cheek teeth (premolars
was occupied. The most abundant environment of powerful abrasion, and molars) were considerably larger
animal remains are the bones and teeth leaching, and attack by microorganisms and the most robustly built australo-
of mammals, greatly outnumbering in the living mouth, so it is perhaps not pithecines had vast third molars, up to
sherds of pottery on many sites. They surprising that they survive well in the 22mm across. The jaws were corres-
have been recognised as important similar conditions of the soil. Under pondingly longer, more protruding,
finds since the earliest days of archaeol- some soil conditions, the enamel coat and more heavily buttressed, and were
ogy. Remains of extinct mammals of the crown may be all that survives. worked by larger muscles spreading
found alongside artefacts were impor- Another reason for the importance over a larger area of the smaller brain
tant evidence for man’s antiquity in the of teeth is their highly complex biolo- case. Forms such as Homo habilis and
19th century English cave excavations of gy. The form of the dentition is closely Homo erectus, thought to be intermedi-
William Pengelly. During the present related to diet and there are detailed ate between the australopithecines and
century research on ancient bones and differences in tooth morphology be- Homo sapiens, generally have teeth
teeth is an established part of archaeolo- tween most species of mammals. In which are intermediate in size, or fit
gy. The study of the remains of man and some groups of rodents the dentition is within the overall range of modern
his extinct relatives has become the the main basis for identification even in man. The teeth of Homo sapiens may
thriving discipline of palaeoanthropolo- living animals. It follows that, although have become smaller in some areas of
gy, with several international research much of the skeleton has features Europe and Asia since the start of the
institutions and journals. Work on which allow the identification of small late Pleistocene some 150 000 years
ancient diseasehas led to the formation of fragments of bone, the teeth and jaws ago, particularly around 10 000 years
an international Palaeopathology Asso- are particularly useful. Teeth also vary ago, although this is not entirely
ciation whose membership includes between the members of one species; proven [5]. In living man, the largest
surgeons, physicians, pathologists, and in the form of the roots, in the size of teeth, on average, are found amongst
anthropologists. Study of non-human the crown, and in small details of the the Australian aborigine people, but
mammal remains has also attracted pattern of cusps, folds, points, and they do not hold the published world
researchers from many different back- blades that decorates the surface of the record of two U.S. marines whose
grounds and there is now an International crown. The overall dimensions of the teeth overlapped australopithecines’ in
Council for Archaeozoology which crown are routinely measured for a size [6].
maintains links and organises confer- variety of species, but detailed features Tooth size may also be used to
ences. of crown morphology are normally establish the sex of a skeleton. Some of
Teeth and jaws are a major part of recorded in discrete categories, asses- the toothed whales show extreme
the biological evidence for mammals in sed by eye. For this reason, they are sexual dimorphism in tooth size - for
the past. The jaws typically form part known as non-metrical variants and can example in the great tusk of the male
of the waste of the carcase in food be recorded very rapidly, not only in narwhal. Many of the carnivores show
animals - discarded early on in the archaeological material, but also in the sexual dimorphism in the size of their
butchery process - and are therefore living. Non-metrical variants seem to canine teeth and blade-like carnassial
prominent in the debris found in vary consistently between population teeth, and tooth measurements have
middens, pits, and ditches on groups in man so. for example, it been used to distinguish between male
seems to be possible to distinguish the and female cave bears, cave lions, and
native inhabitants of North America weasels. The distribution of tooth sizes
from those of South America on this in the mouth also differs between men
Simon Hillson, Ph.D. basis; Eurasia from the Americas; and and women. Multivariate statistical
Was born in 1953 and graduated in geology Australasia from Eurasia. There have studies of measurements of several
and archaeology from the University of Birm- been few archaeological studies, but classes of teeth have been successfully
ingham, in 1974. He carried out postgraduate there is considerable potential for used to distinguish between the sexes
research at the Institute of Archaeology, reconstructing the biological rela-
University of London, on the biology of ancient
in archaeological.material. The method
Egyptian and Nubian human remains. Since tionships of ancient and living human works not only for permanent teeth,
1978 he has been lecturer in archaeological populations. but also for the deciduous, or milk
science at Lancaster Universitv. He now works Teeth and jaws are the commonest teeth. This is of considerable import-
largely on dental remains fioi archaeological fossils in the record of human evolu-
sites and has written a textbook ‘Teeth’ (1986).
ance for archaeology, because it is
tion. Our extinct relatives from the difficult to distinguish between boys
Endeavour. New Series, Volume 10. No. 3. 1986. Pliocene and early Pleistocene of Afri- and girls on their bony skeleton alone.
