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1. Discuss what is meant by a "positioning strategy" and give a specific business example of this
2. Explain the principles of (a) classical conditioning theory and (b) Operant conditioning theory.
3. Discuss the advantages of secondary data compared to primary data.
4. Discuss the difference between secondary information and primary research, and give a specific
business example of each.
5. Discuss the difference between a probability sample and a non probability sample, and give a
specific business example of each.
6. How the marketers can stresses each theory of operant conditioning in their advertisement?
Explain each with an example:
7. Explain the difference between demographic variables and psychographic variables in terms of
consumer behaviour, and give a specific example of each.
8. What are the characteristics of a "good" market segment?
9. Explain briefly the following personality traits.
a. Dogmatism
b. Optimum stimulation level
c. Consumer Materialism
d. Compulsive Consumption Behaviour
e. Visualizers versus Verbalizers
10. Discuss what is meant by market segmentation.
11. Discuss the difference between differentiated marketing and concentrated marketing.
12. What are the various types of concepts evolved in consumer behaviour? Briefly describe any
two concepts.
13. How can you explain this memory recall using perception concepts?
14. Describe each of the terms bellow: (shortly and precise with examples)

a. Usage-Situation segmentation.
b. Benefit segmentation
c. Secondary data
15. How do marketers influence consumer socialization? Explain the EIGHT (8) roles in the family
decision making process.
16. Explain the principles of (a) classical conditioning theory and (b) Operant conditioning theory.
17. Discuss the psychogenic needs of Murray’s in detail.

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