016GS327/86 $0.00 + so.
ca, the australopithecines, walked up- Reduction in size seems to have
right on two legs almost as we do, but accompanied the early stages of domes-

shortened jaws have the teeth crowded rate of wear varies similarly. Work is
together. This is particularly marked in being carried out on modern domestic
the modern bulldog, whose cheek teeth breeds in order to assessthe constancy
are stacked-up one beside another. and timing of the sequences. Despite
Determination of age-at-death is yet uncertainties, dental development is
another area where teeth are invalu- much more clear cut and regular than
able to archaeology. The teeth grow, most of the age-related changes in the
migrate through the bone of the jaws, skeleton and provides a more hopeful
and erupt into the mouth in a reason- basis for age determination,
ably consistent sequence for each In man, several age-related changes
species. Different classes of teeth start inside the tooth are used for age
to form, are completed, and erupt at determination in forensic studies. Of
different times. The stage of dental these, the most reliable seemsto be the
development reached by young indi- growth of a transparent zone of dentine
viduals can thus be used to assesstheir in the roots of the teeth. This is due to
relative maturity. Once the teeth are changes at a microstructural level, but
functional and in wear due to the abra- can be monitored on a simple slice
sive nature of the diet, then the extent to through the tooth (figure 1) by measur-
which they are worn is proportional to ing the transparent zone. These
the length of time for which they have measurements are then converted into
been in use. This is dependent on the rough estimates of age-at-death using
diet being constant and on many other standard formulae [l]. The method has
factors, but seems to hold reasonably not been widely used in archaeology,
true for many mammals. Numerous but has particular potential because it
recording schemes for tooth growth, is applicable to older adult individuals
eruption, and wear have been devised; which are difficult to age by other
for example in man, sheep and goats, means.
cattle, pigs, horses, various deer, lla- The dental tissues - the enamel
ma, hippopotamus, elephant, dugong, coating the crown, the dentine forming
dog, cat, lion, fox, badger, weasel, the main body of the tooth, and the
woodchuck, voles, and housemouse. cement which coats the roots - have a
Not all are directly applicable in very intricate microscopic structure.
archaeology, but they can be adapted They are, however, mineral/organic
[5]. In many of these schemes, the composites and are variably affected by
stage of dental development is associ- decomposition of their organic compo-
ated with a range of ages, at which nent over time. This has little effect on
each is attained in living animals. From enamel, which is 99 per cent mineral,
these, the age-at-death is suggested. but dentine and cement contain 65-75
There is some danger in this, because per cent of mineral when fresh and
Figure 1 Section through a Neolithic
human incisor from Tunisia (scale bar is
tooth formation and eruption are may be softened or made brittle by
Icm). The worn crown is at the top of the known to vary with sex, ethnic group, decomposition. Fresh dentine contains
picture and thick cement coats the root. and economic background (in man) about 19 per cent protein by weight
The dentine has been affected by a and breed (in domestic animals). The and this can be reduced to as little as
tunneling mycelium, but an area of
transparency in the root dentine can still
be seen. The size of this area yields an
age-at-death estimate of 68 + 11 years.

tication in several mammals. This is

true, for example of dogs, sheep and
goats, pigs, and particularly cattle. In
some mammals this size reduction is
also shown in teeth. Wild cattle, or
aurochs, in Mesolithic Denmark had
substantially larger teeth than the
domestic cattle of the Neolithic. In
dogs and pigs, jaw and tooth reduction
seems to have occurred even before
overall body size reduction, and tooth
measurements are used as indices for
domestication. The current published
record for earliest domestication is the
reduceddentitionofal2 OOOyearolddog
jaw from Palaeolithic levels of Palegawra
Cave in Iraq [2]. The processesinvolved
are not understood but, since this first
reduction the teeth of dogs seem to have Figure 2 Canals produced by a tunneling mycelium in dentine from the tooth in
remained roughly the same size. Dogs figure 1. Scanning electron micrograph of polished, etched surface (field width c.
with longer jaws simply have the teeth 140pm). The canals are lined with secondary minerals, deposited whilst the tooth
spaced further apart and dogs with was in the ground.

0.1 per cent in badly affected
archaeological specimens. The extent
to which proteins and other parts of the
organic component are lost varies from
site to site. This is partly a factor of
time, but is also affected by the
chemistry of the soil in which the teeth
are buried. The calcium phosphate
minerals of the inorganic component
remain stable in a wide range of
environments, but parts of the organic
component also may be preserved. Cell
walls have been demonstrated, still in
place, in Bronze Age human dentine
from the U.S.S.R. and dried cells from
the pulp have been found adhering to
the side of the pulp chamber in teeth
from early Mediaeval Belgium. In both
cases, no other soft tissues were
preserved [5]. Very little work has
been done on this aspect and it may
well be an important area for future
research. Dentine and cement may be Figure 4 Complex structure in the enamel of a porcupine incisor from a
adversely affected by the tunnelling of l\leolithic site in Tunisia. Scanning electron micrograph of fractured, etched surface
mycelium-producing microorganisms (,‘ield width c. 2OO~m).
(figure 2). These spread out from the
pulp chamber deep inside the tooth
(figure 1) and also extend in from the of species. Enamel is composed of from their external form alone.
root surface, forming canals up to prisms; bundles of tiny crystals (figure Growth of the crown leaves its mark
20pm in diameter. They are often 3) woven together into a complex in the microscopic structure of the
lined by a skin of secondary minerals, ‘felted’ mass. The type of weave varies enamel. The prisms alternately bulge
deposited from the ground waters between different groups of mammals. out and constrict along their length
which percolate through the soil. It is, for example possible to disting- every 5pm or so (figures 3 and 5).
Enamel may be attacked by a microor- uish the enamel of carnivores, of These structures are known as cross
ganism which produces all the histolo- pinnipeds (seals and sealions), pri- striations and are thought to record a
gical features of the disease dental mates, ungulates (hoofed mammals), circadian rhythm in enamel growth.
caries and care must be exercised in lagomorphs (hares, rabbits etc.), and The progress of growth is also recorded
palaeopathological studies. The mic- rodents. The highly complex enamel of in the layering of enamel. Boundaries
roorganisms involved have not yet the rodents makes it possible to between layers occur at spacings of 6 to
been identified, but they seem to affect distinguish between families and even 14 cross striations and are seen under
the teeth early on in the process of some genera (figure 4). This type of the polarising microscope as fuzzy
decomposition. evidence may be useful for small brown lines, the brown striae of
The microscopic structure of ancient fragments of teeth, or the incisors of Retzius (figures 5 and 6). These
enamel may help in the identification rodents, which are difficult to identify probably correspond to a break or
dislocation of the prisms. The cross
striation count between brown striae is
constant for each individual (7 or 8 is
the average in man) and the layering is
thought to represent another biological
rhythm. Cross striations and brown
striae are more prominent in some
mammals than others, and are especial-
ly marked amongst the primates and
the carnivores. Almost all archaeolo-
gical work on these enamel structures
has been carried out on human teeth.
The brown striae vary in ‘intensity’ in a
way that seems to be under systemic
control, because the sequence of brown
striae in one tooth crown may be
matched with other crowns which were
growing at the same time. One applica-
tion of this is that isolated teeth from
one individual may be matched up: this
may be useful in a burial where
remains from several skeletons are
mixed together. Another application is
based on the fact that crowns from the
Figure 3 Prisms in the enamel of a Mediaeval human tooth from York, England.
different classes of teeth are formed at
Scanning electron micrograph of fractured, etched surface (field width c. 50Fm). The
alternate swellings and constrictions represent cross striations, seen as small
different times during the growth
shadows in figure 5. period. In permanent teeth this begins

with the first molar, which starts to and dietary deficiencies. Inherited even preserve the outlines of bacteria
form around birth and ends with the hypoplasia also occurs, but it is rare from ancient dental plaque. Periodon-
third molar crown which is completed and can be distinguished because it tal disease, however, is primarily an
around the mid-teenages. An overlap- affects all the crowns of all teeth, inflammatory condition of the gums
ping series of other tooth classes whereas growth-disturbance hypoplasia and their attachment to the tooth. The
connects the two and the zones of occurs as bands representing particular 10~sof bone which is the sign of the
overlap in the sequence may be periods of disturbance. These bands disease in archaeological material
connected by matching the sequences can be matched up between teeth and (figure 12) is only one part of the
of brown striae. In this way, an counts of the perikymata in between process. The same is true of some
extended sequence of brown striae and make it possible to reconstruct a other conditions of the jaws, but by
cross striations can be built up from chronology of growth and its disturb- and large there are fewer problems of
birth (which sometimes registers as a ances. Another method is to record the diagnosis than elsewhere in the
particularly pronounced brown stria) to position of the defect on the crown and skeleton. Dental caries can be di-
the end of the crown growth period apply standard tables for crown forma- agnosed by normal methods of ex-
around 15 to 17 years of age. If tion timing to produce a similar, but amination and radiography, but care is
someone was unfortunate enough to less detailed chronology. These techni- needed because conditions of preserva-
die within this period, then their ques are rapid and can be based on tion may mimic the stain, pitting, or
age-at-death can be determined with simple silicone rubber casts of the radiolucency which would normally
considerable precision by counting the crown surface. Only modest magnifica- demonstrate the presence of a carious
layers up to the point when enamel tion is needed, so that low-power lesion. Clear signs of the disease are,
formation stopped. It is also possible to microscopes can be used and there are however, present in australopithecine
follow growth rate by determining the possibilities for recording the defects jaws over one million years old, in
age at which different stages of the automatically from replicas of the tooth Homo erectus and in material of all
dentition were completed. More con- surface. Information on growth dis- dates up to the present. In Europe, the
troversial is the idea that the intensity turbances during childhood is pre- rate of caries attack seems to have
with which each brown stria is de- served in this way, even in the teeth of increased only slowly through Prehis-
veloped is related to some systemic adults. Such studies shed light on the toric and Mediaeval times, with the
disturbance which is in turn related to diet and health of children in ancient main change to modern levels occur-
environmental stresses. In studies of communities [3, 41. ring in the 19th century. The pattern of
American and Nubian prehistoric Similar diurnal and longer-period caries seems also to have changed. In
material [8, 91 the relative frequency of growth rhythms can be studied by modern times (although the position is
occurrence of particularly pronounced examining layering in dentine. These changing somewhat now) most caries
brown striae has been used to suggest can be matched up between teeth in a occurs in the fissures of the cheek teeth
differences in diet and infectious dis- similar way to enamel and hypoplasia and at the edges of the contact areas
ease between different groups. also registers as a defect in dentine between neighbouring teeth. The
All these features of enamel need to mineralisation. In marine mammals mediaeval and pre-mediaeval pattern
be studied from sections of tooth such as the toothed whales and some of was for caries to occur most commonly
crowns. These are time-consuming to the pinnipeds, there may also be a around the neck of the tooth, where it
prepare and destroy valuable material. seasonal or annual layering in the meets the gums. This change may well
Another possibility is to study in- dentine. Counts of these layers are reflect a major increase in importation
cremental structures on the surface. used in zoology to determine age-at- and consumption of refined sugars
Brown striae of Retzius form concen- death [7] and the technique has been during the 19th century. Caries has also
tric, dome-shaped layers during the established by studies of tagged anim- been found in mammals other than
first part of crown formation, but when als. Marine mammal teeth do occur on man. It is quite common amongst
the enamel of the cusps is finished, the coastal archaeological sites and the domestic horses and dogs, but ancient
rest of the crown is completed as method has potential as an age- examples also include the teeth of
sleeve-like layers (figure 6). For each determining technique. The difficulty mastodons, cave bears, and sabre-
sleeve, where the brown striae reach for all this in archaeology is that toothed cats. It is not clear what role, if
the crown surface, a small trough is dentine is frequently poorly preserved. any, sugar had in such cases.
formed. Several of these together give Similar difficulties obtain for cement, Periodontal disease is found in a
the appearance of a series of waves, which also commonly has layers which range of animals; in the primates
.called perikymata (figure 7). Careful seem to occur in response to annual or (including man himself), rodents,
counts of perikymata correspond very seasonal rhythms. This is particularly hoofed mammals, and carnivores. It is
closely to counts of brown striae in the true of some toothed whales and seals, more common in domestic animals
sleeve region, so a similar chronology but also seems to be the case in large than in the wild state, especially in
of crown formation can be built up. herbivores on land, in hibernating dogs, cats, horse, cattle, and sheep. In
Disturbances to enamel formation reg- mammals , a range of carnivores, and in man, the disease affects particularly the
ister at the crown surface as defects man himself (figure 9). Tests of the supporting tissues of the cheek teeth
called enamel hypoplasia: these vary method on animals of known age have and bone is lost around their roots, so
considerably in form. At their simplest, proved less reliable in terrestrial than in that eventually they fall out. In most
they are little more than especially marine mammals, but there is consider- cases, the disease progresses slowly,
pronounced perikymata, producing a able potential for determining age in active phases alternating with quies-
groove-like defect around the tooth archaeological material. cent, and the amount of bone lost
(figure 8). Other forms appear as a Traces of dental pathology are fre- increases with advancing age. This
band of pitting around the crown and quently found in material from pattern can be seen quite clearly in
the most serious defects greatly disrupt archaeological sites [5]. This includes archaeological material, although there
the crown form. Enamel hypoplasia of not only human material, but also teeth are some problems with diagnosis.
these kinds is caused by a variety of and jaws from a variety of mammals. Bone loss clearly related to periodontal
growth disturbances, ranging from Some conditions, such as dental caries disease has been recognised in Homo
neurological conditions to diabetes, but (decay) present themselves as in living erectus and Neanderthaler fossils tens
the most common causes are thought patients (figure 10). The hard, mineral- and hundreds of thousands of years
to be infections which produce fever, ised deposits of calculus (figure 11) old, and is very common in later
Figure 5 Prism outlines, cross striations Figure 10 Dental caries in a human jaw
and brown striae of Retzius in the from Nubia. One of the premolar tooth
enamel of a human tooth from Nubia (c. crowns has been completely destroyed
Figure 7 Perikymata in the crown by the disease.
1700 BC). Polarising microscopy of surface of a human tooth from Mediaeval
polished thin section (field width York. Scanning electron micrograph
2OOpm). Prism outlines run from lower (field width c. 2mm).
right to upper left. Cross striations are
seen as small shadows along the prism
boundaries. Brown striae of Retzius are
the fuzzy brown lines running
horizontally. 8 cross striations can be collections of human skeletons. There
counted between each brown stria. is also evidence for bone loss, probably
related to periodontal disease, in
ancient sheep. It has been demons-
trated in Roman and Mediaeval mate-
rial from Britain, but is quite unlike the
pattern of periodontal disease in mod-
ern sheep. The most common dental
disease of today’s sheep involves rapid
loss of the front teeth, causing the Figure 11 Dental calculus deposits on
animal to die from starvation, without human teeth from Nubia.
greatly affecting the bone of the jaws.
By contrast, the archaeological condi-
tion mainly affects the cheek teeth and
the extensive changes suggest that the
animals must have lived with the
disease for some time.
Studying teeth represents good value
for archaeology. A great deal of
Figure 6 Brown striae of Retzius in the potential information is locked up in
enamel of a human tooth from Nubia (c.
1700 BC). Polarising microscopy of
small fragments of tissue and for a
polished thin section (field width c. given research effort, a disprop-
5mm). The enamel layer is on the left of ortionately large amount of detail can
the picture and to the right is the be added to the record of an archaeolo-
dentine, with the pulp chamber of the gical site. Ancient teeth also represent
tooth in the lower right corner. The an unusual and interesting area for Figure 12 Periodontal disease in a
brown striae run diagonally through the Mediaeval human lower jaw from Britain,
applying zoology, histology, physical The cheek teeth have all been lost and
enamel layer and vary in their anthropology, pathology, dentistry,
development. the bone has healed over again.
and forensic science. There are still
many avenues of research waiting to be
[l] Bang, G. and Ramm, E. Acru Odont.
Stand., 28, 3, 1970.
f2] Glutton-Brock, J. ‘Domesticatedanim-
als from early times’, London,
[3] Goodman, A. H., Armelagos, G. J.
and Rose J. C. Human Biol., 52,
515, 1980.
[4] Hillson, S. W. World Archaeology, 11,
147, 1979.
[5] Hillson, S. W. ‘Teeth’, Cambridge,
[6] Keene, H. J.’ Amer. J. Physical
Anthropol., 27, 379, 1967.
Figure 8 Enamel hypoplasia in human [7] Morris, P. Mammal Rev. 2, 69, 1972.
teeth from Nubia (c. 1700 BC). The [8] Rose, J. C., Armelagos, G. J. and
defects run like grooves around the Lallo, J. W. Amer. J. Physical
circumference of the tooth crowns and Anthropol., 49, 511, 1978.
represent at least three separate growth Figure 9 Cement layers in the tooth [9] Rudney, J. C. J. Human Evol., 12,
disturbances through childhood. root of a young man from Nubia. 535, 1983.


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